REACH 276 - What are your views on the increase in community cases? How are you coping with being concerned about the risk of being infected and going about your daily activities? (SK)
24 Sep 2021 (10am - 7pm)
[9:59 am, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Greetings from REACH
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Megan ๐
[10:15 am, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ๐
⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10.15am to 7pm today. ⏰
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4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.
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Thank you
Megan ๐
[10:17 am, 24/09/2021] +REACH: ๐ข Topic ๐ข
A total of 1,504 new Covid-19 infections were reported in Singapore on Thursday (Sep 23), the highest daily total since the pandemic began. Large clusters at Maple Bear pre-school in Orchard Road and at two dormitories, Bukit Batok Road/Plantation Crescent dormitory and Tampines dormitory, were also announced by MOH.
๐ฌ What are your views on the increase in community cases? How are you coping with being concerned about the risk of being infected and going about your daily activities?
In recent weeks, many people have been reporting long lag times between testing positive and being taken to a hospital or community care facility for further care. Others had said they were unable to contact the Ministry of Health (MOH) to ask what they should do after testing positive. In response, PM Lee assured Singaporeans in a Facebook post on Wednesday (Sep 22) Singapore is doing its best to scale up its Covid-19 operations.
Amidst rising case numbers and longer waiting times, home recovery has been made the default mode of care for COVID-19 cases here, to ease the strain on hospitals and community care facilities. Home recovery now accounts for up to 40 per cent of daily cases. Those who are 80 and above, 70 and above and not vaccinated, or those with underlying illnesses will still be admitted to hospitals and CCFs.
There are now 88 children in hospital infected with Covid-19 but no child has needed intensive care or oxygen supplementation. Parents said the situation has been complicated by the coming year-end examinations. The Ministry of Education (MOE) on Sept 18 said all primary schools will switch to full home-based learning for Primary 1 to 5 pupils from Monday (Sept 27) to Oct 6.
[10:19 am, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: It expedite to become epidemic. ๐
[10:26 am, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: I was monitoring the situation in Israel (which had large increase in cases even with high vaccination rates, starting a few months before us) - so I was expecting the increase in cases. What surprised me is that MOH seems to be caught off guard by the surge, resulting in the current scramble in scaling up the operations. I hope MOH can manage the surge demand better in the days/weeks to come. It's not an easy task so I empathize with the challenges.
Communication by top leaders could be more consistent as I think some of the rhetoric earlier fed on to the fears among some in the population which could have exacerbated the problem with non-serious or negative cases seeking treatment directly at the hospital.
[10:28 am, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Adults in my family are fully vaxxed and my kids are below 12 years old - so my belief is that COVID is not likely to cause severe disease in my family. My biggest fear is the onerous restrictions and requirements that MOH will likely impose on my family if one of us catches COVID - even if there's minimal or no symptoms.
[10:29 am, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: +1. .
Gov pls treat it like epidemic.
[10:30 am, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: I try to live my life normally, but it is hard if kids are on HBL/LOA as it would disrupt routines. I feel like I'm already treating COVID as endemic but MOH and our government is still not ready for that.
[10:39 am, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: Maybe this will put to rest, the debate on whether we are being too cautious about CV19.
If this blows up, and mortality rate rises, medical resources/services strained, the "Measures are too stringent" camp will realise that they were wrong, and (hopefully) change their stance. Hopefully it will not be too late too.
If the situation remains stable ie. people get sick, but symptoms are mild and no long-term health issues observed, then we will also know that we can probably safely relax restrictions further.
The cautious ones will most likely continue to observe safe distancing, enhanced personal hygiene, mask up and limit social interactions/outings and will remain safe.
The restless ones, will have their chance to prove that there is nothing to fear.
[10:43 am, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: 1) I feel the increase in cases were somewhat expected as we relax measures, but after being so used to having such low cases, it takes a while for the public to be "normalized" with the ~1000+ cases.
2) I appreciate the shift to Home QO, which I think is needed. but I think we weren't fully ready for the implementation. Especially with the many possible permutations (eg home QO, self isolate, see doctor). The requirements and process aren't that clear, likely resulting in many people calling MOH for clarification. The intent is good, but comms could have been much clearer to avoid confusion/miscomm/panic.
3) personally, am not too worried because ICU/hospitalisation numbers remain manageable. The issue is how we manage the QOs. We need to avoid the situation in UK where businesses couldn't operate properly not due to covid, but due to QO. Similarly, if 1500 got covid ystd, it probably means ~7500 people under QO. If tens of thousands of people are under QO, how can we function as per normal? QO needs to be more targeted, and maybe shorter with testing.
[11:13 am, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Tan Tock Seng Hospital extends emergency department to cope with surge in Covid-19 cases
Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) has extended its emergency department to cope with the surge in Covid-19 daily cases.
[11:26 am, 24/09/2021] +Timothy Low: Not sure if MOH and the relevant authorities are aware of a telegram group in which everyone is complaining of MOH
[11:31 am, 24/09/2021] +Boon: Your comments resonate. Thanks.
[11:43 am, 24/09/2021] +m6dm6n: U have the link?
[11:46 am, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: My views
Saying one side
Going to Endemic
But Actions are different.
1. There is No need to be QO for Close contacts of People At work or Outside shopping mall etc
2. Only symptomatic people Need to get tested
Even ART
3. AND if any Flu symptoms
Just visit Near by Gp and Get the medicine for symptomatic Treatment
3. If positive retest only after 10 days
And if positive retest again another 1 week.
4. People With HRW HRA QO LOA
with so many variations like virus varient
Its so confusing
5. And most importantly there are Few Blood tests need to be done even Symptoms are mild.
(Fbc and D-Dimer and CRP) these especially need to done for People having chronic illness also for all above 40 years old. Once when the Covid detected and repeat after 2weeks. (And this should be provided to people Recovering at home as well)
6. Spread the importance of checking Spo2 and Pulse Levels at least twice Daily.
Also Give The list of Online/Oncall Doctors who are available.
And all the Above Info should be Available with one Finger tip
In Helath buddy app/ whtsapp.
Going Endemic seems to be the only solution, but Need to prepared well in advance.
(I read few comments in the telegram group and i empathise with most of the people frustration. This could have been easily avoided. But at least Address their agony ASAP. Give assurance to people that while they recover at home it's MOH responsibilty to make sure they recover fully.
The only thing good now is As Most of the people (Except below 12 years age) Vaccinated, we hope that fatalities will remain low๐ค๐ฝ
[11:47 am, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: You can just search in telegram by the name
(I didn't join but still can able to read msgs)
[11:47 am, 24/09/2021] +m6dm6n: What's the name to search?
[11:49 am, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: SG Quarrentine Order Support
[11:49 am, 24/09/2021] +m6dm6n: Thx!
[11:50 am, 24/09/2021] +SH KOH: It is already in the news.
[11:51 am, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: There seems even elederly who are positive unable to understand what actually need to be done... Especially those with mild and moderate sysmptoms
Also Forgot to mention
Please indicate To the public when they actually need to Call 995 (I mean like Spo2 below 96...?!) Etc
[11:51 am, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: Yes From News only i came to know about the group๐
[11:54 am, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: And If GP is and polys are over whelming with patients
There should be standard symptomatic treatment (medicine and Pulse oximeter and Thermameter etc)
Kit To be available in Pharmacies (To be given by the pharmacist to those who have Symptoms ..i guess pharmacist here able to identify The Severity of patients when they see patient)
As if Doctors are overwhelmed with many patients one day.. they also can not handle.
[0:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Jobs Growth Incentive scheme to spur hiring of Singaporeans extended to March 2022
A scheme to spur firms to hire more local workers by subsidising their wages will be extended by another six months to March next year, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced on Friday (Sept 24).
[1:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Agreed
[1:20 pm, 24/09/2021] +65 9017 6806: i imagine a lot of home recovery buddies are needed now. what do they do and how does a person qualify/apply?
[1:34 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
My close friend comments:-
1. Panasonic retrenching 700 workers - more job loss.
My comments :-
1. This past 1 week - the infection number is raging. Many serious cases and quite a number of death - and sign of hospital resources and medical staff strain and overwhelm
2. Yesterday, I was thinking of, should I draft out the condition for more restrictive measures - to tame the infection number - while ramping up vaccination to the remaining unvaccinated people and roll out booster shot for those elderly.
3. But then when I went out for jogging I see people struggling to keep their business going.
4. I now hesitated.
Because it cut both ways.
Right damn, left also damn.
It hurts either way.
5. Reduce casualties or make people's life suffer without business and jobs?
My close friend comments:-
1. That's why have to let people decide at the individual level.
2. Gov decides at the macro level which is to keep it open and learn to live with covid.
3. At individual level we have to protect ourselves with vaccines, mask and through social distancing. Decide how much/ little socialisation is required.
My comments :-
1. Yes I guess now this is still the best way forward.
2. Until and unless the infection number go up exponentially and too many succumb to become casualty.
My close friend comments:-
1. Then gov decides.
My comments :-
1. Yes government will know what is the hospitalisation threshold that it can hold.
2. Beyond this threshold, the hospital resources paralyzed - and this will be the point that I believe government will have to declare a restrictive measures to tame the number - and ensure hospital resources are normalised and the medical staff not overly strained or worst succumb to infection.
3. But looking at the current trajectory - it doesn't smell good.
[1:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: ?
[2:02 pm, 24/09/2021] +RH: Er...
Too many acronyms ...
Apart from the old ones, can someone explain Wat is Spo2 , FBC, D-Dimer.... etc?
Not everyone has Health Buddy app (I do). Many ppl I know r not aware of it, esp if one is abv 60.
[2:06 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Let us analyse the current covid situation before we can surgically decide what to do :-
Part 1 - Current covid situation
1. Infection number trajectory - increase by about 100, 200, 300 daily.
2. Hospitalisation number - hit 1,120 (many non-serious non-covid cases postpone, non-serious covid case - move out to home recovery, many hospitals got to make room for more hospital beds and even makeshift beds, medical staff overstrain).
3. Serious covid cases = 186. 163 oxygen, 23 ICUs.
4. Death = 70 total. 67 unvaccinated, a few partially unvaccinated. 3 fully vaccinated(anti-bodies wane). 68 elderly, 2 are middle age.
5. 1st dose vaccination = 4,584,600
2nd dose vaccination = 4,463,450
(note :- under National Vaccination program - not including special access route)
6. Elderly unvaccinated = about 80,000
Total adults unvaccinated = about 257,000 (including 80,000 elderly)
Total young children unvaccinated = about 580,000
7. 257,000 unvaccinated adults + 580,000 conribute to 46.2% serious cases and 67 death.
More than 4,584,600 vaccinated people contribute to 58.3% serious cases and 3 death.
97.9% are mild and asymptomatic cases - especially among those fully vaccinated people.
[2:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: 1.FBC
full blood Count
Or(CBP) Complete Blood picture.
2. SpO2
Oximeters report blood oxygen levels via an oxygen saturation measurement called peripheral capillary oxygen saturation, or SpO2
D-dimer is one of the protein fragments produced when a blood clot gets dissolved in the body. It is normally undetectable or detectable at a very low level unless the body is forming and breaking down blood clots. Then, its level in the blood can significantly rise.
Simply to say
A D-dimer test is a blood test that can be used to help rule out the presence of a serious blood clot.
As in Covid The major issue Is Actually the Blood clots
So this test can give indication about That
[2:15 pm, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: I agree that many Won't know
But what i am saying is
These tests are must to avoid last minute serious illness.
Regardless of Vaccination we should be More careful. And these tests are necessary to make sure one wont end up in ICU...
[2:16 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: just to remind everyone and myself too, the question is:
๐ฌ What are your views on the increase in community cases? How are you coping with being concerned about the risk of being infected and going about your daily activities?
[2:16 pm, 24/09/2021] +RH: Tq for clarification.
[2:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: ๐๐ฝ
[2:18 pm, 24/09/2021] +RH: Shouldn't hiring of Singaporeans
be a default ???
Why must we hv "extension" ?
R we living in SG or some godforsaken place?
[2:19 pm, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: Yes i want to know as well... After my girl PSLE over.. i can able to volunteer..
[2:22 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: is this related to what we are discussing now? Or is this a distraction from the topic?
[2:23 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: is a open market to remains competitive but all these arguement always missed out one point $$$
[2:23 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: so does poaching talents comes with a lower pay which makes the open market attractive
[2:24 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: to be honest if we are to discuss employment of local versus foreign talents etc - please count me out.
[2:24 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: or are business looking at competitive $ + talents which can really deliver
[2:24 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: is a very open ended situations always
[2:25 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: better go back to the reach topic
[2:29 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Part 2 - What are the important paramenters to signal what actions to take?
1. 2 very important parameters to observe on how to tackle the current covid wave :-
a. Hospitalisation resources and medical staff ability to cope with the rising patients - will be the key determining factor whether there is a need to do another lockdown.
- Then what will the lockdown achieve?
i. Bring down the infection number, serious cases and death.
ii. Relieve the hospital resources, pressure and strain.
iii. Relieve the medical staff from the risk of infection, overwork, mental stress - and recoup
iv. Allow other medical condition patients to get treatment and not let covid patients hog the medical resources.
b. Vaccination number
i. As we know that fully vaccinated people mainly are mild and asymptomatic if infected by covid - 97.9%
ii. Overwhelming death are the unvaccinated and a few partially vaccinated.
iii. A large percentage of unvaccinated people - succumb to serious cases - oxygen and ICU.
iv. Most elderly death are due to waning anti-bodies.
v. Hence ramping up vaccination to those unvaccinated become an increasingly important task.
vi. Rolling out 3rd jab booster to those elderly 60 years and above and those immuno-compromised are also an important task.
vii. Vaccination is one of our key solution - to bring down hospitalisation number, serious cases and death - so that our hospitalisation resources and medical staff will not be overwhelm.
[2:30 pm, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: Woh I just realized MOH joined That telegram Group. Really appreciate it๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ
[2:33 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: Image is very blur.
Is our Gov blur?
[2:34 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
World's first aerosolized inhalable COVID-19 vaccine moves toward approval, 'better effects as booster'.
1st Nasal spray vaccine develop by China ready for public use.
[2:48 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Novavax applies to WHO for emergency listing of COVID-19 vaccine.
[2:52 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Nasal spray potential in stopping covid transmission and spreading
1. Early trial of nasal spray, 8 of them according to WHO, show initial good result - as it prevent covid virus from infecting the nose, mouth, air passage and the lungs --- if people apply the nasal spray on the nostrils.
2. As viral load are tackle by the nasal spray vaccines at the nose, it block infection and prevent the virus from passing on to others.
3. This is the best solution so far as vaccine injection is not proven as effective in virus transmission.
4. But only 1 such nasal spray vaccine is at Phase 2 trial - and not yet ready to roll out for public use.
5. Nevertheless, Singapore should watch out very carefully on this nasal spray solutions - as a mean to stop covid infection - where vaccine injection have not prove to be totally effective.
[2:53 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
China nasal spray is ready for public use.
[2:55 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Calls grow among experts in Singapore for a vaccine mandate as COVID-19 spikes.
By Aradhana Aravindan.
[2:55 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Scientists might be able to coax plants into producing edible mRNA vaccines.
[2:55 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Severe COVID-19 may trigger autoimmune conditions; New variants cause more virus in the air.
Severe COVID-19 may "trip off" immune self-attacks of healthy tissue.
[2:55 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Seniors intermingling at coffee shop in Jurong worries residents.
[2:56 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: Admin please take action to cut the spamming. Thank you
[2:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: We are here to discuss, we have internet too for news.
[2:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: Lol… we tried
[2:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: Danny like to spam as usual…
[2:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: Just remove those who are not here to discuss, we do not need reporters.
[2:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: If you cannot keep this group for real discussion, you will lose valuable insights.
[2:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: There is no voting system here to kick people ๐
[2:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: Usually he spam 5 to 10 articles a day ๐คท๐ป♂️
[2:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: admins should have the balls for that
[3:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: ๐คท๐ป♂️ I don’t know… not within our control. Admin don’t usually comes in to regulate unless it gets out of hand. But content wise don’t really moderate just around only
[3:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: REACH don’t take it as a problem what can we do?
[3:02 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Anyway, back to the main topic (which I feel should be pinned)
[3:02 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: @+65 6336 7926 @Reach Singapore @REACH Singapore
[3:02 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: I just joined, but if this is how it is, I will leave soon... life is too short for rubbish
[3:02 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
What have you contributed?
[3:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: Some of us still will discussed just that part a bit distracting ๐คฃ
[3:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: I'm 29 years old, most of the people in my circle of friends don't seem to be too affected by the regulations or rising cases. What I observe is those around my age group seem to continue about their daily activities .
My parents are worried though, and try to limit themselves from going out
[3:04 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: It is getting more or less normalcy… specially for singles without kids.
For parents and older folks more concerns like many other countries
[3:06 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ken Loh: Just to note REACH act as a observer, don’t expect them to say or feedback.
Content going up to ministry only they know and won’t feedback to us what they have given.
[3:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anne: Hi Santo, welcome to the G2 group.
You are right - many of us have no time for rubbish. What I do now is to respond to the main topic and probably other issues, and then leave. I really have no time for much of the nonsense that is being spouted.
The G pays a lot of attention to the feedback provided in REACH chat groups, so do try to contribute if you can. I like your frankness.
[3:15 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: So is this group formed for every topic? Apologies I'm not familiar with this platform as in the past I usually just participated in real meetings, focus group etc and not through whatsapp chat :)
[3:17 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Then you should observe what the veterans are contributing - before telling others what to do.
Reach administrators are the moderator and not you.
Also be polite with your words.
[3:18 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: I'm ignoring you
[3:18 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Me too.
[3:19 pm, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
Let’s be courteous to one another so that we can have a conducive discussion.
[3:22 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: May I suggest that you ignore/scroll away from the "spam" if it bothers you.
I actually like that its collated and posted here and used as part of the discussion. Then how?
[3:24 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Most of the information posted here is for the ministries and government to collate for information, feedback and decision.
Good news feed that are relevant will help in the discussion.
Not some newbies to come here and tell others what to do.
[3:25 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
And worst accuse others of posting rubbish whe he contributed nothing.
[3:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: In the real discussion we are given time, because we respect everyone's time, so we try to be precise and not to be distracted. This chat is open from morning until later 7pm - imagine someone who joins at 6pm and must go through the amount of texts here. That's my consideration, as I saw the discussion has been out of topic few times today.
[3:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: I myself am working now so I will have to go through all these later after work. So that's a personal concern too.
[3:27 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Then contribute your own ideas and don't have to bother what others say
[3:27 pm, 24/09/2021] +Santo: you are supposed to be ignoring me as you said
[3:28 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
I talking what I deem fit?
You say you ignored me?
[3:29 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Imagine someone suggest nasal spray is a good solution.
If don't attached news feed on nasal spray - then how to convince the government nasal spray is a right solution?
[3:30 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
WhatsApp is a free format for people to feedback on ideas - no need some newbies to tell how this WhatsApp need to be run.
[3:31 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: ^
[3:32 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
And if quoting some figures like infection number to support what you say, if don't include the new source, then how to convince government what we say come from appropriate source and not pluck from the air?
Think carefully before someone spew from the mouth.
[3:34 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: Well... this is a Whatsapp discussion .. and this is how it is being conducted. Precisely because not everyone has the time to be participating in a live discussion, so it is open for the entire day for anyone to give their input at their convenience.
Even if we censor all the News feed, you cannot also guarantee that the other comments are "not a waste of (your) time" since no one will know what your yardstick is.
More importantly, I think it is unhealthy to silence someone just because you disagree with his/her view. If you are looking for comments from like-minded people only, may I suggest you gather your own friends/colleagues/family after work and have your own discussion so that you can pat each other on the backs and high-five one another for echoing each other's thoughts over a few beers.
If you are so busy that you can't even scroll through the comments, then maybe you really should exit the chat. Frankly, after so long, I hardly ever came across a comment/idea that I have not already heard of somewhere else, so I am sure, we, or the G, will not miss your precious input. ๐
[3:36 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: ehh seriously why everyone in here take it like as if your own suggestion matters
[3:36 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: dun like other ideas ignore lor
[3:36 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: your idea selected got prize meh
[3:36 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: fight till like there is really a reward
[3:37 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: really xia suey
[3:37 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: and also dun come in with big ego here is open for all for all ages thus our views will sure be different
[3:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: getting into Reach is not such a big deal also ya , it does not make you one step closer to be in parliment
[3:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: or provide your own counter-arguments, hopefully supported with facts ๐
[3:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: so let;s get on with discussion instead of firing at each other
[3:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: if this is war time and govt needs idea i think we die first hahahahahaha
[3:39 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: all killing each other when the bomb is dropping on us
[3:41 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: "if this is war time" Govt come here and ask me for ideas ... I will be on the first flight out liao ๐๐๐
[3:41 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
But to be honest, we are at war with covid now.
Everyday got casualty.
[3:42 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: ๐คฃ
[3:42 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: got flight out anot and if the 2 airport are still in ops manner is another thing hahahaha
[3:43 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: ๐๐๐
[3:43 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: maybe swim yes lah next door only knock knock ah bang tolong let me in pleaseeeeeee
[3:43 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Government should see Covid cases as top health issue instead of putting Economy back on their mind again,
There's no new normal or endemic Covid Cases number tell everything Number does mater after 1500+
It would be a shame it Government or our Health Authority see this is ok to live with it
[3:44 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: from causeway swim across to JB .. with the right floatation device ... i think can ๐๐๐
[3:45 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: sure can, some one did it (ring a bell)
[3:45 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Share your personal feelings about it Danny and don't worry so much about informing REACH about news articles. Govt has many scholars reading newspapers and online chatter everyday. Your personal views is what REACH is interested in because they want to hear from you directly... cos not everything online is true or reflective of the feelings of the population ๐
[3:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: i will say till the day society knows how to moderate ourselves get ready to see this trend on going.
[3:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: like someone mentioned those child-less couples . youngster to them is nothing instead they feel is unfair to them
[3:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: with all these restriction
[3:47 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: while another portion is worry about the raging numbers and infections happening at every corner
[3:47 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Singapore is a past name of70, 80,90 not this day anymore
[3:47 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Most of my comments and ideas are anchor in fact and real information.
My feeling is a minor factor.
[3:48 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Just wondering whether most people think we should tighten further again or continue getting by and living with these 1000+ cases daily?
[3:49 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: I'm personally a bit unsure. On one hand I find it slightly worrying to have so many cases, on the other I feel it's expected and a price to pay to return to normalcy
[3:50 pm, 24/09/2021] +RH: ๐๐ปExpresses our sentiments as we say so right now.
[3:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: I think the "feeling" that G can gather from Danny's comments, is that there are people who closely watch data/statistics/news (or information) related to CV19 .. so the G might want to think about how to better communicate these information to the masses.
[3:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Normalcy number 1500+ ?? , That's not normal it's Serious issue
[3:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Number tell everything ,
[3:53 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: We should set a magic number how we can really lives normalcy
[3:54 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Otherwise everyone ( kanah ) the virus for sure
[3:54 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: I think not enough ladies in this chat that's why the conversation feels a bit like kopitiam uncle talk ๐
[3:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: But surely 1500+ ,I put a No No No to our economy comes first Government
[3:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Just wondering, what do you think would be an acceptable number? <1000 maybe?
[3:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: to get a better inside if we really are ok or not
[3:56 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: I personally would like to see information/data on unvaccinated children who were infected. In the past month, there had been many cases of younger kids catching CV19. What were their symptoms like? How long did it take for them to recover? Were caregivers (vaccinated and/or unvaccinated) infected? Viral load? Infection rate? Long Covid? Post-covid, were tests done to see if they gained some form of immunity to the virus etc?
[3:56 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: it will be good to compare our situation to ideal work from US / UK
[3:56 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: 300 consider huge number would U agree!
[3:56 pm, 24/09/2021] +Suma pamu: +1
[3:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: where we have to see whats infected rate : population .....(maybe) den we can see are we seriously or still ok
[3:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Agree. I think theyre the last group that's not vaccinated yet and I think schools are just clusters waiting to happen ๐
[3:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: the number of cases is an illusion though... it is a function of how closely we are tracing and testing all close contacts. If we stop tracing and testing today, the reported numbers will naturally drop.
[3:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +RH: The G (OYK in one of his public announcements) alredi cautioned tt numbers wl go up... Expect up to 3k per day b4 it comes down...
[3:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Agree on this too! Though I think MOH is dying just trying to trace everyone ๐คฃ don't think it's a sustainable model
[3:59 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
It is very clear 80% full Vaccination rate cannot stop the high infection number, hospitalisation number, serious illness and death.
Ramping up vaccination to 100% is needed.
[3:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: To be achieve endemic stage, contact tracing will have to stop (e.g. we don't contact trace for influenza) - and everyone needs to accept that all of us are likely to get covid at some point, but we are not afraid because we are not at risk of severe disease due to vaccines.
[3:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +RH: Sporadic cases here & there, tho not reported.
Only those in the industry r aware.
[3:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Number means ppl fall sick it could minor to U but not to everyone it can become very ill for others
It's does matter seriously
[3:59 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
So we should set our vaccination target :-
1. By National Day - 67% (2/3).
2. Next target - 80%.
3. Last target - 100% vaccination.
1. FJP - fishery jurong port despite 80% full Vaccination can breakout into so many clusters - now 100 clusters with KTV help.
80% full Vaccination is not good enough.
Hence 100% full Vaccination is required.
2. This hypothesis is supported by smallpox pandemic R0 = 5 to 8 and chickenpox pandemic R0 = 8 to 9 - where only 100% vaccination can defeat the past pandemic.
3. AI predictive simulation model also simulated that 75% full Vaccination will still have many major outbreak like what we are going through now.
Only 100% vaccination can effectively curb the Delta variants.
[3:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: I am wondering why we are having so much trouble with contract tracing when we are using the TT token/App.
[4:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +RH: Good question!!
[4:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: To my knowledge, not everyone uses it that diligently. And especially for those casual interactions (e.g. going out w family members, meet relatives)
[4:01 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Only when we achieve 100% vaccination, declaring endemic is a safer bet.
[4:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: "because we are not at risk of severe disease due to vaccines" .. i think this is the problem ... we are not sure of the last part regarding long covid .. and that is a huge risk that has major implications down the road
[4:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Like eg if I go my cousin's house or my friends house I don't have to "check in", and might not even on Bluetooth. So I think still need to do contact tracing
[4:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: incidence of long covid is very low though. News tend to report these rare but scary cases because it captures the attention. Click bait.
[4:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: nobody will click on the article that says, "most covid patients are asymptomatic and chilling at home"
[4:05 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: unfortunately, we will probably only know whether your statement is true in 5-10 years .. by which time, it will be too late IF we are wrong about this ๐
[4:05 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Population meant we can accept sudden of number to see citizen to get Covid daliy
A irresponsible point of view
We should always keep number down rather then opposition one
[4:08 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: no need to wait so long! there's been published papers on long covid even from the original wave.... reality is only a minority of infected (esp younger population) gets symptoms, a minority of that group will get long covid, and even long covid, majority gets resolved at some point... just longer than usual. Don't believe Calvin Cheng if u happen to read his post... he's not well informed about healthcare matters.
[4:08 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Vaccinated is not become ็ฅไป ,but still have to be vigilant at all time,
[4:08 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: I'm of a different view actually, I'm personally ok with 1000+ cases as long as it's mostly mild/asymptomatic (which is the case).
If we are too restrictive, we will forever be stuck in that cycle of lockdowns๐
[4:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: that is based on the original variant .. not that I am disputing what you say.. just that, the price for being wrong about this, is much higher imo. .. i don't follow/read Calvin Cheng's rants posts ๐
[4:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: agree - but on one hand, we have the uncertain effects of Delta long covid.... on the other hand, we have very certain negative impact of lockdown (economic, social, mental health), to me the risk/reward is very clear.
[4:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: U like to see ppl to kanah 1000+ bravo
But I having good heart not like to see people suffer from Covid
As simple as that
[4:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: I am very sure that the actual number of cases in the SG community is way above 1000+ per day already. This number is what we captured. Doing a U turn now will be painful, long and futile with very certain negative downsides.
[4:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: thats because you are 29yo ... probably no kids, and parents not that old (60s ?) when I was that age, I felt like SUPERMAN too ,.. when SARS was raging in Asia, life was BAU for me too ๐
And that is what the G has to deal with.. population with different age groups/stage in life, all living with different circumstance - health, wealth, family etc - and different risk assessment matrix and appetites.
[4:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: When SARS happened I was just happy I no need to go school ๐คฃ
[4:14 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: But yes, agree. Hence I think that's the value of such groups! To get differing viewpoints and opinions on the sentiments by the public
[4:14 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: Not saying anyone is right or wrong about how they view the current pandemic, but just pointing out the reality of the situation. We all have different priorities/fears
[4:14 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: Agreed
[4:15 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Fully agree. There will be no end. Even if 100% vaccinated, you will still get cases if you open up. Then lock down again? All the F&B business owners will end up in IMH.
[4:15 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Yup understand! Was just sharing my pov too ๐ฌ
[4:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: I m surprise that Singaporean still can tahan the daily number of 1500+,it seems like everyone get ready to be affected by the Covid
Wah Lao Bravo๐คฆ♂️๐คฆ♂️๐ ๐
[4:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Ya that's why I'm really a bit torn on my opinion of whether the govt should tighten things again now ๐
[4:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: expert also say so reh .. get infected while vaccinated make u super immunity hahahahahhaa
[4:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: i have not read such a report from overseas anyway ...
[4:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Next time should do this via telegram. Then can conduct poll to see
[4:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: it's true tho...
[4:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: in medical literature
[4:18 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: I would love to know how many people in this group are supportive or another HA/CB ๐คฃ
[4:18 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: in some countries, those who had infection before don't need to get vax
[4:20 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: That's why we ✌️singaorean✌️
[4:23 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: We should see more ppl pass away by Covid ,if everyone think was a small issue & get ready to be affect from the Virus๐ ♂️๐ ♂️
[4:25 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: Ultimately, it is very much up to the individual.
Even with 100% vaccination rate, the infections will still rise. If I am not mistaken, we are actually having more infections today with >80% vaccinated, and stringent movement restrictions than before the current vaccine was available,
Anyone who wants to get infected can do so easily, while those who do not, are also equipped with the knowledge of how to avoid catching it.
I am playing it a bit safer due to my situation/circumstances....and am happy to let the "brave" ones put their hypothesis - if vaccinated, infected won't get very ill, recover quickly, low % of long covid etc.
After enough data/evidence has been collated and analysed, and I those concerns are addressed, then I will decide next steps. Everyone will have to make their own assessment and decision,
[4:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: If we don't open our economy we either use the reserves or we don't pay for healthcare, transport, education,housing housing security. Simple as that
[4:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: If we do open our economy we risk more transmission of covid.
[4:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Looking around the world, high vaccine rates means low hospitalisation and low death rates.
[4:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: We are not yet able to eradicate covid. Nor are we able to eliminate illness and death.
[4:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: So it's a choice. If people are anxious, then they can stay home. Everyone must practice sensible precautions: wash hands, wear masks, avoid crowds.
[4:26 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: No vaccination? Stay home.
[4:27 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Maybe it would also be useful to start testing people for antibodies to see how many have had the virus and recovered.
[4:27 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: Current Government to me was simply out of form Abit ่ตฐไธๆญฅ็ไธ้จ
When comes to Covid Cases no further strategy plan at all to curb down the number,
[4:27 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes, personal responsibility is important.
[4:28 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Gov has done an amazing job. One of highest value rates in the world. Lowest death rates. Least lockdowns. Fewest hospitalisation.
[4:28 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: I feel that it's not that there's no strategy to curb down the number, but rather it was a conscious calculated decision to relax measures knowing that it will increase ๐
[4:28 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: Actually, doesn't that mean that we should take the SinoVac/SinoPharm vaccine as a booster after being vaccinated by the mRNA ones? That's the underlying logic right? So rather than risking infection with an active virus, we gain immunity through the deactivated/viral particle vaccine to complement the mRNA ones that only recognise the spike protein.
[4:28 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: *vaccination rates
[4:28 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: We were lucky to draw on reserves, but that needs to stop and we need to pay back.
[4:29 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes, we cannot stop cases. Nor do we lockdown like NZ.
[4:29 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: I thought the idea sounded logical when I read the article
[4:30 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: did post this here before but no reply in the media
[4:31 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: other countries they already start mixing wester + western or western + china
[4:31 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes exactly.
[4:31 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: thus i will not interpret it as a hint for people to go booster short with non mrna ......
[4:32 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Correct. We need to look at data, not headlines.
[4:32 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: 2months ago ,maybe I can agreed,
But no longer anymore based on the Current situation simply ineffective to curb the Covid number down
It's a shame that's all
[4:32 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: literally it sounds like well people it is ok to be infected while vaccinated cos it makes u super immune
[4:32 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Which will only happen when it is mandatory.
[4:32 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: hypothesis to the test*
[4:33 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Well, look at data. Look at country tables. Even our cases numbers are low in terms of % population.
[4:33 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Yup, which I personally think it shouldn't be unless it's no longer for emergencyy use only
[4:33 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Lol ironically it's because of an emergency that we should do it.
[4:35 pm, 24/09/2021] +Dan: In epidemiology, an infection is said to be endemic in a population when that infection is constantly maintained at a baseline level in a geographic area without external inputs.
3 questions:
1) Is the numbers constantly maintained?
2) What is the baseline MOH is expecting?
3) Are we controlling external inputs?
[4:36 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Good point. Also a reason to not be so b&w about daily cases.
[4:37 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: I have friends in UK where large number of kids have tested positive. No cases of illness. Of course that is just anecdotal and I too would be interested in the data. If kids were getting seriously ill or worse, we would definitely know about it.
[4:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Anthony: ✌️Worst part ✌️if Singaporean doesn't see Covid as a Issue anymore
We simply invite the virus to kiss everyone of U
[4:39 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes, data is good to share. Remove the anecdotes (including mine) , hearsay and assumptions.
[4:39 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes, agreed
[4:40 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: We do need to revisit our quarantine rules. So many countries now open for vaccinated negative test passengers. We are moving too slow on this. Reduce quarantine to 7 days if still required, but 14 too restrictive.
[4:41 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Not the impression I get on this list. ๐
[4:42 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Yeah I think this would/should be the next to happen once we have stabilized our infection numbers
[4:43 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: No economy = no healthcare, no jobs, no security services etc. That's a much bigger problem than covid.
[4:44 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Vaccinated negative test passengers don't increase infection numbers that's the point.
[4:45 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Overall, we are seeing large increases in infections, but v small increases in serious illness
[4:45 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Cannot expect zero illness during a deadly pandemic.
[4:47 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: But if you are vaccinated and test negative 3 times you must spend $2k and be locked in a room for 2 weeks.
[4:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Funny when I think about it: "Covid everywhere, this is an emergency! Everyone get vaccinated!" Reply: "No, the vaccine is only approved for emergencies!"
[5:04 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
1. Hospitals resources and medical staff has a hard quota.
The moment this quota threshold is hit - a lockdown is imminent.
Else our healthcare system paralyzed and crumbled.
2. Vaccination prevent majority of hospitalisation.
Hence vaccination number is also an important indicator - that benchmark against hospitalisation number.
3. Preventing covid transmission is lacking - and the vaccines cannot effectively prevent spreading.
Hence a new solution need to be found.
Nasal spray is one promising solution that the government need to actively explore.
4. Superhuman immunity is valid only to those who are fully vaccinated.
It is discovered not only by local study but overseas study.
So if don't include credible news feed - how to convince people - if people call this spam?
[5:04 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Part 2 - Superhuman Immunity
1. Increasingly, overseas study and our local study have discovered that if a person is infected with covid and subsequently received vaccination or vice versa - Superhuman Immunity can be achieved.
That is :-
Vaccination Immunity + Natural infection Immunity (or booster in which Israel, EU, UK and Singapore try to establish whether have the same effect) = Superhuman Immunity
2. Superhuman Immunity is a strong immune system - that can protect against the current covid, Delta, other strains and future pandemics of coronavirus origin - because the core of the covid does not change and the body immune system learn and recognise every part of the covid to fight against it no matter how it mutate.
3. The anti-bodies can wane over time, but the B-cell (memory cell) can remember and manufacture the anti-bodies when infection is detected to fuse onto the covid and prevent covid from infecting the red cells and replicate itsef.
T-cell will also be effective to attack and kill the covid - if the covid escape the anti-bodies and infect the red cell.
4. But not suggesting people start to get reckless and become gungho by removing mask and get ourselves infected deliberately after full vaccination to gain the Superhuman immunity - because we never know how our body react to the infection.
5. The relief is, if people despite taking precaution but yet still get infected and develop mild or asypmtomatic illness - and subequently acquire Superhman Immunity - then it is a bonus.
6. Thus there is no need to panic for now as the infection number spike. We just get along with our lives especially if we are fully vaccinated, take the necessary precaution such as wearing mask properly and try not to get infected. But if unfortunately get infected, the whole household need to quarantine and if superhuman immunity acquire, then people are lucky.
Those who have children and elderly - who have yet to vaccinate - will need to be more careful not to get infected.
[5:08 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Thus if we don't achieve 100% vaccination - forget about endemic.
Because hospitals and death will continue to overwhelm our healthcare system - as unvaccinated contribute to a large portion to the casualty.
[5:23 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
If cannot present ideas based on credible facts with sound reasoning and argument - will government consider our ideas positively?
Feelings are just minor factor - because feelings are transient and change by the minutes.
[5:28 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Btw, Pfizer-BioNTech has completed their trial on children 4 to 11 years old and have submitted their full data to US FDA for approval.
Source:- attached news.
[5:28 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
US FDA say that they will grant emergency approval within 3 weeks time.
[5:29 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine data for children age 5 to 11 years old - efficacy and safety suitable. Pending US FDA approval.
21 Sep to Oct 2021 ---- should be sufficient time for US FDA to clear it for young children.
Then it will be our HSA turn to review the data for approval for our children.
[5:30 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Oops 5 years to 11 years not 4 years.
[5:31 pm, 24/09/2021] +An fan: Thought we will have magic pills this year end? I watched ๆขๅฟๅผบ talked with Doctor ๆขๆตฉๆพ。 and straight times also have regularly radio talk with duke-nus doctor. Said there will be medicine available At GP year end.
[5:32 pm, 24/09/2021] +An fan: Some said the pill is 700 USD each. 2 are needed for each.
[5:39 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Antibodies are also significantly more expensive, at about $2,100 a dose. In comparison, the Covid vaccines cost between $10 and $20 a dose.
Vaccines protect against Delta from serious illness and death.
Monoclonal antibodies treatment do so after infection and must be done early into infection.
By far the most effective [strategy] is vaccination,” he said. “That’s the way out of this thing.”
[5:41 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Magic pill not foolproof.
Else we won't have 70 death.
[5:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: Didn't watch the interviews/programs you mentioned...but quite sure the interviewee was only providing his own opinion and/or offering his prediction of a potential timeline
[5:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Joseph Ong: of a potential timeline
[6:33 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Dine in, social group sizes cut to 2 from Sept 27 with Covid-19 cases possibly hitting 3,200 next week
[6:34 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Looks like the Govt also thinks it's time to tighten
[6:34 pm, 24/09/2021] +Rama: Expected
[6:34 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
1. 100% vaccination.
2. Booster shot for > 60 years old.
3. Nasal spray block infection.
4. Back to phase 2HA.
5. Allow 2 dine in only.
[6:35 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Minus point 4.
[6:37 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: haiz.
[6:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: actually, this morning I am expecting it will limit to 2.
[6:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Guess the answer for this is.... today's cases is considered too high ๐
[6:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: my 6th senses, guess correctly.. lol
[6:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: 4-D number please!
[6:39 pm, 24/09/2021] +REACH: ๐ Rapidly rising COVID-19 cases putting 'serious strain' on hospitals, action needed: Task force
๐ COVID-19: Dining-in group size limit at regular F&B outlets down to 2; social gatherings reduced
๐ Some Regional Screening Centres, Quick Test Centres to open on weekends for COVID-19 testing
๐ Home-based learning period for primary schools extended to Oct 7
๐ Singapore to expand COVID-19 vaccine booster programme to cover those aged between 50 and 59
๐ Work-from-home to be default from Monday as COVID-19 workplace measures tightened
[6:40 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: ๐
[6:41 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: why should working from home be default when most cases aren't cos of office-based spread?
[6:41 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: SMH
[6:43 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Sorry, look like phase 2 HA implemented.
[6:43 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Type this yesterday.
[6:43 pm, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,
We’d love to hear more from you! As such, we are extending the chats until 8PM today.
[6:43 pm, 24/09/2021] +Kevin: Too late sia
[6:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: Can you block or kick out a member from spamming news articles and constant half truth/fake news? You need only to scroll up to see.
I truly do not see the benefit of this group if we're being bombarded with random articles dated even more randomly as I believe this is a platform for discussion not forwarded nonsense.
[6:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Go Danny!
[6:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: I agree w this point, would be good to release data on whether most infections are due to social activities or due to workplace transmission
[6:46 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: +1
[6:47 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: But then again, WFH goes hand in hand with HBL ๐ I'm sure the parents would agree to thay
[6:48 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: This is a REACH WhatsApp discussion group for serious or actual dialogue between members.
If I wanted to be spammed, I would've joined a vax conspiracy theorist or an anti vax Telegram group.
[6:48 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: True that.
[6:48 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: HBL 10 days... Wfh 1 month. ๐
[6:49 pm, 24/09/2021] +YT: Such a feeble tightening.
[6:49 pm, 24/09/2021] +N: agree
[6:50 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: I doubt they'll go down to granular data again as they've just zoomed out.
[6:51 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: WELL DONE GOVT !
[6:51 pm, 24/09/2021] +N: perhaps then reinstate the trace-together warning of exposure
[6:51 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Quite interesting to see how the group is divided between those who wants tighter measures and those who wants reopening to remain. Tough job for e govt to make everyone happy. Haiz.
[6:51 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: ppl might grumble for your decision now BUT U TOOK the move to teach the society a good lesson
[6:51 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: does not mean open up advantage is to be taken 101 percent
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: business will suffer abit but that does not mean is 100% lost
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: is a lesson society have to learnt
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Yeah I didn't watch the press conference, but I really do hope the decision was made based on data, and not just WFH as a default measure whenever we look at tightening
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: hello
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: can stop spam
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: open up is to ensure mechanism of the society still moves on BUT MANY are taking advantage
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: Yup!
[6:52 pm, 24/09/2021] +CQ: Yes, I agree with this. Rather than to be blind to the information, it's better to be aware so that we can guide our individual actions accordingly.
[6:53 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: +1
[6:54 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: till date society have not learnt the lesson .... it takes everyone to play this defense game
[6:54 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: open up does not means is back to precovid days
[6:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Boon: Dear REACH, this is disappointing. Is our medical system so underprepared even though the increase in cases should not be unexpected? Is constantly forcing Sg to restrict ourselves socially - with impacts to school, family, business and mental wellness - the only solution that we are capable of? Is our national reserves that strong to continue to support this open-close-open-close seesaw policy?
[6:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Dan: I think gov may want to rethink its ground operations if they want to open up again. U have to expect the increase of cases. Does the hospitals have the capacity? Can the contact tracers keep up? And if more pupils are tested positive, we have to rethink the way we proceed with school.
[6:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: +1, can we activate our NSF to help out
[6:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: activate our NSF army
[6:56 pm, 24/09/2021] +Rama: I believe no medical system is able to cope no matter how well equipped, trained and with the best of facilities.
[6:56 pm, 24/09/2021] +Rama: Yes
[6:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: And spread among NSF?
[6:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Or they work from home too?
[6:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: ๐
[6:57 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: +1
[6:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Rama: Agree
[6:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: Policymakers can never make the entire population happy.
[6:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: It's always half are satisfied and the other half dissatisfied.
[6:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Alvin Lim: ๐ฅฑ
[6:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Alvin Lim: What did I miss?
[6:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Valli: +1
This Virus is indomitable
[6:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Alvin Lim: Oh no CB ah
[6:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Alvin Lim: Ok back to sleep
[6:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: what is the lesson?
[7:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Is the system overwhelmed bcos we are too cautious? We still try to contact trace everyone, check in on everyone on QO, of cos resources not enough for that. Just focus on e sick and make sure they r treated effectively.
[7:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Sorry am ranting. V sad with new restrictions. ๐ญ
[7:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: True, their job is to do the best for the country and take public opinion into account. We can't thrive taking populist measures. Need to be based on data and planning and analysis.
[7:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Wilson Leong: We can depend on the army. Multi task force is bring them out.
[7:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Agreed. Why are we so reliant on medical system if people are recovering at-home? What is our capacity for care?
[7:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes
[7:01 pm, 24/09/2021] +Valli: There will be a point where the vaccine may not be sufficient for protection
[7:02 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: (I like how the new measures really kick started the discussion ๐)
[7:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +YT: New measures? What new measures? Such a feeble attempt at tightening.
[7:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: There may a b a point when all of us have to die. This is for sure. We already lost 2 years of life due to covid. How many more is necessary?
[7:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: be glad folks at least this is not CB .. whihch will have serious impact
[7:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: How will that solve the rate of infections?
[7:03 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: this HA ver.X at least is to cater to the 2 sides of the fence .....
[7:04 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Actually is cos workday over haha
[7:04 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: I believe a CB is on the horizon if MOH buckles under strain.
[7:04 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: It's ok to stay home if people are feeling vulnerable. No one is forced to go out.
[7:04 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: People can apply additional measures to themselves if they want.
[7:04 pm, 24/09/2021] +Wilson Leong: They will help to reduce the workload on hospitals and manpower can be reallocated
[7:05 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: People/Business will leave Singapore for sure. Cannot operate and live like this. Need to be smarter about keeping people safe.
[7:05 pm, 24/09/2021] +YT: That's the problem. People have no discipline. And no social responsibility. Sick still go out. Sick still go work. Sick still go school. So, how to control the infection?
[7:05 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: Not all soldiers are medically trained.
[7:06 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Exactly! Cannot control one... So why try?
[7:06 pm, 24/09/2021] +Valli: Currently it is the elderlies who are dying.
But if cases keep going up, you can expect youngsters in the tally.
[7:06 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: True, many people don't even get vaccinated! Strange we don't impose that on them though.
[7:06 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: One smart decision would be mandatory vaccination.
[7:07 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Good I support.
[7:07 pm, 24/09/2021] +Elena Woo: That is why wfh by default really helps control the situation better.
[7:07 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: We all die from something. Someday. C'est la vie!
[7:07 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Unvaccinated people causing this problem ?
[7:07 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Exactly. Can't beat nature.
[7:08 pm, 24/09/2021] +Thomas: Army is being deployed as we speak
[7:08 pm, 24/09/2021] +Elena Woo: Agree. Cannot be at the expense of younger gen. It is obvious that the younger gen are now starting to have clusters.
[7:08 pm, 24/09/2021] +Alvin Lee: Concur with this mandatory approach!
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +Elena Woo: I also support this. And hope gov also expedite in reviewing vac for the younger children asap.
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: +1
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: But vaccination won't reduce the number of cases!!!!
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +Alvin Lee: +1
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Vaccines don't prevent catching covid...
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
FDA will give approval in 3 weeks time.
HSA will follow up.
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: It prevent falling severely ill
[7:09 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: It will reduce pressure, slow the spread, prevent illness and death.
[7:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +Umar Mukhtar: Yes
[7:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +Elena Woo: But if the younger gen is vac, then at least they will have reduced risk of severe cases and long covid.
[7:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: We r already more than 80%
[7:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: They reduce spread, reduce illness, reduce death. What's not to like?
[7:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +Elena Woo: Must be 100%
[7:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: I like vacc
[7:10 pm, 24/09/2021] +Waving girl: If we allow home recovery for confirmed covid cases, we might as well start to allow business travellers to do home quarantine, especially travellers from Malaysia to home quarantine. Malaysia is one of our main trading partners. Need to start facilitating trade between countries again.
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes for vaccinated who test negative on departure and arrival
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: I support vax. But 100% isn't e answer cos cases will still rise.
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: When borders open
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Reopen
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Endemic
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Vqx reduce spread, illness and death
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Case number become less relevant
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Cases should b much higher than it is today.
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Exactly
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: +1
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] +Elena Woo: If younger gen alr has vac in place, i second to this. But if younger gen does not have vac available, best is to suspend allowing home recovery
[7:11 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Cases rise not the main issue.
Hospitalisation is the issue.
[7:12 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: ๐
[7:12 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Yes we are trending 1/3 of other similar countries because of high vax.
[7:12 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: UK 65% vax and 30,000 cases with pop of 60m, we are 1/10 the size and only at 1,500 cases
[7:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: +1
[7:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Waving girl: agree
[7:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +REACH: SAF roped in as S'pore beefs up home recovery programme amid surge in Covid-19 cases
Cabbies and private-hire drivers to get more financial support with extension of Covid-19 relief fund
[7:13 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Hospitalisation number is the issue.
Not the infection number.
[7:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: More reserves money
[7:13 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ben: Exactly
[7:14 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: +1
[7:14 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Now hospitalisation number hitting the threshold.
This is the reason for tightening.
[7:14 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: ๐
[7:15 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: I don't think it's just unvaccinated, there are also many vaccinated individuals who test positive and also put a strain on the system if it becomes too large
[7:15 pm, 24/09/2021] +Valli: I hope this is enforced on the ground
[7:15 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: But yes unvaccinated has a higher %
[7:16 pm, 24/09/2021] +Boon: ๐
[7:17 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Flu 3,000 over per day.
No issue because minimal hospitalisation.
Covid 1,500 yesterday - already result in hospitals 1,120 for this past few days and a few death.
[7:17 pm, 24/09/2021] +Boon: +1
[7:18 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Flu R0 = 1.4.
Delta R0 = 5 to 9.
Transmission far exceeded flu.
[7:22 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: Let's "tap the brakes"... But "stay e course"!
[7:22 pm, 24/09/2021] +N: Do you think staggered working hours along with other coping arrangements such as split team would be helpful? Staggering hours could help ease the peak periods transport crowd
[7:22 pm, 24/09/2021] +John Cheong: New tagline
[7:27 pm, 24/09/2021] +Alvin Lim: My advise to MMTF is the following:
1) The time for flipping on and off Phase 2A/2B/HA etc is over dun keep doing this otherwise more retail businesses will die.
2) Have the guts to do a hard stop Circuitbreaker for a short period
3) Use the Downtime to ramp up QO facilities and stock up on equipment and medical supplies
4) Once all fronts are prepared, open up for one last final time and NO GOING BACK
5) If cases increase, ramp up more facilities or spin down when not needed
This is how I envision Endemic: say the virus infects 100k to 200k people, we can allow these people to have downtime to recover but we need a place to house all of them but economy cannot stop for them. You don't keep changing the Phases as we head towards Endemic that's totally not convincing at all!! Make sure we have sufficient manpower, facilities and medical supplies. Bring in local producers of these where needed and once we open up for the last time, we should no longer be turning back! May we have the will and the constitution to emerge this even stronger and better than before.
My last 2.14 cents
[7:29 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Hospital beds total = 11,545
Public = 9,610
Not for profit = 285
Private = 1,650
Covid occupied 1,120 and still going up.
[7:35 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Specialist doctor = 5,881
Non specialist doctor = 5,641.
[7:37 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: The public must remember our medical care is catering to all not only covid
[7:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Society if still dun play ball game with the personnel safety action we are just gonna kill each other with more infection young, old amd middle age....
[7:38 pm, 24/09/2021] +Boon: I really like your approach. Thinking to manage community spread with such approaches can give more flexibility to address this situation that will stay with Sg for a long time - we can’t be a “forever” open-shut society because of covid!
[7:38 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Hospital beds for covid = 1,000 (exceeded 1,120).
MOH increasing to 1,600 beds.
Hard quota = 1,600.
[7:39 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: yes, MOM pls make it mandatory.
[7:40 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
The issue is never those mild or asymptomatic covid cases.
It's the hospital resources and medical staff.
[7:40 pm, 24/09/2021] +Boon: Dear REACH, why can’t the govt brainstorm with Sg society on what are some practical and moderate ways that Sg will have to evolve as a result of Covid? I am sure there will be many friends and Sgreans who have great ideas like this gentleman!
[7:41 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Stagger hours had been introduce but how many companies are doing it
[7:41 pm, 24/09/2021] +Caleb: MOM strongly encourage. but not many will follow
[7:42 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: When in 2020 before cb staggering was push to industry companies pretend not to hear
[7:42 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Only staggering is Lunch time
[7:42 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: So who to fault again
[7:43 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Govt give suggestions/subsidy society and business treat it other wise can break rules they break while happily accepting the funds . Good now is the time to wake up ... Dun always blame the govt for their wishy washy actions
[7:44 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Are we society playing our part
[7:44 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Many will find excuse not to mask up
[7:44 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Finding excuse to have personnel social interaction including those illegal ktv
[7:45 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Will die when eating out is not allow
[7:45 pm, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[7:45 pm, 24/09/2021] +Adrian: 1) agree on preferably not having to flip flop between opening/tightening. Worst case scenario is if covid fatigue really hits and people start to ignore the measures. Or worst still, protest like what we are seeing in other countries (I know legally not allowed in sg, but you get my point)
2) pls take this time to ensure sufficient CCF capacity, ramp up call centres capacity, and sort out the Home QO/home isolation processes which seems to be in a mess. This is a key factor as we open up. Also pls Have clear rules and not many conditional rules (i.e preferably no such rules as "if ART positive but asymptomatic = self isolate, but if symptomatic = see doc", but just if ART positive = xxx"
3) targeted restrictions based on data. If majority of cases are from schools, HBL. if majority from workplace, WFH. Etc.
4) accelerate validation of vaccination for kids, esp after US FDA has approved (if).
5) short of mandating vaccination, consider ways to further disincentivise those unwilling to be vaccinated
[7:49 pm, 24/09/2021] +Boon: I don’t think it is a matter of making vax mandatory. Despite the 80-ish% vax in Sg, the resurgent cases have shown being vaxxed is a defense but is not a silver bullet - and it should not be. The virus has and can constantly evolve - does it mean that everyone including child and the elderly will constantly need be jabbed with experimental vax boosters after boosters? After 10 years, will we be exchanging no-Covid for other medical issues? Also, would making vax mandatory put our future govt on the hook to pay for any and every issues remotely linked to Covid?
[7:51 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Vaccine is a prevention measure not a cure this everyone have to remember
[7:51 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Then prepare for periodic lockdown like what we are going through now.
[7:52 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Cure are monoclonal antibodies treatment.
[7:53 pm, 24/09/2021] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Which is also not foolproof.
[7:53 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: C19 is a darn social butterfly disease if on one had observe... And we are not saying do not social ... Do it with safe measures during such time
[7:54 pm, 24/09/2021] +CQ:
You guys are fast!! SAF roped in liao
[7:55 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Dun find excuse to make one special when it comes to personnel safe measures, cos u affected, someone else many folds will be affected den water fall effect business affect family affect
[7:58 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: Din every expect the govt to put in black and white and a red carpet for u the people.... We have to do our own part. It takes just u and u and u and me to create the effect ... Enuff of words and suggestion time to put action into play
[7:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Rama: Ong Ye Kung on rising Covid cases: Circuit Breaker is the last resort
Singapore — Health Minister Ong Ye Kung seems to be the man of the hour, as all eyes are on him because of the sudden spike in Covid-19 cases.On Friday (Sept 24) Singapore saw its largest number of new cases to date, with 1,504 people testing positive for Covid.
[7:59 pm, 24/09/2021] +Ah Heng: For offenders of safe measures including companies please wack them hard and rough else whats the impact a good example apple gathering of 50 fine only 1k
[8:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +Smiley face: September 24, 2021
To: Distinguished Ministers , DMS, And All Honorable Members
The Convergent of Facts and Reality Checks
"BE OVERLY PREPARED and HOPE FOR THE BEST...many things in life are BEYOND ONES CONTROL, at the minimum, BE CALM!"
A muddy situation, facing this C-19 endemic, there is a high possibility of over 15,000 cases weekly for the next 4 to 6 weeks before the surge dips! If the present situation persist, it may effect into sentiment and confidence of the individuals, families and communities at large, so tough to ride out this wave of infections and the psychology of experience and seeing it.
728 sqkm
5.7M population
Over 10,000 HDB blocks
Average 100 units per Block
327,000 units Condo & Apt
68,000 landed housing
555 S…
[8:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +Rama: ASAP
[8:00 pm, 24/09/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan ๐
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