Wednesday, September 22, 2021

China’s bid to join Pacific Rim trade pact heaps pressure on US to step up regional economic strategy

China has cited its commitment to regional integration as being behind its application to join the 11-member trade deal

Analysts say the move gives Beijing some geopolitical leverage and highlights ‘America’s lack of a trade strategy’ in the Asia-Pacific

Su-Lin Tan

and Orange Wang

Published: 4:30am, 18 Sep, 2021

User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

1. US withdraw from its commitment in trade pact - the TPP. And Japan got to take up the tab to bring the remaining members together to form CPTPP. 2. China formulate RCEP and ratify it with the rest of the members.

Just now

Babe B.

@Babe B. A simple question to ask:- Who is more reliable?

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