The 1st few seconds of the Big Bang
30 Mar 2021
[2:43 am, 29/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. In one pointedness nimitta concentration, the nimitta is very small bright light.
(This infant universe as described - also say the initial universe is extremely small like a peach) - "singularity".
2. From a one pointedness nimitta - it suddenly explode and expand outwards that cover the world Universe.
(This article say Universe then expand known as inflation and form the current vast Universe).
So divine attainment of Jhana Samadhi 1 pointedness nimitta and explode into Nirvana fruition = similar to infant universe formation from black hole into the current vast Universe.
Divine = Mundane
Mundane = Divine.
空 = 色。
色 = 空。
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