Sunday, March 28, 2021

Description of the Black Hole characteristics versus Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition

27 Mar 2021

The description of black holes quite similar to experience of Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana:-

1. Its suction is so powerful that whole body mass suck into the 1 pointedness nimitta samadhi - like black hole gravity suction into "singularity".

2. No stray thoughts arise within and no stray thoughts can penetrate the Nirvana fruition - like in massive black hole, it is a dense mass so dense that proton, electron and nucleus are no longer a discrete unit - but a dense mass into singularity. And once inside cannot come out from the black hole to re-enter the universe.

3. Black hole is 空。Universe is 色. In Nirvana, Emptiness is experienced as no stray thoughts arise. And no stray thoughts can go in.

Likewise, in black hole, only dark energy exist, all physics don't apply like in Emptiness.


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