REACH 205 - Progress of vaccination (SK)
15 Mar 2021 (11am - 7pm)
[10:52 am, 15/03/2021] +REACH: Welcome back! 😊
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[11:44 am, 15/03/2021] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
Since Singapore's Covid-19 vaccination drive kicked off last December, more than 611,000 doses of vaccines have been administered. Vaccination for seniors aged between 60 and 69 will be brought forward and start around end-March.
In an interview with the BBC broadcast on Sunday (March 14), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Singapore will use Covid-19 vaccines no matter where they are made, as long as they are safe and effective.
He hoped that as countries move to vaccinate their populations, those with a substantial proportion of people who have been inoculated may be able to reopen their borders for international travel, hopefully by later this year or early next year.
💬 What are your views on Singapore's progress on the vaccination programme so far? How can we encourage more people in our community to get vaccinated?
Vaccination has been extended to those:
▫️In critical functions, e.g. postmen, delivery staff, news reporters, bank operators
▫️At higher risk of exposure/transmission, e.g. active taxi/PHC drivers
▫️With multiple community touch points, e.g. hawker centre/market stallholders
▫️Educators/staff with prolonged contact with children/youth
For migrant workers, vaccination will start with 10,000 workers who have never been infected by COVID-19 and are living in the five largest dormitories.
[0:51 pm, 15/03/2021] +Alvin: 3 Step Approach
1) Encourage
Allow all those who want to be vaccinated to do so without age requirements.
2) Reward
Give incentives to those who are vaccinated. A mug or keychain that says I’m Vaccinated etc
3) Promote
Mass marketing on social media, roadshow and TV etc.
[0:51 pm, 15/03/2021] +Alvin: ERP for short
[0:54 pm, 15/03/2021] +Lim Suang: Maybe a government insurance that would cover all illnesses that arise from covid vaccination? (Assuming there is none right now)
[0:55 pm, 15/03/2021] +Lim Suang: The ability to travel overeseas with covid vacc cert alone is attractive enough for me actually
[0:55 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: Haven press release on the details
[1:31 pm, 15/03/2021] +Sam: Maybe even more than that. I have a friend who got vaccinated, developed mild fever and was given 5 days MC. But company is not recognising the MC as she is new and under probation.
[1:38 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: Ya
[1:38 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: Should cover medical expenses too
[1:38 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: Like a person after donating blood
[1:38 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: Like within 1 week, if see doc for any symptoms
[1:42 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. So far a few of my extended family members got the 1st jab - who are mainly elderly and 1 frontliner.
One elderly not taking the jab - despite explaining the benefits of the vaccine - as he is fearful of the side effects.
2. 1 elderly got a slight sore arm after the jab.
3. My family members has no notification of vaccine jab.
[1:49 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Majority of the people only want Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine - and not others.
2. Reason being, Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine - has received wide publicity to be safe and effective ---- with comprehensive statistics coming out from Israel and UK.
US which also use Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine widely also received good outcome.
(In addition, Moderna vaccine come from a small pharmaceutical company - who is barely profitable, whereas Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine come from a reputable pharmaceutical company with stronger financial backing - will be a more reliable vaccine supplier.)
3. If other vaccines are used other than Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine - we will rather not get vaccinated and instead wait for Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine when it is available.
[2:03 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. If in future, a 3rd booster is required - either to extend the vaccine efficacy or to tackle future strain ---- Pfizer-BioNTech with strong financial backing will be in a better position to provide the 3rd booster.
Reason being :-
a. It has a stronger R&D team.
b. It has announced the development of a 3rd booster and are now in trial to tackle newer strains.
c. It is testing its vaccine for children below 16 years old, pregnant women.
d. It has demonstrated reliable with the cap in production capacity to produce large amount of vaccines for the World.
2. Moderna on the other hand has much smaller capacity compare to Pfizer-BioNTech. What happen if Moderna stop future production --- and for us if we take the Moderna vaccine --- will not ensure of reliable 3rd booster or R&D like Pfizer-BioNTech to tackle future strain.
3. So based on the above analysis, many people prefer to be jab with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
[2:06 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: haiya sonner or later all have to go take up the vaccine u can escape now but not forever unless one die within the next 2 mths
[2:07 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: why must encourage these and that when the outside word everyday is flooding with news of this vaccine does not work that vaccine is that.
[2:07 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Moderna, the small biotech company taking on the pandemic
[2:07 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Moderna is a small company.
[2:07 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: want people to take vaccination at least gives some leeway like 2nd jap on the day is consider mc leave ...
[2:07 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: or after 2nd jap anyone not feeling well will have medical expense waive (only at poly clinic) something like that that gives ppl the assurance
[2:07 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: 👍
[2:08 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: no matter how much about this vaccine or that vaccine ... one death is euff to share the shit out of people
[2:08 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: disclaimer: if i say you go take sinvac now will you
[2:08 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: sinovac
[2:08 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: sorry
[2:08 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: no cause so much death in hk
[2:08 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: look is a life and permament damage we talk about here
[2:09 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: who do not want to take the vaccine, i am sure we ask 100 headcount they will say yes but only if there is a 99.9% successful rate
[2:09 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: dun compare ratio, the general public is not interested in numbers
[2:10 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: reality is people have families = love ones , once anyone get damaged by this vaccine the word get out fast and furious
[2:10 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: thus how do u assure is the key NOT Encourage ..
[2:11 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: bottom line is every one wants to jab but cannot risk falling into that "what if" basket .....
[2:11 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: coming back closer to shore, those that go take the jab no mc no leave,
[2:11 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: example taxi driver
[2:11 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: go jap but still have to pay rental
[2:11 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: sorry jab
[2:11 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: waste 1 to 2 hours
[2:12 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: then 2nd jab if sick still got to pay rental and pay your own medication
[2:12 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: front line staff after 2nd jap yes got the usual aftershock symptoms, still go back work
[2:13 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: ehh like that who wants to seriously , rice bowl at this time is more important reh
[2:13 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: we have to see things from the man on the street dun always use what scholar thinking and try to apply to the society
[2:19 pm, 15/03/2021] +An fan: Agree
[2:25 pm, 15/03/2021] +An fan: By the way the new batch of masks, whose idea to have it washed once a week? Singapore is so hot. My son refused to wear it after wearing it the first day whole day long. Now back to wash daily.
[2:27 pm, 15/03/2021] +An fan: Those who drive cars to work with aircon in the office designed them?
[2:30 pm, 15/03/2021] +CQ: yeah, i also can't imagine washing only once a week. esp for ladies, the makeup on your face will rub off on the mask. even if it has antibac properties, it still feels gross to have accumulated makeup on the mask and putting it back on your face repeatedly for a week.
[2:30 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: hahaha then u wear the mask no need put cosmetic cos the copy on the mask will be inked back to your face mah
[2:30 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: ideal innovation right
[2:31 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: just joking niah ahh (disclaimer)
[2:31 pm, 15/03/2021] +CQ: wah.... cannot larrrrrrr 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
[2:31 pm, 15/03/2021] +CQ: we have a running joke that mask-wearing makes everyone look chio/handsome. moment of truth is when the mask comes off
[2:32 pm, 15/03/2021] +Kevinn Wang: o that is for sure all see eyes only mah ...
[2:38 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Pfizer-BioNTech is a conglomerate - Fortune 100 company with hundred billion dollars capital.
A more trustworthy reliable company.
[2:42 pm, 15/03/2021] +Suma pamu: Felt the same
Isn't it in fact dangerous to use it Repeatedly with out washing.
Sorry I don't feel safe
At all
If I use the same mask everyday with out washing.
(Last time read news virus stays live on Clothing for few hours.. !!)
[2:48 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: Product website also say wash weekly
[2:57 pm, 15/03/2021] +An fan: About sinovac death cases in Hong Kong, problem is the HK government refused to relate deaths to sinovac vaccines. Not even suspended to use it.
[2:58 pm, 15/03/2021] +An fan: I won’t take sinovac even if I am not allowed to travel at all.
[3:00 pm, 15/03/2021] +SL: Hk govt said no evidence the death is related to the vaccine.
same type of explaination for death cases after other type of vaccination.
[3:02 pm, 15/03/2021] +An fan: As I know the sinovac are not allowed for elderly people over 60 in mainland China. HK is their test case for elderly people?
[3:06 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Sinovac ineffective against Brazil strains.
[3:07 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is effective against Brazil covid strain.
[3:09 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Release coronavirus vaccine efficacy data, ex-China drug watchdog chief urges country’s pharma firms
[3:09 pm, 15/03/2021] +SL: No idea, Sinovec have such caution, but the hk health authority said foc for those above 50 yo.
[3:13 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
If Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has so many benefits - then priority should be accorded to this vaccine - to be given to Singapore residents.
[3:14 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Moderna vaccines and Sinovac vaccines should only be used as a backup.
[3:17 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Israel give away Moderna vaccines while solely rely on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for its population.
[3:20 pm, 15/03/2021] +SL: If all vaccine is similiar in effectiveness, the cost of the vaccine might need to consider. Hiw much is per dostage for pfizer?
This is article, it said pendemic price is usd 150-175 per dostage.
Usa govt buy it @ 19.50 per dostage.
[3:21 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Not only cost - there are other considerations.
[3:21 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. If in future, a 3rd booster is required - either to extend the vaccine efficacy or to tackle future strain ---- Pfizer-BioNTech with strong financial backing will be in a better position to provide the 3rd booster.
Reason being :-
a. It has a stronger R&D team.
b. It has announced the development of a 3rd booster and are now in trial to tackle newer strains.
c. It is testing its vaccine for children below 16 years old, pregnant women.
d. It has demonstrated reliable with the cap in production capacity to produce large amount of vaccines for the World.
2. Moderna on the other hand has much smaller capacity compare to Pfizer-BioNTech. What happen if Moderna stop future production --- and for us if we take the Moderna vaccine --- will not ensure of reliable 3rd booster or R&D like Pfizer-BioNTech to tackle future strain.
3. So based on the above analysis, many people prefer to be jab with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
[3:24 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Anyway moderna is more expensive than Pfizer-BioNTech.
[3:25 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Besides, Temasek Holdings have shares in biontech.
So no lost to us.
[3:45 pm, 15/03/2021] +Charles Johnson: The use of the Pfizer above moderna vaccine is just about logistics (bulk is Pfizer and SOP is in place), costs (Pfizer is cheaper), storage (moderna has longer expiration so can store) and maybe some politics. No science or medical reason to favour one over the other. Sadly though minimal administration to the occupied territories where poor access to healthcare, poverty and overcrowding can wreak havoc.
[4:00 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Moderna is a small company compare to Pfizer-BioNTech.
Moderna has no major track record.
Moderna can be easily bought over and the future is not clear.
[4:01 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Basically moderna is a startup.
[4:19 pm, 15/03/2021] +REACH: Firms must invest in people to emerge stronger from Covid-19 pandemic: Heng Swee Keat
Amid the uneven recovery from Covid-19 and stiff global competition for talent, firms must invest in their workers so as to transform and emerge stronger from the pandemic, said Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat.
[4:20 pm, 15/03/2021] +REACH: MOH warns public to comply with MC requirements after 5 charged over Covid-19 offences
The Health Ministry warned those with acute respiratory symptoms to comply with Covid-19 restrictions after five people were charged in court over allegedly committing coronavirus related offences.
[4:22 pm, 15/03/2021] +Caleb: 👍
[4:47 pm, 15/03/2021] +REACH: 12 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, all imported
[4:53 pm, 15/03/2021] +An fan: The travel bubble with Australia, kids under 16 can not take vaccines yet. Can kids travel with parents? Or it is not a must to be vaccinated? I hope it is not. As some people do not want to take vaccines.
[5:22 pm, 15/03/2021] +REACH: Go green to stay competitive: Heng Swee Keat to local businesses
Going green will help Singapore's businesses stay competitive, said Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on Monday (March 15), urging local firms to take advantage of government schemes to help them make the leap.
[5:38 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: Israel intend to reopen its entire Economy from 27 Mar 2021 - when its vaccination above 16 is completed.
[5:44 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
U.S. Treasuries saw record foreign selling in March: data
[5:50 pm, 15/03/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. US dollars is prop up by foreign countries buying US dollars treasuries bonds (ie financing US mammoth $28 trillion debt) - for currency exchange to facilitate trade.
2. If China digital yuan is successful and more countries keep less US dollars for trade and instead trade in digital China yuan - US dollars worth will plummet as US treasuries can no longer be finance through debt (issuing of treasury bonds - essentially US printing money) to fund its fiscal budget.
3. When this happens, US will cease to be an economic power and no longer a financial power.
[6:46 pm, 15/03/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:50 pm, 15/03/2021] +Alvin: Gdnite Megan!
[7:01 pm, 15/03/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
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