Friday, March 26, 2021

Biden 1st press conference as President. The similarities of What Biden say, What China Ambassador in US say - that correspond to what I say a few days earlier.

26 Mar 2021

[2:18 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

This message is for REACH for consideration.

Urgent needs for CNA online news and/or Yahoo online news - to enable online netizens comments.

As REACH may not be an appropriate forum to discuss foreign affairs - that can be sensitive to foreign politicians.

But global rising tension will need impartial and neutral voice to be heard from sources such as social media - that will be less political sensitive and yet possible to achieve the desired outcome.

[2:31 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心:

Look like the geopolitical tussle will intensify.

No good for the world. It could turn more and more ugly.

1. It has become an ideological tussle.

2. It has become a tussle of system of governance.

3. It has become a tussle of incumbent superpower and up-and-coming superpower tussle - the Thucydides trap.

[2:31 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Unfortunately my previous open platforms such as CNA online news and Yahoo online news - has disallowed netizens comments since our last election and US presidential election.

There are no online platform to project an impartial and neutral voice that help to defuse the tension that can be dangerous for the world.

Neutral politicians cannot openly share their views in public in case of backlash.

But netizens comments will have better outcomes if views offer can help to resolve the tension.

In fact this channel is now more urgent then ever - as many channel of information indicates the clash getting intensify.

[2:32 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

I say this few days earlier (22Mar2021).

Biden say this today (26Mar2021).

[3:08 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

I say this few days earlier (22Mar2021).

Biden say this today (26Mar2021).

[3:10 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

I say this yesterday (25Mar2021).

Biden say similar thing today (26Mar2021).

Coincidental or he read and echo?

It is anybody's guess.

The good thing is, wise man thinks alike - and if can defuse a global disaster - all the better.

[3:44 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

I use the word China leaders are "very smart people" a few days ago.

Biden say in 26 Mar 2021 say "Xi is a smart, smart guy".

[3:45 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Coincidental or he read and echo?

It is anybody's guess.

The good thing is, wise man thinks alike - and if can defuse a global disaster - all the better.

[6:29 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. I say divide into 2 blocs will trigger world war 3 (22Mar2021).

2. China ambassador in US say "Divide the world into 2 different camps and even 2 confrontational military blocs is not the solution" (26Mar2021).

Coincidental or he read my comments in the SCMP?

[6:29 pm, 26/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

My guess is :- cannot be so many identical comments - just a few days apart.

Both could have read my postings in SCMP.


[7:29 pm, 28/03/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Yahoo online news diabled "Comments" in 2020 due to US Presidential election, whereby online netizens no longer able to comment on Singapore news or International news.

2. Similarly, CNA online news also remove the "Comments section" in 2020 just before the General Election 2020 - and never open since.

3. A goggle search also reveal many online news worldwide disable "Comments" - even though they express values in feedback from online news readers. Many World mainstream media eg., Reuters, Chicago Sun-Times, The week, Mic,Recode, Popular Science, The Washington Post

a. Mainstream media can engage readers

b. Get feedback

c. Online audience interactions

d. Ensure more online readership - that will bring more online ads and sponsorship for the mainstream media

e. Build a strong community - and be able to monetise readership.

f. Retain once-loyal print readership to the digital platform and not annoying them by disabling the "online comments section"

g. Comments section contributed by online netizens - are "content" too.

4. The "comments" are disabled or remove citing :-

a. Abusive comments

b. Hateful speech

c. Bully

d. Ridicule correspondents and reporters' news article

e. Fearful of legal liability

f. Not enough resources (or no budget) from mainstream media to moderate or filter the netizens comments.

g. Inciting hatred or social unrest against the Government or Society or influence elections.

5. The only mainstream online media that still allow reader online comments is SCMP (South China Morning Post).

Surprisingly, China is more liberal than US and the West to allow online expression of free speech.

SCMP online comments are very structured :-

- SCMP cover not only China news, HK news, but also International news that are categorised according to region eg. US, EU, East Asia, SE Asia, Africa, Russia, Middle East etc --- just like any other international media.

- it allow comments only for 14 days for every news article.

- 1500 words are allow for each comments.

- healthy comments are seen for each news articles. It can go up to few hundred comments for popular news.

- it is well patronised by not only China and HK netizens, SCMP is equally well patronised by Americans, Britsh, Canadians, Aussie and other nationalities - based on their self-expressed profile.

- the comments are of high quality, constructive - regardless of whether they are supportive or critical of the news.

- but I noticed something, China netizens mainly posts supportive of their government official line. Whereas the Western netizens are critical toeing the US, and the West official line.

- What is lacking are impartial, neutral and solutions that are able to resolve and break deadlock.

- Also noticed that all comments are carefully collected, organised and i believe analysed by SCMP (sanction by China Authorities).

- I won't be surprised that US and the West news intelligence will also carefully monitor SCMP news as well as netizens comments ---- since China and US are tussling for geopolitical influence.

- Hence look like posting good opinion, views and even solutions that can resolved China-US geopolitical tensions in SCMP could be a good approach - a psuedo foreign affairs diplomacy that will prevent backlash if voice by politicians.

- SCMP for comments can only sign-in via facebook, google, apple and email - so it is targeting many foreigners and China nationals who have privilege with such accounts to access. 

6. In fact, with China-US tension rising, all the more important, social media comments to influence politicians thoughts and actions become of vital importance.

a. A couple of years ago, Trump get ready 80 nuclear bombs, and US nuclear stealth bombers run a few sortie to test run dropping of nuke bombs near NKorea.

b. De-classified documents mention ex-Defense Secretary sleep with his military uniform on, to get ready in case Trump activate him to do live bombing any time.

c. Whereas NKorea missile test launch Intermediate range ballistic missile that landed near Guam. In one false alarm, Guam residents scrambled into sewaage hole thinking nuclear missiles have been launched.

d. Luckily in the nick of time, a flurry of social media comments in Yahoo online news and CNA news online manage to convince the NKorea leader to pull back just in time through his new year speech and averted a near nuclear attack. Else the world won't be able to talk about "bromance" and take up the suggestion to come to Singapore Sentosa for peace talk. Asia will be breathing nuclear radiation.

e. 1 nuclear bomb is 10 times more powerful than the atomic bomb drop in Japan. 80 nuclear bombs will have the effect of 800 times more powerful - and the whole of East Asia will be cover with nuclear cloud - and the whole of Asia could have died a slow and painful death through cancer from the nuclear radiation.

7. Hope SCMP online comments (the last online platform - to hear the public voice) will remain open and not disabled. This coming decades won't be a peaceful world - it can be turbulent. 

Mainstream Politicians may not be enough to hold back any geopolitical tussle, may need to enlist the help of social media netizens to hold back any eventual "Holocaust" confrontation....... (but mainstream online media are not helping ---- like Yahoo online, CNA online etc...)


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