Sunday, March 21, 2021

1. To prevent the 2 SuperPowers engage in full-frontal confrontation that can lead to military conflict and trigger World War 3 ------ there is a need to do some soul-searching by both SuperPowers.

2. The best solution is for both SuperPower - to address their own inadequacies of their system of Governance - and patch it up to make their system better ---- so that others will buy their points that their system is indeed better - and others will respect them and even want to emulate and follow their system of Governance.

3. Winning others over - cannot be by using their might and power over others ---- but by winning over others' "Heart and Mind" ---- then it will be more lasting and durable.

4. And the outcome will be Peace and Prosperity ---- not what the World is experiencing and encountering now ---- bickering, political jostling, sanction, mutual sabotaging - that destablise the whole World system, supply chain, trade, investment, travel, social visit and overseas education.

5. Hence there is a need for the 2 SuperPowers to relook at the attached issues and come out with solutions to patch up the inadequacies of their respective System --- before "selling their system" to another and before criticisng other system.

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Now i try to compose - what I can do better if I govern China to make China strong and respectable. And what I can do if I govern US to make US strong and respectable. To prevent World War 3.

A draft (will take sometimes to craft - how to patch up the inadequacies of the system of the 2 SuperPowers):-

What can China do better, to be strong and respectable.

1. Bring out the best in Socialism - eg. allow political stability, long-term strategic planning for Economic growth and alleviating people out of poverty, redistribution of wealth to enure social equality.

2. Allowing freedom of expression domestically without causing social unrest - but help to promote innovation, creativity, promote goodwill among citizens and with international people.

3. How to promote neighborliness with neighbor Countries - to promote friendship, trade, business, investment, travel, - to secure win-win outcome, mutual respect and gain soft power - as "Power is gained - from the heart and mind" - not physical power.

4. How to engage US the incumbent SuperPower - to compete fairly and to cooperate cordially for mutual benefits and ensure the rest of the World benefited from the engagement. This will win over many Countries - the projection of soft power.

5. How to handle my core interest and handle my internal affairs such as HK, Xinjiang, Taiwan wholesomely - that will be able to bring a good outcome domestically and yet will not invite adverse attention from external Countries.

What can US do better, to be strong and respectable.

1. Bring out the best in Democracy eg. eg. allow political stability, long-term strategic planning for Economic growth and alleviating people out of poverty, redistribution of wealth to enure social equality.

2 Allowing freedom of expression without leading to white nationalism, domestic terrorism, racism but promote promote goodwill among citizens and with international people.

3. How to promote neighborliness with friends, allies, adversaries - to promote friendship, trade, business, investment, travel, - to secure win-win outcome, mutual respect and gain soft power - as "Power is gained - from the heart and mind" - not physical power.

4. How to ensure financial stability and sustainability, economic growth through fiscal balancing, trade, investment, upskilling workers and business transformation as well as working with overseas Countries to promote win-win trade relationship, investment.

5. How to engage China the up and coming SuperPower - to compete fairly and to cooperate cordially for mutual benefits and ensure the rest of the World benefited from the engagement. This will win over many Countries - the projection of soft power.

And 3 Principles & Value System will form the foundation - on how the inadequacies of the system of the 2 SuperPower can be corrected :-
1. Self Interest, Interest of Others (able to emphatise).
2. Wisdom (able to find solutions to safeguard Self-Interest, and at the same time, ensure Interest of Others are not compromise, disregarded and run-over).
3. Compassion (ensure solutions are fair, equitable, just with Humanity at the core).

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Part 1 - Socialism System vs Democratic System ---

Into a Hybrid System (Democracy in Communism) and (Pre-qualified elected candidate in a Democratic System)

1. Democracy in Communism - Core Leaders are elected by the Party - according to meritocracy, compassion, and ability to bring progress, peace and prosperity to the Country. 
(In future if confidence develop, the Party-elected core leaders --- can open up to the citizens --- whereby Core Leaders sell their governing visions to the citizens --- and citizens can vote whether they support the Party vision or not. If more than 50% is secured - then the Core Leaders will form the Government. Else a new set of core leaders needed to be re-elected by the Party.

This could be a new kind of democracy in Communism --- whereby continuation of Governance, long-term strategic planning, political stability can be ensured.

Universal Sufferage - with the participation of citizens will give legitimacy to the Party --- and will silence external Countries - that Communism is not democratic.

2. Candidates to 2 Parties for Presidential Candidate should be pre-qualified that have characteristics of Competency to Govern, compassion, ability to unite people than divide, no racism, able to work with overseas countries etc - a tweak to Democracy with pre-qualified candidate.

However, in such 2 Parties democratic system - long term strategic planning, political stability, continuation of Governance ---- is difficult to achieve - as different Parties chop and change the Government Policies ---- depending on which Party win the Election ----- and this bring the about adverse outcome of :-
a. Short term policies that are populist to win votes ---- but to the detriment of the long-term National interest of the Country - 
eg. 1 always planning budget deficit and spending, spending, spending --- accumulating mammoth public debt that is impossible to be repaid by future descendants.
eg. 2 not planning strategic competitiveness of industry and business -- left to market forces whereby business will just sell their business for money when become profitable. Thus strategic industry like telecoms, semiconductor, 5G, etc are lost --- because Government fail to do long-term strategic planning.
eg. 3 no long term planning for infrastructure upgrade
eg. 4 no long term planning to invest in education and ensure continuous supply of talents.
eg. 5 financial reserves cannot be depleted
eg. 6. business transformation and workers reskilling, economic policy, fiscal policy, monetary policy --- cannot be changed that is detrimental to the Nation's interest.

To plug this loopholes and inadequacies of such democratic system - whereby Parties may change hands from time to time --- and blunt its competitive edge due to failure to achieve long-term strategic planning, political stability and governance continuation :-
a. 2 Parties must jointly agree on those areas that are deem strategic to the National Interest such as those mention above (including but not limited to) --- and cannot change without the agreement of both Parties.
Thus despite Parties change hand during election ---- long-term planning, and govenance continuation will not change.
This will ensure that National Strategic Interest will not be compromised ---- due to the "Changing political election" --- and ensure long-term strategic planning is possible.

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2.考生2个缔约方总统候选人应该通过资格预审具有竞争力的特性进行治理,同情,团结的人比鸿沟,没有种族主义,能够与海外国家等工作的能力 - 一个调整,以民主与预审合格候选人。

然而,在这种2个缔约方民主制度 - 长期战略规划,政治稳定,治理的延续----是难以实现的 - 为不同的缔约方朝令夕改的政府政策----这取决于党在大选中获胜 - ----并带来以下不良后果:-
例如。 1总是计划预算赤字和支出,支出,支出-积累庞大的公共债务,而这些债务是未来子孙无法偿还的。
例如。 2不规划工商业的战略竞争力-留给市场力量,使企业在获利时将其出售的只是金钱。这样一来,电信,半导体,5G等战略性产业就迷失了,因为政府没有进行长期的战略规划。
例如。 3没有针对基础架构升级的长期计划
例如。 4没有长期计划投资于教育并确保持续提供人才。
例如。 5财务储备不能耗尽
例如。 6.商业变革和工人再技能,经济政策,财政政策,货币政策---不能改变,这不利于国家的利益。

一种。 2缔约方必须共同商定对国家利益具有战略意义的领域,例如上述提到的那些领域(包括但不限于这些领域),未经双方同意,任何领域都不得改变。

Part 2 - Securing the core interest and sovereignty - by tweaking the system of governance into a Hybrid System (Democracy in Communism) - moving Communism into a middle ground.

1. Central Core Leadeers are elected by the Communist Party - based on meritocracy, competency to govern, compassion - that can bring Peace, Unity, Prosperity and Progress to the Country as well as able to strike a good relationship with the World.

2. Provinical Core Leader from the Communist Party are elected by the Pary Leaders - based on the ability to unite the Provincial residents to support the Party core values and patriotism to the Country and the Party, able to upgrade the living standards, well-beings, housing, education, jobs of the people in the province.

3. Conduct Universal Suffrage of Central Core Leaders (as the Core Leaders share their governance vision) - to be elected by the citizens nationwide (from all the provinces). 50% votes will past the post and the Core Leaders will be elected as the Central Governmnemt. 

If below 50%, another set of Core Leaders from the Communist Party will be put forward for citizen votes.

(Note:- even though if some provinces may be below 50% of votes, other provinces may have high percentage of votes --- and Central Core Leaders are elected by Nationwide total votes).

4. Conduct Provincial election of Provincial Core Leaders - and similarly with 50% votes win the Provincial Government.

If below 50%, another set of Provincial Core Leaders elected by the Central Core Leaders will be put forward for citizen votes.

5. Under such democratic process in Communism system - the Communist Party remain the Government to ensure continuation of leadership, long-term planning, political stability --- as Central Core Leaders and Provincial Core Leaders --- come from the Communist Party.

And the best is - they gain legitimacy (domestically and internationally) - because the citizens vote in a democratic process to elect their Govrnment. And inddeed a Universal Suffrage.

6. How will this tweak to system of Governance resolve the painful problem that attract undue attention from the West in the governance of Xingjiang, Tibet and HK?

a. Citizens of these provinces take part in the nationwide election and votes for the Central Core Leaders.

b. Citizens of these provinces vote for the Provinical Core Leaders that are elected by the Communist Party.

The Provinical Core Leaders could be from their respective Province community that are Communist Party members respected by the citizens. These Provincial Core Leaders will be loyal to both the Communist Party, the Country and love their community - in order to win the provincial election.

c. So these will have resolved the issues of criticism by the West - of autocratic government in governing Xinjiang, Tibet and HK.

d. What happen if the 1st set of provincial leaders fall below 50% and the 2nd set of provincial leaders fall below 50% (in problematic provinces like Xinjiang, Tibet and HK)?

Simple - the highest of the 2 set of votes become the Provincial Core Leaders.

Xinjiang, Tibet and HK problem solve!

7. Now, how to solve Taiwan issue with this Hybrid system of Governance --- Taiwan provincial leaders must first join the Communist Party of China and have the above core values.

a. Eg. KMT provincial leaders and DPP provincial leaders elected by the Communist Party are put to votes to Taiwan citizens.

Taiwan sovereingty problem solve! (No need to invade Taiwan, 手足互杀, China-US fight war).

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3.进行中央核心领导人的普选(因为核心领导人具有共同的治理远见)-由全国公民(来自所有省份)选举产生。 50%的选票将通过岗位和领导核心将当选为中央Governmnemt。

















解决台湾主权问题! (无需入侵台湾,手足互杀,中美战争)。

If countries take sides, then world war 3 will break up - because of irreconcilable differences between 2 blocs.
This is what happens to world war 1 and 2.
The solution is to move the 2 Superpowers into middle ground - where their differences are reconciliable.
Like what the China diplomats always say - meet each other half way.
This is the middle path resolution.
From 2 opposing extreme irreconcilable poles - move them into the middle - hence the middle path resolution.
And first have to start with their system of governance.
1. Either further head-on confrontation that lead to world war 3 - where humanity perish.
2. Offer workable solutions to defuse the impending global bomb.
When both system of governance are corrected and move into middle ground - all their differences and core interest will automatically be solved.
And the Thucydides trap can't apply to China - because China win its legitimacy and support from other Nations - based on its merits and relationships - through wholesome governance, domestic support, ties with international countries, trade and business.
The accusations of autocratic government no longer apply.
Difficult issues like HK, Xinjiang, Tibet and possibly Taiwan - can also be resolve.
Got time then elaborate.
This is the key to resolve the seemingly unsolvable deadlock.
Because 2 blocs will snatch scarce resources - as they are not sharing it and trade on it for mutual benefits - hence world war break out.
In world war 2, nazi facism and ancient jap want to snatch rich resources in China and SE Asia - started World war 2.
Trump fast track the breaking the world apart into 2 Blocs with his :-
1. Trade war (turn inward) - force China to do dual circulation.
2. Tech war - force China to develop its own tech instead of trade in tech parts.
3. Financial war - force China to develop digital yuan and break away from US dollars Swift system.
Now in front of us is impending head-on confrontation that need to be defused quickly before it degenerate into 2 blocs and trigger World war 3.
Alaska spark and fury - also give indication how urgent it is to defuse the 2 Superpowers tension.
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1. Mr LKY in the 1970s coax Mr Deng Xiaoping to transform China from Central Planned Economy into Market Economy - and China become the 2nd largest economy in the World. (Economic transformation)

2. Now in year 2021, I coax China to transform from Communism into the Hybrid system of Democracy in Communism - to prevent China-US confrontation. (Political transformation)

Not sure can succeed or not. (Transformation into a great nation - must transform not only economically but also politically)

If successful, China will have successfully  transformed into a modern developed nation - not only economically but also politically - the last inflection point - the most difficult part of the journey (transforming the political system).

China can:-


Not firing a bullet.
But using your heart to win over the world.
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1.李光耀先生在1970年代鼓励邓小平先生,将中国从中央计划经济转变为市场经济-中国成为世界第二大经济体。 (经济转型)

2.现在是2021年,我鼓励中国从共产主义转变为共产民主的混合体系-防止中美对抗。 (政治转型)

不确定能否成功。 (转变为一个伟大的国家-必须不仅在经济上而且在政治上也要转型)





共产 = 同志 = 以民为主 以人为本 = 党领导同志 = 同志普选制 = 一种社会组织的理论或系统,其中所有财产归社区所有,每个人根据自己的能力和需要作出贡献和接受。.
Communism = Comrade = With Citizens and Humanity at its Core = Party Leader Comrade = Universal Suffrage = a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

This is democratic process in Communism.

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