Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Draft WHO coronavirus report pours cold water on lab-leak theory: AP

News agency says it obtained document from diplomat from WHO member country

Investigators also appear to give little weight to possibility that virus came into China via imported frozen food

The virus that causes Covid-19 most likely passed from bats into humans via an intermediary animal, but it is “extremely unlikely” that it came from a laboratory leak, according to a draft of a highly anticipated World Health Organization investigation report into the origins of the virus.

Simone McCarthy

Published: 9:28pm, 29 Mar, 2021


(1) See China can take an elegant approach to resolve - wrong allegations levy at China --- without resorting to "tic-for-tac" retaliation that result in collateral damage. Using "tic-for-tac" retaliation will not only hurt the accusers, but will also hurt self --- and leave a "bad taste" as other neutral parties watch the "brawl" unfold.

Let's picture the aftermath of a brawl - both left with panda eyes and mouth - bruised face.

(2) An "elegant" approach to debunk inaccurate accusations - will make the accusers look silly and lose credibility in the eyes of the World.

While winning respect from the World - for the ability to handle a dispute or crisis well.

Remember how historical "Kong Ming" approach difficult to resolve or overwhelming handicap battle situation?

Cool, calm and elegant approach - to resolve "deadlock" or seemingly unsolvable battle situation with finesse - without resorting to sledgehanner or brute force.

Use Wisdom, not brute force.

(3) WHO's report vindicated accusation that the covid is leak out through the lab --- as medical profession rule out the possibilities based on scientific facts.

This mean accusers is making false accusation and lose their credibility in the eyes of the World -- without China needing to go for "tic-for-tac" retaliation.

(4) Other accusations can similarly be debunk - if the accusations are not true.

Hence solutions to such "containment strategy" - will "don't attack, self destruct".

And China as a result will stand tall in the eyes of the World.

This is the coming of a mature power - through "Soft Power".


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