REACH 136 - Fresh ideas and Singapore Together (SK)
7 Sep 2020 (12pm - 8pm)
[11:52 am, 07/09/2020] +: Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ☺️
⏰ Our chat will be open from 12pm to 8pm today.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group. 🙏🏼
The topic will be posted shortly.
- Megan
[11:56 am, 07/09/2020] +: 📢Topic 📢
Our Singapore Together movement include initiatives such as the Youth Mental Well-being Network, Alliances for Action, Beyond COVID-19 Taskforce and the recently launched Emerging Stronger Conversations.
How do you think Singaporeans and the Government can work together to address issues, solve problems and pursue fresh ideas together?
Singaporeans have to work hand in hand with the Government to solve problems and pursue fresh ideas together, Minister for National Development Desmond Lee said yesterday. It is not about the Government setting the agenda all the time, then seeking input from the public, he said.
"Instead, the community comes up with ideas and decides what they want to work on, while the Government supports them," said Mr Lee, w…
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[12:06 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Singapore will allow bigger exhibitions and conferences with up to 250 attendees, up from the current 50 participants.
Organisers can apply to hold such events from Oct 1.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:07 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Regarding the Singapore Together/Emerging Stronger Conversations, I was a participant in the inaugural session. Majority hoped for a follow-up with the same groups of people we met. Not sure if the secretariat is considering that?
[12:11 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I did not know we have so many things under this movement
[12:14 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
To solve problems and pursue fresh ideas - fresh ideas must be workable and withstand the veracity of the test.
It must not bring unintended consequences.
For example, will like to bring attention to 2 fresh ideas - minimum wages and retrenchment insurance that cannot withstand the veracity of test.
[12:15 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
With reference to the above news article - Parlimentary debate on Minimum Wages and Retrenchment Insurance
Part 1 :- The benefit or consequences of implementing Minimum Wage
Discussion with my close friend :-
a. Minimum Wages
My close friend comments :
- Minimum wage model has no meaning when level too low. Any higher, employers don't want or cannot afford.
- The economic prof is western world educated. They have welfare system cannot just Copy and paste.
My comments :-
- Yes. Minimum wage don't conform to economic principles of demand and supply.
- Every industry sectors are different.
Eg. Lift technician sector minimum pay is different from security sector and different from cleaners job.
- Cannot enforce a universal minimum wage across all sectors.
- Progressive wage model is based on each industry sector manpower demand and supply and wage grow is commensurate and must grow in tandem with economic output and productivity indicators.
- PWM is coin by economists based on strong economic fundamental.
- Minimum wages is a blunt tool that do not take into account economic fundamental.
My close friend comments :-
- PWM also very difficult
- Can only consider for very low skilled sector because cannot let people starve. Other than that I cannot see how it is useful
- In today's context bubble tea is basic necessity to many people. How much should min wage be?
My comments :-
- PWM is a difficult model to implement but workable.
Eg. Security guard starting pay is $1500 - when he do 2 hour patrol rest 2 hour. He work one shift of 8 hours including rest.
- With PWM, he is trained to operate CCTV, video analytics, video storage and editing, backup and archive video files and monitor on screen for 3 hours rest 1 hour and work 1 shift of 8 hours.
His salary increase to $2,500 after he pass his course for example.
- Another eg. 3 cleaners supposed to sweep a mall and can complete in 1 hour per floor. He is paid $1200.
- But under PWM, he is trained how to operate a cleaning machine, and he can cover 3 persons job in 1 floor. He is paid $2800 for example.
My close friend comments :-
-: Low wage earners, can consider. Cannot broad stroke set for everyone
- Even job sizing was difficult. Remember?
My comments :-
- Yes PWM is only for low wage earners not PMETs.
- Because low wage earners have very narrow, low skill, define sets of job requirements - unlike PMETs that is more complex, required complex and complicated skillsets that come with Uni or Poly educations and training.
- Hence PWM only apply to low wage earners to help to uplift their skillsets confined to specific sets of skills.
- It cannot be apply to PMETs who have a larger job scope, more complex, more sophisticated skillsets required, that produce higher value economic outputs and profitability to the companies.
My close friend comments:-
- He copy from western countries but forgetting that unemployment can collect allowances. Here you peg minimum wrong, the person is priced out. So what happen? He become unemployed and go hungry
My comments:-
- Yes. That's why PWM must be implemented for each different sectors.
- And they are formulated based on the peculiarities of each industry sector.
- So you see whether minimum wage can work or not?
- That opposition economic prof theory of minimum wage is nonsensical - when map onto economic principles.
[12:15 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Part 2 - The benefit or consequences of implementing Retrenchment Insurance
b. Retrenchment Insurance
My comments:-
- Retrenchments insurance is meant to provide temporary relief to people when they suddenly go retrenched.
- But it have many drawbacks if implemented - because it does not solve the problems of sustained earnings for the people.
- The drawbacks are :-
(i) Retrenchment insurance blunt people's motivation to work. If people received monthly retrenchment benefits, where is the motivation to work? No need to work also got money to take, then why work?
When this happen, Singaporeans no longer want to work - our workforce get depleted and business without workers will leave Singapore - and our Economy will collapse.
(ii) Also who pay for the retrenchment insurance premium?
- Some people say Employer pay. This means retrenchment insurance will add additional cost to business - and it means employers will reduce the salary of each workers or worst, no incentives to employ Singaporans as Singaporean workers are more expensive.
- Thus, business will either employ more foreign workers or leave Singapore.
- Then some people say, make Singaporean workers pay for the retrenchment insurance premium.
- What this mean is that - If pay by Singaporean workers, they will have less disposable income to spend for their daily living.
- Also currently, Employers and Singaporean Employees are already putting in money for CPF --- by forcing employers or employees to set aside money for retrenchment insurance premium --- it will make Singapore uncompetitive to the World labour market.
- Unless Singaporean workers set aside some money to buy their own insurance as savings ---- for rainy days - in the event some career crisis happens.
[12:23 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Private-sector economists are predicting that Singapore's economy will shrink 6% this year, but they have raised the growth forecast for next year, according to an MAS survey.
[12:24 pm, 07/09/2020] +: More cross platforms for feedbacks and discussions like WhatsApp Group and such.
Have specific feedback group for specific topics ie Public Transport, Green Energy, etc
Got different groups, ppl who are suffering or affected by the situation and another group who aren’t affected provide the feedbacks and discussion.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:25 pm, 07/09/2020] +: And the completely silent ones who Alvin and I have no idea why they are here when they don't say anything
[12:35 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Bro you guys have some serious discussion and you actually take notes 😅👍
[12:37 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Retrenchment insurance is look mainly at those with higher disposable income that needed some form of safety net.
As high income holder tend to take longer to find jobs.
As compare to low wage workers that has less income but much easier to get a job.
A bit different in terms of the scale and lifestyle. It is good to have but definitely not paid by employer. If a personal choice just like illness insurance.
[12:39 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Well these are national issues that affect everyone's lives, livelihoods, liveline as well as the future of our descendants.
We need to look at national issues that will affect everyone.
If things work out, well and good.
If we discover things that will be seriously wrong, we need to flag out quickly and alert people - in case if implemented will badly impact everyone.
[12:41 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Silence is Golden, bro. I find the chatgroup mimicking the makeup of our society. The majority of our society prefer to keep quiet rather than speak up. That's why there's the term 'the silent majority'.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:42 pm, 07/09/2020] +: So it is true, we are the minority, majority continues to be afraid to speak up
[12:43 pm, 07/09/2020] +: PWM model is a way to slowly up the pay of those low wage worker, working towards develop country. Where even a cleaner can live a life of dignity.
As wages increase the social standing will shift. Currently our wages and views on low wage workers are still not matured. Either we educate people to let them know cleaner jobs are ok, construction workers are ok.
But people associate pay with social status. Hence the push to up the pay is one of the way to give a better light to low wage workers.
[12:45 pm, 07/09/2020] +: At least they bother to join the group, and if something is to their interest some will pop up to talk. Lol not like us those few noisy ones 🤣🤣🤣
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:45 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I recognise that some who were in the shadows are coming out now, but it's still pretty rare
[12:47 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
PWM wage model mirror the concept of ITM (Industry Transformation Map) - wages adjustment, skill training, job transformation have to be done industry by industry.
ITM concept is coin in 2012.
PWM wage model is also started in 2012.
[12:52 pm, 07/09/2020] +: As a city develops, population will slowly drop, as lesser workers we becomes more productive. But demand for service increase further as income rise.
Hence service staff are in demand and usually import as we want service and value for money. With that mindset pay drops as we look for alternative to reduce cost as service industry are manpower heavy.
How to supply the workers when no one want to do it. We have to import, the problem comes with income inequality. Either we pay more for same service with a Singaporean core, or we Payless for a foreigner run economy that in hope that they convert to Singaporean.
[12:54 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
ITM is only announce and start implementing in Budget 2016.
[1:00 pm, 07/09/2020] +: One expat asks who’ll pay rent for condos if all FTs leave while another says not their mistake to flood IT sector
[1:28 pm, 07/09/2020] +: There were private insurance scheme but not sustainable.
[1:29 pm, 07/09/2020] +: One of the principles called anti selection is working against this scheme.
[1:29 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why must continue to work and get themselves train to be able to continue to find jobs if retrenched.
[1:30 pm, 07/09/2020] +: When you are given the choice to choose, during good time, no body wants to buy. During the bad time, premium collected can't sustain payout
[1:30 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Insurance is only a temporary relief to tie over - not to replace job.
[1:32 pm, 07/09/2020] +: So, government focus should not be retrenchment insurance, rather to help individual to find job asap, and to train those during transition and to provide social assistance for those who fall through the crack.
[1:32 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I thought that's what being done currently.
[1:33 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes. That's why retrenchment insurance don't work.
Getting workers train and place into jobs - should be the long term right solution.
[1:33 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Anyway, any financial adviser will advise you to save up at least 6 months income for rainy day in case out of job.
[1:34 pm, 07/09/2020] +: So individual savings is better than temporary retrenchment insurance.
[1:34 pm, 07/09/2020] +: As scope for retrenchment insurance is limited
[1:34 pm, 07/09/2020] +: What if a worker wants to retrench himself for whatever reason?
[1:35 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why I propose insurance saving plan and not retrenchment insurance.
[1:36 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Sound like ILP lll
[1:36 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Lol
[1:36 pm, 07/09/2020] +: That's killing 2 birds with one stone. Offering protection for the unforseen and cash value built up can be used for liquidity in case of retrenchment
[1:39 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Auditor-General flags lapses in IT controls, procurement and contract management in public agencies
[1:43 pm, 07/09/2020] +: 🤨 think every year have but still like that haiz
[1:44 pm, 07/09/2020] +: 🤷♀️
Jimmy Chew
[2:32 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Wayang 🤣
[2:33 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Drama 🤺
[2:39 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Thought auditors will definitely find some audit findings in any audit in any organisations - because there are so many people working in an organisations - and bound to have find some faults. Else auditors will go out of jobs - if all organisations are perfect in their internal controls. I have never come across any organisations after an audit have perfect score with no audit flaws. I could be wrong. But based on my experience there are definitely some audit findings --- whether serious or not. Organisations based on the audit findings must attempt to plug the loopholes.
[2:40 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Based on the findings.. 😅 don’t think is small loop holes
[2:42 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I do come across people in organisations hide this and that when external auditors come and they are uncooperative to produce documents ------ and for sure, there won't be any audit findings under this circumstances. I strongly believe in implementing strong audit procedure to ensure no weak internal controls and when auditors come, dutifully produce the documents to demonstrate process and procedures are duly comply with.
[2:43 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Lol I am auditor as well. I know that’s is call auditee strategy 🤪🤪
[2:43 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Drag tile and don’t let you check so much also
[2:43 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Time”
Jimmy Chew
[2:45 pm, 07/09/2020] +: My Superior screen thru the documents before submitting 🤣
[2:45 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Throughout your audit work do you find perfect score with no non-compliance in audit?
[2:46 pm, 07/09/2020] +: No such thing one lar... perfect means never do lol
[2:46 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Or never report at all
Jimmy Chew
[2:47 pm, 07/09/2020] +: No one perfect but normally low risk offenses. High risk HOD may need to step down🤣
[2:47 pm, 07/09/2020] +: lol! yah... it's damn frustrating. even if i do everything swee swee, auditor will also come in and try to pick a bone in the proverbial egg
[2:49 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Depends on your standard. I do ISO audit so ISO 9001 can have no NC but have findings.
But for ISO 16949 no NC not possible. Will call to enquire one if no NC.
[2:49 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Enquiry”
Jimmy Chew
[2:49 pm, 07/09/2020] +: That's their job. I thought now it's strategic compliance not only highlight but also collaborate to prevent future happenings
[2:50 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Not every can clear by the company if it is major.
[2:50 pm, 07/09/2020] +: They will come back the next year to catch but will highlight time you usually
Jimmy Chew
[2:51 pm, 07/09/2020] +1: Yes. Then got to do hara kiri
[2:51 pm, 07/09/2020] +: lol! mine was internal audit, no idea what standard they apply. but they always like to dig up past cases and say "ah, why you never follow the process as of today?", and my answer will inevitably be "if i know the regulatory requirements 5 years ahead of time, i would have bought lottery and i won't be here". 🤣
[2:52 pm, 07/09/2020] +: aiyoh the pikachu so cute!
Jimmy Chew
[2:52 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Compliant ones
[2:52 pm, 07/09/2020] +: It is the manager job to know or the owner of the system. No excuse you are paid to do it
[2:53 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I am ISO 9001 owner so any issue suck thumb have to clear
[2:53 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why definitely there will be some audit findings big or small.
[2:55 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Good that they want to get citizens involved. MPs need also to take the lead and not delegate because leaders always work harder and smarter and better. Not citizens work and MP take credit. Like in the corporate situation. Boss blur and take credit
[2:55 pm, 07/09/2020] +: no ah, it's account closing. account was closed 5 years ago, they dig up to check, tally against the SOP as of today and not as of 5 years ago. of course things would've changed, then they come and niao me. it makes no sense to be applying everything retrospectively, then it means that matters would never be closed cos the coffin keeps getting dug up and "why got skeleton inside".
[2:57 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Your compliance officer need a kick
[2:57 pm, 07/09/2020] +: i did give a pretty powerful kick~!!
[2:58 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Yes
[2:58 pm, 07/09/2020] +: not compliance officer, internal audit. damn frus sia
[2:59 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Gently 🙏 like Covid-19
[2:59 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Thanks everyone for the sharing but sincerely appreciate if we can stick to the topic. 🙏🏻😁
[2:59 pm, 07/09/2020] +: 🤣
[2:59 pm, 07/09/2020] +: 📢Topic 📢
How do you think Singaporeans and the Government can work together to address issues, solve problems and pursue fresh ideas together?
[2:59 pm, 07/09/2020] +: oh oops. paiseh paiseh
[3:00 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I think can have volunteer task force that people want to contribute to come together based on expertise
[3:01 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Draw from grassroot, then not enough draw from public
[3:04 pm, 07/09/2020] +: It is good to hv this audit done annually to all public agencies. When a lapse is found, it means there is opportunity for improvement, and i think it should be a KPI for the relevant dept/org leads to close these gaps and pass the audit in the following year.
Another point to be make is, for every gaps, especially those related to financial matters, we will need to establish if the lapse has any potential criminal intention, as well as any stakeholders from these depts benefited from the lapse.
[3:05 pm, 07/09/2020] +: AGO flag I pretty sure they will settle ASAP no need to put KPI. Cause their head will roll if it continues lol
[3:10 pm, 07/09/2020] +: How many of these lapses are repeated from the previous audit? Especially the same dept same ops. Any visibility here?
[3:11 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Any formal internal audit will have report and closure one. Got clear or not don’t think we have to rights to see it. 😅
[3:16 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Yes, i do understand this. But i think when a particular type of lapse occured, if the auditor think it could happen in other depts, i think from controlling point of view, it should be highlighted to all depts and request them to do internal review proactively to prevent this from happening. I think this will have more value added. We had promoted continuous improvement programs for many years and i think this should be the main direction for all these CI teams.
[3:21 pm, 07/09/2020] +: To add on, fresh ideas sometimes come from non-experts. There is something called Expert Blindness. We can’t keep using the same old formula like last time (traffic jam ok we increase erp, etc) and expect the same solution to solve recurring problems. Problems recur cos the “solutions” didn’t work in the first place.
And there’s this thing that correlation isn’t causation. Not everything is just a single factor that causes an issue. Could be multiple factors plus a catalyst that creates the issue.
Listening from a range of people is therefore crucial. Sure there will be lots of noise but that’s where analytics and BI can step in and help simulate and solve these unsorted data points.
My 2.14 cents
[3:26 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I see repeated mistakes from the same stat board/,ministries
[3:28 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Measures either have to be tweaked or do away totally and a new approach looked at.
[3:43 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Singapore reports 22 new Covid-19 infections, including 1 in the community and 3 imported cases.
[3:47 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Exactly what i mean. If the same mistake happens again, we may need to put in focused activities to find out why it was not fixed? Is there a communication lapse? SOP lapse? Lack of SOP? Intentional action by someone ? The government should require the relevant depts to form WIP teams to fix these lapses. The head will be accountable for the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive actions.
[3:49 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Govt need to be engaged also. Most volunteers do but MP and PA heads grace the occasion. I think this time got to do two prong approach. One by MP and his reporting and the other support from the ground. Can you imagine I volunteer and I don't get paid and they are working on the issues get paid and get volunteers to do heavy lifting 🤦♂️. After a while we will wise up.
[3:51 pm, 07/09/2020] +: We do it for the sake of Singapore.
Our forefathers some minister are not paid. Depends on how one person think lor
[3:51 pm, 07/09/2020] +: By providing ideas don’t meant that it will work, but just additional brainstorming. If everyone thinks of the pay they have then we can’t get things to move
[3:53 pm, 07/09/2020] +: As a volunteer you already know you are not paid. Doing for the clause, we learn something as we helped as well. Not always about the reward that comes.
If Singapore do well, so will our future and our children
[3:54 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I only have 1 suggestion, and this may not be palatable to some, which is that the Govt must stop seeking and hearing views from within the echo chamber of the yeses. This requires a very open conversation, including full and frank explanations of why certain decisions are taken and not the version which has been "dumbed down" by the spin-doctors. Yes, not everyone would be in a position to consider the full spectrum of considerations that the Govt would have had to go through, but most people are educated enough to smell a BS reasoning from a mile away. While this kind of messaging may have worked previously, it is no longer working now. The sentiment on the ground that the Govt are making decisions, shoving it down our throats and giving some BS explanation has cost the incumbent votes in the latest GE because no one likes being treated as imbeciles. IMHO, if the Govt is able to come up front and properly explain the rationale behind some of their decisions, a much more fruitful discussion can take place.
+ left
[3:57 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Fully agree. We know which MP cares and which just wayang 🤣 those who care and smart would have done parallel intervention or think long term. Those who are free loaders. We know
[3:58 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Serious think tank, most of the time general public won’t be involve due to the amount of noise, likely will drift from topic. Like how we have here.
But also some of us will like to contribute don’t have a good channel. Either you get in deep enough to provide the expertise required. If not hard to get any ideals across to the right person.
[3:59 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Yes seen many but what can we do? They know the right person and right things to do to get there. They put in the effort to achieve what they want. Is a person choice, similar those person tend to push more although they wayang they get things done for the right amount of incentive.
[4:01 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Like they say Trump is average IQ but he not dump because he became president
[4:01 pm, 07/09/2020] +: You can’t have a full team of star passionate MPs.
Sure there will be some free loaders, to balance up the openings of low profolio and high ones. If all star then how they choose cabinet? Everyday need to fight Liao
[4:01 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Dumb
[4:03 pm, 07/09/2020] +: A leader can use the individual parts to create synergy. We need all the best brains to solve complex problems. The smarter than the better ☺️
[4:05 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Agree
[4:05 pm, 07/09/2020] +: There are the public consultations when new legis is to be introduced, and most of the time, the feedback is filtered and curated by industry bodies. But there are many policy decisions which do not go through this stage, and statements are issued ex post facto. Usually these are the ones which trigger a fair bit of noise on the ground, and in response to that noise, inevitably some minister will come out and make some statement which makes some of us facepalm... And then more ministers come out and try to save the first minister and facepalm some more...
[4:06 pm, 07/09/2020] +: [Sent by – 7 Sep]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 22 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Based on investigations so far, there is 1 case in the community (1 Work Pass holder).
In addition, there are 3 imported cases who had been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[4:14 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
The greatest satisfaction is to see our ideas implemented - that benefit Singapore, Singaporeans and the World at large.
[4:26 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I agree. Some times a certain group of feedback given but gov takes a difference stance radically different from the general consensus of the public. These usually quite hot topic issues like Careshield (which most of us receive the letter recently).
[4:28 pm, 07/09/2020] +: yeah, like the difference in premiums between males vs females.
[4:29 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Exactly
[4:29 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I think sometimes they do hear the feedback loudly but they don’t see the need to change their stance.
[4:30 pm, 07/09/2020] +: But we don’t know the reason.
[4:30 pm, 07/09/2020] +: So it feels like one way
[4:31 pm, 07/09/2020] +: yah, so i can understand if the stance shouldn't be changed, but at least a better explanation can be given as to why the position shouldn't change rather than giving some lame reason which just sounds patronising.
[4:31 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Mentioning abt the feedback. Even one feedback to one service app several times the same issue... The replies one receive is a robot reply. Problem still persist. Sigj
[4:37 pm, 07/09/2020] +:
While i can understand if there are ailments which specifically affect women eg ovarian cancer, likewise there are ailments which affect men more than women. I can also understand that in the market, there are specific female coverage policies but that's private insurance if i want something over and above the generic coverage. So i think the explanation has to come out clearer why a higher premium is pegged to female ailments especially for a nation-wide compulsory insurance. Otherwise, the underlying message is that females are being penalised just for existing.
[4:38 pm, 07/09/2020] +: The equality no long equal lol... 🤷🏻♂️
Don’t know how they will push out this kind of policy
[4:38 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Like that if insurance follows the same mindset then how?
[4:38 pm, 07/09/2020] +: they already did.... didn't you get your letter? :P
[4:39 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Gender bias policy due to statistic a bit unfair
[4:39 pm, 07/09/2020] +: no ah, insurance already has that mindset. it's how they ported that mindset over wholesale into a national health coverage which i think is wrong lah. that's endorsing pink tax
[4:39 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Might as well smoker and non smoke also included? We are Singaporean not different by gender
[4:40 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Company I understand but counties should adopt slight different approaches
[4:41 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Country”
[4:41 pm, 07/09/2020] +: yah... and this is one of the examples where the explanation given by govt could've been clearer and tailored to better address the people's concern, rather than giving a "it's just liddat lor" kind of reasoning and expecting us to suck it up
[4:43 pm, 07/09/2020] +: For me I will support equal.. to balance up the extra so that we don’t discriminate.
[4:46 pm, 07/09/2020] +: i also support equal, but if really no choice that they have to impose a difference, then a better explanation needs to be given. communication is not "Govt say = got engagement". the expectations today have changed, and they need to recognise that. the million dollar question is how.
[4:51 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I think if valid reasons and meaningfulness would be acceptable
[4:55 pm, 07/09/2020] +: pls read the following parts of my comments after that
[6:08 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Yes, basing this just on 1 parameter (gender) makes no sense and will just make 50+% of the population angry.
[6:10 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Insurance spreads risk, that’s the point. I don't mind sharing the load. Maybe I'll live a long life, maybe not. If not I'll be dead so it won't matter if I paid a bit more premium, at least it would be fair!
[6:11 pm, 07/09/2020] +: This is a government policy?? I'm a bit time challenged today, so haven't read the article! 🙄
[6:16 pm, 07/09/2020] +: If you are referring to careshield,yes.
[6:21 pm, 07/09/2020] +: For ElderShield why my fren opt out to buy upgrade into a better plan. Cos the clause is must hit the 3 unable to function then can claims.. While the better plan one.. Have more choice
[6:25 pm, 07/09/2020] +: For us senior, our compulsory entry will be towards end of next year. Eldershield will go off in time.
[6:26 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Mine next month start Liao. 🤣
[6:27 pm, 07/09/2020] +: You must be in you thirties at least.
[6:31 pm, 07/09/2020] +: I already in careshield life
[6:31 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Must pay $225
[6:31 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Annual right?
[6:31 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Yeah can not opt out. Must pay with Medisave
[6:32 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Not much actually
[6:32 pm, 07/09/2020] +: Most people insurance also not so low
[6:57 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Fresh ideas and perspectives from my close friend :-
The youths in the eyes of our older Singaporeans are born with silver spoons in their mouths.
Majority of them other than those in the lower income groups had never been deprived of basic necessity. So this crisis is going to hit them very hard psychologically, mentally, and emotionally.
Let them imagine how our great grandparents suffered World War I, Spanish Flu (pandemic), Great depression, and World War II and continued to live and have us and their generations.
So Step 1, teach the youths don't die whether to risk themselves catching covid-19 or otherwise. Don't even think.
Can we have national education about lives and survival of Pioneer Generation? I recalled young children were given assignments to interview elderly and understand their hardships. Isn't it a good time to let ordinary old folks to talk about their hardships and what they could recall about their parents' and grandparents' hardships and how they overcame them? What encouragement can they give to our youths?
So step 2, our older generation and their parents have received even lower education and less resources than us, they survived and therefore today we can.
Step 3 In this climate, one bird in hand is better than two in the bushes. Whatever jobs or traineeships which they can land up with, accept and move on. 骑驴找马。
Step 4 when jobs are difficult to come by then why not create employment for yourself? I have a friend who sells cookies. Traditional thinking is to have a shop. But rental costs is too much and very quickly she have up the shop. Her method is simple, going by friends Facebook's link up, the word spread around. She had faith that people needs comfort food in this difficult time. She keeps some cookies at home and the rest in rented warehouse. Order is by email, whatsapp. Payment by paypal. Rope in family members to help in delivery and she started making good profits.
I was told someone teaches young kids to ride bicycle. Just one lesson per kid. At the end of the lesson, it was almost guaranteed the child can ride and he thrived.
And do we have to pay high price to get our cracked handphone screen replaced? There's someone who is willing to come by with his toolbox to fix it on the spot for you for a fraction of the cost if you were go to authorised dealer.
So youths have to ask themselves, what are they passionate about, how to make it into a profitable trade? Crisis is a good time to test our resilience and when times are good, the lessons are invaluable.
[7:18 pm, 07/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Straits Times
Singapore to allow bigger Mice events with up to 250 attendees, application to start from Oct 1
7 Sep 2020
Bigger exhibitions and conferences with up to 250 participants are set to return to Singapore.
Organisers will be able to apply to pilot such Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (Mice) events from Oct 1.
Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing, announcing the move on Monday (Sept 7) over a virtual press conference, said that trialling events with up to 250 attendees is intended to open the doors to holding events at an even larger scale.
"We are working with overseas partners, including overseas event organisers such as Messe Berlin to see how we can learn from the experience of other countries, scaling this up from the hundreds to the thousands in a safe and sustainable manner," he said
The STB said: "The gradual resumption of business events will help maintain Singapore's position as a leading Mice hub and retain critical capabilities, while safeguarding jobs and livelihoods in the industry and other related sectors."
[12:26 pm, 17/08/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
We have to maintain our air hub, air travel through organised travel, group insurance and health test - through bilateral arrangements with countries - to ensure covid will not be imported - but targeted MICE, tourism, retail, f&b can be safely arranged for foreign tours to preserve our air hub, aviation sector and our retail.
Else our air hub may demise.
[3:23 pm, 17/08/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Our keyword, our strategy is known as "ring-fence".
Ring-fence tours, ring-fence MICE.
Singapore did very well in ring-fencing our dorms, aged home, hospitals, schools, work place, air transit, malls etc - to prevent infection spreading.
Similarly, we can extend our ring-fence expertise into organised tours and MICE - so as to reboot our air hub and tourism sector.
[2:22 pm, 17/08/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Also air plane 200 passengers per flight, easy to organise hotel, tour bus, retail visit, tours, f&b and maintain social distancing and covid test.
[5:01 pm, 24/08/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Our tourism and air hub use to generate $25 billion to our economy every year.
Can we target a step up approach to hit $10 billion first.
Then 3 months later to $15 billion.
Another 3 months to $20 billion.
And then finally to $25 billion by using:-
1. "Ring-fence" air bubbles - from each events at each place of activities.
2. "Safe tunneling" air corridors - end to end tunneling approach from airport, to various places like hotels, food, tourists spots and back home.
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