REACH 141 - Gender Equality (SK)
21 Sep 2020 (11am - 7pm)
[10:23 am, 21/09/2020] +: Dear contributors,
Welcome back! 😊
⏰ We will be opening the chat from 11 am to 7 pm today. ⏰
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The topic will be posted shortly.
- Megan
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[11:04 am, 21/09/2020] +: 📢 Today's Topic 📢
Singapore is embarking on a comprehensive review of issues affecting women to bring about a mindset change on values like gender equality and respect for women.
What are the social norms and mindsets we need to challenge to achieve greater gender equality in Singapore?
The review will engage and work with partners from the people and private sectors as well as women's and youth groups, said Minister for Home Affairs and Law K. Shanmugam.
It will be led by three female political office holders, he added. They are: Minister of State for Education and Social and Family Development Sun Xueling, Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth and Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling, and Parliamentary Secretary for Health Rahayu Mahzam.
The ideas and suggestions gathered through these dialogues and discussions will form the basis of a White Paper to be tabled in Parliament in the first half of next year, Mr Shanmugam said.
+ changed the group description. Click to view.
[11:06 am, 21/09/2020] +: who is Rahayu Mahzam?
Blue and White Flag Guy
[11:06 am, 21/09/2020] +: It's stated there
[11:07 am, 21/09/2020] +: oh ok
[11:07 am, 21/09/2020] +: cant put a face to the name
[11:07 am, 21/09/2020] +: lol
[11:08 am, 21/09/2020] +: Molestation should not be treated lightly with a stern warning,suspended sentencing or community based social work just because of good grades or status/connection. Some women are now saying, is singspore still safe for them!,
Blue and White Flag Guy
[11:09 am, 21/09/2020] +: Empowering women is one thing, protecting them is another
[11:09 am, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[11:14 am, 21/09/2020] +: A hint from our chief justice recently!
[11:22 am, 21/09/2020] +: I think I am more concerned now about The Maid case and the liews
[11:23 am, 21/09/2020] +: Makes me wonder are there other cases of misjustice that have happened but not overturned
[11:25 am, 21/09/2020] +: Of course there are bound to be. Nothing is 100%
[11:25 am, 21/09/2020] +: A lot is hidden from public scrutiny!
Blue and White Flag Guy
[11:30 am, 21/09/2020] +: Always will be, what we know of through the media is always the tip of the iceberg but this tip of the iceberg can still act as a way of encouragement or motivation for those whose cases are left unheard
[11:38 am, 21/09/2020] +: This I am not so sure, cause like yellow ribbon project. We have to have a way for them to integrate back to society then to condemn them forever then will be another problem.
Sex offenders often treated very badly in prison rumor not so sure if it is true.
[11:39 am, 21/09/2020] +:
[11:42 am, 21/09/2020] +: I believe the rumour could be true!
[11:44 am, 21/09/2020] +: Those inside know what you are coming in for befire hand somehow so expect to be treated!?
[11:45 am, 21/09/2020] +: 😅 people will ask when you go in bah... like murder is respect and don’t dare to touch you
[11:45 am, 21/09/2020] +: Not sure how inside society is like.. 😅
[11:48 am, 21/09/2020] +: 👆🏻👍🏻
[11:49 am, 21/09/2020] +: Shocking inside!
[11:50 am, 21/09/2020] +: This is hard... just like guys serve NS will get paid slightly higher due to the two years..
[11:51 am, 21/09/2020] +: Or paid leave we are getting better now.
But still the general population of higher management are still guys the preference will be still there.
[11:53 am, 21/09/2020] +: Has to start from the top, once the celling has improved then the bottom will have progression in terms of promotion equality. Rather than gender bias
[11:58 am, 21/09/2020] +: Excellent topic, considering the death of Ruth Gainsbury in the US this weekend. She changed the law by challenging that only a woman could get tax relief as a caregiver. In fact I read that Singapore has a similar law, and that only Single-mothers get additional tax relief, not Single Fathers. Does anyone know if that is true? Gender equality is about not discriminating based on gender. How does Singapore start to make that change when NS is only mandatory for men?
[11:59 am, 21/09/2020] +: *Ruth Ginsburg (excuse earlier typo)
[12:02 pm, 21/09/2020] +: In additon we society as a whole need to able to accept house husband as acceptable. Many thing still culturally binding, marriages dowry, etc.
[12:03 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[12:03 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Molestation and sex harassment can go both ways rather than supposedly weaker gender
[12:04 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Currently, predominantly in the west.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:05 pm, 21/09/2020] +: We're not really talking about compass directions. Rather, it is more of a reference to the "people with bright futures" who commit said crimes and are ridiculously, given an exit out of it
[12:07 pm, 21/09/2020] +: In general we are still very Asian, even though we wanted gender equality for the things that they want but not looking at the whole picture
[12:09 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[12:10 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Agree on the exit part.
[12:13 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Wonder why suddenly the topic of gender equality pop out.
Thought we have treated man and woman equally in our society.
[12:14 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes, ridiculously.
[12:14 pm, 21/09/2020] +: some distraction from all the gloomy jobless news
[12:15 pm, 21/09/2020] +: There's more to this topic than meets the eye! Women are still fair behind overall. The gap needs to be narrowed!
[12:16 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Well in parliament, there are many Ministers who are women, there are fair amount of women who are MPs.
[12:17 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
In the workforce, there are fair amount of women in the executive positions.
[12:17 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[12:17 pm, 21/09/2020] +: More needs to be done
[12:17 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Maybe also to help the man be less bullied if he lost his job and his wife is now paying the bills. His wife should not stare so hard at him and embrace gender equality??
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:18 pm, 21/09/2020] +: That doesn't translate to the ratio in industries. In fact, there should be more information from fellow G2ers on how things are like in their industries
[12:20 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I don't see any glaring discrimination against women in jobs or in society.
At least, it didn't come across to my dealings with women whether in jobs or in any social settings.
I accord equal respect to man and woman.
[12:20 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 🤷🏻♂️
That’s is social inequality, as you have a better future we are more open to give the person a second chance as suppose to have a better chance in life. Than a academic lower person.
[12:21 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yahoo Singapore News
Why is Singapore's COVID-19 death rate the world's lowest
John Geddie and Aradhana Aravindan
Reuters September 17, 2020
Singapore has the lowest coronavirus case fatality count globally, with just 27 deaths among the more than 57,000 people who have been infected with COVID-19 in the Southeast Asian island.
Singapore has managed to mitigate the spread of the virus via early detection using aggressive contact tracing and testing that won praise from the World Health Organization (WHO).
It has swabbed nearly 900,000 people, more than 15% of its 5.7 million population, according to official data - one of the highest per capita rates globally.
[6:30 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend comments :-
(1) UK targets to do 100000 tests per day.
(2) What it means is that the longer we delay aggressive testing the more we have to do to catch up because the silent spread is exponential on a daily basis.
(3) In mar south Korea started aggressive testing on a scale of 10000 per day. Our DMS on the contrary said yield little result.
(4) But every asymptomatic case that slip by can turn into a thousand cases in 10days. When it quietly spread until beyond control, we are finished.
(5) Really hope sg is doing aggressive testing.
My comments :-
(1) Yes. Your suggestion of aggressive testing is the right strategy to weed out the unlink cases in Singapore - which remain a stealth reservoir in the Community that are stealthly and silently infecting unsuspecting people in the Community.
My close friend response :-
(1) It's about maximising outcomes, minimising disasters. unless we are poor and cannot afford it. Economic shut costs much much more.
My comments :-
(1) Aggressive testings is the right approach, but to test all 5.6 million residents in Singapore at one go - is a very challenging and daunting tasks.
(2) Thus we need to priorities our testing,
[12:21 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yahoo Singapore News
Why is Singapore's COVID-19 death rate the world's lowest
John Geddie and Aradhana Aravindan
Reuters September 17, 2020
Singapore has the lowest coronavirus case fatality count globally, with just 27 deaths among the more than 57,000 people who have been infected with COVID-19 in the Southeast Asian island.
Singapore has managed to mitigate the spread of the virus via early detection using aggressive contact tracing and testing that won praise from the World Health Organization (WHO).
It has swabbed nearly 900,000 people, more than 15% of its 5.7 million population, according to official data - one of the highest per capita rates globally.
Dormitory residents have been put on a rostered testing regime, authorities have undertaken mass testing among vulnerable communities like care homes, and anyone over 13 with signs of acute respiratory infection is offered a free test.
"The more we diagnose, then the lower the mortality rate is," said Hsu Li Yang at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at National University of Singapore.
[6:30 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend response :-
(1) It's about maximising outcomes, minimising disasters. unless we are poor and cannot afford it. Economic shut costs much much more.
My comments :-
(1) Aggressive testings is the right approach, but to test all 5.6 million residents in Singapore at one go - is a very challenging and daunting tasks.
(2) Thus we need to priorities our testing, I suggest that :-
a. Batch 1 - Dorms for foreign workers are now undergoing aggressive testing. Majority of the infected people have been identified.
b. Batch 2 - Foreign workers outside the dorms are undergoing tests now concurrently - and this form the 2nd largest group after the dorms reported every day.
c. Batch 3 --- Note :- the community local transmission and the unlink cases that are reported everyday --- are coming from this group.
But this group are all the residents in Singapore - citizens, PRs, Long Term Pass Holders. --- which form about 3 to 4 million people.
To conduct aggressive testings to this large pool of people to weed out the 30 to 20 over cases --- will be a challenge.
So I suggest we do the following :-
(i) Batch 3a - Test all essential workers that are working now - as some unlink cases come from this batch - about 300,000 workers.
Batch 3b - Test all nursing homes - where some unlink cases - have been uncovered through this batch - number unknown - but not a big number, I guess.
Batch 3c - Test all pre-school students and staff who will be attending pre-school once circuit breaker ends - as some cases also come from this batch - number unknown --- but i guess quite a big number.
Batch 3d - Test all workers that will be going to work for non-essential services when circuit breakers end - as few cases are reported from this group - a big number - potentially about 1 to 2 million workers?
Batch 3e - Test all school going children eg. primary, secondary, JCs, IHLs - that need to go to schools and pose a risk of cross infection - before circuit breaker ends - potentially about 1 to 2 million students?
(ii) Note :- by testing all the Batch 3a to 3e ---- if there is any discovered cases --- their family members or those living with them or come into with them will be tested --- and these will have weed out the unlink cases.
(iii) Can we take the risk of not testing all those staying at home --- yes i think we can --- because if the above batches are tested - with no infection - very likely that those stay at home are not infected.
(iv) If anyone of the tested batchs have people infected, then likely that those stay with them will be infected - and this stay at home can be tested.
(v) Believe in this way --- we have a systematic aggressive way of testings to weed out all the unlink cases in the Community.
My close friend contribution :-
Pleased to see that community cases are dropping. The next step is enlarged the test criteria for the community to institute testing for
(1) those under quarantined/SHN before lifting their movement restrictions. When the community cases start to clear up, there is no reason to release those close contacts without testing them.
(2) occupationally higher-risk groups should be tested once they showed symptoms e.g. Public facing personnel, healthcare support workers etc
The foreign workers new cases appear to be sliding but the absolute number is still high means infection rate potentially still very fast. There will be some way to go before we see lower numbers. Once the symptomatic workers are segregated, we can practise random testing supposedly healthy group to check on the infection rate. E.g.. Sample x number of workers everyday picking from different floors and different blocks to monitor the infection level.
[12:21 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Tourism companies preparing strategies to benefit from SingapoRediscovers vouchers
By Ang Hwee Min
18 Sep 2020 06:15AM (Updated: 18 Sep 2020 06:53AM)
Tour operators CNA spoke to said they are expecting more business from the vouchers, launched to support the local tourism industry, which has been battered by COVID-19.
“It is important that all hotels or attractions curate packages that will attract and draw the local consumers so that they can benefit from the SingapoRediscovers campaign.”
The hotel also plans to allow the vouchers to be used and stacked for all package bookings, which offer food, spa treatments and a staycation within the room.
During the “circuit breaker” period, Mr Loh and his team got together to prepare to resume operations with new programmes targeted at locals. When they were allowed to reopen their tours in July, the tour company launched a programme to tour a kelong, or traditional fishing platform, and the response has been “pretty good”, he added.
“People are just trying to find ways to do something in Singapore. Everyone is bored, nobody can travel, so what are we going to do? So most probably either staycation or going on tours,” he added.
She attributes this to divers who cannot travel overseas amid the pandemic but want to continue their hobby. Cuddlefish Divers also offers the open water diver course, conducted in Singapore.
“I think the vouchers would really help draw Singaporeans that are currently all stuck in Singapore to maybe pick up something new,” said Ms Pek.
In adapting to safe management measures, the company obtained approval to take 15 people out to diving spots on a boat. The group is further divided into smaller groups of five, and relegated to different areas of the boat after their temperatures are taken. Their details are also captured for contact tracing purposes.
[6:09 pm, 17/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) Singaporeans and Residents will have the tendency to book for a tour - after 1 year of hard work and solid study to relieve stress.
(2) What does Singaporeans actually do :-
a. Book a tour to foreign Countries - so can fly and enjoy the flight.
b. Guided or un-guided tour - to see tourist spots, beaches, shopping centres, eat in restaurants, go nightspots to enjoy music etc.
(3) Now covid-19 hit, what is the impact :-
a. Want to fly to enjoy flight meal, in-flight entertainment --- don't have --- because many Countries lockdown - don't allow casual tourists - cannot fly - "peh ce".
b. Want to go tourist spots to take picture, go beaches to relax, swim, canoing, go shopping to buy souvernirs or other luxuries good, eat seafood, gourmet, steak, sashimi etc, go to pubs to enjoy music, or go karaoke etc --- cannot - "peh ce".
So how? Boring, "peh ce", stress, frustrated, nowhere to go....
(1) Then come "Toursim voucher - the Superman" - $100 tourism voucher.
(2) If SIA, Silkair and Scoots are smart --- it will have coordinate the following :-
a. Economy, Business and First Class Flight to nowhere ---- at a good rate --- throw in with flight meal, in-flight entertainment and airport check-in, check-out ---- as if like going for an overseas tour.
b. Arrange with tourist spots companies :-
i. Eg. For beach, in Sentosa, RWS universal studio, check-in in hotels, organised tours in Sentosa various tourist spots. (For atas high class that can afford higher price local tourists. Then arrange for meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner in hotel, restaurants and some other gourmet eating places.
ii. Eg. for city tours, check in to Marina Sands, check-in hotels, organised city tours to see museum, Merlion, and other city tourist sites - for atas high price local tourist. Then arrange for meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner in hotel, restaurants and some other gourmet eating places.
iii. Eg. visit to zoo, bird park, har par villa, tree-top hiking, bukit timah reserve etc for those who prefer wildlife and adventure - mid range affordable local tourists.
Since local cannot book overseas tour but can only tour at home --- the above arrangement can reboot air flight tours, and tourist spots --- and the $100 tourism vouchers will also trigger locals to spend more when exceeded the $100.
But while doing the above local tours, wear masks, social distancing measures, personal hygiene, do not eat by sharing utensils etc must be observed.
[12:21 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Straits Times
Businesses can collaborate to extend tourism vouchers' impact: Experts
PUBLISHED SEP 17, 2020, 5:00 AM SGT
How effective spending credits will be in boosting the tourism sector will depend on a range of factors, including the willingness of operators to collaborate and come up with new ideas, observers say.
Retailers and eateries will also benefit as more venture out on tours or visits to attractions, Mr Tan noted.
Dr Wong King Yin, a marketing lecturer at Nanyang Technological University, said the vouchers' impact will depend on consumers' willingness to spend beyond the $100.
But if businesses can come up with creative ways to woo locals, the vouchers can act as a catalyst for more spending.
Personal preferences and economic sentiment will also be factors in how consumers choose to use their credits and dig into their wallets, Dr Wong said.
[6:01 pm, 16/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
There are few ways to boost Economic Growth and improve our GDP :-
1. Trade - export and import (3 times our size of GDP)
2. Consumer Consumption and Spendings
3. Business Investment
4. Government Spendings
GDP = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
Currently, overseas traveller consumer spendings is close to zero as overseas lockdown overseas travelling --- thus there is a need to reboot our tourism sector to boost consumer spendings.
Thus Government has activated 4. Government Spendings of $320 million to boost the tourism sector.
Singaporeans who use the $320 million will visit the tourist spots - and spend their private savings to buy food, drinks and souvenir - for their family - assume another $320 million.
So in total a business activities of $640 million is created.
As tourist business, F&B and souvenir retail earn profit - Government will received revenues as tax - eg. GST, tax on profit etc ---- amount unknown x dollars.
F&B, souvenir retail need to buy the raw materials, goods and ingredients from suppliers - it will generate the amount unknown y dollars.
So in total Government expenditure of $320 million - has created a multiplier effects through circular flow of income :-
GDP = $320 million + $320 million + x + y
So this toursim voucher achieve the "economic objective" of rebooting the tourism business sector (it is not a social objective).
[12:23 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Would be great if we can one day have female chief justice, attorney general, police/scdf commissioner.
[12:24 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Not forgetting foreign minister, trade and industry, home affairs.
[12:26 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Adding head of the civil service.
[12:27 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I am sure if there is a right fit, women will not be pass over.
We have to be mindful that women upon marriage are bearing babies and there will be period when motherhood become predominant.
[12:30 pm, 21/09/2020] +: With due consideration
[12:30 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
In fact, I feel that Singapore should pay more attention to prevent social inequality across social status - the have and the have not.
Such discrimination is more obvious.
[12:32 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Concur
[12:32 pm, 21/09/2020] +: There is a certain “industry” that is treated with contempt, and it is mostly occupied by women. People have the innate belief that this group of women are stupid, ignorant and gullible. This group of women are known are homemakers.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:34 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Whoever thinks that is dumb are dumb themselves omg!
[12:34 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Depending on individual, if a person display competence, talk sense, display knowledge - who in the right mind will say the women are gullible or ignorant?
This also applies to men.
[12:35 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Out of interest what are the official stats for the number of women in Parliament and the number of Women Ministers? and how does that number relate the the ratio of men and women in society?
[12:36 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Are there any stats to this or is it opinion? I'm only asking because I can't find any stats on this and I'm not sure what is considered 'fair'.
[12:37 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Don't know.
I don't have the official stats.
Also it doesn't depends on hard figures.
It depends on whether more women want to join politics compare to men.
[12:36 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Husbands who have affairs and then threaten to throw their wives out of their families and denying access rights to the children, or become abusive. This group of women are vulnerable.
[12:37 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Agree
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:37 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Another part is how the law treats such cases - and whether there are any cases of injustice
[12:39 pm, 21/09/2020] +: To address some issue like nurse you ask for gender equally or not for guys in nursing 🤣🤣
[12:39 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Agreed - this is part of the problem that we need to address. It's detrimental to both men and women to fall back on these Gender stereotypes
[12:39 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Gender equally many is for white collar not for technician level or hard labour
[12:39 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I have read 2 articles from MSM and these 2 articles like to use home makers as examples of people who spread fake news. It’s an insinuation that home makers are stupid, ignorant and gullible.
[12:42 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Parenthood is a shared responsibility, women should not be penalised for having children and we as a society should create a supportive environment whereby careers are not curtailed.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:42 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Actually some are lah but I am sure majority isn't, it's always the case that the smaller population becomes the bad image of the larger population
[12:43 pm, 21/09/2020] +: One social worker had shared with me of one case she had worked on: it was a woman who was abused by her husband. Eventually she was killed by her husband. This social worker also told me that the police will not intervene in domestic abuse cases unless there is serious injury or death, which means by the time they intervene it can be too late.
[12:43 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes, this is a topic as well to be discussed when REACH asks that. Right now we are discussing Gender Inequality.
[12:44 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Law needs to be amended on intervention criteria!
[12:44 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Construction will see more men because they are stronger and can carry heavy stuff.
Nursing, women are more attentive and meticulous and it suit women better.
I don't think this is gender inequality.
It is more like which gender is a better fit.
I don't think we deliberately create such job inequality.
[12:45 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes, which interestingly is probably the most challenging, unsupported, unpaid yet most important role in society. Homemakers bring up the next generation. They create a comfortable safe and rewarding environment yet spend much time alone dealing with tedious tasks.
[12:45 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Agree
[12:46 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Ok, you made a statement saying there is a fair number. How did you determine that? Also, this is a hard number. How many MPs and how many Ministers and what does that represent across society?
[12:47 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
As good as saying if REACH don't ask, this topic will never be mentioned not even to talk about discuss.
[12:48 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I think the point here is that men and women should have a choice and not be denied opportunity to work in either field. Nor should they be judged or made to feel inadequate by their choice.
[12:49 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Not at all, we often introduce new topics and that's fine. There is a lot of traffic on this topic however so good to keep momentum!
[12:50 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I doubt there's any law to discriminate against men or women from entering any professions.
That's why I didn't see any gender discrimination or inequality per se in Singapore.
[12:50 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[12:52 pm, 21/09/2020] +: That's good to hear. I'm not sure that's true though. You cannot hire a male FDW for example. However, we are also discussing attitudes as much as the law. Do you have a view about female construction workers? or Male nurses?
[12:52 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Also, can women register for NS? Is there a law on that?
[12:53 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I have no discrimination if a female want to do construction or a male want to do nursing.
[12:54 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Ok great, because this earlier statement seemed like you do: "Construction will see more men because they are stronger and can carry heavy stuff.
Nursing, women are more attentive and meticulous and it suit women better."
[12:54 pm, 21/09/2020] +: you say that women are more attentive and meticulous than men. That's quite a discriminatory statement to make.
[12:54 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why if I don't see any glaring discrimination against gender inequality takes place - why divert our attention and resources away from more pertinent issues that need to be tackle?
This is my point.
[12:56 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Half empty, half full - depends on how the person interpret the statement.
Even if a good meaning statement - some people can twist it to be discriminatory.
[12:56 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I'm going back to work so cannot add more at this stage. Danny, no offence but you made a number of statements that clearly demonstrate a discriminatory attitude, and you wish to move the conversation somewhere else. You may not see the gender inequality which indicates we need to do more in society to educate people. That's half the battle.
[12:57 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Contrary to what you say, all my writing points to the fact that I treat man and woman equally.
You say otherwise, and I can't change you.
[1:00 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If man is stronger than women which is a scientific fact - and you say this statement is discriminatory.
Then define in science why man is not stronger than women in bone mass and strength?
[1:12 pm, 21/09/2020] +: About 6,700 opportunities offered in food sector since April amid COVID-19 pandemic: MOM
Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 800 companies in the food sector have offered about 6,700 opportunities in jobs, traineeships and training places since April.
Of these, 5,420 have been for jobs, of which 2,070 (about 38 per cent) have been for professional, manager, executive and technician (PMET) roles. These include roles such as food technologists, chefs and business development managers.
[1:14 pm, 21/09/2020] +: S'pore residents begin collecting 2 free reusable masks each from Temasek
A fourth nationwide mask distribution exercise is underway to help protect against Covid-19.
Singapore residents are able to collect two reusable masks each using their Government-issued ID from Monday (Sept 21).
Residents may collect on behalf of their family members and friends, by bringing and scanning the barcodes of their respective government-issued IDs.
The collection of masks will span a two-week period and will last until Oct 4.
Jimmy Chew
[1:24 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 2? I just did mine. They dispense one
[1:24 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 1 packet, got 2 pc inside right
[1:32 pm, 21/09/2020] +:

Kra canal
[1:56 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Too many stake holder the project will fail
[1:56 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Agree
[1:56 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Don't know but a real threat to us.
[1:56 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Been on the drawing board for donkeys years!
[1:56 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes threat was there for many years but they cannot decide on many issues
[1:56 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Hence the delay
[1:57 pm, 21/09/2020] +: The sea and the land too many countries involve and stakes on many sides hard to split the profit and spending
[1:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Unless China force them to agree if not this will not go through even though everyone know is good for them
[1:59 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
US and India jump into the fray.
So not only China play.
[1:59 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Then very unlike to happen Liao 🤣
[2:00 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
How come?
[2:00 pm, 21/09/2020] +: All have different interest.
[2:01 pm, 21/09/2020] +: For many big players to agree unless they really think for the greater good 🤣
[2:01 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore will have some trouble Liao if it happen haiz
[2:01 pm, 21/09/2020] +: But many still SG have more issue
[2:02 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
More players more money to build.
[2:02 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[2:05 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend say:-
Always a threat. Now on warmer days ships can travel thru arctic waters also bypass us
[2:06 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Lol that one not very safe so many still won’t choose that route
[2:06 pm, 21/09/2020] +: You need special ship for that route
[2:06 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Thought this is the more pertinent issues to address.
Our air hub is threaten by covid.
Now our sea hub is threaten by such development.
And it means job, job, job are threaten.
[2:07 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Agree
Jimmy Chew
[2:08 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yeah
[2:09 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Here's the discussion how to preserve our sea hub and protect our jobs:-
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes. We need to provide good customer service (eg. MRO, bunkering, cost competitiveness, fast turnaround etc) in our ports, good connection with customer countries, good connectivity to many ports, allow shippers to own our mega berths in Tuas etc.
Only then we can attract ships to come to our ports.
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
No chance to relax
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Also important for us to do digital business, have many MNCs and regional hub in our country with business dealings with regional countries and the world, then ships will have to come to our ports and visit other ports.
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes we must always stay vigilance.
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Ships cannot bypass us and go via Arctic or kra canal because they need to load and unload goods in our ports and ports in Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
They have their own ports and wanting to compete with ua
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: us
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why we must be the regional hub where their ships must come to load and unload goods from our ports.
We also a financial hubs where we provide finance, loans and insurance - thus all ships will have to come to our ports.
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
We must be also good trans intermediate shipping ports.
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
As we have many FTA with so many countries, our trade is more than $1 trillion.
Thus ships must come to our ports to load and unload goods.
[2:10 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Also we have port management system where many shippers use our system to manage ships departure and arrival, approval, cargo loading and unloading information, need for servicing, maintenance, refuel, insurance, finance, refill, etc.
Thus with all in one service - many ships will want to berth in our ports.
This is the virtual ports that I coin long time back.
[2:12 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Was about to talk about that lol.. it s not easy to replace us so fast take 10 year at least so we have time to think even after they finish building
[2:12 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Our port speed and FTA is still a pull factor
[2:12 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Hence Malaysia still can’t win us although so near
[2:13 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why we must have foresight to always stay ahead - to protect our rice bowl.
[2:13 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[2:13 pm, 21/09/2020] +: If not Klang would have replace us long ago
[2:13 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[2:15 pm, 21/09/2020] +: The port location still very far... Tuas will cause many don’t want to work there
[2:15 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Is so much further than Jurong island 🤦♂️
[2:17 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Transport, infrastructure, food and amenities needed to complement.
[2:17 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Last time port at PSA so near now 🤦♂️
[2:21 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Danny Lum
Solutions:- Broad Concepts and Approaches 07 Jul 2019
(1) Build core and multiple layers of concentric rings of Economic ties, deals and Agreements --- layer by layer (starting from our core, the nearest neighbors and ripple all the way out) ---- in Multi-lateral Trade Deals and Agreements. Eg. ASEAN regional integration, RCEP, BRI, CPTPP etc.(铁桶阵)。
(2) Maintain and enhanve all our current bilateral FTAs - with all the Countries to build "spoke and hub" to our "Core and Concentric Rings of Economic trade deals" --- we will have a very big "hub or core". Eg. Sing-US FTA, Sing-China FTA, Sing-India FTA, Sing-Japan FTA, Sing-Australia FTA, Sing-S Korea FTA, Sing-EU FTA, Sing-New Zealand FTA, Sing-Russia and Central Asia FTA, Sing-Africa FTA etc.
(3) Maintain and enhance current Regional and Global Supply chain and build new Regional and Global Supply Chain - with all like minded stakeholders.
We can potentially build 5 resilience Regional and Global Supply Chains - to ensure resiliency namely :-
(i) ASEAN Centrality - regional supply chain
(ii) RCEP Asia Pacific - regional supply chain
(iii) CPTPP - Global (skeleton) supply chain - that can beef up with more members - currently linking Asia, N America and S America - champion by Japan.
(iv) BRI silk routes (land and sea) - new Global Supply Chain (champion by China) - where Singapore also play a very active role
(v) The current clobbled Global Supply Chain - that trade with US.
(4) Make our workforce useful and tune in to all the various stakeholders - and make our business, workers useful and can tap opportunities that come out from the adversity.
Solutions to Problem 1-
This is called :- 第一招。万法归心。
All route back to the Heart with this principle :-
"Friends with All.
Adversaries with None.
Build mutual benefits with Win-Win Outcomes."
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Danny Lum
Solution - 3 steps process
(1) Plug nodes into critical market and ports - through joint projects, investments, joint ventures, industrial park, joint R&D etc. Eg. Chongqing CCI, Greater Bay Area in Guangdong and HK ports, Shanghai ports in Yangtze Delta, Vietnam ports, ASEAN ports, Indonesia ports, Australia ports, New Zealand ports, India ports etc ---- will be critical for us to link all them up by "smart precise investment and joint projects".
(2) Build virtual connectivity via Digitial Economy, market access, friendship, business contact, trade deals and agreements, trade, business, travel etc. ASEAN centrality, RCEP, CPTPP, BRI, Singapore FTA with India, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore FTA with China, Singapore FTA with Russia etc.
(3) Build up critical cores of port facilities, warehousing, logistic chain, transport connectivity, port-of-call, bunker facilities, all-in-one services, MRO etc - and link up with Step 1 and Step 2. ---- as well as with our FTA with EU, US, Africa, India, Russia, Africa etc ---- that will ensure they will ply into Singapore ports.
Solutions to Problem 2-
This is called :-
第二招 - 色是空,空是色。
- build physical nodes, and achieve integration with virtual connectivity and integration,
- through virtual connectivity - build physical maritime routes and physical connectivity back to Singapore ports.
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[2:23 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Ships will need to go pass straits of Singapore to Indian Ocean where Tuas mega ports is located.
To human traveling to Tuas is far but all ships must go pass Tuas.
[2:24 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes, but we need people to work there... so either they pay a lot higher or dedicated transport to go there
[2:25 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If our sea hub is vibrant and can create high pay jobs - should be no problem.
But if our ports are bypass - then we will have no jobs and no pay.
[2:25 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[2:26 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Shipping is still the main mode of transport that won’t change till flight is cheaper or we found very cheap fuel for airplane
[2:26 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Also keppel ports in CBD areas can be transformed into high value business and residential areas - very good use of our limited space.
[2:27 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's why we need to protect our sea hub and jobs.
[2:47 pm, 21/09/2020] +:
[2:49 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Singapore-made COVID-19 swab test robot could reduce healthcare workers' risk of infection
A self-administered robot that automates the taking of COVID-19 swab tests has been developed in Singapore, helping to reduce healthcare workers' risk of exposure to the coronavirus.
The robot helps address the limitations of manual COVID-19 swab tests by reducing the need for trained manpower, standardising the consistency of the swabs taken and "providing greater throughput" of swab tests as the robot does not suffer from fatigue, the three groups said in a press release on Monday (Sep 21).
[2:50 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Great
[2:51 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Oh no lesser job for people...
I wonder all those covid related job what will they do after that 😅
[2:53 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Go back to where they were - eg pilot, air steward or stewardess, or their trained professions when global economy recovers, I guess.
[2:53 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I don’t think majority are airline related
[2:54 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Whatever trained professions in which they come from.
[2:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 🤭
[2:59 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I wouldn’t trust a robot to insert anything inside me
[3:04 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Likewise
Jimmy Chew
[3:06 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Knee operations I heard now is automated
[3:07 pm, 21/09/2020] +: To address the issue of gender disparity, the traditional roles must change. it is not true equality if a woman is expected to focus on the family and if she can excel at work, it's a bonus. true equality cuts both ways. just as a woman can stay at home and expect her husband to maintain her, likewise true equality means a man can stay at home as a homemaker and the wife has to maintain him.
I've seen references to the $200 difference in starting salaries for guys. with all respect, i think that's a fair compensation to give for the 2 additional years that the boys have given to the state and it's a fair starting position. but the reality, and imho the true gender disparity, is that all things being equal, a female is paid less than her male counterpart. According to some studies conducted in the US, the difference is around 30%. I haven't looked at the local stats so i can't comment. This, in my view, is where the true issue lies and not that $200.
And lastly, may i say that it's damn discriminatory for interviewers to ask a female candidate "are you married, do you have kids, do you plan to have kids". These questions are not asked of the men. I think MOM had issued some guidelines regarding this, but this is still being asked on the pretext of "friendly conversation".
[3:08 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Agree on the NS pay difference and your last point.
[3:13 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Good points. On the NS $200 question, yes fair to give NS people extra, but that automatically discriminates against women because only men are conscripted. Secondly it should be illegal to ask men or women about marriage and children as it may cause discrimination against their hiring chances. That is EU law too. Singapore could look to EU for better equality laws.
[3:14 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Good point on the EU law.
[3:15 pm, 21/09/2020] +: i'm ok with that additional $200, cos i mean, it's kinda like work experience right? if girls can be conscripted for nursing/healthcare, why not? that's one way of balancing out between genders too
[3:16 pm, 21/09/2020] +: and yes, totally 150% agree on making it illegal to ask about marriage and children!
[3:17 pm, 21/09/2020] +: my personal experience is that when i say i'm married and no i don't have children, the next question that comes is "why". there was one interview where i totally didn't click, and i went "why do you ask?". this guy said "oh, i assume you're married it's natural to have children". 😡😡😡😡
[3:19 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Rude interviewer!
[3:20 pm, 21/09/2020] +: very!!!!! i was so pissed
[3:24 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 🤦♂️🤦♂️ oh my....
[3:29 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Just say personal choice
[3:29 pm, 21/09/2020] +: That will shut them up
[3:37 pm, 21/09/2020] +: the point is that this question shouldn't even have come up in the first place and wouldn't even have come up if i was a guy....
[3:39 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Legislate this with appropriate penalties!
[3:40 pm, 21/09/2020] +: oh oh!! the best statement i got (not from an interviewer but from another senior management person). "you know ah, god commanded us to go forth, be fruitful and multiply...." i can't remember when exactly it was, but it was a networking event for sure, cos i finished off the whole glass of wine just so that i could walk away to get another glass.
[3:40 pm, 21/09/2020] +: What an idiot!
[3:41 pm, 21/09/2020] +: yah, the kind of stupid statements i got over the years....
[3:42 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Singapore reports 31 new COVID-19 cases, including 9 imported
Singapore reported 31 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Sep 21), including nine imported infections, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its daily preliminary report.
No new community cases were reported. All imported cases had been placed on stay-home notice upon their arrival in Singapore, said MOH.
More details of the cases will be given on Monday night, the ministry said.
[3:53 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Upward trend started.
Singapore should also make it compulsory for those non-Singaporean’s coming back to have clearance of Covid swab test before flying.
[3:55 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[3:57 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Some dorms got more infection and some less.
[3:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: true
[3:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: but also depends
[3:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: if the job requires lots of OT
[3:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: they might ask even if guy
[3:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: like do you have kids?
[3:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: how old are they? etc
[4:00 pm, 21/09/2020] +: The composition of this taskforce already shows gender inequality with 0 males in its leadership. Is this about feminism, woman's rights or about really about equality?
Shouldn't the focus be on equal opportunities instead of the focus on gender equality, which potentially make "gender" a political issue and can split future voters?
Is "gender equality" implying less than equal opportunities for women or for men? If it is about gender equality, should women be asked to serve compulsory national service too? Can men be "stay at home homemaker" too?
Blue and White Flag Guy
[4:00 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Perhaps they want to assess if the person is able to balance work and life properly so whatever they do, they don't end up becoming a liability to the company - harsh facts unfortunately
[4:00 pm, 21/09/2020] +: and next question "is your wife working"...... if not working, then it becomes a non-issue.
[4:03 pm, 21/09/2020] +: perhaps, but that shouldn't be the assessment. because anyone can have family commitments come up unexpectedly, eg a parent falling ill. so to me, it doesn't matter. you apply for this job, you need to be able to pull your weight. otherwise your evaluation shows and your bonus/your job is on the line. that's the equality, you assess on the results and not what you think this person can or cannot do because of his/her family circumstances.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[4:04 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes but those are sporadic as compared to the "usual routine" that you would already have been sticking to
[4:13 pm, 21/09/2020] +: if it's usual routine for this person to become a "liability" to the company, then the problem is this person and not the fact that this person has/doesn't have a kid, has/doesn't have a sick parent, or whatever reason there is.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[4:14 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I afraid you have misunderstood the meaning of my message. What I mean is that the employer has the prejudice to enquire about one's personal life to a certain extent to assess his/her potential management of worklife balance. So of course, employers might most definitely prefer applicants who can dedicate themselves to the company as much as possible.
[4:16 pm, 21/09/2020] +: ah i see. yes, i see your point that employers always want the best worker they can get for what they're paying. best if this guy can take a bullet for them. 🤭
Blue and White Flag Guy
[4:16 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yeah it's the good old employers' prejudice

[4:47 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore is negotiating with US to place one of our air force detachment in Guam.
[4:50 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Actually I detest all these questions too. Just like how when I was single employers give leave priority to parents with kids.
[4:50 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Correct
[4:51 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Wth!?
[4:51 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Why can’t single have work life balance too? Like that keep OT how to find gf and married? Lol
[4:51 pm, 21/09/2020] +: And gov still scratching head how come our TFR is so low
[4:51 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yah lor. They got family but like macham our parents grandparents not family?
[4:52 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Haiz
[4:53 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[4:53 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I really dunno what to say
[4:53 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Got to take into account as part of our risk assessment.
Because NK is known to fire one or 2 missiles ( can be nuclear head) into Guam.
Residents there are say to have jump into manhole to take cover.
[4:53 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Chin too has its sights on guam!
[4:53 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Unfortunately many employers have preconceived notions about people who are married with kids and those who aren’t
Jimmy Chew
[4:54 pm, 21/09/2020] +: That's not fair practice 🤠
[4:54 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes both China and NK are targeting Guam.
[4:54 pm, 21/09/2020] +: "you just marry and pop babies. Paktor is not on our kpi!" 🤣
[4:55 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 😅😂😃😱😨
[4:56 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
H6 are strategic nuclear bombers.
[4:56 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yah, dunno how to react to that right?? 🤣🤣🤣
[4:58 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Hawaii is not targeted, but the distance are too far for F35 to fly back and need mid-air refuelling.
[4:58 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[4:59 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Correct unless they have submarines lurking in international waters off the Hawaiian coast
[5:00 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Guam strategically is a right place in terms of distance, training and placement.
But geopolitical tension will also put our detachment under the nuclear radar.
[5:00 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:00 pm, 21/09/2020] +: In before Megan lurks around and reminds us to focus on the topic again
[5:01 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Submarine cannot do precise targeting on fighters plane.
We are safe.
[5:02 pm, 21/09/2020] +: That i agree
[5:03 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 🤨 yah try to focus on the topic ok :D
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:03 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Ah lai liao
[5:03 pm, 21/09/2020] +: How come from gender equality become pew pew
[5:05 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Hahahaha wrong war
[5:05 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes I know
[5:06 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Sometimes I really facepalm some employers when they talk like that 🤦🏻♂️
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:06 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Not their kpi so why they so kpo 🤭
[5:07 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Discussion on war ended liao.
Now can talk gender equality liao.
Gender equality won't take lives, war take lives.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:08 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Humans will find a way to create wars when wars don't exist in that time period - and this war can happen anywhere in society, it doesn't have to be geopolitical
[5:09 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
But the frequency and intensity of tension will make it more likely to happen - if this is not foresight --- like someone say must have "foresight mah".
[5:08 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Talking about gender equality, don’t need to look so far. Just look at CareShield Life can already. My wife who is younger than me of 4 years paying higher premium. Thank goodness guys lifespan shorter than women. Hurhurhur
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:10 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Oh so this is about "foresight"? You still not happy? Eh you not that young liao, cannot tell you to grow up liao okay?
[5:13 pm, 21/09/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Huh? How come foresight equate with not happy?
[5:12 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Cos we got women's cancer, we live longer, and premiums calculated by blokes. 🤭
[5:13 pm, 21/09/2020] +: That was discuss previously lor what gender equality 🤦♂️
[5:14 pm, 21/09/2020] +: When premium already different for different gender rather than by Singaporean
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:14 pm, 21/09/2020] +: I think ultimately there will still be some degree of inequality but that will be negligible because scientifically speaking, the genders are still different after all
But I believe the main issue lies with employer perception
[5:15 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Can’t have compulsory for all working adult then it will spread out the premium
[5:15 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 😅😂😃
[5:15 pm, 21/09/2020] +: Yes
[5:16 pm, 21/09/2020] +: 🤷♀️
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