Thursday, September 10, 2020

 REACH 138 - Use TraceTogether Token (SK)

11 Sep 2020 (12pm - 8pm)


[12:54 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Dear REACH contributors,

Welcome back! ☺️ 

⏰ Our chat will be open until 7pm today.

Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group. 🙏🏼

The topic will be posted shortly.

- Megan


[1:00 pm, 11/09/2020] +: 📢Topic📢

Do you plan to make the TraceTogether token part of you and your family’s daily lives as we guard against COVID-19?

While local community transmission is currently low, we cannot let our guard down. To ensure a calibrated safe reopening activities, strategies such as the enhancement of the TraceTogether programme. 

The Government will commence nationwide distribution of TraceTogether tokens starting next Monday, as Singapore strengthens its contact tracing network in preparation for allowing larger gatherings while it opens up further. 


+ changed this group's settings to allow all participants to send messages to this group.


[1:03 pm, 11/09/2020] +: yes!👍🏻 because i think it's going to be more so much convenient. looking forward

[1:04 pm, 11/09/2020] +: +1

[1:05 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yes

[1:05 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Must make everyone wear it. If not defeat the purpose of giving to all


[1:05 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 


TraceTogether tokens to be issued to Singapore residents; some SafeEntry points will require visitors to use TraceTogether to check in

By Rachel Phua @RachelPhuaCNA

09 Sep 2020 06:59PM(Updated: 09 Sep 2020 07:40PM)

The Government will distribute TraceTogether tokens to all Singapore residents from Sep 14, as authorities aim to enhance the existing contact tracing regime with a new system.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on Wednesday (Sep 9) that it will pilot the deployment of SafeEntry that requires the use of either the TraceTogether app or token to check in at venues.

“Supplementing SafeEntry with proximity data from TT (TraceTogether) will enhance safety for participants, as they will be ensured of coverage under the TT programme,” MOH wrote in their press release. 


[6:14 pm, 14/06/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

1. There's no financial incentives to hack a Bluetooth token as there are no sensitive user bank credentials to be stolen.

2. Apps stored in the token is encrypted. Even if hack and stolen is not useful to the hackers.

3. No financial loss to public users.

4. That's why I support the Bluetooth token.


[1:06 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Straits Times

Singapore researchers develop 'smart mask' that can monitor signs associated with Covid-19

10 Sep 2020

Local scientists have developed an integrated monitoring system that can be easily attached to any face mask in order to monitor the wearer for health indicators associated with Covid-19.

Sensors pick up skin temperature, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure and heart rate - all of which are parameters associated with coronaviruses.

Professor Loh Xian Jun, who is one of the scientists behind the invention, told The Straits Times on Thursday (Sept 10) that the inspiration for the system came around the circuit breaker period.

They are also working on adding another sensor to the mask to detect and analyse various particles in saliva droplets.


[2:10 pm, 14/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

(1) This could be a game-changer in face mask.

(2) The face mask can behave like a test kit - to detect well but undetected infected person.

(3) Wonder if ST Engineering that produce face mask collaborate with A*Star or equivalent medical R&D lab produce such a face mask - where the sensor light up upon detection of covid-19 virus.

(4) The person with lit up sensor - indicate infection - and can be immediately send for treatment - and this will prevent community spreading.


[1:06 pm, 11/09/2020] +: 👍🏻👍🏻


[1:08 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Straits Times

Nearly 75% of Singapore firms accelerating digitalisation due to Covid-19

PUBLISHED SEP 10, 2020, 10:00 AM SGT

Mr Wo said: " Organisations had to switch to digital as the pandemic provided a strong impetus for them to act immediately, so whatever barriers they had previously had to be removed. Pre-Covid, organisations in Singapore always had digital on their agenda but their approach to innovation was more of an evolved journey - experimenting and adjusting along the way."


[2:52 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---

Part (2a) Promote other Bright Economic Sectors - to stimulate Economic Activities and grow GDP

But there are bright Economic Sectors that we can promote - to beef up the Economic Activities to keep the Circular Flow of Income going - and stir the multiplier effects :-

1. Medical, Pharmaceutical sector - produce more medicine (like vaccine, treatment drugs), medical equipment (eg. face masks, gloves, PPE, ventilators, swab, test kits, portable test booth, rapid test kits etc).

2. Healthcare sector - as more healthcare personnel are needed to fight the current virus pandemic, more jobs can be created for displaced workers by training them and put them into healthcare jobs as well as health support jobs.

3. IT (Digital Economy), eCommerce sector - rapidly transform traditional business to Digital business to create 2nd wing -- that will allow not only domestic consumers to order the goods and services --- but also allow overseas consumers to order the goods and services ). This will have helped to support the ITM (Industry Transformation Map) objectives in double quick time.

4. Construction sector - ramp up construction of isolation facilities, and other government projects to create business activites for construction companies and its supporting companies.

5. eDelivery and Logistic sector - as more business transform their business into Digital business - demand for eDelivery and Logistics support will grow and create more eDelivery and eLogistics support business.

6. Local Food industry sector - this virus pandemics has cause many Countries to lockdown and reduce export of food such as vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and other food essential to Singapore.

Now this is the best time to ramp up of local food production in growing more local vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and ramp up local R&D of cell-cultured and tissue re-engineering of poultries, pork, beef and mutton and fishes.

The above Economic initiatives in Part 2a directed by the Government - can help to compensate for the Economic losses as highlighted in Part 2.

- Note:- These can only be done when Circuit Breaker ended and local transmission come to "Virtual Zero" - thus systematic testings to ensure the community spreading is "zero or virtual zero" is so important.


[3:27 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

(1) In Part 2(a) - forget to mention ramping up Digital Banking, Digital Insurance and other Financial Serives --- to help to finance eCommerce and eDelivery services --- as many business have transformed to Digital Business.

This will help to add another dimension to our Economy and fuel the Digital Financial Service to grow our business and tap not only the Domestic business but also Overseas business - as well as attract overseas consumers to buy goods and services via our eCommerce Digital platform.


[1:12 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yes, i do

[1:22 pm, 11/09/2020] +: I'm using the TT app on my phone and SingPass app which easily allows me to sign in family members at the same time.  The SingPass QR code scanner is also super fast. Hoping I don't have to switch to the physical token.

[1:23 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Likewise

[1:25 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Written by Simon Lim

Mr Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara, CEO of Temasek International has commented that Liew Mun Leong has contributed to Singapore and that Singaporeans should hear his side of the issue too.

I disagree. Let me explain.

The learned High Court judge, Chan Seng Onn, has heard Liew Mun Leong and his son's side of their stories under oath already and he has delivered his judgement. That should be enough of the Liew's story telling.

In Singapore, everybody contributes in their different ways to Singapore. Liew Mun Leong is not alone and not unique. Furthermore, his contributions aren't free.

One very important reason why even until today, people still remember fondly and think highly of our first generation old guard leaders is because when anybody, even somebody from among their ranks broke any laws, they faced the music alone. The establishment then didn't muster any resources or connections to cover up, defend or protect their own kind or kakilang and we should never, never fall short of that level of impartiality and high standard if we desire to scale greater heights in our achievements and strengthen our nation building journey together. 

Wee Toon Boon paid with jail time for his corruption. Teh Cheang Wan paid with his life for corruption. The late pap law minister EW Barker and former pap MP Chan Soo Sen were charged and fined for drink driving offences in case anybody forgets and NTUC's Phey Yew Kok finally got 60 months jail time for CBT etc.

Regarding Liew Mun Leong and his former maid theft case, too many people are following its developments closely. Liew Mun Leong and his family are people with much resources and means and totally capable of defending themselves. 

Temasek or any companies or organisations related to Liew Mun Leong, past and present, shouldn't get involved in any way. Contributions, character and crimes are completely different things and people shouldn't be confused. Think.

I thank you all for reading my post again.


[1:26 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 


Digital venues and virtual booths: How hybrid MICE events can be piloted

By Chew Hui Min

11 Sep 2020 06:15AM (Updated: 11 Sep 2020 06:20AM)

Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing announced on Monday (Sep 7) that the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) will be accepting applications to hold MICE events for up to 250 people. Event organisers must demonstrate their ability to implement COVID-19 safe management measures in piloting their events, said STB.

Contact tracing will also begin by utilising the TraceTogether data,” said STB.

The MICE industry supported more than 34,000 jobs with an economic value-add of S$3.8 billion, or nearly 1 per cent of Singapore’s GDP, according to a study commissioned by STB last year.


[12:26 pm, 17/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

We have to maintain our air hub, air travel through organised travel, group insurance and health test - through bilateral arrangements with countries - to ensure covid will not be imported - but targeted MICE, tourism, retail, f&b can be safely arranged for foreign tours to preserve our air hub, aviation sector and our retail.

Else our air hub may demise.

[2:10 pm, 17/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Eg. Government can work with aviation and tourism sector to organise targeted, covid health check tours and MICE :-

1. Insure for covid test, hospitalisation, quarantine

2. SIA, silkair travel

3. Escorted, targeted check in to eg. MBS or Resort World hotels or Orchard Hotel, targeted retail, F&B, tourist spots, MICE events - with all social distancing in place.

Right from airport to hotel to tourist spots to few days guided tours and then back to airport.

This will help to re-boot our tourism and air travel.

Of course govt to govt arrangements need to be make.

[5:01 pm, 24/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Our tourism and air hub use to generate $25 billion to our economy every year.

Can we target a step up approach to hit $10 billion first.

Then 3 months later to $15 billion.

Another 3 months to $20 billion.

And then finally to $25 billion by using:-

1. "Ring-fence" air bubbles - from each events at each place of activities.

2. "Safe tunneling" air corridors - end to end tunneling approach from airport, to various places like hotels, food, tourists spots and back home.

[2:26 pm, 17/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Only organised and targeted tours or MICE allowed.

Not free roaming tourists.

This is our compromise step to open up tourism step by step.

Only when vaccines is successful, will we allow free roaming tourists.

[5:57 pm, 14/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

My close friend say: It's also about 抢位 and position sg



Singapore got no big hinterland and big godfather to help us.

We must look out and seize opportunity for ourselves.

HK kenna sanction by US. No problem.

HK got big hinterland behind and big godfather China - pour in multi billion dollars into HK to make up lost ground.

Singapore don't have such luxury and we need to stay alert and fight for our survival and rice bowl.


[1:28 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 


Straits Times

Help start-ups, SMEs gain a foothold in getting government contracts: Tan See Leng

9 Sep 2020

But no amount of short-term relief is enough if there are no new businesses and revenue streams coming in and this is why the Government is exploring ways to open up the country for trade, said Dr Tan.

"We are thinking of creative ways where one doesn't need to travel, whether it is through signing digital economy agreements, or using Singapore as a hub."


[12:20 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Provide grants is useful only very short term benefits.

Most important*gov should help to provide access to market local and overseas*, buy their products or tie the start up to big enterprise to help them market their products to big overseas markets - then startups can grow.


[1:28 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ====

Straits Times

Help start-ups, SMEs gain a foothold in getting government contracts: Tan See Leng

9 Sep 2020

Local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should be given a leg-up in securing government contracts, and this is just one of the many measures that can be explored to help them recover and emerge stronger from the pandemic, said Second Minister for Trade and Industry Tan See Leng.

Government policies can be better adapted to help start-ups and SMEs scale up.

When these firms reach a certain level, they need validation from government agencies the same way as bigger companies, he added.

"So in terms of government procurement policies, we can provide them with a lift up, that provides them with a form of credentialing. Then they can compete internationally, having been certified and validated by the big government-linked companies here in Singapore," said Dr Tan.


[12:20 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Provide grants is useful only very short term benefits.

Most important, gov should help to provide access to market local and overseas, buy their products or tie the start up to big enterprise to help them market their products to big overseas markets - then startups can grow.

[12:24 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Eg. 

When govt pull trips to China, it pull only big GLCs.

This GLCs can identify promising startups to partner them and market their products in solutioning as well as provide resources to them like coders, marketing etc.

Both GLCs and startups benefits - as there will be more diverse products offerings.


[5:01 pm, 24/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Our tourism and air hub use to generate $25 billion to our economy every year.

Can we target a step up approach to hit $10 billion first.

Then 3 months later to $15 billion.

Another 3 months to $20 billion.

And then finally to $25 billion by using:-

1. "Ring-fence" air bubbles - from each events at each place of activities.

2. "Safe tunneling" air corridors - end to end tunneling approach from airport, to various places like hotels, food, tourists spots and back home.

[5:05 pm, 24/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

A variety of technologies ( eg. SafeEntry for overseas travellers, contact tracing, movement tracking etc), physical cordoning, organised tours via "virtual safe tunneling approach" - segregated from local community - so that there are no cross infection.

But yet can boost our external economy and travel and air hub.

[2:06 pm, 24/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Singapore economy is not possible to move into positive territory if we depend on our domestic economy alone.

Because our domestic market of 5.6 million is too small.

And we don't have domestic air travel because our land space is too small.

We need external market, trade, international travel, foreign investment etc - before our economy can move back into positive territory.

I will not be surprised that the parliament will put forward policies on surgical, systematic, safe opening up of our air hub, air travel, access to external market etc - to boost our business and create jobs.


[1:46 pm, 11/09/2020] +: No. Will use the mobile app. Unless for issue when I use my Bluetooth earpiece.

[2:06 pm, 11/09/2020] +: If the token is given free to everyone I don’t see a reason not to use it. Many ppl don’t use the Bluetooth app as it drains the battery and makes the mobile phone hot after using it:

Jimmy Chew
[2:13 pm, 11/09/2020] +: What make you say that many people are not using the blue tooth app?

[2:17 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Tt app can apply to multiple member?

Zie Chong
[2:34 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Hmm also want to know how to set up. Not obvious from the menu.
Is it only during scanning when you can add and store family members?
[2:36 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Ok, so it is SingPass app that has family member info, no TT app right....

[2:33 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
About 1 million people have downloaded TraceTogether app, but more need to do so for it to be effective: Lawrence Wong       
We have 5.6 million residents. 
Thus unless all people use Tracetogether apps - it will not be effective.
Tracetogether token distribute for all come in at a good time - so that it can be make compulsory for either apps or token need to be used when go outside.

[2:34 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Hmm also want to know how to set up. Not obvious from the menu.
Is it only during scanning when you can add and store family members?

[2:34 pm, 11/09/2020] +: For the sake of our country, people and economy,  let the TT become compulsory in due course!

[2:45 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
When TT is make compulsory, more business activities can be open up and our Economy can recover faster.

TT token come at a good time because :-
(1) Some people don't want to download TT apps because :-
- It drain battery and device become hotter.
- Some security conscious people don't turn on unnecessary wireless comm except 4G and data comms - such as wifi, NFC, bluetooth, display mirroring, miracast, portable hotspot etc --- that are security risk as this wireless comms can be hacked by hackers in proximity and steal handphone sensitive credential data and financial data.
- some handphone run out of space to download mobile apps or older phone cannot support the TT apps - thus cannot download TT apps
- sometimes handphone battery drained out and TT apps don't work
- some people don't carry handphone.

(2) Thus TT token will be good for this group of people (4.6 million) people who did not download TT apps -- to be used in the public --- to help in contact tracing and arrest the virus propagation.

(3) Suggest that when all the TT token are distributed to all residents --- should make TT compulsory like SafeEntry QR code --- that is now widely used.

[2:47 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yes, just hoping we have an option for physical or mobile token

[2:48 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Thought now have this option?

[3:17 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Elderly like my mum won't download.. Tell u dunno how to use, too tedious to use etc...

[3:18 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yah, I think early on the first batch of tokens were distributed to elderly residents, knowing well that such groups may not have or use smart phones

[3:19 pm, 11/09/2020] +: 🤷‍♀️

Jimmy Chew
[3:23 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Fully agree. Let citizen have a choice more meaningful
[3:24 pm, 11/09/2020] +: If they don't go out why need tokens?
[3:25 pm, 11/09/2020] +: I am responsible why should I carry a token? Waste if tax payers money

[3:42 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Elderly like my mum goes supermarket n market only..Still need token mah
[3:42 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yes, I will do that. That is why I did scan everywhere include mrt station b4 I enter the gantry. But sometimes forgot to scan out until I reach the destination.

[3:43 pm, 11/09/2020] +: On Singpass you don't need to scan out. You can just click on the app, very easy. Even I do that now. When I was scanning everywhere I would often forget...

[4:00 pm, 11/09/2020] +:

[4:00 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Lol.. Too many app.. I 'refuse' to download singpass.
Tt app can also act as ic scanner...

[4:01 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Prefer singpass app. At least useful once in a while for logins to other govt portals
[4:03 pm, 11/09/2020] +: TT really waste batt for someone like me who doesn't use bluetooth earpice or watch or other devices. 
But ideally if can do away with scanning everywhere you go...

[4:04 pm, 11/09/2020] +1: Yep,  Singpass is my most used Gov app :)
[4:05 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yes,  even better,  but needs must I suppose

[4:05 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Some places, sometimes scan three times before getting to destination. From carpark once, exit building to open plaza then next building again, finally to the shop/office  once again

[4:08 pm, 11/09/2020] +: 🤨😟😒

Jimmy Chew
[5:08 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Actually they have face scanners in entrance of building would be good. Token trace everywhere. Might as well do like China facial recognition software. Can trace the whole of China don't need token

[5:10 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Worth looking into

[5:12 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Beware of FB fishing attacks i got it 3 times in 1 week

[5:14 pm, 11/09/2020] +: wouldnt that can be infringing on our human rights to privacy? 
especially when monitored via facial recognition constantly

Jimmy Chew
[5:15 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Token is going to be like that after C19

[5:16 pm, 11/09/2020] +: token doesnt track like facial recognition..

Jimmy Chew
[5:16 pm, 11/09/2020] +: No face but traceable. Security risk etc. Like doctor says this pill good for you. I know take it. He wears a white doctor  coat 🤣

Jimmy Chew
[5:18 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yes. You're carrying it with you every where you go

[5:19 pm, 11/09/2020] +: ya, but is not as tracking as china's way of monitoring

Jimmy Chew
[5:21 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Tell me more

[5:21 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Tracetogether token is not a location based system. It is contact based.
SafeEntry is a location based system.

[5:21 pm, 11/09/2020] +: my main point is that we sld not be doing like China's way of monitoring the people.. thats my concern

Jimmy Chew
[5:22 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Tell me more

[5:23 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
GPS is location based system that can track location and is already tracking everyone who carry a handphone.

Jimmy Chew
[5:23 pm, 11/09/2020] +: So how does the tokens work?
[5:24 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Phone GPS location is anonymous?
[5:27 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Someone reliable and trustworthy has to share what the implications and the system and check and measure.

[5:27 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
GPS tracker track your handphone number and places you go with precise timing.

Jimmy Chew
[5:28 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Agree. What about the tokens?
[5:29 pm, 11/09/2020] +: You can not see but others can.  if not , how to have contact tracing?

[5:30 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Lol I always on also

[5:30 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Token only track the infected person and you that is 10 metre away from you - not even location you visit.
And I believe this information will be automatically deleted every certain months.
Details you will need to see Dr Vivian text.

[5:31 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
10 metre is Bluetooth maximum distance of Comm.

[5:32 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yes

[5:33 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
The infected token will capture those token id that come close to the infected token ,- then MOH will contact you to surrender your token to download your token data.

[5:34 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Telco will have all your GPS data and location if they want to track you.

Jimmy Chew
[5:38 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Tokens?
[5:39 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yeap agree. They will track thru out his journey

[5:39 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Tokens don't have location data.
SafeEntry have location data. Web based one.

[5:40 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Token don't track your journey.
SafeEntry do.

[5:40 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
GPS also track your journey.

[5:41 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
GPS track journey.

Jimmy Chew
[5:41 pm, 11/09/2020] +: So must submit your token to be reachable

[5:41 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Malaysia looking at fully reopening border with Singapore in January

[5:42 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
If not MOH don't know where you go.

[5:46 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Else how people do crowd mapping?
Through GPS data and mobile signal.

[5:48 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Crowd mapping through GPS data and mobile signal.

[5:49 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Location based system.

[5:49 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Yup token doesn't track location. Token to token can't store location data unless there are bluetooth sensors everywhere that log your device. Which seems pretty unfeasible.

[5:51 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Lolz google maps also sees everything as long as your phone location is turned on.
Telcos pretty much know even if location is off right.

[5:53 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Of course.
Their base station with GPS extender will log your device details the moment your device associate with it and do handshake.

Jimmy Chew
[6:08 pm, 11/09/2020] +: thank you for all your explanations, i think the government need to do this show and tell, so that citizens with  misconceptions are addressed rather than this is good for you take it because I wear a white coat

[6:17 pm, 11/09/2020] +: ppl will say PDPA
[6:19 pm, 11/09/2020] +: ya, I use google timeline... incase kanna C19 then need contract tracing I can just say look at my timeline map lor

[6:09 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Can I still be hacked with 2FA enabled?

[6:32 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
2FA using soft token that landed on the same handphone can be hacked and redirected to hacker server - if login via userid and password using same device that are infected by hacker malware.
Thus important to use different network to do online financial transactions.
Eg use a laptop or another handphone device to login using userid and password via internet data network.
But 2FA use another handphone where one time password through SMS (Telco phone network not internet) is issued.
Only then online transaction is safe.
That's why I never advocate turning on Bluetooth in the same handphone device that also access internet via WiFi or 4G and yet receive SMS OTP via Telco phone network in all one device.
It is hackers favourite to hack users who do this.
Tracetogether token not mobile apps is one way to protect your handphone from opening up too many wireless comm and network comms for hackers to hack.

[6:34 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
A malware can potentially do keylogging that log all the key a person is typing on the same handphone eg. Userid, password and SMS OTP - and redirect to hacker servers realtime.

[6:43 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Before encryption take place.

[6:45 pm, 11/09/2020] +: Dear Contributors!
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes* ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.

[6:46 pm, 11/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
If Bluetooth turn on, a wireless sniffer can capture your security credentials.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[6:49 pm, 11/09/2020] +: ... not again, please close this chat quickly, too much ranting about Bluetooth again liao

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