Tuesday, September 1, 2020

REACH 133 - Progressive Wage Model to uplift low wage workers (SK)

2 Sep 2020 (2pm - 8pm)


[12:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Dear contributors,

Welcome back! ☺️ 

⏰ Our chat will be open till 8pm today. 

Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group. 🙏🏼

The topic will be posted shortly.

- Megan


[12:40 pm, 02/09/2020] +: 📢 Topic 📢

What do you think about the new Progressive Wage Model (PWM) Mark, as part of efforts to lift wages for lower-income workers?

Companies which voluntarily pay progressive wages and provide job advancement pathways for lower-income workers will be recognised with a Progressive Wage Model (PWM) Mark, as part of efforts to lift wages for lower-income workers, said Manpower Minister Josephine Teo on Tuesday (Sept 1).

Sectors like food services and retail trade have the potential to come on board, which would expand the implementation of the PWM - which she described as a "minimum wage plus" - beyond the three sectors where it is currently mandated: cleaning, security and landscaping.

Speaking in Parliament during the debate on the President's Address, Mrs Teo said that for the PWM Mark to work, there must be a broader movement involving the entire society.


+ changed this group's settings to allow all participants to send messages to this group.


[12:46 pm, 02/09/2020] +: How is consider low wage arh?

[12:46 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Not typo, she cheeky, that deleted message was "What does Megan like to eat?"

[12:46 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Lol 🤣🤣🤣

[12:47 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Maggi mee 🤭

[1:20 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Please discuss today's topic please thanks haha

[1:20 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Waiting for PM Lee speech leh

[1:20 pm, 02/09/2020] +: I nothing to say liao, I just don't think employers will care about the mark lor

[1:20 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Sure will have lots of discussion after that

[1:20 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Haha

[1:21 pm, 02/09/2020] +: That one later surround what he wear what he drink one lah 🤣

[1:21 pm, 02/09/2020] +: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

[1:21 pm, 02/09/2020] +: It’s good for low wages but doesn’t help PMETs to be honest

[1:22 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Jobs jobs jobs! But all the opportunities are cleaners and security guard and cashier

[1:22 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Don’t think PMET who are retrenched will take those roles

[1:23 pm, 02/09/2020] +: How to get PMETs to "tune down" their expectations so they will consider about the aforementioned job types?


[1:23 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

(1) Progressive Wage Model - is a step-up wage model to help low-income workers to move up the wage ladder - through a minimum wage level and prescribed training requirements to meet productivity indicators - and then revised to higher salary when productivity target is met.

(2) This PWM is a sound wage model as it :-

a. Help to uplift the wages of low income earners and thus improve the livelihood of low income earners

b. Wage increase is commensurate with increase in productivity and productivity output - which is translated to better earnings for business

(3) Now with the PWM model a success in a few industry sectors - then more industry sectors should be enticed to adopt such wage model for our low income earners.

(4) By so doing, Singapore will have address the social inequality among our low income earners - and is a systematic attempt to adderss social mobility - with skill training and productivity growth - a sound economic and manpower strategy.


[1:23 pm, 02/09/2020] +: I think PWM is better than minimum wage. There must be differentiation for workers. They should be motivated to increase productivity.

[1:25 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Nevertheless, companies must not exploit the workers since no minimum wage is imposed. They must pass the productivity gain back to workers.

[1:30 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Will be tough as Singapore HR are notorious for asking your previous salary when offering you new package

[1:31 pm, 02/09/2020] +: If you take a 50% pay cut there’s almost no way to climb back up after this crisis

[1:31 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Yah HR are good cause they help company save money 😅

Not to pay us decent

[1:31 pm, 02/09/2020] +: You will take the rest of your life to get back original salary

[1:31 pm, 02/09/2020] +: I guess that explains why we are caught up in this vicious cycle

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: 🤦‍♂️ I have such issue haiz wasted 1 years to get promotion

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: It takes years of effect and grinding to get to your current salary

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: No one will give it up

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +8: They rather be jobless and take contract roles that pay almost the same

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Or...

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Drive Grab

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Self employed mah

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: What payslip?

[1:32 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Lol

[1:33 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Contact usually pay higher then perm roles.. so technically not same pay.

[1:33 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Contract”

[1:33 pm, 02/09/2020] +: So the idea is to sign contract and stay as contract-basis employee? 😆

[1:33 pm, 02/09/2020] +: 😅 if no renew they can just say bye bye you jobless again

[1:34 pm, 02/09/2020] +: I got a 40% jump when I took up contract role in my uni job.

[1:34 pm, 02/09/2020] +: But as long as you're capable ma 🤭

[1:34 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Yearly renew.. got risk hence pay higher than perm re

[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] +: At the end of the day “Jobs jobs jobs” is bad slogan

[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] +: High paying jobs for you and me

[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] +: That will be better

[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] +: My 2.14 cents

[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Till the point my boss say pay too high hence leave... to find perm job


[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

(1) If more low income earners get more earnings from the Progressive Wage Model  when their productivity output increases - then social welfare payout to low income families can scale down --- as more and more low income earners can "fish on their own" and able to stand on their own feet - without the need to rely on social welfare benefit payout.

(2) With low income workers able to make a decent living on their own, their jobs will boost their dignity.

(3) The PWM is a truly mutually inclusive wage model - which is a good effort to bridge social divisiveness.


[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Contract job not favourable for old worker, they are vulnerable.

[1:36 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Yes youre right

[1:36 pm, 02/09/2020] +: My dad is retiree

[1:36 pm, 02/09/2020] +: But usually contract only older worker willing to take due to no perm position.

[1:36 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Most  contract hire are just financial cost to employers . It can turn cold when economic / business  climate turns foul .

[1:36 pm, 02/09/2020] +: He recontract with his current company

[1:36 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Two years later which is now they decide not to renew him

[1:36 pm, 02/09/2020] +: So he’s “gainfully retired”

[1:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: You guys remind me of many veteran bus captains.. Worked since SBS (I mean it, SBS, the old red and white SBS) and their pay is 💩 and they don't even get to be Senior Bus Captains 

Totally wasted

[1:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: This affects Aging PMETs too.

[1:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Ps he’s with one of the Public Transport operators

[1:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Contract is company way to control headcount without retrench. Don’t need just let go no bad point

[1:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Nat will know haha

[1:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: But for workers haiz

[1:37 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Contract worker will not be protected under the raise in retirement age till 65 and re-employment till 70.


[1:52 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/covid-19-joko-widodo-indonesia-singapore-reciprocal-green-lane-13072100                                                                               
President Widodo very interested to have "ring-fencing" air bubbles and "safe-tunneling" air corridors with Singapore. Good to help us reboot our air hub !

[1:52 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-brunei-green-lane-travel-covid-19-13071136

[1:58 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: [7:10 pm, 31/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Part 4 - Foreign Affair Policy - that promote trade, business, investment, travel.
(1) As Singapore depends on the World to be our market - to survive and to thrive - we need to be the Air hub, Port hub, Data hub, Finance hub, Manufacturing hub, Medical hub, Food hub, Water hub, Energy hub etc.

(2) To build up all these "Hubs" --- we need to have a good, balance and fair foreign affairs policies --- to make friends, and to achieve mutual benefits with all our Stakeholders in the World.

(3) Hence we must put forward a Holisitc Foreign Affairs Policy Principle and Statement - so that our Foreign stakeholders understand our position and will want to be friends and do business with us :-
"Be Friends with All,
Be enemies with None.
Forge Mutual Benefits with Win-Win outcome".

[2:16 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
(1) A truly inclusive society take care of every strata of social status in our Country.

(2) It should be divided into 9 strata :-

A. Upper Income Group
a. Upper-Upper Income
b. Upper-Middle Income
c. Upper-Lower Income

B. Middle Income Group
a. Middle-Upper Income
b. Middle-Middle Income
c. Middle-Lower Income

C. Lower Income Group
a. Lower-Upper Income
b. Lower-Middle Income
c. Lower-Lower Income

(3) With stratification of the above 9 social strata - Progressive Wage Model --- should be a wage model that address and tackle the C. Lowe Income group ----- of 3 sub-strata.

(4) This will form the basis of a "Mutually Inclusive Society".


[6:44 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Case A - Views on Foreign Workers - Policy synch

The Government will always be on the side of Singaporeans, says PM Lee amid job concerns
02 Sep 2020 05:13PM (Updated: 02 Sep 2020 05:57PM)
the Government is on the side of Singaporeans and wants to create good jobs for them.
“What is the point of creating jobs for foreigners if it doesn't benefit Singaporeans? Why would we want to do that?” he said.
To ensure fairness in the job market, Singapore has made several adjustments to its foreign workforce policy, most recently raising the minimum qualifying salary for Employment Passes and S Passes for the second time this year and introducing a higher salary requirement for Employment Pass holders in the financial services sector.
But even as the Government makes such adjustments, it has to be careful not to give the impression that it no longer welcomes foreigners.
“Ultimately, our aim is to grow our economy, create good jobs for Singaporeans and raise our standards of living. Foreign workers and work pass holders help us to achieve this,” he said.
“By being open to talent from around the world, we create more opportunities for ourselves.”
[6:46 pm, 31/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---
Part 3 - Macro Manpower Policy
(1) Macro Manpower Policy need to ensure we achieve the following :-
a. A Singaporean core - ensure that all Singaporeans can land a good jobs - so that Singaporeans will have good income and good quality lives can be ensured for Singaporean workers and their families.
b. As our domestic markets are too small - we cannot rely on domestic market alone. We need to make the World our Market.
(2) Thus how to achieve the dual objectives of "A Singaporean core - supplemented and complemented by foreigners to make the World our Market"?
(3) Then we need to adopt 3 Macro Manpower Thrusts - to be our Macro Manpower Policy :-
(i) Don't bring in foreign workers that Singaporean can do and compete with Singaporeans for jobs.
By doing so, we will build "A Singaporean Core".
(ii). Bring in only foreigners that can contribute millions or billions of investment into Singapore, or bring in ideas, r&d and skillsets that Singaporean do not have - but as a result create many new  and good aulaityjobs for Singaporeans.
(iii). Bring in foreigners for those jobs that Singaporeans don't want to do - but needed for our economy.
For eg. constructions jobs - we need alot of construction workers to build our HDB flats, condos, landed houses, shopping malls, water plants, climate protection, airports etc ---- that will help to create good qualtiy jobs for Singaporeans such as architect, surveyors, electrical and mechanical engineers, envrionmental engineers IT professionals to build fiber broadband, smart homes etc.
[1:58 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: [7:10 pm, 31/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Part 4 - Foreign Affair Policy - that promote trade, business, investment, travel.
(1) As Singapore depends on the World to be our market - to survive and to thrive - we need to be the Air hub, Port hub, Data hub, Finance hub, Manufacturing hub, Medical hub, Food hub, Water hub, Energy hub etc.

(2) To build up all these "Hubs" --- we need to have a good, balance and fair foreign affairs policies --- to make friends, and to achieve mutual benefits with all our Stakeholders in the World.

(3) Hence we must put forward a Holisitc Foreign Affairs Policy Principle and Statement - so that our Foreign stakeholders understand our position and will want to be friends and do business with us :-
"Be Friends with All,
Be enemies with None.
Forge Mutual Benefits with Win-Win outcome".

[6:52 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Case B - Unfair treatment of Singaporeans workers - Observations synch
The Government will always be on the side of Singaporeans, says PM Lee amid job concerns
02 Sep 2020 05:13PM (Updated: 02 Sep 2020 05:57PM)
Singaporeans are also concerned about fair treatment in jobs, promotions, or retrenchments, said the prime minister.
“There is no comfort in knowing that the total numbers are not too many if personally we feel that we have been discriminated against at the workplace, or that the EP holder working beside us somehow has an *inside track because of old-school ties or some other personal connections*," he continued.
Meansures are in place, said Mr Lee, pointing to the Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices for Singaporeans to seek redress, and the Fair Consideration Framework which will be tightened further.
Work is also under way with unions to make sure retrenchments are done fairly and that no company is retrenching a Singaporean only to fill the same post with a foreigner "without very good justification".
“The Government takes this issue of fairness very seriously,” he said.
[5:51 pm, 31/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Topics :- Union leader urges tougher measures to tackle hiring bias, including EP quotas and ending tax breaks
My close friends observations and my observations :-
Case A: 
- If the HR dept and hiring managers are foreigners, they will favour their own kind. It's human.
- Yes. Macro manpower policy requires to ensure local people are employed.
-  *While policy intent is good, if HR decisions are held by foreigners it just means that they will find justifications to promote and raise the salaries of their own kind and in the process potentially squeeze our own local out*. 
It's a very difficult issue.
- 道高一尺,魔高一仗
- I know. *Some Companies are quite cunning - and know how to exploit loopholes*.

Case B: 
- Once a young ex colleague talk about her past experience.* Her foreigner colleagues would meet to choose one person to move up and they "work together" to help him get  promoted*. *Step by step, they engineer their upward mobility*.
- Yes. I know of one person who encounter such engineered move when he took on a contract job after he left a permanent job.
Then he decide to come out to do his own business in finance and he do very well in finance.

Case C:
- A taxi driver say his son needs to stay in university hostel as they stayed very far away. But there is very little opportunity for his son to meet the hostel criteria. Why? *Because a foreigner was voted into some leadership position and he will always give the opportunity to his own kind*.
- A person got his hostel every term.
I think he quite active in hall activities and also the hall leaders like him because he help alot of his hall mates.
- Same idea, at the end of the day, there is decision maker and he is human 😊.


[7:01 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
*Case C :- Global investors want to setup Global or Regional HQ to Singapore - Views synch*

Some of these companies include Hyundai Motor, which just announced plans to set up a major facility in Singapore to undertake research and development, and develop future mobility technologies. 
Others that remain under wraps or still being discussed include a pharmaceutical company that is planning to build a facility in Singapore to manufacture vaccines and a company specialising in pandemic risk insurance.
These are opportunities arising out of the pandemic, said Mr Lee.
Several Fortune 500 companies are also considering moving their regional headquarters to Singapore due to political uncertainties elsewhere, while major financial institutions want to grow their operations here as well.
These projects can create "good new jobs" for Singaporeans but for these companies to come here, "they must feel welcome and be allowed to bring in the talent they need", said Mr Lee.

[1:58 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: [7:10 pm, 31/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Part 4 - Foreign Affair Policy - that promote trade, business, investment, travel.
(1) As Singapore depends on the World to be our market - to survive and to thrive - we need to be the *Air hub, Port hub, Data hub, Finance hub, Manufacturing hub, Medical hub, Food hub, Water hub, Energy hub etc*.

(2) *To build up all these "Hubs" --- we need to have a good, balance and fair foreign affairs policies --- to make friends, and to achieve mutual benefits with all our Stakeholders in the World*.

(3) Hence we must put forward a Holisitc Foreign Affairs Policy Principle and Statement - so that our Foreign stakeholders understand our position and will want to be friends and do business with us :-
"Be Friends with All,
Be enemies with None.
Forge Mutual Benefits with Win-Win outcome".

[7:09 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
*Case D :- Views on the needs of Global Talents - View synch*

The Government will always be on the side of Singaporeans, says PM Lee amid job concerns
02 Sep 2020 05:13PM (Updated: 02 Sep 2020 05:57PM)
This is because Singapore *does "not have the full complement of specialist engineers and other expertise for all these types of work yet" *.
Regional and global headquarters, by design, also need to draw talent from around the world and be run by international teams, he added. “They will employ Singaporeans too, but they cannot be staffed by Singaporeans alone.”
Once these companies establish themselves here, more Singaporeans will be able to take advantage of the opportunities they create, pick up the skills and knowledge and rise up the ranks, he said, noting that this was done previously when Singapore attracted investments in other sectors like pharmaceutical and financial services.
Meanwhile, local companies also need access to global talent to grow and develop, he noted.
"We have always been a people open to the world, welcoming others who can add value to our society, and bring out the best in us. This is our history and ethos, from our beginnings as an open port and immigrant nation.
"We may be under stress now, but we cannot afford to turn inwards," said Mr Lee. 
"We will adjust our policies to safeguard Singaporean jobs, but let us show confidence that Singaporeans can hold our own in the world," he added.

[6:46 pm, 31/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---
Part 3 - Macro Manpower Policy
(3) Then we need to adopt 3 Macro Manpower Thrusts - to be our Macro Manpower Policy :-
(i) Don't bring in foreign workers that Singaporean can do and compete with Singaporeans for jobs.
By doing so, we will build "A Singaporean Core".
(ii). *Bring in only foreigners that can contribute millions or billions of investment into Singapore, or bring in ideas, r&d and skillsets that Singaporean do not have* - *but as a result create many new  and good aulaityjobs for Singaporeans*.
(iii). *Bring in foreigners for those jobs that Singaporeans don't want to do - but needed for our economy*.
For eg. constructions jobs - we need alot of construction workers to build our HDB flats, condos, landed houses, shopping malls, water plants, climate protection, airports etc ---- that will help to create good qualtiy jobs for Singaporeans such as architect, surveyors, electrical and mechanical engineers, envrionmental engineers IT professionals to build fiber broadband, smart homes etc.

[7:21 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
*Case E :- We need to adopt fiscal prudence and protect our reserve - view synch*

Open mind needed to improve on social safety nets, as greater challenges lie ahead for Singapore in post COVD-19 world: PM Lee
02 Sep 2020 05:14PM(Updated: 02 Sep 2020 06:02PM)
“As a matter of principle, our social safety nets should be paid for out of current revenues. We should not draw down on what we have inherited, nor should we mortgage the future of our children,” he said. 
Mr Lee noted that after several generations of “*frugal prudence*”, Singapore now has accumulated “significant reserves”.
“Now the opposition says: Show me how much we have in the reserves, before I decide whether to support your Budget and tax plans ... Basically they are asking: 'I have something in the bank already. How much of that can I touch?'” he said.
“This was not the attitude of our forefathers, the founders who were building for the future. But the attitude of inheritors who think they have come into a fortune, and want to consume the fruits of their predecessors’ labours.”
This is a “fundamentally” wrong approach, said Mr Lee. “Therefore, we should not think of ourselves as inheritors spending what we have been lucky enough to be endowed with,” he said.  
“Whatever reserves we have, big or small, let us not think of touching them in normal times ... Every year, we live within our means; and whenever we are able to, we add a bit more to the rainy day fund, to make ourselves a bit more securefor when it really pours," Mr Lee added.
“Andthat is the way to build Singapore for the long term, and secure the future for our children and grandchildren.” 

[1:29 pm, 18/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
1. Firstly, *this budget is not drawn from the reserves and there are no further plan to draw from the reserve* - as this budget is finance by reallocation of funds from elsewhere. *This is fortunate, else our reserves will dry up - because it will be unsustainable to keep throwing money*.
2. This budget is necessary in order to keep business afloat and jobs secured.
3. However, I feel that just by keeping the business afloat - by subsidising cost and labour cost will not be good enough. There must be attempt to stimulate external demands - so that business can sell their products and services to overseas market and bring back overseas travellers (safely) to spend on our retail, tourist spots, hotels and F&B.
Only then, our business can survive, jobs can be secured - and our Budget to help business and workers - well spent (not merely to keep business afloat by throwing money in).
4. Suggest Government try to make reciprocal arrangement with Countries (that have control the infection well) - to allow overseas travellers to have organised business travel, organised "ring-fence" tours, organised "ring-fence" MICE activities --- to boost our air travel, and air hubs.
5. Airports, airlines, tourism sectors collectively provided insurance for overseas travellers by insuring covid-safe air travel in airlines, check in to hotels, "ring-fence" tours, retail shopping, souvenir and gift shops, F&B and nightspot ------ observing all social distancing measures, wear mask, etc. --- and keep them away from local community.
6. Singapore trade, external market, external is 3 times the size of our GDP. And air hub provides $25 billion of GDP and 190,000 jobs.
We must proactively reach out to reboot our air hub and tourism - in a safe manner through "ring-fence" approach.
By doing so, we do not need to keep drawing into our reserves, or divert funds from elsewhere - to keep proping up our business and workers ---- as this is financially unsustainable. *金山银山, 也会挖空*。 *(Gold mountain, Silver mountain - will one day dig empty)*.
7. Creating, stimulating external demands (but do it safely - through "ring-fence" approach) - will be the best approach to re-boost business activities and keep the workers' jobs --- and hopefully, we don't need to come up with more Budgets, throw more money to prop up our business and jobs --- where our businesses can run on their own --- and provide tax revenue to the Government.

[7:31 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
*Case F:- Targeted help for vulnerable to help them stand on the feet - View synch*

Open mind needed to improve on social safety nets, as greater challenges lie ahead for Singapore in post COVD-19 world: PM Lee
02 Sep 2020 05:14PM(Updated: 02 Sep 2020 06:02PM)
Speaking on Singapore's response to COVID-19 and life beyond the pandemic, Mr Lee said that such measures "are there to protect the vulnerable in our society, and ensure that everyone has full access to opportunities to improveour lives”.
“They also give people the confidence and assurance that if some bad luck trips them up in life, society will be there to break their fall, and help them pick themselves up again,” he added.
“Our approach has always been pragmatic and empirical. Make the best use of our resources *to meet the needs of different groups in our society*, *in a targeted manner*. Because if we help everyone equally, then we are not giving more help to those who need it most.”
[1:35 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

(1) If more low income earners get more earnings from the Progressive Wage Model  when their productivity output increases - then social welfare payout to low income families can scale down --- as more and more low income earners *can "fish on their own" and able to stand on their own feet* - *without the need to rely on social welfare benefit payout*.
(2) With low income workers able to make a decent living on their own, their jobs will boost their dignity.
(3) The PWM is a truly mutually inclusive wage model - which is a good effort to bridge social divisiveness.
[2:16 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
(1) A truly inclusive society take care of every strata of social status in our Country.
(2) It should be divided into 9 strata :-

A. Upper Income Group
a. Upper-Upper Income
b. Upper-Middle Income
c. Upper-Lower Income

B. Middle Income Group
a. Middle-Upper Income
b. Middle-Middle Income
c. Middle-Lower Income

C. Lower Income Group
a. Lower-Upper Income
b. Lower-Middle Income
c. Lower-Lower Income
(3) With stratification of the above 9 social strata - Progressive Wage Model --- should be a wage model that address and tackle the C. Lowe Income group ----- of 3 sub-strata.
(4) This will form the basis of a "Mutually Inclusive Society".

[7:37 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
*Caes G :- Retraining and upskilling mature displaced workers - Views synch*
Open mind needed to improve on social safety nets, as greater challenges lie ahead for Singapore in post COVD-19 world: PM Lee
02 Sep 2020 05:14PM(Updated: 02 Sep 2020 06:02PM)
*Giving the example of older workers, Mr Lee explained that these workers tend to draw higher salaries than younger workers, but their skills may be less current*.
“If they lose their jobs, they find it harder to find another similar job, particularly at the same pay, so they are at greater risk of long-term unemployment.” he said.
 Mr Lee noted how solutions like unemployment insurance can offer “transient relief”, but retraining and upskilling them will enable employers to continue finding value in them, and be less likely to make them redundant.
“And if the older worker does get retrenched, with these skills he or she can find a new job more readily. This is a structural solution that helps older workers get their careers back on track and feel that he is making a worthwhile contribution. The best unemployment insurance is in fact the assurance of another job,” said Mr Lee.
[6:27 pm, 31/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Part 2 :- Education, Training and Skill development
1. If Part 1 condition is met --- that is - Government has created an Economy of Abundance and Opportunities --- where good job openings floursh - does Singaporean workers have the skillsets, qualifications to do the jobs?
2. Then we need to examine our Education system - are we producing sufficient graduates - be it Uni, Poly, ITE etc to do the jobs?
Assume we have.
3. But technologies are evolving and changing so fast, once graduates - our graduates can do the jobs - because the graduates possess the up-to-date skillsets to do the jobs.
4. *But what happen many years down the road - where tech disruptors disrupt the jobs and demand new skillsets*?
5. *Do we retrain our workers to helm the new job requirements*?
6. Ok we have Skillsfuture - and assume all workers are trained through the Skillsfuture, do a job based projects and is competence to do the new jobs - and then we have the "train and place" programme for those people who have been displaced.
7. Then is the Skillsfuture course - institutionalised? That is readily recognise by the employers, organisation and investors?
8. If no, then we are in trouble, --- then Government, Union and Employers need to sit down together - to enter into an agreement to accept "Skillsfuture course and programme" to be institutionalise - and accept certification from the Skillsfuture course to be placed into jobs and attract good salary --- this is especially important for mid-career workers.
9. Now after we settle Part 2 - Education, Training and Skill development ---- we need to look at Part 3 - Macro Manpower Policy ---- a very controversial topics - where many cases of "exploiting loopholes, workers discrimination" surfaces.

[7:46 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Hello REACH Contributors!
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
As always, thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Goodnight! 😴
- Megan

[7:47 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
running out of time already .................

[7:48 pm, 02/09/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Case H :- Wear reusable cloth face masks even for the non-sick - Views unsynch and then synch

Singapore has done well so far in fight against COVID-19, but must learn from errors: PM Lee
02 Sep 2020 04:02PM (Updated: 02 Sep 2020 07:13PM)
Mr Lee said the Government would have recommended everyone to wear face masks sooner than it did, but it had taken the "best available scientific advice" at the time.
“Once the World Health Organization recognised that asymptomatic transmission was a major problem, we changed our policy, and distributed face masks to everyone,” he said.
[1:26 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Some protection is better than no protection.
MDM Ho Ching - let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:48 pm, 02/09/2020] +: Ok, 
Case Closed

[7:51 pm, 02/09/2020] +: 😂

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