Iraqi army closes in on Islamic State militants holed up west of Falluja
June 27, 2016

ricky l10 seconds ago
The statement below smell right strategy to defeat ISIS :-
"Saidi said radio intercepts suggested the militants were running out of ammunition and he expected them to fold shortly." "They (holed-up militants) have two options: either they surrender or they get killed.
June 19, 2016
ricky l19 seconds ago
The "noose tightening strategy" with large conventional force, with mechanized armour, with close air support if facing resistance and the blockade to starve ISIS from food, water, logistics, ammo, weapons, manpower, finance etc will demoralise them, weaken them, diminish their capacity to fight.
The noose tightening can be done inch by inch, foot by foot - imposing tremendous strain on ISIS and they will wilt and disintegrate without raising a good fight.
ISIS will disintegrate without the need to overpower them with overwhelming forces and firepower thus this will :-
(1) Reduce friendly forces casualties
(2) Reduce civilian casualties
(3) Reduce infrastructure damages
(4) Force unconditional surrender from ISIS - and take them to International Court of Justice for punishment for committing atrocities and genocides.
And this is in fact a more compassionate way to defeat ISIS.
Minimal sound and fury to overcome ISIS.
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