Thursday, June 30, 2016

Germany's Kohl tells EU: don't pressure UK after Brexit vote

ReutersJune 30, 2016
ricky l

I think the most important outcome is to ensure :-
(1) EU remain intact
(2) Graceful retreat of Britain - with more elegant re-integration with EU
(3) EU continue to evolve to maximise the Economic Benefits of the EU Union - while trying to sugar-coat and polish all the rough edges of the Union - to make EU a better Economic integration, Social integration, Political integration - and a better Economic and Trade Blocs that have more win-win integration with other Countries in the World.
This should be a better outcome for EU.
Most important thing is that those citizens in the respective Countries who are left out, sidelined or crowd out by the EU union - should be given more help by the respective Countries Government to ensure everyone benefit and no one is left behind.
Only then, will there be less people throwing spanner on the EU union and more support for the EU integration - and no impetus to do another similar Brexit.

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