Sunday, June 12, 2016

无量寿经 I 阿弥陀佛 解说 Page 3, 4

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Page 4

Explanation of :-

My 阿弥陀佛 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows and Salvation methods are unsurpassed by any other 佛,菩萨,Gods, Allah, gods, goddess, deities devas, 圣,神,仙,贤 etc.

Even 阿弥陀佛 that are described in the 无量寿经 - 四十八愿 have been surpassed because it require 过世往生 into 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Birth 阿弥陀佛 净土 by 念佛 (阿弥陀佛)。 Those who do not practice 大乘佛法 or who are of other Religions or who have no Religions, or who do not recite or 念佛 (阿弥陀佛)will not be able to be born into 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Birth 阿弥陀佛 净土。

Hence, my this 阿弥陀佛 to achieve Salvation into 空界 to understand 禅 Zen - to receive Zen stimuli and transmit Zen responses - 今世往生 through 化生,化身 - to achieve Equilibrium in Heart and Clarity in Mind (看破放下自在随缘,真诚清静平等正觉慈悲)will far exceed all 佛,菩萨,Gods, Allah, gods, goddess, deities devas, 圣,神,仙,贤 etc method of Salvation of All the Human Realm and 十法界 10 Realms in Singapore, on Earth,in the World, in the Universe. This achieve and fulfill the words :- 行权方便,

As 十法界 10 Realms anywhere in Singapore, the World, the Earth, 宇宙 Universe through 空界 to understand 禅 Zen - to receive Zen stimuli and transmit Zen responses - This achieve and fulfil the words :- 游步十方,行权方便,以诸法药,救療三苦,昇灌顶阶,受菩提记。

In addition, my 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows is a "Catch-All" by leaving no one behind(五蕴渡尽), leaving no sand behind (四大渡尽)- "One-in-All。All-in-One"。 This achieve and fulfill the words :- 具足无量行愿,

My Meditative Attainment of of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition and my  菩提愿 Bodhi Vows to achieve 一真法界 One Universal Unity - with my detail explanation of 心经 - and below is the extract :-


During my Meditative Attainment of my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition that encompass (阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大勢至菩萨), i have attained 不生不灭 - no birth, no death of the 空界 (Formless)that enwrap the Entire Universe 宇宙。

This is because, I have attained 无妄念,无杂念 no stray thoughts arise from within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition and no stray thoughts can penetrate the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition. At this juncture, there will be no karma 无因果.

But as I have 菩提心 Bodhi Heart to 普度 十法界 10 Realms, 妄念,杂念 stray thoughts return after my Wife 观世音菩萨 shake me incessantly after 4 hours in that State. But after waking up and coming back from that State, my mundane human consciousness return though the remnants of the supramundane consciousness from the Attainment still remain. It become a hybrid of half mundane and half supramundane. When this happen stray thoughts 妄念,杂念 return and karma 因果 continues.

This is not the same for 色身,色生,胎生 in 色界 (Form), as human body will still subject to birth, living, decaying, demising and re-birth as stray thoughts 妄念,杂念 return and karma 因果 continues.

But important to note that, if the Final Great Nirvana State 大涅槃 is attained again when all 十法界 10 Realms have attained their own 涅槃果 Nirvana  State with their 2 菩萨,十法界 10 Realms will not allowed anyone, including myself to poke or break it again - as all my 大悲愿 Bodhi Vows have been Perfectly, Completely 圆满 Achieved = hence 不生不灭。)

 This achieve and fulfill the words :- 入佛法藏,究竟彼岸。愿於无量世界成等正觉。

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