Monday, June 13, 2016

无量寿经 I 阿弥陀佛 解说 Page 5, 6

Page 5,6

Explanation of :-

Though Nirvana Beings 涅槃 境 of Arahats 声闻, Pacekka Buddha 辟支佛 have been free from All Sufferings - no birth, no death, no karma, the Sufferings of so many 6 realm sentinent beings 六道众生 - are still so abundant in the Universe 宇宙。
Some of the 6 realm sentinent beings 六道众生 will be their past loved ones - whether as Ancestors, Grandparents, Parents, Siblings, Spouses, Children, Relatives, Friends, Colleagues, fellow human beings, fellow  6 realm sentinent beings 六道众生 etc.

With Universal Compassion 大慈大悲,it is unthinkable where Nirvana Beings 涅槃 境 of Arahats 声闻, Pacekka Buddha 辟支佛 - enjoy their basking of No-Sufferings - where 6 realm sentinent beings 六道众生 will be their past loved ones - whether as Ancestors, Grandparents, Parents, Siblings, Spouses, Children, Relatives, Friends, Colleagues, fellow human beings, fellow  6 realm sentinent beings 六道众生 etc are still binded by the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth in the Samsara World.

Hence, my 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows is to achieve a "Catch-All" by leaving no one behind(五蕴渡尽), leaving no sand behind (四大渡尽)- "One-in-All。All-in-One" and enroping 十法界 to provide blessings and supports。 This achieve and fulfill the words :- 具足无量行愿,
My Meditative Attainment of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition and my 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows to achieve 一真法界 One Universal Unity to enwrap the Universe and enroping 十法界 to provide blessings and supports will again lead to Arahats 声闻, Pacekka Buddha 辟支佛 to emerge from their Nirvana Beings 涅槃 境 to become 菩萨 to help to 普度众生 - hence 远超声闻辟支佛地。

In fact, my Bodhi Vows 菩提 愿 - have exceeded all 佛,菩萨 and gods, goddess, deities, devas, 圣,神,仙,贤, God and Allah's salvation of their respective disciples - and as a result will cause all of them to exceed their Bodhi Vows 菩提 愿 to help me to provide blessings and supports in the course of fufilling my Bodhi Vows 菩提 愿 - I may as a result inherit bad karma and now has to undergo trials and tribulations (修苦行) testing my resolve whether i will give up my Bodhi Vows 菩提 愿 - which i will not until my Bodhi Vows 菩提 愿 are completed in full - hence 远超声闻辟支佛地。

I have attained Emptiness with my  Meditative Attainment of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition as described in my posting of 心经 Heart Sutra - hence 入空. And I 普度众生 through 禅 Zen in 空界 where Zen stimuli and Zen responses are transmitted and received and through this blog postings - hence 无相.

And my 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows in Human Realm are as follows :-
(1) 十方六道不空,誓不成佛。
(2) 十方众生度尽,方证菩提。
(3) 十方十法界,加持及普度。
(4) Leave no one behind.
(5) Leave no sand behind.
hence exceed 远超声闻辟支佛地 - who do not make any Bodhi Vows of 无愿法门。

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