Sunday, June 26, 2016

无量寿经 I 阿弥陀佛 解说 Page 8

Page 8

Explanation of :-

When 禅 Zen is aligned when all 十法界 10 Realms - can received Zen stimuli and respond with Zen responses (in technical layman terms, when the right radio frequency and right TV channels are aligned to all 十法界 10 Realms - normally it happens during and after 清明节, Qing Ming Festival and 于兰界 - the Divine Supramundane, Mundane and Paranormal of 上三界,中三界,下三界 will manifest and can communicate through 禅 Zen - hence 无量无边,一时来集。悉共大会。

The manifestation of 欲界天,色界天,诸天梵众,- in particular display very stark phenomenon.

欲界天 - display manifestation of 雷电风雨 thunder roar, lightning strike, wind blow, rain fall, eg. appearance of human form 海龙王 etc.

色界天 - display mainfestation of :-
1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta, Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快), Serenity feeling (宁静), silencing of the mind feeling (甘凉, 清净), initial application (开始不稳定的专注)on the small sun nimitta  and mindfulness sustaind application (刻意稳定专注) on the small sun nimitta.

诸天梵众 - 出色界天 display mainfestation of :-
(A) Perception and Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Realm (是相非相天)
= use 禅相,四大 to support 禅 (Zen, Zen stimuli, Zen responses)
= 修戒

- 未观禅时,看相是相。- see what the eyes see.
- 观禅时,看相不是相。- understand the underlying true meaning of the Zen.
- 观禅后,看相是相。(看相不是相。)- understand the underlying true meaning of the Zen.

(B) Nothingness and No-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Realm (非想天非非想天)
= 生灭,生灭 ... (Awake, Sleep; Awake, Sleep ...) 非想天 - where there is no stray thoughts to think about - thus binary math of 1,0; 1,0 ...
= When Nirvana Beings (Arahats, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas) 涅槃 众界 (阿罗汉,菩萨,佛)exceed Nothingness and No-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Realm (非想天非非想天)--- He/She will :-
- 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。(See Human say what the Human want to hear. See ghost say what ghost want to hear).
- 是对非对。(Sounds right, but don't seems to be right).
- 不执着。(Not attached)
= 修戒。(Strongly Observe precepts)。

Why do all 十法界 10 Realms manifest through 禅 Zen to receive Zen stimuli and respond with Zen responses?
Because of the 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows :-
(空)- Formless

“Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind."
(Form) - 色

In particular 十方十法界加持及普度 - means 10 Realms provide blessings and supports - elicit 10 Realms help to assist in the Salvation of 10 Realms - hence 无量无边,一时来集。悉共大会。

“Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind." - invoke the Unviversal Compassion to Salvage all 10 Realms, leaving no one behind。

Upon the thoughts of the above arise, immediately, the sky open elicit "Heavy Rain in bright sun light in the Temple - the Tears of the Heaven" 27 Jun 2016 at about 11.20am - while reciting "无量寿佛“ in walking meditation 进行 in the final lap。

Where "无量寿佛“ (Infinite Life Buddha) - will see to the last Salvation of the infinite celestial salvation of this Universe or worst come to worst - the last Salvation of the Infinite Universes as depicted in the decimal system :-

0,0.1,....................., 0.99999..... 1 - 1 Universe

---- Infinite Universes ------ hence "无量寿佛“ (Infinite Life Buddha)

The 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows is the Final, Complete Salvation - unmatched by and surpass All 佛,菩萨 and even 阿弥陀佛 - 四十八愿 and gods, goddess, deities, devas, 圣,神,仙,贤, God and Allah's salvation of their respective disciples.

Where 撒蔢世界 空,一真法界 涅槃 不空。(Samsara World Empty, One Unity Nirvana Attained).

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