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Explanation of :-
The establishment of 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus is categorise into 上三品 3 Top Lotus Grade,中三品 3 Middle Lotus Grade,下三品 3 Bottom Lotus Grade where all 十法界 10 Realms can be rebirth into any of these 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus - and can achieve the 菩提愿 Bodhi Vows of "Leave no man behind", “Leave no sand behind" - hence achieve 善立方便,显示三乘。- 上三乘, 中三乘, 下三乘 to allow practically every beings to be Salvaged 普度。
於此中下而现灭度 - where even the middle realms of 天人,阿修罗,人 (Heavenly Beings, Asura, Human) and the lower realms of 畜牲,饿鬼,地狱 (Animals, Hungry Ghosts, Hell) - can be Salvaged 普度。
As per the explanation of 心经 (Heart Sutra) -
As the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 is Attained with no stray thoughts 无妄念,无杂念 - hence attain no birth, no death, no karma 不生,不灭,无因果 when in the State of Nirvana 涅槃境 for 4 hours in deep Samadhi Jhana 深禅定 - thus fufill 得无生无灭诸三摩地,及得一切陀罗尼门。随时悟入华严三昧。住深禅定。
When only if finally the Bodhi Vows 菩提愿 are fulfilled in full, will the (卍) Bodhi Heart 菩提心 attained a full blown Dharma Wheel 法轮 -

- where all Buddhas 佛 (卍) Bodhi Heart 菩提心 superimposed to form the full blown Dharma Wheel 法轮 -

。Hence 悉睹无量诸佛。
As long as 十法界 10 Realms have attained Equilibrium in the Heart and Clarity in the Mind to understand and receive 禅 Zen via transmitting Zen stimuli and receiving Zen responses - similar to tuning to the right radio frequencies or TV broadcast channel - it is possible to 於一切万物随意自在。为诸庶类作不请之友。
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