Sunday, June 12, 2016

无量寿经 I 阿弥陀佛 解说 Page 4


Human to stay in Human realm will need to maintain a balance of 色 & 空。

Human with strict regiment of abiding to Precepts 守戒 will upon practice meditation - can attain 定 & 慧 easily and if without the support of 附法 (Dharma Protectors) - will become 舍利子 (Body Sariras) and rebirth into PariNirvana Pari-涅槃 . For those who did not gain Enlightenment of Nirvana 涅槃 will transcend into Heavenly Realms such as 欲界天,色界天,出色界天 (Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm, Form Heavenly Realm, Formless Heavenly Realm) if their good karma exceed their stay as Human in Human Realm.

达摩祖师 taught 少林武功 to break precepts 戒 to help Monks to stay as Human in Human Realm. Sakyamuni Buddha and His Disciples beg for alms and allow meat (not knowing if killed in their names for food) nor not recognising micro-organism as living beings to break precepts 戒 to help Monks to stay as Human in Human Realm.

Hence a balance of 色 & 空 will be the best situation for Human to stay in Human realm.
Thus to descend from Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm (欲界天) of 兜率天 (Tusita Heaven) into Human Realm, there is a need to maintain a balance of 色 & 空 to be born as Human 人界。

Otherwise, it is not possible to practice strict precepts 戒 to descend from Higher Realms into Human Realm (unless they qualify and reap karma destined to be in human realm). This achieve and fulfil the words :- 舍兜率, 洗浊垢污,显明清白。

Important for practitioners not to abuse the precepts deliberately that result in bad karma or breaking the laws. To maintain a balance of 色 & 空 means wholesome balance of human life without breaking laws。

Next come to the moral issues about :-
阿弥陀佛 & 观世音菩萨 生 万物 - (五蕴皆空)
阿弥陀佛 & 大势至菩萨 生 四大 - (四大皆空)

阿弥陀佛 ---- 菩提心 (心 = 大势至菩萨 阿弥陀佛 观世音菩萨
                                                     九品莲花生                )

阿弥陀佛 & 观世音菩萨 give birth to 5 Mental Aggregates of Living Things.
阿弥陀佛 & 大势至菩萨 give birth to 4 Great Elements of the Universe (include Earth, Celestial Bodies).

If the above 2 Phenomenon did not take place - how are lives currently formed on Earth in the Universe?

How are celestial bodies of matter, air, water, temperatures created in the Universe?

弥陀如来,观音勢至 坐莲台。九品莲花生渡众生。- supported the above Universal phenomenon.This achieve and fulfil the words :- 洗浊垢污,显明清白。

(Many years back, Mr LKY did talked about 1 husband and 2 wives concept for procreation supported by ex-Japan PM. ESM GCT also agree it make sense - but the opposition voices against it halted this concept).

The numerical, science, math and technology for human procreation make sense. But the social impact and the jealousy does not make sense - make worst by the wrong Adam and Eve concept (which in fact should be the divisible of cell - and the evolution of the Universe based on the explanation of 0, oo, 1 - which should be the right concept in the birth and development of Universe's - mental states and physical states).

But the recent 34 major earthquakes follow by sporadic numerous earthquake and other natural disasters happening around the World/ the Earth resonate the ignorance of failure to recognise ----- what give birth to 4 Great Elements of the Universe (include Earth, Celestial Bodies).

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