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Explanation of :-
When 空界 of 禅 Zen manifest - where Zen stimuli and Zen responses can be transmitted and received by 十法界 10 Realms starting from 16 Apr 2016 and stop at 12 Jun 2016, then it fulfill these words :- 譬善幻师,现众异相。通诸法性。Because 十法界 10 Realms provide Zen stimuli and receive Zen responses not by speeches to impart its literal meanings - but through actions, double meanings, dual meanings, hidden meanings (eg. a book - Da Vinci code that provide hidden meanings of bible) in words, noises, etc to transmit 禅 Zen that come at the precise point.
Those who can received 禅 Zen in 空界 where Zen stimuli and Zen responses can be transmitted and received - are considered 菩萨 because these group of 十法界 10 Realms - has attained Equilibrium in Heart and Clarity in Mind to be able to do so. These group of people can be from animal realm like cats, dog barks, bird chirping, bee, ants, cockroaches; it can be from Hungry Ghost realm and Hell realm with the various bad meat smell; it can be from Heavenly Realm 天 with the sweet clean smell, 雷电风雨;and surprisingly even 4 Great Elements of 四大 (did respond to the 禅 Zen in 空界) and other realms - when all can be classified as 此诸菩萨,亦复如是. Hence it fulfill this words :- 此诸菩萨,亦复如是。通诸法性。达众生相。This can be said, a person who can received and transmit 禅 Zen in 空界 - are transcending into the various 10 realms to received and transmit 禅 Zen from the 十法界 - hence 通诸法性。达众生相。
As the 禅 Zen stimuli and receive Zen responses not by speeches to impart its literal meanings - but through actions, double meanings, dual meanings, hidden meanings (eg. a book - Da Vinci code that provide hidden meanings of bible) in words, noises, thunder, lightning etc to transmit 禅 Zen that come at the precise point - it cannot be interpreted by others who are not able to receive and understand 禅 Zen even though the speeches are physically recorded or the actions are being videoed. Hence this fulfill the words :- 於彼相中,实无可得。
Where 禅 Zen come at the precise point in split second - it fulfill the words :- 化现其身。犹如电光。For eg. thunder roar and lightning strike at the precise point in split second that coincide with every thoughts - hence 化现其身。犹如电光. As 天地响应,十法界响应 - it raise beyond resonable doubts that 禅 Zen in 空界 Supramundane Divinity do manifest hence - 裂魔见网,解诸缠缚。
Example, Nicholl Highway collapse with a bang many years ago - after 阿弥陀佛 像 collapse with a bang after crossing it.
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