Thursday, June 30, 2016

ricky l

Other Europeans unhappy with EU could seek to follow UK out

BARRY HATTON30 June 2016
I think those EU members unhappy and want to do a similar Brexit should read this :-
"British entrepreneur Richard Branson on Tuesday said his Virgin Group had pulled out of a deal involving 3,000 jobs after Britain voted to leave the EU.
In a television interview, the billionaire businessman added that Britain was heading for recession after the pound slumped to its lowest level against the dollar in more than three decades in the immediate aftermath of last Thursday's referendum result.
And he urged the public to sign a petition calling for a second vote.
"We were about to do a very big deal and we cancelled that deal that would have involved 3,000 jobs and that's happening all over the country," Branson told a show on the independent ITV (LSE: ITV.L - news) network.
"When Brexiteers told the public that people were exaggerating that there would be a financial meltdown I think that it's been proven that they were not exaggerating.
"We're heading towards disaster and therefore in business if you realise you made a bad decision you change it. And we're not saying to overrule it, just let the same people who voted have another chance and that's democratic," he added."

Boris bows out: UK in shock as Johnson avoids leadership bid

ricky l

"His bombshell decision not to run spurred a stream of allegations on Twitter from those who felt he led the country into the economic and political disaster of an EU exit and then sidestepped having to clean up the resulting mess."
Boris Johnson and Donald Trump - are of the same species. Leaving a trail of destruction of economic and political disaster and mess - and expect others to clean up his shit.
Donald Trump will be even more destructive - to US and to the World - as he is expected to lead the World largest Economy and the World biggest Army.

Germany's Kohl tells EU: don't pressure UK after Brexit vote

ReutersJune 30, 2016
ricky l

I think the most important outcome is to ensure :-
(1) EU remain intact
(2) Graceful retreat of Britain - with more elegant re-integration with EU
(3) EU continue to evolve to maximise the Economic Benefits of the EU Union - while trying to sugar-coat and polish all the rough edges of the Union - to make EU a better Economic integration, Social integration, Political integration - and a better Economic and Trade Blocs that have more win-win integration with other Countries in the World.
This should be a better outcome for EU.
Most important thing is that those citizens in the respective Countries who are left out, sidelined or crowd out by the EU union - should be given more help by the respective Countries Government to ensure everyone benefit and no one is left behind.
Only then, will there be less people throwing spanner on the EU union and more support for the EU integration - and no impetus to do another similar Brexit.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

ricky l

External attacks rise as Islamic State fortunes fall

"Analysts say that reflects some unique dynamics between IS and Ankara. The ambiguous dynamic between IS and Turkey is governed by the push and pull of overlapping short-term interests and clashing long-term ones."
By dancing and sleeping with the Devil, Turkey will be inviting the Devil to strike it every now and then. Because it is a Devil disposition to cause harm in whatever ways as long as it does not goes its way.
Turkey must be decisive to eradicate the Devil and not fostering it - because the Devil will turn around and bite.