Sunday, September 28, 2014

Police investigate CPF protest march at Hong Lim Park

By | Yahoo Newsroom – 12 hours ago
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
When someone is holding an event, you lead a large congregation to intrude into other people's space and disrupt the event.

This is not only ill-manner but reckless and with no regard for any untoward consequences that may have cause when one large group converged into another group.

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along  •  1 minute 44 seconds ago Report Abuse
"Why did YMCA have to hold their event at Hong Lim Park? They must have their own premises to hold the event. If they have to hire a bigger venue, they should be able to pay for the hire of the venue, or get sponsors to foot the bill.
Hong Lim Park was created to be a place for people to exercise their freedom of speech and to hold protest."
-Tan Kin Lian
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Freedom of speeches means freedom of activities.
    Just curious, other than protest voices, you mean other activities are out of bound in Hong Lim Park?

    Is this not infringing freedom of activities and freedom of speeches and expression?

    Sorry don't understand your logic.
  • Michael
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    Michael  •  1 minute 8 seconds ago Report Abuse
    For non political events, you have 1001 venues to choose from, unlike political ones where you don't have a choice! Istana is a better venue for YMCA because it is free, safe and a lake with swans! Besides, the President can attend to show his support and also can earn brownie points!

  • ricky l

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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Freedom of choice.
    Why must Hong Lim Park be out of bound to other activities other than protest activities?

    Should sing what you preach. 
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    Michael  •  2 minutes 53 seconds ago Report Abuse
    Sure, but you have better venue! Why hlp?
    ricky l
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    ricky l  •  7 minutes ago Remove
    "Which law, which section" say other than protest activities, other activities cannot be held at Hong Lim Park "Pse show black and white and send Singaporeans the email that say so?" 
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    why hlp is free what. which law say cannot? 
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Cannot be 365 days reserved for protest activities what - and other activities cannot be held there what.

    Then most of the time, the Hong Lim Park is just sitting idle attracting houseflies as it cannot be used and reserved for protest activities only.

    That why cannot understand the logic.

Malay-speaking Isis fighters come together under new unit, report says

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
As predicted the ISIS cancerous cells has and will be :-
(1) Causing instability in the Middle East region where the cancer cells begin.
(2) Infecting Western Countries
(3) And spreading further afar

if the cancerous cells are not eradicated ......

For everywhere the cancerous cell goes - it will bring violence, instability, cruelty, barbarism, intolerance and exclusivity ......

New Mexico: Police Officers Capture Footage of Ghost on Surveillance Camera

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
So technology has finally able to capture the existence of "Hungry Ghosts" - that are normally seen by people with "divine eyes" - especially those with Jhana Samadhi.

So Buddhism is not a fairy tale - it does articulate the existence of 10 Realms of Existence - where "Hungry Ghosts" is one of the 3 lower realm.

Budi Kurniawan
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Budi Kurniawan  •  3 hours ago Report Abuse
31 Realms of Existence, not only 10 realms .
In Buddhism, both hells and heavens are not eternal, there is not any eternal realm .

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    Jack  •  2 hours 29 minutes ago Report Abuse
    How do u know it is a ghost?
    who knows it could turn out to be a ET?
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Please articulate the 31 Realms of Existence?

    Many are sub-realms of the 10 Main Realms.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Just a Summary of how many dimensions and facets of Supramundane, Mundane and Paranormal Realms - that are covered by so many faiths and religions :-

    (A) Nirvana Realms - 4 Nirvana Realms
    1. Buddha Supramundane Nirvana Realm (including 1 Amituofo Pureland Realm - for those that still have not attained Nirvana to practise until they attained Nirvana)
    2. Bodhisattva Supramundane Nirvana Realm
    3. Pacekka Buddha Supramundane Nirvana Realm
    4. Arahat Supramundane Nirvana Realm (plus other 3 Saints Realm of Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami)

    (B) Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    1. Formless Arupa Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    a. Nothingness and Non-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    b. Perception and Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    c. Infinite Conscious Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    d. Infinite Space Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm

    2. Form Rupa Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    a. 4th Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 7 sub-realms
    b. 3rd Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
    a. 2nd Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
    b. 1st Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms

    3. Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    a. Paranimmitavasavatti Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    b. Nimmanarati Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    c. Tusita Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    d. Yama Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    e. Tavatimsa Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
    f. Catummaharajika Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm

    C. Human Mundane Realm
    1. Eg. Chinese, Malay, English, Japanese, German, Italian, Russian, African etc etc etc etc ----- so many races.

    D. Animal Realm
    1. Eg. Poultries - like chicken, duck etc
    wild animals - like lion, tiger, elephant etc
    sea animals - like shark, whale, fish, etc
    insects - like bees, butterflies etc
    microorganisms - like paramecium, bacteria, virus etc
    etc etc etc

    E. Asura Paranormal Realm (or Titans) - that live with Tavatimsa Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm and with extreme jealousy to combat the Tavatimsa Heavenly beings.

    F. Hungry Paranormal Ghosts Realm (or Petas) - Hantus
    1. Eg. found in cemeteries, forest or places they are afflicted with - that live in the same world as Humans except Humans cannot see them. Only if they manifest themselves or those with divine eyes can see them.

    G. Hell Paranormal Realm
    1. 8 Great Hells of increasingly intensity of torments.
    a. Avici Great Hell (lowest & most terrible Hell).
    b. Maha Tapana Great Hell
    c. Tapana Great Hell
    d. Maha Roruva Great Hell
    e. Sanghata Great Hell
    f. Kalasutta Great Hell
    g. Sanjiva Great Hell
    (Each Great Hell have 4 side with 5 minor hells. In total, there are 168 hells).

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    The main properties of each 10 Realms :-
    The Lowest realm - Hell realm - fixed and focus on Extreme Hatred and Anger as its predominant properties – that characterise cruelty, savageness.

    The Lowest 9th realm – Hungry Ghosts realm - fixed and focus on Extreme Greed or Attachment to Sensual Objects as its predominant properties.

    The Lowest 8th realm – Animals realm - fixed and focus on Ignorance as its predominant properties is only food and environment for survival with no higher level knowledge of Spiritual Cultivation.

    The 7th realm – Asura realm (the realm of the Titans) - fixed and focus on Extreme Jealousy to Tavatimsa Heavenly beings as its predominant properties – where the Asura possess and intelligent and abilities beyond the Human Beings ---- many people called them ET.

    The Middle Path realm – the Human Realm – has a hybrid mix of Anger, Greed and Ignorance of the Universal Law, the 3 inherent evil roots of sentinent beings – but possess the ability for Spiritual Cultvation as Human also has 3 inherent wholesome roots of sentinent beings that make up of No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom. Of all the 6 realms sentinent beings, Human Being possess the best attributes to attain Enlightenment.

    The higher realm of Heavenly Beings – the 1st Heavenly realm beings – known as the Sensual Desire Heavenly Beings – possess the attributes of maximum enjoyment of sensual desires in the Heavenly Realm.

    The next higher realm of Heavenly Beings – the Form Heavenly realm beings – possess the properties of Rupa Jhana Samadhi – where consciousness are totally transformed as opposed to all sensual desires beings from Hell realms to the 1st Heavenly realms of sensual desires. All consciousness in this realms – for the 1st time have become Supramundane consciousness and are no longer mundane sensual desires. At this realms, “1-pointedness Equanimity” the like of a Black Hole – is the predominant consciousness properties – a very Blissful state.

    The Highest Heavenly Realm – is the Formless Heavenly Realm – where for the 1st time, form properties have been transformed into formless properties – where the predominant attributes are subtle supramundane consciousness – where all supramundane coarse consciousness cease. For the 1st time – the “1-pointedness Equanimity” or “Black Hole” – will be expand to cover the entire spectrum of the Universe – being the “Formless properties”. But birth, live, sickness and demise – still are the cycle of rebirth for this Highest Heavenly Realm – just like the rest of the realm because Nirvana of No-Birth, No-Death and No-Karma has still not been attained.

    The next realm – is the Nirvana Realm – where for the 1st time - No-Birth, No-Death and No-Karma has still been attained – and this realm is known as the Arahat – who learn the Dharma and practise the Dharma from the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas.

    The next highest Nirvana Realm – is the Pacekka Buddha who attain Enlightenment by himself without learning from the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas but refrain from walking the Mahayana path of liberating others. Thus the Arahat and Pacekka Buddha are known as Theravda Path – the Smaller Dharma Wheel.

    The next higher Nirvana Realm – is the Bodhisattva realm – who attain Enlightenment but postpone Nirvana to make Bodhi Vows to liberate sentinent beings – the beginning of Mahayana Path.

    The last and final Nirvana Realm – is the Buddha Realm – who have attained 3 Times Perfection and the complete fulfilment of the Mahayana Bodhi Vows.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    The Dharma Wheel on the left is the graphical phenonmenon of the Form to Formless Heavenly Realm to Nirvana Realm - the true properties of transformation of mundane consciousness to Supramundane consciousness.

    Pse note, Supramundane consciousness or properties start from Form Heavenly realm onwards - that liken the "Black Hole" - the core of hub of the Dharma Wheel - that 1st transform from mundane to supramundane.

    Understand the phenonmenon?

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    And all the above - encompass the full spectrum complex and profound Universal Law or Universal Truth of Lives in the Samsara Universe (form) and the Supramundane Spiritual Universe (formless). 

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    DarkMax  •  6 minutes ago Report Abuse
    I think you are mixing Buddhism with Taoism.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Universal Law has no concept of Buddhism or Taoism.
    Universal Law is "what it is". 
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Universal Law is about Mind and Matter.
    Where Mind - is the 5 Mental Aggregates.
    Where Matter - is the 4 Great Elements.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    And each Realms and sub-realms - have their unique mix of Mind and Matter, have their unique mix of 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements.

    Where the middle and lower realms - are realms of sensual desires - known as attributes of mundane consciousness.

    Where the higher realm - are realms of non-sensual desires - known as attributes of supramundane consciousness.

    There are no concept of Religions - whether Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, No-Religion - it is just the attributes of Universal Law.

    Thus don't understand why people fight over the difference of Religions - where the Unifying Points - should be the One and Only Universal Law - that encompass the complex and profound Samsara Universe and the Formless Realms.
  • Saturday, September 27, 2014

    Iran's Rouhani says U.S. ties do not have to be hostile forever

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said on Friday that his country's ties with the United States do not have to be hostile forever and that "one day this will change."


    Sunday, September 21, 2014

    Security breach prompts more White House security

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Double fencing - exterior (normal fence with sensors and cctv mounted) to detect intrusion + interior fence (2nd layer) with non-fatal electric fence (with warning poster) - to prevent intruders from climbing the fence as the weak electric fence will prevent intruder from climbing and trap the intruders in between fences.

    Saturday, September 20, 2014

    British Muslims plead for hostage under threat

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Yes IS should release this British hostage as he is in Syria to provide humanitarian aids to Syrian refugees in crisis.

    If IS execute this Samaritan, then IS is killing for the sake of killing.

    Isis Protests: German Muslims Demonstrate Against Islamic State 'Murderers'

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Good to demonstrate that IS ideology is not supported by the Muslim world but instead IS is using Islam as a cloak to hide their uncivilised ambition - that threaten the Muslim world as well as the World at large.

    Security upped at Vatican over attack fears

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    This IS group will not be satisfied with causing turmoil in Middle East - but instead spreading their feelers of turmoil to other parts of the World.

    Tuesday, September 16, 2014

    Strong quake hits Japan

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    This show how well prepare the Japanese in emergency readiness and infrastructure resiliency to ride out the earthquake.
    Obama to announce major effort to 'turn the tide' in Ebola epidemic, involving 3,000 troops

    Published on Sep 16, 2014 2:51 PM
    A kind humanitarian effort, no less dangerous than the mission in Middle East to combat extreme terrorism.

    Iraq Questions Why Iran Not Invited to Join Coalition Against Isis

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    The whole root cause of Middle East issues - the endless fighting - is that Sunni and Shiite are not able to accommodate one another, are involved in power struggle on the ideology from the same root.

    And the most important thing, both Sunni and Shiite must also be able to accommodate other religions and races as well ----- to be inclusive as preached - the wholesome attributes of Allah :-

    Ar-Rahman (الرحمن) The All-Compassionate
    Ar-Rahim (الرحيم) The All-Merciful
    Al-Khaliq (الخالق) The Creator
    Al-Wahhab (الوهاب) The Giver of All
    Al-Wadud (الودود) The Loving One
    Al-Wahid (الواحد) The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible
    As-Samad (الصمد) The Satisfier of All Needs

    Only then, can there be Peace in Middle East - from hotspot to tourist spot.

    Otherwise, Middle East will still been a hotspot and hotbed of violence and fighting with no respite..

    Sunday, September 14, 2014

    Pope breaks taboo by marrying couples who lived 'in sin'