Friday, October 18, 2013

Palestinian president Abbas invites pope to Middle East

As reported :-

"Pope Francis gave him a decorative pen with which Mr Abbas said he hoped to sign a peace agreement with Israel.
"Soon, soon," the pope responded."

If the Peace Agreement between Palestine and Israel can be signed - it will be the "Mother of All Peace" in the Middle East.

Thousands of years of differences, animosity, bloodshed and hatred - can be forgotten and forgiven - and replace them with Compassion and Panna Wisdom.

It can’t be done for so many years. But for this round, Peace is a real possibility if both sides seize it and never let it slips.

“Mission Impossible – is Possible, if the Heart is Willing”.

世纪嗔 (恨),由心治。

菩提心 !!!

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