Friday, October 25, 2013

Microsoft beats profit forecasts, shares jump

Yes Microsoft forte is now on the Enterprise - like Window server, Active Directory, NOS, Microsoft Office - even though there is strong pressure on the Consumer business through Google Android, Apple iOS - with spike on tablets, phablets and smartphones --- not so sure about iWear.

However, the acquisition of Nokia to manufacture tablets, phablets and smartphones - may give Google & Apple a good run of the money.

But Microsoft strength will be how to leverage on its Enterprise strength to grow its tablets, phablets and smartphones business.

Google also come up with Chrome on notebook with HP to run Internet apps.

Microsoft also got CloudOS, Azure to compete with Google.
But VMware will give it a tough fight in the Enterprise cloud space.

Leveraging on Enterprise space, refer to tablets, phablets, smartphones - authenticating with Windows OS - for both Corporate space and Private Space.

I think you can make it.

Remember the 2 loud bangs of thunder - once say, you believe, everything will be all right.

For some, say many many times, but don't believe, think is a fairy tale, that why kenna many many times - again and again.


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