Tuesday, October 29, 2013

China flexes muscles with show of submarine force

Just a word of caution – some or all of the below scenarios may unfold in quick succession – the moment the first trigger is pull.

The historical karma seeds is akin to all dry kinders soaked in kerosene – all is needed is 1 spark to ignite it.

(1) Military skirmishes – very limited military skirmishes such as incident in the sea or in the air – but will not result in heavy battle

(2) Larger conflict – in sea and/or air

(3) Island landing and battle to take over the disputed islands – via sea, air and airdrop

(4) Fighting that escalate into both mainlands – air, sea, land and even missile, arty strike in mainland

(5) Pull in Superpowers into larger and wider military conflict – triggering a massive regional war
Just to let everyone know, the last Paranormal consciousness - arise in a sea of red.............

It become a fight of descendant in the era of Economic Prosperity as opposed to a fight of ancestor in the era of Economic Difficulty.

The descendant fight - is the fight of Revenge.
The ancestor fight - is the fight for Resources due to Economic Difficulty.

Looking carefully at the zen :-

The historical karma seeds is akin to all dry kinders soaked in kerosene (hatred is latent & will not ignite – but will stay latent, not easily ignite. But once ignite – it become uncontrollable and mammoth in destruction) – all is needed is 1 spark (of flaring temper) to ignite it – (the zen :- the moment the first trigger is pull (missile, heavy weapons) – a shot of explosion and fire – that ignite the latent dry cinders and kerosene into a massive inferno – that will trigger something that may become uncontrollable, too late to control).

Zen of metaphysics arise when transcending more than 1 realms - communicating across realms simultaneously

Karma seed is the single most important source to nip it in the bud – because it has a “snowballing effects” that cross more than 1 lifetime if unresolved & it can ignite catastrophe of mega proportion.

From heaven to hell - 一念之差。

All sentinent beings exist because of karma.
In Nirvana, karma cease.

Human live because of karma.
Kusala conduct - bring positive karma.
Akusala conduct - bring negative karma.

Anyway, Buddhism emphasize 3 main categories – as factors of Enlightenment :-
1. Morality
2. Concentation
3. Wisdom

This 3 main categories :- will make up the 8 NoblePath – that will lead to the final Nirvana.

1. Morality – right speech, right action, right livelihood
2. Concentration – right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration
3. Wisdom – right view, right intention

When the above 8 NoblePath are in balance or Equilibrium, Enlightenment of Nirvana is attained.

The 3-Ring Fruition (华严三昧) of 无我(大舍), 慈悲,般若智慧 is attained – where all karma cease.

Where the 4 Noble Truth of 苦,集,灭,道 is fully understood.
(1) Sufferings
(2) Cause of Sufferings is due to Attachments (now both are attached to revenge and to nationalism)
(3) Eradicating the Attachments will eradicate Sufferings
(4) Attained Nirvana

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