Saturday, October 26, 2013

Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant undamaged after quake

Heed the Enlightened Beings advice............
to alleviate vicious cycle of sufferings from historical karma .....

Today General Yamashita paranormal consciousness arise again - this is to merely convey the message.

Historical karma has to be addressed and stop - otherwise it will keep on haunting ..... in a vicious circle of sufferings.

The only way to stop this historical karma - is "Hall of Repentance".

This has nothing to do with the current "Geo Political tension in East Asia".

It is about historical karma ripening - and the "medicine" or "solution" to cure this historical karma - to end the historical karma.

Note :- karma is accumulative and compounded - and will keep coming until all the conditions that contribute to karma ripening are resolved.

The medicine is :- to stop this historical karma - is "Hall of Repentance". The medicine is bitter, but take it will end the sufferings.


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