Wednesday, October 30, 2013

China foreign minister in 'candid' talks with Japanese delegates

Both sides must be sincere - to prevent any mishap from human catastrophe.

Else what we see is a "sea of red............................................"
Where both sides will deeply regret - that it should never have to happen................................

It has reached a crisis situation - an emergency situation that the fuse need to be deactivated in case some one trigger the fuse - and explode into a mammoth inferno - that will be difficult to stop.

Whoever trigger and fire the first shot - will have to bear the responsibilities and consequences of starting a regional war.

If Israel and Palestine - with thousands years of conflict on territorial dispute, religious differences, many wars - can finally sit down to target for a Peace Settlement -

I am sure China and Japan - can do it as well. It is just - 一念之差 - but the outcome can be "Heaven" or "Hell.

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