Friday, October 13, 2017

ricky l

US war chiefs worried Donald Trump will 'demand nuclear strike on North Korea'

ricky l
3 minutes ago
Aides of Donald Trump are reportedly working out what they would say to him if he were to order the United States to launch a nuclear strike on North Korea.
White House officials are said to be increasingly concerned by the President’s behaviour, both publicly and privately, and are worried he will start World War III.
Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly and Secretary of Defence James Mattis are reported to have talked about what they would say to the President if he does order a nuclear attack.
Posted on :-
March 13, 2016

ricky l

ricky l13 seconds ago
If Donald Trump succeed as a President - it may trigger civil unrest and even civil war within US.

Why do the protesters protest in Donald's rally in the first place, it is because Donald incited hatred among the US citizens, that is why protesters protest --- because of the karma of Donald hatred promotion speeches.
Donald is a Devil in the making ---- and if he succeed to be the President --- US may experience civil unrest - at worst even civil war ---- and he may provoke an international brawl among many Countries, may even trigger a nuclear war and the worst scenario --- WW3.

ricky l
ricky l
24 seconds ago

Posted in :-

January 11, 2017
ricky l 17 seconds ago
The most likely major conflict happening in Asia Pacific region should be :-
(1) Korea war - quite likely when US and allied sense that ICBM become real


A war breaking out against N Korea is increasingly possible - because karma is ripening.
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ricky l
ricky l 14 seconds ago
This is the vision that "pops up" - when Trump is ready for inauguration.

Now it seems like "this vision" - is becoming "true".
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ricky l
ricky l 15 seconds ago
Posted in :-
Fri 20 Jan, 2017 3:26 AM 

ricky l 0 seconds ago
Hour before the announcement of US Election result :- 

One Big Bang comes ------ Lightning strike and Thunder roar - when reading the 1st headline of US Election result ..... 
And a "Vision appear" --------- there will be One Big Bang....... 

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Like · Reply · Just now
Ricky Lim · 

Look like the prophecy, the intuition, the vision --- of the D-day is coming near .............................
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Ricky Lim · 

Time and again, i hope to be proven wrong.

But each time, D-day keep drawing near - and no sign of averting the "Big Bang".
Like · Reply · 38 mins
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ricky l
ricky l
16 seconds ago
The social psychologist Erich Fromm first coined the term "malignant narcissism" in 1964, describing it as a "severe mental sickness" representing "the quintessence of evil". He characterized the condition as "the most severe pathology and the root of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity".

Edith Weigert (1967) saw malignant narcissism as a "regressive escape from frustration by distortion and denial of reality", while Herbert Rosenfeld (1971) described it as "a disturbing form of narcissistic personality where grandiosity is built around aggression and the destructive aspects of the self become idealized".
Aides of Donald Trump are reportedly working out what they would say to him if he were to order the United States to launch a nuclear strike on North Korea.
White House officials are said to be increasingly concerned by the President’s behaviour, both publicly and privately, and are worried he will start World War III.
Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly and Secretary of Defence James Mattis are reported to have talked about what they would say to the President if he does order a nuclear attack.
According to numerous sources who have spoken to Vanity Fair about a range of issues surrounding the President and his apparent ‘unravelling’, Kelly and Mattis have already discussed their response.  
“Would they tackle him?” the source said.
The publication claims that those closest to Trump believe him to be “unstable”, while advisers said the White House was “in crisis” over the President’s “dark moods”.

A nuclear attack is seeming ever more likely, with reports emerging yesterday that Trump wants a tenfold increase in the United States’ nuclear arsenal.
However, Trump denied the story on twitter, calling it “pure fiction”.
The White House also denied accounts about the President’s “dark moods”, saying: “The President’s mood is good and his outlook on the agenda is very positive.”
Tensions between the United States and North Korea continue to ramp up after the US staged another show of force by flying two B-1B supersonic bombers from an air base in Guam over the Korean peninsula.
These flights are said to anger the North, with Pyongyang claiming the drills are preparation for war.

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Two B-1B supersonic bombers took part in a another drill with South Korea (PA)

South Korean lawmaker Lee Cheol-hee claims that North Korean hackers may have stolen highly classified military documents that contain details of a strike against Kim Jong-un if war breaks out.
The South’s Yonhap news agency quoted Lee as saying that 235 gigabytes of military documents were taken last year.
Seoul says North Korea has repeatedly staged cyberattacks on South Korean business and government websites, something the North has denied.

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