Saturday, October 21, 2017

PM Lee in Washington DC to build on Singapore’s ‘robust partnership’ with US

 (Updated: )

Heng Ee Chua
No matter how close our banana politicians with the Americans, I will still fight for China against America if there is war between them even though I m a Singaporean. So you Americans watch out. Our ruling party does not represent the general sentiment of the Singaporeans.
Like · Reply · 3 hrs
Gan Veronica · 
You NEED to be educated further....MR.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Augustine Teo · 
Gan Veronica 
Edu me too. I will fight for the chinese . Seduce me, i fight for you.
Like · Reply · 27 mins
Ricky Lim · 
Fighting US and side China or figthing China and side US --- is a disaster --- because it means the World is coming to an end.

Our Foreign Policy is :-
"Friends with All.
Adversity with None."

We must be an honest broker - if US and China - ever to come into confrontation.
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Ricky Lim · 

But there is no reason why US and China would fight.
Are they conquering their territories? - No it doesn't make sense. Both are large Countries with large land mass.
Are they fighting over resources? - No it doesn't make sense. Both are involved in World Trade, doing business, making investment and both are prosperous.

Don't understand what is there to fight?

So if US and China are confronting one another over "don't know what" ===== we can talk to both, arbitrate, mediate and make sense out of things --- to look at the bigger picture, to do business with mutual benefits, to share geopolitical influences - by allowing other Countries to make friends with both Countries ---- and then there are no reasons, and no incentives for US and China to fight.
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Ricky Lim · 
The moment US and China - start to tell other Countries to take side ---- it will be the beginning of disaster --- just like Cold War.

Countries will be targeted by Bloc that is not on its side.

Trade will be split into 2 Blocs.
Security arrangement will be split into 2 Blocs.
Travel will be split into 2 Blocs.

Can anyone guess how will the World look like?
The Earth split into 2 sides - by the invisible "Great Wall of 2 Blocs"?

This will mark the beginning of WW3.
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