Sunday, October 15, 2017

US diplomacy with North Korea to continue until 'first bomb drops': Tillerson

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
"No, sir. He has made it clear to me to continue my diplomatic efforts," Tillerson said. "Those diplomatic efforts will continue until the first bomb drops."
"The president has also made clear to me that he wants this solved diplomatically," he added. "He's not seeking to go to war."

This mean the chances of the "first bomb drops" - if N Korea fire its ICBM or do a nuclear test - is very possible.
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Ricky Lim · 

Posted in :-
14 Oct 2017 12:56PM

Ricky Lim · 
If a nuclear war breaks out in N Korea ---- nuclear radiation will spread 3,000 km in radius.

This mean :-
(1) Whole of Japan
(2) Whole of S Korea
(3) Part of China
(4) Part of Russia
(5) Part of Philippines
(6) Part of Laos
(7) Part of Cambodia
(8) Part of Myanmar
(9) Part of Thailand 

--- will be contaminated by nuclear radiation.

A report says that "Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy --- have radioactive trace --- due to possible nuclear plant accident in Russia or East Europe" about 3,000 km away.
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Ricky Lim · 
Air, Land, Sea in this area will be radioactive contaminated.

This means fish stock, agricultural food stock, crops, birds etc will be radioactive contaminated -- and not edible....
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Ricky Lim · 
Millions will die in direct war.

But many more will be infected by secondary radiation.......
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Ricky Lim · 
Posted in :-

January 11, 2017
ricky l 17 seconds ago
The most likely major conflict happening in Asia Pacific region should be :-
(1) Korea war - quite likely when US and allied sense that ICBM become real


A war breaking out against N Korea is increasingly possible - because karma is ripening.

See less
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ricky l
ricky l 14 seconds ago
This is the vision that "pops up" - when Trump is ready for inauguration.

Now it seems like "this vision" - is becoming "true".
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ricky l
ricky l 15 seconds ago
Posted in :-
Fri 20 Jan, 2017 3:26 AM 

ricky l 0 seconds ago
Hour before the announcement of US Election result :- 

One Big Bang comes ------ Lightning strike and Thunder roar - when reading the 1st headline of US Election result ..... 
And a "Vision appear" --------- there will be One Big Bang....... 

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Ricky Lim · 

Look like the prophecy, the intuition, the vision --- of the D-day is coming near .............................
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Ricky Lim · 

Time and again, i hope to be proven wrong.

But each time, D-day keep drawing near - and no sign of averting the "Big Bang".
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