Sunday, October 15, 2017

Islamic State militants end up in mass graves

15 Oct 2017 10:39AM
Ricky Lim · 

This is the Universal Law of Karma.

ISIS Caliphate that expound :-
(1) Mutual Exclusiveness
(2) ISIS Caliphate Only
(3) ISIS Caliphate First
(4) ISIS Caliphate Alone
--- with its Isolationism, Protectionism, Machoism ----- its karma, its resting place will be "Avici Hell" - the "Deepest Hell".

Because ISIS Caliphate is not relevant to the Human World.

This is the fate, the Karma of such attributes.
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Ricky Lim · 

The ISIS Caliphate that cannot live and coexist with the World - will be destined and left alone in "Avici Hell".
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Ricky Lim · 
Mutually inclusiveness, Compassion, Diversity, Patience, Tolerance, Coexistence, Peace and Harmony ---- are the attributes that People will live happily, peacefully with prosperity.

ISIS attributes of Exclusiveness, cruelty, confrontation, brutal, hostility, inability to work with others, ISIS Caliphate First, ISIS Caliphate Only, ISIS Caliphate Alone - will only end up in mass graves, in Avici Hell.

This is the Universal Law of Karma.
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