Thursday, October 5, 2017

Bangladesh carving out forest land to shelter desperate Rohingya


Ricky Lim · 

Myanmar has promised to take back anyone verified as a refugee but there's little hope for speedy repatriation.
There is long-simmering communal tension and animosity towards the Rohingya in Myanmar, most of whom are stateless and derided as illegal immigrants.

If Myanmar has no intention of treating them well and shoot them with any slight provocation, then they should not go back - because it will introduce future refugees crisis under similar circumstances.

They should remain in Bangladesh with the land allocated to them - and try to start an Economy with help from the International bodies.
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Ricky Lim · 
If this approach is successful, then Rohingya will have their own land - and they can live, work with dignity by starting an Economy in Bangladesh - without the risk of being persecuted..
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