Wednesday, October 18, 2017

US commander must 'imagine the unimaginable' on North Korea

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
"Folks, I must imagine the unimaginable. And what is unimaginable to me are North Korean nuclear-tipped missiles delivered in Los Angeles, in Honolulu, in Seoul, in Tokyo, in Sydney, in Singapore," he said.

There is no reason for NKorea to deliver its nuclear missile to Singapore, because we do not advocate war in Korean Peninsula.

We advocate dialogue and nuclear deal.

We advocate NKorea to open up and integrate its Economy with the World.
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Ricky Lim · 

Our position is that, war in Korean Peninsula will be catastrophic - and millions of innocents will perish and damages unimaginable.

Only dialogue and de-escalation of hostility will help to solve the problem.
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Ricky Lim · 
Most important, our foreign policies is :-
"Friends with all.
Adversity with none."

--- so why will NKorea deliver its nuclear missile to Singapore?
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