Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ultimate goals of Taoism (道教), Hinduism, Buddhism (佛教)

道教 - Ultimate Goal
- 修天界 - 大罗金仙 (Ultimate Sage)
- Practise - 修身,养生,长寿,修道德,清静无为,寡欲与世无争,返朴归真 - “ 人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。 ”
- It doesn't practice 定 (Jhana Samadhi),念力(Mindfulness), 涅槃 (Nirvana)。

Hinduism - Ultimate Goal

- Union with Brahman (eternal essence of reality and source of Universe - beyond the reach of human thought) - known as "Moksha" - from "finite world" to "infinite world".
- 3 main God - (1) Brahma (Creator) (2) Vishnu (Preserver) (3) Shiva (Destroyer)
- Hinduism view the World through Gods, Brahman.
- To achieve Moksha - (1) Atman - ultimate reality, inward contemplation of Self (2) good karma - do good things (3) dharma (religious practise and moral duties) (4) ahimsa - non-violence (5) reincarnation - rebirth of soul into another body.

--- Note :- Its concept of Self (Soul) is still there --- not "No-Self".
Its concept of God (Creator) --- is unsurpass.
Hence it practise "Samadhi Jhana" as reinforcement of "Self" or Atman.
- It doesn't practise 念力(Mindfulness), 涅槃 (Nirvana)。

 Buddhism - Ultimate Goal

- Need to understand 四圣谛 (4 Noble Truth) - 苦,集,灭,道 (1. Life is unsatisfactory, is sufferings. 2. Sufferings is due to craving, clinging. 3. Stop craving, clinging will stop sufferings. 4. The Dharma path leading to cessation of craving, clinging.

- Practice 禅定 (Samadhi Jhana)

- Practise 四念处 (4 Foundation of Mindfulness)
(1) 观身不净。(Mindfulness of Body)
(2) 观受是苦。(Mindfulness of Feelings)
(3) 观心无常。(Mindfulness of Mental States)
(4) 观法无我。(Mindfulness of Dharma - No-Self)

- Practice 八圣道 (8 Noble Path)
(1) Morality - Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Intention or Aspiration
(2) Right Concentration (禅定) (Samadhi Jhana) - 定力
(3) Right Mindfulness (念力)

Goal :- 涅槃 (Nirvana) - where it surpass One OmniPresent Divine Being controlling Universe beings - but all SamaSamBuddhasa --- where all Beings can be same and equal Buddhas (Infinite). (This is my Ultimate Bodhi Vows).

However, if during this lifetime, practitioners feel that if unable to attain :-
(1) Right Concentration (禅定) (Samadhi Jhana) - 定力
(2) Right Mindfulness (念力)

Then practitioners should consider :-
(1) Concentration - achieve 定力 in chanting 阿弥陀佛。
(2) Mindful - achieve 念力 in chanting 阿弥陀佛。
Through the 48 Bodhi Vows (四十八 菩提愿)of 阿弥陀佛 - practitioners can achieve rebirth (往生)into 阿弥陀佛 净土 (Amituofo Pureland).

In 阿弥陀佛 净土 (Amituofo Pureland) - practitioners can practise :-
(1) 四圣谛 (4 Noble Truth)
(2) 八圣道 (8 Noble Path)
(3) 四念处 (4 Foundation of Mindfulness)
    - Right Concentration (禅定) (Samadhi Jhana) - 定力
    - Right Mindfulness (念力)

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