Saturday, September 12, 2015

'Rebel' female Buddhist monks challenge Thailand status quo

rricky l
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ricky l  •  3 minutes 58 seconds ago Remove
Female like male possess the same qualities to attain the same Enlightenment of Nirvana, Jhana Samadhi.

Thus female should also be ordained as a Nun with the same status as the Monk.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    But Male usually possess the Enlightenment factors - that make male easier to attain Enlightenment faster than female.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    During Buddha's time, male is the 1st group that have been accepted by Buddha to become Monks.

    It took Buddha very much later to accept female as Nuns after persuasion by Buddha's disciple, Ananda.

    Records show that male make up the largest group in attaining Enlightenment of Nirvana.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    These Enlightenment Factors are both mental faculties and physical attributes in which male possess advantages over female - and hence male can Enlightened faster than female.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    But refraining female to become Nuns to practice the Dharma like Monks is also not acceptable - as possessing human body to practice Dharma is not an easy feat, a precious gift.

    Thus should not let female to pass away and rebirth as male to practice Dharma.

    Female should be given the opportunity and should not be given obstacle to practice Dharma - because Dharma is Compassion and should equally dispense to all sentinent beings. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Buddha does not discriminate - whether male or female - due to Buddha's Compassion. 

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