Friday, September 11, 2015

4-Face Buddha

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
This 四面佛 is from the highest Heavenly Realm Being – that has attained Arupa Jhana of Nothingness and No-Nothingness – where His Arupa Jhana is able to permeate 4 directions of the Universe.

He has attained eradication of all coarse consciousness of the 3 evil fetters of Ignorance of Universal Truth, Hatred and Greed. But He still has remnants of fine, subtle sub-consciousness of the 3 evil fetters of Ignorance of Universal Truth (as he is not able to overcome the demise of Universe – where he knows he will perish as well if the Universe demise), subtle Hatred and subtle Greed (attachment to his Arupa Jhana of Nothingness and No-Nothingness).

But his attainment is unsurpass by all 10 directions 6 sentinent beings other than Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas, Arahats – of Nirvana Enlightenment that surpass the state of Universe.

His depth and profoundity of Arupa Jhana infinite light and depth permeates every aspect of Universe – hence the highest heavenly realm.

When he met Sakyamuni Buddha – he knows he has met the Final Teacher of Heaven, Human and all realms of sentinent beings.

He knows Buddha attainment far surpass his attainment – as Buddha has attained no birth, no death, no karma, no sufferings – as he knows that he will still experienced rebirth, demise, karma and sufferings once his arupa jhana weakened.

Hence he plead to Sakyamuni Buddha to preach the Universal Dharma to all sentinent beings when he appear in front of Sakaymuni Buddha when Buddha attained the Supreme Enlightenment.

Thus this 4 face Buddha is not erected inside a Buddhist temple but outside the temple, as he has not officially learned the Buddha Dharma from Buddha.

This Highest Heavenly Being has 4 faced – because His Arupa Jhana light of nimitta permeates 4 corner of the Universe.

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas and Arahats before attaining Nirvana – will also attained Arupa Jhana of Nothingness and No-Nothingess where the nimitta light will permeates all the 4 corner of the Universe before attaining Nirvana Fruition.

Hence this 4 face Buddha is also revered by the Buddhist community.

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t  •  1 hour 28 minutes ago Report Abuse
can you kindly provide a link to your information? tq

  • ricky l
    0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this comment
    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Ha Ha no link.
    Intuitive knowledge.
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