Saturday, September 19, 2015

Rallying for race can make Malaysia like Syria, Libya, Iraq, ex-Thai minister warns

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Playing the racial game and religious game is the most dangerous and deadly game to split a country into many parts - that will boil in conflict, sectarian violence and bloodshed.

It is started by Dr M after the last election – by openly advocating, strategizing to play Malays against the minorities – the purpose is to bring down the PM.

When Dr M is not successful in bringing down the PM, Dr M then play the card of rallying the minorities Bersih 4 into a “street rally” against the PM.

This start a vicious cycle downwards where now the Malays start a red rally against the minorities.

All these will brew racial and religious friction, hatred – and if not careful will trigger a free for all like Syria, Iraq, Libya.

This show that Dr M has no regard for the welfare of Malaysians. Dr M will go all the way to pull down any PMs in the helm and willing to sacrifice the interest of Malaysians to satisfy his personal interest.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
When the heart is no good, his mind is no good, and the speech and action is no good ---- and finally the karma will catch up --- and will reap the consequences of sufferings.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
If racial and religious hatred turn into sectarian conflict - Malay lose, minorities lose, Malaysians regardless of races all lose.

Investment pull out, business pull out, economy plummet, tourists will stop visiting Malaysia, job losses become widespread, distrust sets in --- the whole Malaysia will move backwards many years.

Neighbors of Malaysia will also suffer from the internal conflict.

It is a lose-lose-lose outcome for everyone.

And it all started from 1 person - Dr M.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Thus the karma arising from "false speech" is very damaging.

A knife kill a few.

The venom false speech - can damage and kill thousands .....

The karma of false speed - is very heavy ......... 

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