REACH 489 - What are your views on the refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum? What can we do to help the next generation better understand other cultures?
28 Aug 2023 (10am - 7pm)
28/08/2023, 9:54 am - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*
Welcome back! 😊
⏰ We will be opening the chat from *10am to 7pm* today. ⏰
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2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.
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4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.
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The topic will be posted shortly.
Thank you
Megan 😊
28/08/2023, 9:59 am - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢
Minister Chan Chun Sing announced on Saturday, 26 August, that the Ministry of Education (MOE) will be rolling out a refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum next year.
The new curriculum, which will be implemented progressively starting with the Primary 1 cohort in 2024, aims to help students better appreciate cross-cultural similarities and better connect with their friends in the region.
💬 *What are your views on the refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum? What can we do to help the next generation better understand other cultures?*
📌 *Cross-cultural literacy*
Pupils will have more avenues to use their mother tongue languages in day-to-day contexts, and will be exposed to different cultures. For example, in the Primary 1 Malay textbook, pupils will be introduced to popiah, a Chinese spring roll that has become a local favourite, as well as to lumpia, the Filipino version of spring roll.
📌 *Digital learning*
The latest curriculum builds on the 2015 iteration and will feature greater use of technology, such as in the learning of hanyu pinyin and in tongue placement animations for Tamil.
Pupils will learn through a mix of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic means, he added. For instance, for Chinese language, they could read e-books with interactive functions and digital narration at home or play games that improve word recognition.
📌 *Bilingualism edge & Parental support*
Being bilingual is an important part of the Singapore identity. Yet, remaining proficient in mother tongue languages has been a challenge as Singapore has seen a shift to English as the language most frequently spoken at home in the past decade. Minister Chan encouraged parents to devote more time to the mother tongue languages in their children’s early years, adding that we will lose our ‘bilingualism edge’ if we fail to do so.
👉 *New curriculum for mother tongue languages for Primary 1 pupils from 2024*
👉 *New mother tongue curriculum for Primary 1 students from 2024*
28/08/2023, 10:00 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow all participants to send messages to this group
28/08/2023, 10:02 am - +Smiley face: "give a man a fish and he shall eat it; give a man a fishing rod and teachs him how to fish; give the man the fishing rod and tell him to go whereever the water and fishs are..!"
- - anonymity
28/08/2023, 10:02 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed the group description
28/08/2023, 10:03 am - +Smiley face: How to build many highly efficient, robust and interconnected systems?
Let's begin with the education systems...
28/08/2023, 10:05 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: I hope that MOE will give parents option to choose what kind of 2nd language for their kids regardless of their race. ie: Allow chinese to take malay/tamil as their 2nd language if they so choose to. <This message was edited>
28/08/2023, 10:08 am - +Rama: Hope no cotton comes from sheep errors!
28/08/2023, 10:09 am - +Ah Heng: from the article - i like this part -> "the new curriculum also aims to build cross-cultural literacy and understanding. "
28/08/2023, 10:10 am - +Rama: The results should have merit
28/08/2023, 10:10 am - +Ah Heng: but not this part -> This includes the potential harnessing of AI tools such as ChatGPT.
28/08/2023, 10:11 am - +Ah Heng: is the teacher that will have a more last impression on the student learning then a AI
28/08/2023, 10:11 am - +Ah Heng: if everything AI whats the needs for humans
28/08/2023, 10:11 am - +Ah Heng: dun forget who maintain these AI
28/08/2023, 10:11 am - +Ah Heng: Students can look forward to more extensive use of gamification and differentiated resources, to sharpen their language skills at their own time and pace beyond the classroom," said MOE. - >>>> finally MOE is making learning fun that's the spot students love and help them to understand better
28/08/2023, 10:16 am - +Ah Heng: MOE added that it considered feedback from over 11,000 students, 1,000 teachers, and 4,000 parents on the previous curriculum in the development of the refreshed one.
28/08/2023, 10:39 am - +Joseph Yap: 💬 What are your views on the refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum? What can we do to help the next generation better understand other cultures?
It is timely to have a refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum as well as to highlight the potential loss of our “bilingualism edge” in future if we fail to protect it. May want to explore higher weightage of curriculum hours (relative to the other 3 subjects) in the lower primary so that each child has sufficient and structured curriculum hours to build a strong foundation in their mother tongues in their formative years. The weightage could be normalised as the child progresses through to upper primary.
Role-playing in Mother Tongue curriculum and visits to places of interest (of different races and cultures) could help the next generation better understand other cultures.
28/08/2023, 10:45 am - +Smiley face: AI or bots are two 'convenience stores,' for learning!
The unintended outcome can become a slacking cohort that depends heavily on the bots.
So where are the true meanings of all languages?
Are we heading into machine driven human languages?
If it is becoming so, then the future of learning any language will have a profound revolution, that is in lay people would say, "short cut"?
28/08/2023, 10:45 am - +Smiley face: If you believe that the second language is important to our cultures, our roots and for communications purposes....
If you believe...
28/08/2023, 10:48 am - +Ah Heng: Teaching is not just passing knowledge if like that schools can close down and all home school
28/08/2023, 10:48 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Actually, Moe refocus on mother tongue with emphasis on cross cultural understanding is a very good move.
2. We mustn't lose our roots.
3. ASEAN now increasingly our more reliable and growing market, speaking and communicating with mother tongue - will invoke camaderie among ASEAN members.
28/08/2023, 10:48 am - +Rama: Yes
28/08/2023, 10:49 am - +Ah Heng: teachers are there because of the personnel touch, the understanding of the students need, the ability to generate more human to human actions which helps our younglings to get the correct skills
28/08/2023, 10:49 am - +Ah Heng: i dun need a freaking robot to teach the kid who might up up more robotics then the generations today
28/08/2023, 10:50 am - +Smiley face: Language is culture...
Bots are machines...
28/08/2023, 10:50 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
4. In fact at home, all my family members speak mother tongue.
5. Only in school and at work, we speak English.
6. The only minus point is, we are not as fluent in English as we practice speaking English less often. <This message was edited>
28/08/2023, 10:51 am - +Smiley face: Use the bots very wisely or...
28/08/2023, 10:51 am - +Dan: Its language. I think its more impt for students to have opportunity to use them correctly.
28/08/2023, 10:51 am - +Ah Heng: the good thing about this new change is the ability to understand cross culture
28/08/2023, 10:52 am - +Smiley face: Fact: Not all human brains are wired the same, some are good at Numbers, others are good at facts while there are exceptional beings that are wired to take on two or more languages.
28/08/2023, 10:53 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
Oh, but I can speak English, mandarin, Hakka, Cantonese, Hokkien, some Malays - but not other languages.
28/08/2023, 10:54 am - +Smiley face: To be truly well versed in 2 languages, the person must have the INSTANT abilities and aptitude to TRANSLATE up to 90% accuracy in meanings without any loss in the meanings and thus will result in the loss in translation!
It is an innate ability and art too!
28/08/2023, 10:55 am - +Ah Heng: besides our own roots lang
28/08/2023, 10:55 am - +Ah Heng: MOE should try to instill in our generations to come our indentity
28/08/2023, 10:55 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
Probably I can do it for English, mandarin, Hakka and Cantonese but not others.
28/08/2023, 10:55 am - +Smiley face: Bots will clean up the lapses in between two languages which is happening now!
28/08/2023, 10:55 am - +Ah Heng: dun keep following the west or north east or north culture
28/08/2023, 10:55 am - +Ah Heng: we are Singaporeans and we have our culture and roots too
28/08/2023, 10:56 am - +Ah Heng: whats following the west culture .. no no is wrong
28/08/2023, 10:57 am - +Smiley face: Dialect abilities are different because it is not the "main stream" and a broad based adoption as the written and spoken language.
How to expressly write in hokkien, teochew, or Cantonese or Hakka?
28/08/2023, 10:58 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
I know.
That's why I only say it casually.
28/08/2023, 10:58 am - +Smiley face: Multi culture and multi racial...
In the future, SG shall be known as the Southeast Asia of SEA! The centre point of SEA!
28/08/2023, 10:59 am - +Smiley face: NYC or USA are called the melting pot...
28/08/2023, 11:01 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
7. Mother tongue has a profound connection to not only its culture but also its deep philosophy and its associated wisdom. <This message was edited>
28/08/2023, 11:04 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
28/08/2023, 11:04 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
A few words, but profound wisdom.
28/08/2023, 11:06 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. An intelligent man is not sharp. A wise man is not proud. A strategist leave no trace. A strongman is not ruthless.
28/08/2023, 11:15 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
'Face-stealing' man among trio arrested in HK$1.8m loan fraud.
Biometric authentication can be stolen and use to access bank account.
This HK facial recognition was stolen and gain access.
Lose once, he lose it forever.'Face-stealing'-man-among-trio-arrested-in-HK$1.8m-loan-fraud
28/08/2023, 11:15 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
Leaked Today, Exploited for Life
How Social Media Biometric Patterns Affect Your Future.
The photos, videos, and audio posts we put online expose sensitive biometric patterns that can be abused by cybercriminals.
These patterns are virtually unchangeable and can be used now or in future attacks.
28/08/2023, 11:15 am - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 11:20 am - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 11:20 am - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 11:20 am - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 11:20 am - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 11:24 am - +~L: It's not just the curriculum, it's the teaching method that needs fixing. The whole school system needs an overhaul. It's outdated and not setting up kids for success, for a joy of life and collaborating lateral thinking. Fixated on Exams to the point where sports are cancelled during P6. Crazy.
28/08/2023, 11:25 am - +~L: Did today's topic get switched?
28/08/2023, 11:25 am - +~L: It's really hard to follow the thread when the forum gets flooded with completely unrelated messages....
28/08/2023, 11:26 am - +~L: Yes agreed. Incorporating culture and learning about countries traditions etc is a good way to make learning a language more interesting and relevant
28/08/2023, 11:27 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
Topic did not get switched.
Except cpf still think biometric authentication is safe when I visited CPF when I told an officer biometric authentication is not safe.
The last thing I want to see is someone CPF got stolen. <This message was edited>
28/08/2023, 11:28 am - +~L: Singapore needs to have Chinese speaking I assume because we are 70% of Chinese heritage and visitors, many whom don't speak English?
28/08/2023, 11:28 am - +~L: 🤦🏻♂️
28/08/2023, 11:30 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
I will bring this topic on biometric authentication up again when I doing zoom meeting with DPM Lawrence Wong.
28/08/2023, 11:30 am - +~L: Yes
28/08/2023, 11:31 am - +Smiley face: 28 August, 2023
"Transfer of technologies, trades and languages?"
"Visualise it, 'prossimamente': The Future goods and services shall be made by AI; borderless, highly collaborative, no country of origin, one common language, one digitised world working on millions of projects or manufacturings. The common tag shall be, "Made by AI" and the timeline is sooner than you imagine!
- - anonymity
Civilisations & Languages?
Let's put aside the Mesopotamians, the Mayans and the Egyptians to simplify the languages, the significance and the profound impacts on the progress of mankind.
The French and the Italians are known for beautiful arts, designs and fashions.
The Germans and the Americans are known for their hardware and technologies.
The Chinese and the Indians though in combination have over ten thousands of more years in their inventions arrived much earlier than the rest of the civilised world?
For over half a century, why the western civilisation en route and led the world to war, to peace and to prosper?
Today, China and India, both are etching their footprints towards the accolade of the two mighty of this world; is it a possible mission or is it 'prossimamente'?
- - in progress - -
28/08/2023, 11:31 am - +~L: It's also true Tech will make it easier to communicate with people who speak other languages, it already does, so making the learning about the culture is good thinking. So thumbs up for Curriculum review - but please change the method of learning. The curriculum is only as good as the way it is learned.
28/08/2023, 11:33 am - +REACH: *Dear contributors,*
please be reminded to post content relevant to the topic that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
28/08/2023, 11:33 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
When we see something not on the right track, we must try to bring attention to the right authority - to get it corrected.
Cannot let it go awry and more damages - before we do something.
28/08/2023, 11:47 am - +Ah Heng: maybe ifyou can is time to stop all these multi payments platform by the banks
28/08/2023, 11:47 am - +Ah Heng: is crazy how big we are yet we have more than 4 such platfroms compare to china is only 2 major channels
28/08/2023, 11:48 am - +Ah Heng: this is how personnel data get leak cos all those admins how ethical are they .... that is one area in my education days the lectures taught us
28/08/2023, 11:49 am - +Ah Heng: IT industry will have access to the greatest and most sensitive data
28/08/2023, 11:49 am - +Ah Heng: no matter how stringent the rules and screening are ONCE the admin or people working with these data are of low integrity ... the data will be compromised
28/08/2023, 11:49 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
I think cannot just stop. Need to find and
Put in the right security safeguard.
Because digital transaction is a very new big economy.
28/08/2023, 11:50 am - +Ah Heng: maybe singapore shroud be the first to spear head a code of conduct in this areas
28/08/2023, 11:50 am - +Ah Heng: data thief is the most easiest resulting in the most return ....
28/08/2023, 11:52 am - +REACH: *Dear contributors,*
please be reminded to keep to the topic that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
28/08/2023, 12:01 pm - +Ah Heng: Just reduce the part on AI should have more human touch.... is suppose to be nature of learning and human skills at this age. there is no need to expose the young ones to sich much of machine driven stuff espically AI or Bots.
28/08/2023, 12:04 pm - +Smiley face: Overly Confident or lacking Self Confidence in the learning journey? Which ecosystem of education will blossome the most out of this business of teachings from the kinder age into the youthfullness years, in this case a Second language?
A system that give students their grades as a reminder of lacking of performance in any tested subject will be detrimental to their self confidence that resulted in a negative effect known as "ego feedback", it can be good and it can also be bad...
28/08/2023, 12:10 pm - +Dada: This is a good development. I've always valued how as a Singaporean, I can easily converse overseas both in English and in my mother tongue. Not only that, we are often asked to be 'translators', as we tend to understand the spoken English of both those from the West and from Asia, not to mention sometimes more than 1 Asian language. Helping our students learn cross-cultural references just further deepens our appreciation of the different cultures, allows us to make the cultural linkages and heightens our ability to be global citizens. It's a great move by Minister/MOE! <This message was edited>
28/08/2023, 12:55 pm - +Anne: Before the children try to understand other cultures, they must first understand and appreciate their own. The children must know their roots, because it is tied to their own identity. History and culture are important knowledge that are fast disappearing from our fast-paced modern society.
After learning and appreciating their own culture, then learn other cultures.
28/08/2023, 12:55 pm - +Smiley face: 28 August, 2023
Latest: With changes made, all the good initiatives and helpings from MOE to better equip our students in learning the second language are meaningful; just how effective the changes will our students benefit from the latest calibrated new moves? Tomorrow?
Just how many students will pick a story book in their second language or their mother tongue? Now and tomorrow?
After completion of the education journey and onto the working life, how many of our young adults will continue to read or write in their learned second languages? How many will use English as the language for work purposes? Now?
Is it true that the constant use of language will ensure Proficiency and the least loss of touch? Tomorrow?
Is it true that not the majority (80%) of families use or converse two languages at home?
Just how many parents will continue to engage in private tuition just to have peace of mind that their children will pass the language subject, and better still aced the second language exams? Now and tomorrow from Primary 6 to JC 2?
"What's the opposite of fear? It is Courage! And how about the opposite of stress and tense? It's fun and relaxing!"
- - anonymity
Given the latest initiatives, how to devise more ways to ignite curiosity and continuous interest in the teachings of the second language?
MOE got it! That is FUN and let's think of how to make it into more FUN DAYS just to prolong the FUN!
It can be a game changer and a total change in the mindset of our future generations. Let's apply this idea of FUN learnings and lessen the stress to the entire ecosystem of education!
- - in progress - -
28/08/2023, 12:59 pm - +Smiley face: Let's start cracking the secret codes of FUN!
The correct fun and not otherwise...
Let's discuss it!
28/08/2023, 1:00 pm - +Smiley face: What are the other opposites of FUN?
28/08/2023, 1:01 pm - +Smiley face: What are the opposites of a Growing mind and Mindset?
You are more clever and I'm not as clever as the rest...?
28/08/2023, 1:03 pm - +Smiley face: What is an ecosystem, this commonly used word?
Interconnected, communities and meaningful!
The old word was Synergy?
28/08/2023, 1:07 pm - +Smiley face: Aka for a bigger ecosystem can also be called COMPACT?
28/08/2023, 1:14 pm - +Smiley face: A Stern teacher vs A Fun teacher?
28/08/2023, 1:17 pm - +Dan: Depends on the class the teacher has actually.
28/08/2023, 1:34 pm - +Rama: Multilingual and not base on being a majority
28/08/2023, 1:35 pm - +~L: how would you know when someone has learned their own culture? and what happens if they don't? Do they not do MTL?
28/08/2023, 1:36 pm - +Rama: I can understand this
28/08/2023, 1:37 pm - +Rama: Our PM needs to master 3 at least !
28/08/2023, 1:56 pm - +Smiley face: Naughty class vs behaving class?
28/08/2023, 1:57 pm - +Smiley face: PM Lee knows 4 languages...
English, Chinese, Malay and Russian!
28/08/2023, 1:57 pm - +Smiley face: Stern Boss vs Understanding Boss?
28/08/2023, 1:58 pm - +Smiley face: It's always good to know the cultures and world...! Growing Minds!
Or Stagnant mindsets?
28/08/2023, 1:58 pm - +Rama: 😆😁😳
28/08/2023, 1:58 pm - +Rama: In between
28/08/2023, 1:58 pm - +Smiley face: Tests and Exams? Will it tell?
28/08/2023, 1:59 pm - +Rama: 🤷♂️
28/08/2023, 1:59 pm - +Smiley face: The world is a Mega ecosystem!
28/08/2023, 2:00 pm - +Smiley face: Understand the Japanese or the Javanese, you are ahead of others!
28/08/2023, 2:00 pm - +~L: Lol, more tests and exams...
28/08/2023, 2:01 pm - +Smiley face: To see each race and or language as a unique micro system...
Numbers are not important but the meanings are the key...
28/08/2023, 2:01 pm - +Smiley face: Just a quick Fun to shake up the weather!
28/08/2023, 2:01 pm - +Jimmy Chew:
28/08/2023, 2:03 pm - +Smiley face: Just like the arts... language needs lots of practice!
Music is another enabler of the active brain.
28/08/2023, 2:04 pm - +Smiley face: How to crack the FUN Codes? Given the rigid ecosystem we are living in now?
28/08/2023, 2:04 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢
Minister Chan Chun Sing announced on Saturday, 26 August, that the Ministry of Education (MOE) will be rolling out a refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum next year.
The new curriculum, which will be implemented progressively starting with the Primary 1 cohort in 2024, aims to help students better appreciate cross-cultural similarities and better connect with their friends in the region.
💬 *What are your views on the refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum? What can we do to help the next generation better understand other cultures?*
📌 *Cross-cultural literacy*
Pupils will have more avenues to use their mother tongue languages in day-to-day contexts, and will be exposed to different cultures. For example, in the Primary 1 Malay textbook, pupils will be introduced to popiah, a Chinese spring roll that has become a local favourite, as well as to lumpia, the Filipino version of spring roll.
📌 *Digital learning*
The latest curriculum builds on the 2015 iteration and will feature greater use of technology, such as in the learning of hanyu pinyin and in tongue placement animations for Tamil.
Pupils will learn through a mix of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic means, he added. For instance, for Chinese language, they could read e-books with interactive functions and digital narration at home or play games that improve word recognition.
📌 *Bilingualism edge & Parental support*
Being bilingual is an important part of the Singapore identity. Yet, remaining proficient in mother tongue languages has been a challenge as Singapore has seen a shift to English as the language most frequently spoken at home in the past decade. Minister Chan encouraged parents to devote more time to the mother tongue languages in their children’s early years, adding that we will lose our ‘bilingualism edge’ if we fail to do so.
👉 *New curriculum for mother tongue languages for Primary 1 pupils from 2024*
👉 *New mother tongue curriculum for Primary 1 students from 2024*
28/08/2023, 2:05 pm - +Smiley face: How textbooks and teachers help in learning a second language!
Plug the modules and play it?
28/08/2023, 2:09 pm - +Ah Heng: how text book and teachers help? well i thinks they had been doing a good job else many o fus will not be here right
28/08/2023, 2:10 pm - +Ah Heng: more impt-ly with good and dedicated teachers -> they are able to id a child issue and help the child to walk out from that darkness
28/08/2023, 2:10 pm - +Ah Heng: AI can do that?
28/08/2023, 2:10 pm - +Ah Heng: also teachers will be able to induce more fun in learning which i agree with the new approached
28/08/2023, 2:11 pm - +Smiley face: How about from P1 to P3, no second language exams but small quizzes no test?
28/08/2023, 2:12 pm - +Ah Heng: if those with children, we can see classes are given worksheet which i think is a more regular way of ensuring the kid knows what is happening
28/08/2023, 2:12 pm - +Smiley face: First you speak and write?
Or you write first and speak later?
Or you speak and write at one go?
28/08/2023, 2:12 pm - +Ah Heng: test or no test for p1 and p2 shoudl not really matter
28/08/2023, 2:13 pm - +Ah Heng: but to lump 2 yrs of works at p3 is unfair to anyone
28/08/2023, 2:13 pm - +Smiley face: Three years no exams
28/08/2023, 2:13 pm - +Ah Heng: imagine your boss put you to a 2 year course den ask you take a final test at 3 years fair ...
28/08/2023, 2:14 pm - +Smiley face: In between these 3 early years, we can size up the cohort on this subject and calibrate thereon
28/08/2023, 2:14 pm - +Ah Heng: but team work will be fun during p1 and p2
28/08/2023, 2:14 pm - +Smiley face: P4 only tests
P5 tests and mini exams
P6 exams
28/08/2023, 2:17 pm - +Smiley face: The idea is Small bites!
These tests and mini exams are done over weeks...
Each 8 weeks, a mini exam.
Each 2 weeks, a small test.
Let's build resilience and self confidence in these Small Steps towards the end goal of learnings!
28/08/2023, 2:18 pm - +Smiley face: "Living in the garden of abundance; your little steps will uncover each small corner and enclave of scent and vivid spots, do not stop and sit but rest and continue these small steps with good purposes...."
28/08/2023, 2:29 pm - +Jimmy Chew: This is good. Back to their Roots
28/08/2023, 2:32 pm - +Smiley face: "First and foremost, do not 'kill the interest' of learning at such a tender age; the most affected children are from the disadvantaged families with fewer means to support their children. Let's start with a Simpler approach and Patience as the enabler and extend our Compassion across all of our young children; it's never a straight ruler and we are never born with equal length and breathe of the capacity to absorb and to excel in the shortest span of the learning time! For the exceptionally bright students, they will naturally emerge and be identified at the age of 10 and onwards they bloom to their respective callings. And for the rest, the journey to continue learning during adulthood is the key for everyone! No exception, unless a person is burned out and the interest to learn has died!"
- - anonymity
28/08/2023, 2:36 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Actually, learning and mastering the mother tongue, we must let children have the opportunity to speak regularly and expose to social media, TV etc.
2. Just by attending a mother tongue class and then expect the children to speak well and understand the culture is too far fetched.
3. Children must be immersed into it.
4. Eg. I will quote Chinese as my understanding of Chinese language to better relate.
5. Other than using chinese language to speak at home, I also watch Chinese news, watch Chinese documentary, watch Chinese drama, watch dances, art, and understand how people live and how culture evolve.
6. Hence the child should be able to speak to parents and family members at home, as the more the child speak, the more proficient the child is.
7. In school or work, the children will have to use English to learn math, science.
But must have more opportunities to use in order to be proficient.
8. Only then the children will be proficient in both Chinese (mother tongue) and English.
9. Once a child master both languages, then exposing them in other cultures through interaction with other cultures, seeing documentaries, visiting other cultures place of interest will help to foster cross cultural understanding and friendship.
28/08/2023, 2:40 pm - +Smiley face: What if a student tells the teacher or parents that... "to cope with the core subjects is already more than enough and there is really not much room left to immerse into the second language likewise to practice writing essays or to speak; "die die must pass the first language?"
28/08/2023, 2:42 pm - +Smiley face: Here comes the aid, aka tuition?
28/08/2023, 2:47 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
People say learn languages need time.
My experience tell me, talk don't need time.
As children see and hear what parents say, children will emulate.
No need tutors.
Just got opportunities to talk.
28/08/2023, 2:47 pm - +Smiley face: What if a student came home tearing and the parents asked why?
"I thought I knew from all my second language lessons in school, I paid all my attention, and the exams questions were so tough and out of this world; sure die lah?"
How will this student feel thereafter this bad experience and the efforts to immerse in cross cultural activities etc...
Will this student be highly upset?
28/08/2023, 2:48 pm - +Smiley face: Let's find opportunities to speak any language meaningfully?
In school and out of school...
Let's calibrate and allocate time for it.
28/08/2023, 2:49 pm - +Smiley face: The call here is DISCIPLINE!
28/08/2023, 2:52 pm - +Smiley face: Why is the tuition business in the billions of dollars?
28/08/2023, 2:53 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Eg. Saya blajar Dan bercakap melayu - when I intern in my father's office.
I learn Cantonese watching TVB drama serial.
I learn and speak Hokkien with the Hokkien bing in saf when my men speak Hokkien to me.
My parents and siblings speak Hakka at home.
I watch and speak mandarin with my wife, my kids and some close friends.
Of course, I have to speak English at school, at work, write report, do presentation, read and write papers.
Watch English news and reports.
28/08/2023, 2:54 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
No one go tuition in languages course.
28/08/2023, 2:54 pm - +Smiley face: Start speaking in Mandarin!
28/08/2023, 2:56 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
28/08/2023, 2:58 pm - +Smiley face: "A well planned environment of a given economy is an ecosystem of thrives."
How to build many highly efficient, robust and interconnected systems?
Let's begin with the education systems. Its agreeable that more often the essence of teaching children the knowledge will always encompass the routine of tests and exams, without fail, it is the mantra; for the business of education is about performance and the KPI is to achieve the highest possible scores across all subjects at a given time and quantity matters too. Performance in tests and exams are the key measurements of success and the aspirated end is a successful, smarter and highly competitive cohort of the future workforce....
28/08/2023, 3:39 pm - +William: I suggest MOE should consider letting parents choose the 2nd language instead of defaulting according to race. Just my 1 cent.😅
28/08/2023, 4:02 pm - +Smiley face: (x+y)
At P1 and into the first half of P2, students will profess in conversational and reading abilities.
Into the second half of P2 and the rest of P3, students will incorporate the ability to write simple sentences.
By P4, students will speak, read and write a paragraph of descriptive or any genre.
By P5, the extension of the three factors and onto a three paragraphs of a theme storyline.
In the final year of P6, students will take oral tests, reading tests and written composition in getting for the big exams, aka second language as one of the four core subjects.
28/08/2023, 4:02 pm - +~L: So many ways to assess, help and support a child, other than exams:
Project-Based Assessments: Students complete real-world projects or tasks that demonstrate their understanding of concepts and skills.
Portfolios: Students compile a collection of their work over time, showcasing their development and growth in various subjects.
Performance Assessments: These involve tasks or simulations that could include presentations, debates, or hands-on activities.
Continuous Assessment: Regular quizzes, assignments, and class participation
Peer and Self-Assessment: Students assess their own work and the work of their peers against predetermined criteria.
Authentic Assessments: These focus on applying knowledge to solve practical problems, encouraging critical thinking and creativity.
Adaptive Learning Platforms: Technology-driven platforms to tailor learning experiences based on students' strengths and weaknesses, providing personalized assessments.
Observations: Teachers observe students' behavior, interactions, and engagement in various learning activities
Open-Book Assessments: Students are allowed to use reference materials during the assessment, focusing on higher-order thinking skills rather than memorization.
28/08/2023, 4:03 pm - +Smiley face: A good idea! Thanks L for the details!
28/08/2023, 4:03 pm - +~L: My kid said that the world has changed many times over in the last 50 years. Why is education the same now as it was then. Is school preparing us for the future, or the past?
28/08/2023, 4:05 pm - +Smiley face: If the changes are not welcoming or worse lousy results, it can evolve into many political Issues thus it's better not to shift the bedrock after all the rock is solid ?
28/08/2023, 4:06 pm - +Smiley face: It's never easy to change things! Risks and risky!
What local folks would call it " smart but don't act smart?"
28/08/2023, 4:07 pm - +~L: Companies and Industry continually evolves, driven by profit and gov grants. We see innovation. We see foreign investment. Why are our schools being left behind?
28/08/2023, 4:08 pm - +Smiley face: Are multi-cultures or multi languages or our way of living or the physical environments that decide the style of education...
28/08/2023, 4:09 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Another way is to sing songs to learn the languages.
2. Eg. Sing mandarin song, you will learn "han yu ping yin" and try to understand the meaning of the lyrics.
3. Sing Malay song, similar benefits eg.:-
"Di tangjung katong, air nia biru.
Di situ tempat nia, jalah jelita"
In tanjong katong, water is blue.
There are beautiful....
4. Sing Indian song.
Ah forgot still know a bit of a very difficult to learn language - Tamil
"Voon ne ru valiba, voon ne re endrum, tohdo va noh ku va.".
28/08/2023, 4:10 pm - +Smiley face: If you see the shape of a triangle, perhaps you will understand it all?
Put this shape into the corporate world and innovations etc and you shall comprehend beyond doubt, the power of the triangle or pyramid be according to the ancient Egyptians?
Is it true?
28/08/2023, 4:12 pm - +Frankie Wee: Kid grow up must self discipline with education level intelligence When they are smart and career future.
But do not learn and affect like corrupt or dishonest.
28/08/2023, 4:12 pm - +Smiley face: MOE, what L wrote is relevant and please look into how we can implement and in cases we revamp some or part of our modules.
28/08/2023, 4:12 pm - +Frankie Wee: Law is above
28/08/2023, 4:16 pm - +Smiley face: Then it's timely now to reexamine one attribute and the next one in search of a brand new way and meaningfully readjust the way we teach our current generation and the following generations by which then will have to be reassessed to fit into a changed society of the future. It's a continuous effort in this business of education or from the inner minds of the educational experts and the policymakers, it can evolve into many political issues too tough to solve or to resolve...
28/08/2023, 4:17 pm - +Smiley face: If you believe that the second language is important to our cultures, our roots and for communications purposes.
If you believe for the past five decades of educating our people with the comfort of their choice mother's tongue was effective and indeed affective.
If you believe in all of the above attributes of importance and an invincible force to uphold in a multi-cultural and multi-racial and multi-religion Asian community...
28/08/2023, 4:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: 1st language English
2nd language from generation family
3rd language as you like add subject
Malaysia alway first 1st Malay language, 2nd English and 3rd Chinese or Tamil languages
28/08/2023, 4:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: English most important we have all unit one communication
28/08/2023, 4:25 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 4:27 pm - +Rama: Yes
28/08/2023, 4:35 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Set up karaoke set of different languages, pick a few songs to sing at home or in school.
2. Let the children take turn to sing.
3. Sure can pick up the language quickly.
4. Because it is fun learning, playing and competing in a fun way. <This message was edited>
28/08/2023, 4:42 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
5. Once they develop interest, they will try to learn more of the language.
28/08/2023, 4:44 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
6. My first brush in Malay language, is start learning Malay song.
7. I start to speak Cantonese when I start to learn sing Cantonese song.
8. Same as Hokkien.
28/08/2023, 4:46 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 4:49 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
28/08/2023, 4:51 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
When I ask those proficient in Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien people to rate my pronunciation in the songs, they say quite accurate.
28/08/2023, 4:54 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Effort:- about one hour per song.
Understand the meaning of each word, another 1 or 2 hours
So, learning languages not too difficult.
No exam. No stress.
Learning the languages - very fun and feel very good accomplishment.
Is it stressful?
No, thoroughly enjoy the learning process.
Learning a language difficult, not exactly.
28/08/2023, 4:55 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
So, it is using the right method to learn languages in a fun way.
No need tuition.
Children will want to pick it up on their own - if they develop interest.
28/08/2023, 5:51 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Tharman learning Malay and Mandarin through songs:-
having sung “Getaran Jiwa” by Malaysian artiste P. Ramlee and “An Jing” by Jay Chou.
28/08/2023, 6:00 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢
Minister Chan Chun Sing announced on Saturday, 26 August, that the Ministry of Education (MOE) will be rolling out a refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum next year.
The new curriculum, which will be implemented progressively starting with the Primary 1 cohort in 2024, aims to help students better appreciate cross-cultural similarities and better connect with their friends in the region.
💬 *What are your views on the refreshed Mother Tongue curriculum? What can we do to help the next generation better understand other cultures?*
📌 *Cross-cultural literacy*
Pupils will have more avenues to use their mother tongue languages in day-to-day contexts, and will be exposed to different cultures. For example, in the Primary 1 Malay textbook, pupils will be introduced to popiah, a Chinese spring roll that has become a local favourite, as well as to lumpia, the Filipino version of spring roll.
📌 *Digital learning*
The latest curriculum builds on the 2015 iteration and will feature greater use of technology, such as in the learning of hanyu pinyin and in tongue placement animations for Tamil.
Pupils will learn through a mix of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic means, he added. For instance, for Chinese language, they could read e-books with interactive functions and digital narration at home or play games that improve word recognition.
📌 *Bilingualism edge & Parental support*
Being bilingual is an important part of the Singapore identity. Yet, remaining proficient in mother tongue languages has been a challenge as Singapore has seen a shift to English as the language most frequently spoken at home in the past decade. Minister Chan encouraged parents to devote more time to the mother tongue languages in their children’s early years, adding that we will lose our ‘bilingualism edge’ if we fail to do so.
👉 *New curriculum for mother tongue languages for Primary 1 pupils from 2024*
👉 *New mother tongue curriculum for Primary 1 students from 2024*
28/08/2023, 6:11 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Getaran jiwa - soul tremble.
An Jing - Quiet serenity.
Learn something.
28/08/2023, 6:15 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. 心灵颤动。
2. 安静。
28/08/2023, 6:53 pm - +Smiley face: 28 August, 2023
"The Meanings of An Ecosystem"
"give a man a fish and he shall eat it; give a man a fishing rod and teachs him how to fish; give the man the fishing rod and tell him to go whereever the water and fishs are..!"
- - anonymity
"A well planned environment of an economy is an ecosystem of thrives."?
How to build many highly efficient, robust and interconnected systems?
Let's begin with the education systems. Its agreeable that more often the essence of teaching children the knowledge will always encompass the routine of tests and exams, without fail, it is the mantra; for the business of education is about performance and the KPI is to achieve the highest possible scores across all subjects at a given time and quantity matters too. Performance in tests and exams are the key measurements of success and the aspirated end is a successful, smarter and highly competitive cohort of the future workforce.
If you believe that the second language is important to our cultures, our roots and for communications purposes.
If you believe for the past five decades of educating our people with the comfort of their choice mother's tongue was effective and indeed affective.
If you believe in all of the above attributes of importance and an invincible force to uphold in a multi-cultural and multi-racial and multi-religion Asian community.
Then it's timely now to reexamine one attribute and the next one in search of a brand new way and meaningfully readjust the way we teach our current generation and the following generations by which then will have to be reassessed to fit into a changed society of the future. It's a continuous effort in this business of education or from the inner minds of the educational experts and the policymakers, it can evolve into many political issues too tough to solve or to resolve.
The Finland Fun?
In contrast, the Finnish business of teachings is to test less (vs stress tests vs high stake exams) but a continuous engagement with students and parents on their childrens' progress with any subject is the key of the Finnish concept of a continuous growing mind and empowering self confidence to solve unknown problems of the reality or ignite curiosity over sciences and technologies or language proficiency to the young ones. These guilded and well planned nurturing systems have evolved into a holistic and an inquisitive mindsets of the young Finnish adults and its people.
Overly Confident or lacking Self Confidence in the learning journey? Which ecosystem of education will blossome the most out of this business of teachings from the kinder age into the youthfullness years, in this case a Second language?
A system that give students their grades as a reminder of lacking of performance in any tested subject will be detrimental to their self confidence that resulted in negative effect known as "ego feedback", it can be good and it can also be bad.
Are multi-cultures or multi languages or our way of living or the physical environments that decide the style of education or by encompassing the larger community that also means bridging advanced nations and to calibrate ahead several effective digitised tools and meaningful methods so as not to erase the students from the future of relearning as adults?
All said and done, the purpose of education is a 'one-of' several systems that must interlinks with other systems to form a larger ecosystem in order for a nation to thrive!
With changes made, all the good initiatives and helpings from MOE to better equip our students in learning the second language are meaningful; just how effective the changes will our students benefit from the latest calibrated new moves? Tomorrow?
Just how many students will pick a story book in their second language or their mother tongue? Now and tomorrow?
After completion of the education journey and onto the working life, how many of our young adults will continue to read or write in their learned second languages? How many will use English as the language for work purposes? Now?
Is it true that the constant use of language will ensure Proficiency and the least loss of touch? Tomorrow?
Is it true that not the majority (80%) of families use or converse two languages at home?
Just how many parents will continue to engage in private tuition just to have peace of mind that their children will pass the language subject, and better still aced the second language exams? Now and tomorrow from Primary 6 to JC 2?
"What's the opposite of fear? It is Courage! And how about the opposite of stress and tense? It's fun and relaxing!"
- - anonymity
Given the latest initiatives, how to devise more ways to ignite curiosity and continuous interest in the teachings of the second language?
MOE got it! That is FUN and let's think of how to make it into more FUN DAYS just to prolong the FUN!
It can be a game changer and a total change in the mindset of our future generations. Let's apply this idea of FUN learnings and lessen the stress to the entire ecosystem of education!
- - in progress - -
28/08/2023, 6:59 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
28/08/2023, 7:01 pm - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group
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