REACH 447 - What are your thoughts on PM Lee's speech? What are your views on how Singaporeans and the 4G leaders can work together to overcome the challenges faced by Singapore?
20 Apr 2023 (10am - 7pm)
[9:50 am, 20/04/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan ๐
[10:00 am, 20/04/2023] +REACH: ๐ข Topic ๐ข
Speaking at a Parliamentary debate yesterday (19 Apr) on the President's Address at the opening of the second session of Parliament, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong outlined three major geopolitical tensions that Singapore is facing - US-China tensions, the Ukraine war, and threats to the global multilateral trade system.
Nonetheless, PM Lee noted that Singapore had gotten through repeated challenges over the last six decades “because we worked together, took adversity in our stride and kept faith with one another”. He urged Singaporeans to remain united as they faced the challenges that lie ahead, and to lend the fourth generation of leaders (4G) their full support as they increasingly assume responsibility for the safety and well-being of the country and endeavor to fulfill a ‘strong agenda’ both domestically and abroad.
๐ฌ What are your thoughts on PM Lee's speech? What are your views on how Singaporeans and the 4G leaders can work together to overcome the challenges faced by Singapore?
PM Lee outlined 3 major geopolitical tensions that make the current global situation graver than what Singapore has faced in a long time:
๐ US-China Tensions:
PM Lee noted that there was deep mutual suspicion and fundamental distrust between the two superpowers that would not improve anytime soon. In the US, the prevailing view was that efforts to work out a cooperative relationship with China have failed, and that China’s growing strength and assertiveness was becoming a grave threat to US interests and values. While in China, its leaders have become convinced that the US was seeking to “contain, encircle and suppress” China. There is also the issue of Taiwan which remains the most dangerous flashpoint of all.
๐ Escalation in Ukraine:
PM Lee highlighted that there was a risk of the war in Ukraine escalating. This could lead to the war continuing to disrupt global energy, food and fertiliser supplies, causing prices to rise. The war also had significant implications on international relations. He also described relations between Russia and the Nato countries as “completely broken down” and that it “will not return to normal anytime soon”.
๐ Global Trading System under siege:
Lastly, PM Lee highlighted that the global multilateral trading system was under siege as countries were prioritising domestic and national security considerations and no longer talk about trade being win-win. This had serious implications for small, open economies, such as Singapore, that cannot survive other than as an open economy that relies on trade and investments and a common set of rules that applies to all countries.
๐You can watch PM Lee's full speech here:
[10:36 am, 20/04/2023] +Khuan Yew: I felt that the speech was rather lacking on what would be the way forward for Singapore. It lacked the vision for Singapore in the midst of these challenges. In fact, it felt to me that the PM was using external bogeymen as a call to vote for the PAP leaders in the next elections. 2 of the storms: China vs US and Russia vs Ukraine won't be solved by Singaporeans being united. However, the third storm of protectionism, is something that Singapore can deal with and I would like to see more concrete plans from the government.
[10:40 am, 20/04/2023] +Khuan Yew: I think that the only way we can deal with protectionism is for more of the government leaders to form lasting relationships with the leaders of other governments. Lee Kuan Yew was an elder statesman well known globally who had friendships with many world leaders. Since his passing, we do not have such a leader and more so we do not see any of the 4G leaders doing that. Strong friendships with other leaders is the only way that we can ensure that supply lines are not completely cut off. However, my sense is that 4G leaders seem to be more content managing internally rather than cultivating friendships with leaders across the globe.
[10:46 am, 20/04/2023] +Khuan Yew: The government should also encourage private companies to venture further abroad beyond South East Asia or China. By building up networks of Singaporeans and companies in other countries, Singapore will have "soft power" when the time comes to call on people in high places in other countries. Temasek-linked companies should also be focusing on venturing to other countries besides China because if war happens between US and China, Singapore will have to pick sides. Temasek-linked companies investing (such as properties) in China does not make sense going forward.
[10:46 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[10:47 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Not sure if LHL has the same leverage as his late father.
[10:48 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: I believe we are already doing this.
[11:04 am, 20/04/2023] +Boon: Singapore has a serious cost challenge. Expensive housing, rentals, cost of doing business, even small cars, and an ever increasing daily cost of living, health care and insurance. All round, it’s expensive. In turn, it’s making Singapore wages and salaries higher than other economies. It is a spiral that needs to be managed and actively visibly addressed. Social stratification by wealth and lack of mobility are some risks. Singapore residents should not be asked to continuously absorb them.
[11:05 am, 20/04/2023] +Boon: Would this cost challenge be a topic in parliament to seek solutions?
[11:06 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Wages too cannot keep pace with various costs!
[11:09 am, 20/04/2023] +~L: These are playful projections, that are just speculation. Or perhaps lobbying from car companies to get more people to buy now, or to pressure gov to increase capacity.
[11:10 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Possibly
[11:10 am, 20/04/2023] +~L: We don't want our island overrun with cars and the COE ensures proper capacity management. We have amazing public transport that is reliable clean and cheap. That's the message to keep sending people and if anything, put on more trains in the mornings and evenings to ease congestion in the stations.
[11:11 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Car lite is the way forward
[11:12 am, 20/04/2023] +~L: Singapore is the only developed nation that hasn't got a traffic problem.... looking at any other country and you'll see pollution, jams and stressful commute on the roads.
[11:13 am, 20/04/2023] +~L: I'd like a car, of course, but it makes no sense and is very expensive, while PT is so good.
[11:13 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐
[11:13 am, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: Oh ouch hurt so much money pay and pay
[11:14 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Small cc cars just crossed 100k coe!
[11:24 am, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
1. In face of grave adversity, our people need to be behind and support the government to ride over the crisis.
2. The last thing we want is to make the government worry over our own backyard - instead of focusing our efforts to tackle very challenging external environment that will derail our trade and investment from abroad.
3. Hence supporting the PAP government that provide us the best insurance to survive and thrive is imperative.
[11:26 am, 20/04/2023] +~L: Agreed - this is the reality. We can't afford to put ourselves at risk by internal public division, although we can (and should) support and encourage diverse thinking.
[11:27 am, 20/04/2023] +~L: I don't want our government to ever become complacent or take for granted their position. This is a government for the people, by the people in support of our nation's future.
[11:28 am, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
4. The current external environment mirror the situation that precede ww1 and ww2 - where big countries become protectionists, form blocs, politicians incite their own people to be nationalists, and internal economies are threatened.
2. In 1930s deep depression that trigger global economic doldrums where high inflation of double figures, high unemployment, countries take protectionist measures to hoard resources, countries form blocs - trigger ww2.
This is the exact situation we are facing now.
[11:28 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: kindly do not bring COE as part of the discussion as it is not a gauge of cost of living
[11:29 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: also Cars in singapore terms is infact a luxury item i think someone did mentioned this on a national level 0- correct me if i am wrong because
[11:29 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: our transport system have evolve to haveing nearly a bus stop every max 500 meters and every train station at hot spots in a neighbourhood
[11:30 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: ok those who claims the train and bus sucks
[11:30 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: well u have Taxi (which again is not consider a public transport in some govt books, is call luxury transport)
[11:31 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: and because public was so unhappy about taxi now we HAVE A NEW BREED -PHV which is your Grab and whatever go jek
[11:31 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: for those who still being an arse about cars you have optiosn to rent from Go Get / blue whatever sg or if you want can rent from gRab and earn at the same time
[11:32 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: and if till today people of Singapore still do not know what COE is better wake up
[11:32 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: with the influx of the rich, the shrinking COE available, the drive to have more green based cars on the road what make one think the COE will drop ESPICALLY AFTER 2 YEARS OF CLOSED UP
[11:33 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: COE is never a meter to show how good or bad is the living or future of singapore
[11:34 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: BUT is a good avenue for the govt to earn their revenue -> which can be used well in multiple places including the 500k or 5 million $ dustbin
[11:34 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: whatever PM point out is real
[11:34 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: and there are more storms to come because of that 2 giant school kids being not happy with each other and are making sure the rest in the school take side
[11:35 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: whenever one o fthem farts or cough the rest of the school will shivers why because 2 of the kids have great impact to the school (funny right is not the PRINCIPLE OR THE TEACHERS TAHT HAVE A DIRECT IMAPCT)
[11:36 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: not to mentioned with more countries planning to drop USD as a common trading dollar , what will happen globally
[11:36 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: will there be more sudden wars
[11:36 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: rioits
[11:36 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: chaos
[11:37 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: we all saw that in our life time from irqa -> kuwait - libya etc
[11:38 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: do we want that in our region? are our neighbors strong enough to withstand external influence n manipulation
[11:38 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: those mentioned are jus tthe tip of the ice berg
[11:39 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Another war on Sudan just started
[11:39 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: to have our so call leaders predict what will happen -> hard
[11:39 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: to have our leaders preempt -> unless they have darn good foresight
[11:40 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: If war does break out in the Taiwan straits and the south China Sea, Imagine the countless cost difficulties for regional countries.
[11:41 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: actually i pity them now cos the world is in such limbo where too many happening is taking place at the same time wars, political unhappiness (school playground fight), manipulation , and dun forget there is a potential banking crisis
[11:41 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: once the banking system globally break all will be in shambles
[11:41 am, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: 2025 COE hit $200k then resale HDB can value higher market say 3 room $700k
[11:41 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: The Ukraine and Russia conflict is already bad enough
[11:42 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐ณ๐คฆ♂️๐
[11:42 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: so maybe our opposition better stop making stupid statement like it takes 14 mth to save and own a car compare to singapore 3 years
[11:42 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: what does a car can do for the country
[11:42 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the govt just earn from you that one time
[11:42 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Just don't vote anymore in come 2025@
[11:42 am, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: S see till Cold War on going unit no end but I hate to create develop military nuclear ☢️
[11:42 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but you car owner will have to live with loan and maintainence and expenses of a sucker for 10 years!
[11:43 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐๐คท♂️
[11:43 am, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: Money spent on dry up
Working hard 12/7
[11:43 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: and fun forget if govt lower the car ownership requirement , hey singaporeans no need go jb to enjoy the jam
[11:43 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: every dam expressway in singapore and road will be a jam
[11:43 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐
[11:44 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Yup
[11:44 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: then what new complaint from the public govt stupif lah why so many car
[11:44 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: govt stupid lah why so little car park (when one family now owns 3-4 cars instead of 1 to 2)
[11:44 am, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: I can said ppl mindful money keep on buying car his car collection hobby
[11:44 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is a bloody water fall effect .. how come our dear touch my heart guy cannot see this or he just saying to make the public happy (see i voice out for u all)
[11:45 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the rich buy car sometimes is not to drive is just to put as show case
[11:45 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but he is rich
[11:45 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: out of 5.4 million how many of us are that rich
[11:46 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: minus the ft we are last known is 3.6 million
[11:46 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: how many are working our arse off for our families and really concern about the country and society for our kids
[11:46 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: ask ourself these question
[11:47 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: those in that big house arguing this and that ey monthly pay is above 15k already minus the directorship and whatever
[11:47 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: whats the impact they set in -> ok help us pull thru covid and good they are prep for the forth coming future changes storm
[11:47 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but are there good and constructive ideas to help push further from the opposition ?
[11:48 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Proud to say - NO!
[11:48 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: dam sad all talk rubbish sorry i am not anti oppo but the quality of their speech is like ehh use backside the uncle and aunties in makret and kopi tiam can present better issues
[11:48 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[11:49 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: all just surface matter 15k to feed these people i rather take it and help the mentally disabled society
[11:49 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: back to the topic
[11:50 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: ukraine war - we better dun take side and speak less but promote peace and those leading countries could stop sending weapons and ask for diplomacy talks
[11:50 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: u send arms he sent arms who will stop the fight
[11:51 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: china and us better stop call each other black cos they are just like each other in many area one hates the other to be in power, one is kaypo about what is doing and want to stop the other from becoming famous
[11:52 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: ehh just live in peace lah u are a govt for your country not a govt for the whole
[11:53 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the world have what 195 countries till date NO COUTNRIES BELONG TO ANOTHER each are independent of themselves with their own culture, society rules and whatever , learnt to respect that's about it
[11:53 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: u wanna police and be big brother do it in your own country
[11:53 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐
[11:54 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: as a small nation we also cannot keep saying things to make other bigger land mass countries happy
[11:54 am, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Russia- Ukraine war
1. The current status could be a turning point - as the wet ground will be turning favourable and harden for armour vehicles to operate.
2. Effective weapons delivered by the west to Ukraine - for its large counter offensive - would be decisive to threaten Russia occupied position - as Russia ability to respond could be limited as its conventional weapons are exhausted and unable to resupply.
3. What this means is that Russia newly occupied East and South lands could possibly be overrun and taken back by Ukraine including Crimea - which Russia will not be able to tolerate.
4. Our PM worry is, will Russia escalate to use tactical nuclear weapons?
5. If Russia do, then NATO will escalate by joining the fight with big conventional force to wipe out Russia troops in Ukraine.
Then Russia and Europe war will erupt like ww1 and ww2.
[11:54 am, 20/04/2023] +Rama: How many are truly sovereign without being manipulated and a surrogate!?
[11:55 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: remember chilli padi -> small plant but spicy that it burns one's mouth -> so is good that the current capitan of ship did not forget to make this little mass of land stronger against threats
[11:57 am, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: bound to happen -> just that that invisible hands did not want to openly seens as the shit stirrer of the matter , espically when one is soooo dam broke anything that is advantageous to keep one in position and still looks good to other why not
[0:26 pm, 20/04/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We want to HEAR MORE from you!
๐ฌ What are your thoughts on PM Lee's speech? What are your views on how Singaporeans and the 4G leaders can work together to overcome the challenges faced by Singapore?
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan ๐
[1:03 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
US - China geopolitical tussle
1. China is poise to overtake US in every areas:-
a. US GDP - $23 trillion.
China GDP - $18 - 19 trillion.
b. US reserves - $129 billion
China - $3 trillion.
c. US debt - $32 trillion
China - $9 trillion.
A couple more years - China will overtake US economically, financially, in global trade as US turn inwards.
2. Technology wise, China leads US in various fields.
Eg. China beidou satellites exceeds US satellites many fold .
Elon starlink needs to help US.
But China renew announcement to build more low cost satellite is poised to overtake.
3. China AI, 5G, nuclear fusion are in the forefront if not better than US.
4. US feels that its global leadership is seriously threatened - as China economic influence over the world, assertiveness in claiming its right in its surrounding areas and its governance value system that contradict US system.
5. Hence US will constantly irritate and attempt to wrestle back this trajectory using covert and overt means:-
a. Friendshoring of manufacturing plants, global supply chain.
Decoupling of global supply chain.
b. Using sanctions on technology eg. Chips to blunt China manufacturing abilities.
c. Sanctions China big companies rise from sourcing capitals.
d. Form military blocs - military and setup bases to counter China.
e. Irritate and step on China pain points eg. Xinjiang, HK, Tibet, covid, and China reddest red line Taiwan.
Just to contain China development and rising.
Making use of many countries as pawn to achieve its goals.
6. China similarly respond - in a couple of ways.
All these will have a massive impact on how we operate in trade, investment, travel, business and global supply chain.
The issue of global collaboration, global trade - in which we thrive are severely impacted.
If we continue to be distracted by internal politics instead of focusing our efforts to ride over this external crisis - I don't know how are we going to survive.
[1:07 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Sigh!
[1:17 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Can anyone remember how ww2 erupt?
1. It start with Hitler Germany started the war in Europe and fight all the way to Russia.
2. Then Japan started the Asia Pacific region war by invading China and pearl harbor.
3. Then US announced joining the world war.
1. Look at what happens to the world now
2. Russia invade Ukraine, NATO and US collaborate to supply weapons to fight Russia invasion.
3. US instigate Taiwan as pawn to irritate China and if war breakup over Taiwan - US hope to erode China resources and go down hill - so that US will maintain its leadership position.
Both Europe and Asia Pacific development mirror ww2 development.
The worry is - will Europe war escalate and will China start the fight over Taiwan?
If it does - then we are seeing ww3 unfolding.
[1:26 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
That means 3 world largest economy:-
1. EU - $20 trillion GDP.
2. US - $20 trillion GDP.
3. China - $20 trillion GDP.
Total $60 trillion GDP lock in battle and war out of global GDP $90 trillion.
Even though we stay out of the war - economically we can't survive because our trade, business and investment in these 3 economies are huge.
[1:29 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
So if we think these 3 global storms won't affect us - and we still continue to stir up internal politics instead of rallying and support our government - we stand no chance to ride through the next decade.
[1:32 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: All our fta, trdg blk etc will amount to nothing if conflict prolongs indefinitely!
[1:32 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[1:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Acess to trade routes will be curtailed by naval blockade intimidating tactics!
[1:35 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Yes this is what I mean.
Politicians in US - whether republican and democrats have suddenly gone bonkus, totally irrational.
They have let their ego and emotions go over their heads.
Their current global manoeuvre to regain their leadership position - threaten everyone in the world - not saying China and Russia are totally above board.
[1:39 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
The like of moderate rational politicians like Clinton, Obama, Kissinger etc are totally sidelined - whereas radical politicians lawmakers take the helm - sowing distrust and to win at all cost, influencing their people on hatred rather than emphasizing mediation and collaborations.
Reminiscent of what happens in ww2, this is what Hitler and Japanese war cabinet brainwashed their people - to be ready for war.
[1:55 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
China - Taiwan straits
1. China reunification with Taiwan is a red line due to complex and emotional historical circumstances.
2. KMT who rules China got driven out by CCP and landed in Taiwan.
CCP view KMT and Taiwan as a breakaway region and draft its constitution that it must be reunited at all cost - through peaceful manner or by force as last resort.
3. But urging China to reunify with Taiwan in a peaceful manner is the most wholesome approach as no one can guarantee China will succeed in taking back Taiwan through military means no matter how formidable China military forces is.
4. Because Taiwan is an island that provide a natural barrier for invading force.
Also Taiwan has many mountainous terrain that make defense easy - while posing enormous challenge to invading forces.
5. For example,
a. If China choose to land in Taiwan, it will need 500,000 troops to land to ensure it can defeat Taiwan forces 5:1.
Russia prove that it's 150,000 land invasion is not sufficient and need to recruit 300,000 more - but no guarantee of winning.
To land 500,000 troops - how many ships that China must send and how many troops to airdrops?
i. Thousands of ships - but will have to overcome seamines, submarine torpedo, artillery, 400 sea skimming missiles that cannot be detected by radar.
Landing troops bombarded by arty, machine guns, landmines, snipers, etc.
Ambush by Taiwanese troops that hide in mountains that provide natural cover.
Very tough for China to land in Taiwan and succeed to take over Taiwan.
[1:56 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
"Taiwan to buy 400 US anti-ship missiles to face China threat: Bloomberg".
This will make all PLA warships under very serious threat and not able to come close to Taiwan's shores nor able to surround Taiwan with warship as the harpoon missile can sink one warship per missile.
[1:56 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
If their production plant too busy supplying arms to Ukraine - then Taiwan will have to take a back seat.
But if US succeeded in delivering these 400 harpoon missiles to Taiwan - then Taiwan become a porcupine.
China cannot surround Taiwan with warship - as the west coast of Taiwan up to China east coast is within range.
The siege strategy cannot work.
[1:56 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Harpoon missiles are sea skimming missiles that hug and fly just above the sea - way below the radar.
Hence PLA warships radar cannot detect, lock their anti-missiles system or ciws (close in weapon system) that uses rapid firing bullets to shoot down the sea skimming missiles.
Hence warships are likely to be sunk by a sea skimming missiles.
[2:01 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
ii. If China choose to surround and lay seige on Taiwan like what China did in the last exercise - where Tsai visit US to meet the new house speaker - where shangdong carrier station at East of Taiwan to chase away US aircraft carrier Nimitz.
Then PLA navy will have to consider whether they can surround Taiwan at the west coast as US supplied harpoon missiles are sea skimming that go below China warships radar - one missile one kill.
Even China ciws radar cannot detect and shoot down the harpoon missile.
So the siege strategy may fail as per the last exercise.
[2:03 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[2:04 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Bad move!
[2:07 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
iii. The only military means to pressure Taiwan is to do :-
- aerial bombardment on Taiwan (as China stealth bombers like the J20 cannot be locked by radar)
- long range missiles and hypersonic missiles
To destroy Taiwan infrastructure and pressure Tsai to surrender - like what Russia attempted to do on Ukraine.
But this means:-
1. Taiwan may not surrender like what Ukraine did.
2. International sanctions and isolation may set in.
Hence using military forces is not the best solution for China.
[2:08 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Consider how our country with no natural resources will suffer since we depend totally on external trade!?
[2:08 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
That's why I advocate China to go for the long haul - concentrate on making themselves the number 1 superpower in Economy, finance, technology.
Make more friends with the world.
Help in global affairs.
In long run, Taiwan will befriend China and do peaceful reunification - like Finland, Sweden, Ukraine - will willingly want to join NATO.
[2:09 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: I sincerely hope so
[2:09 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Is this the 2nd batch purchase? The last batch of 2.3 bill purchases of 100 hcds and 400 RGM-84L-4 in 2020 was delayed till 2024 - 2025 for delivery. When will this new batch be delivered?
[2:10 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Sneak delivery at best
[2:12 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
1. Going for the long-haul could be a better approach - because Taiwan is :-
a. Only an island and will always reside besides China.
Physically it won't go away.
b. Taiwan GDP no longer can match the GDP of many China provinces - there is no imperative or hurry to reunify Taiwan.
c. China should foucs its effort in making its economic progress, technology progress and financial wealth better and better.
d. China should continue to make more friends through economic cooperation, diplomatic efforts to make the World more peaceful and less conflict, help in World development and help to solve Global woes.
By doing so, China can build its soft strength and win more friends.
2. In the long haul, Taiwan will yield and (hope to reunify with China) like Ukraine, Finland and Sweden - do the impossible to join NATO.
3. Starting a war, will only fall into the trap set by US - and China fall straight into it - because it harm China and Taiwan more than it harm US.
[2:16 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Block 2 is mobile land base.. Can it avoid high attitude reconnaissance and hypersonic? ๐ค
[2:17 pm, 20/04/2023] +REACH: ๐ข Topic ๐ข
Speaking at a Parliamentary debate yesterday (19 Apr) on the President's Address at the opening of the second session of Parliament, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong outlined three major geopolitical tensions that Singapore is facing - US-China tensions, the Ukraine war, and threats to the global multilateral trade system.
Nonetheless, PM Lee noted that Singapore had gotten through repeated challenges over the last six decades “because we worked together, took adversity in our stride and kept faith with one another”. He urged Singaporeans to remain united as they faced the challenges that lie ahead, and to lend the fourth generation of leaders (4G) their full support as they increasingly assume responsibility for the safety and well-being of the country and endeavor to fulfill a ‘strong agenda’ both domestically and abroad.
๐ฌ What are your thoughts on PM Lee's speech? What are your views on how Singaporeans and the 4G leaders can work together to overcome the challenges faced by Singapore?
PM Lee outlined 3 major geopolitical tensions that make the current global situation graver than what Singapore has faced in a long time:
๐ US-China Tensions:
PM Lee noted that there was deep mutual suspicion and fundamental distrust between the two superpowers that would not improve anytime soon. In the US, the prevailing view was that efforts to work out a cooperative relationship with China have failed, and that China’s growing strength and assertiveness was becoming a grave threat to US interests and values. While in China, its leaders have become convinced that the US was seeking to “contain, encircle and suppress” China. There is also the issue of Taiwan which remains the most dangerous flashpoint of all.
๐ Escalation in Ukraine:
PM Lee highlighted that there was a risk of the war in Ukraine escalating. This could lead to the war continuing to disrupt global energy, food and fertiliser supplies, causing prices to rise. The war also had significant implications on international relations. He also described relations between Russia and the Nato countries as “completely broken down” and that it “will not return to normal anytime soon”.
๐ Global Trading System under siege:
Lastly, PM Lee highlighted that the global multilateral trading system was under siege as countries were prioritising domestic and national security considerations and no longer talk about trade being win-win. This had serious implications for small, open economies, such as Singapore, that cannot survive other than as an open economy that relies on trade and investments and a common set of rules that applies to all countries.
๐You can watch PM Lee's full speech here:
[2:18 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
This is what I want to advise China - and I post this to SCMP - South China morning post.
War is no winner - just look at Russia invasion to Ukraine.
US military intervention in Afghanistan.
And many past military action eg. US war in Vietnam, Russia war in Afghanistan... Etc.
Is war the sure win solution?
Evidently not.
It deplete a country resources, manpower, international standing, sanctions, cause economic damages, infrastructure damages, mass destruction, death and injuries.
A wise leader won't wage war.
Use brain not fist to resolve problems.
Even problem that seems unsurpassed can be surpass one day by using patience, wits, heart and mind.
[2:18 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Missile expensive, guided long-range rocket artillery cheaper right according to newspaper?
[2:20 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: There is other UAV platform, according to various newspapers. Lately the leak issue mentioned there is something called a hypersonic UAV?
[2:21 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐ณ๐คฆ♂️๐
[2:22 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
My post is not about how to win a war.
But how to avoid starting a war.
Once it starts, it is difficult to end.
Just look at Russia.
I don't know how it is going to end wholesomely.
Their heads are in the line, escalate to save their own life but pull everyone down or admit failure to look for a graceful backdown or sacrifice themselves for the sake of humanity.
I don't know how it will end.
Now is to advise China not to start it, and not follow Russia footstep.
[2:22 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[2:22 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Opps, my bad.. Did not read full post๐
[2:25 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: Well, if HDB was collapsing attack by bomb missile.
Every Household Shelter are safe in. What is mean Household Shelter use for?
[2:26 pm, 20/04/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Putin believes he can win. That's why attack and the west don't mind
[2:26 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: Can we escape in Household Shelter?
[2:26 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: I m using it as store room ๐ฑ
[2:26 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: If error system can go wrong
[2:27 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: It’s called bomb Household Shelter
[2:32 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Is this very Sensitive q&a? ๐ค
[2:32 pm, 20/04/2023] +Jimmy Chew: If Xi feel the same. Then one cannot stop. He has control over the military and whole of China. China is strong militarily and numerous.
USA, UK, France and Australia are weak and weaken by oil shocks, inflationary pressure...Xi may want to cement his legacy like Moa and Deng
[2:33 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Do we have enough bomb shelter for the entire population!?
[2:33 pm, 20/04/2023] +Jimmy Chew: India, Russia and China and Saudi Arabia and Africa and Asean one big happy family
[2:33 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: HDB rule not allow hack Household Shelter.
Is it possible all of can escape when there is alarm ๐จ
[2:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: I really no idea what is mean for Household Shelter
Can anyone explain
[2:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: The big elephant is fighting.... The issue will be resolved by themselves.
[2:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: It is!
[2:35 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Survival for a limited time with minimum necessities.
[2:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: We don't need to worry as they will sort it out themselves. Be calm and focus on our growth.
[2:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Not all can escape possibly
[2:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Aswan must always remain an economic, cultural trading block.
[2:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Asean
[2:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: "The Chinese use two brush strokes to write crisis (ๅฑๆบ). One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger but recognise the opportunity."
- - President Richard Nixon
[2:41 pm, 20/04/2023] +Kenneth Lee WM: It is inevitably if coe process status quo.
The way coe is being priced, it favours the very rich who can afford the convenience of a car and car companies who can pass on the expenses to consumers.
Soon on the roads, one will see lots of nice cars and rental cars.
At least LTA, use the funds to make good roads.
[2:41 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Nixon ended the war in Jan 1973.
[2:42 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[2:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: After the Vietnam War, what happened next?
Zhou Enlai and Mao departed.
What did Henry Kissenger do?
Came Deng Xiaoping
Thanks, SL for refreshing the brain...
[2:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: 20 April, 2023
"The Back is dropping?"
"Just once in a 100 years, either by coincidence or synchronisation, nations will choose which side they stand or stay away or stand-off,..and the suppliers of your weapons shall decide a nation's choice,...only through war, one will come to realize either friends and/or foes, it's called reset!"
- - anonymity
Since the 1970s, corporate America has outsourced it's manufacturing to cheaper countries that have lower cost of productions and the ROI of more than 50% decade to decade to the benefits of the US conglomerates and allies, likewise other nations joint in this low cost strategy of productions. Today's comparatively the cost of labor in India is US$100, in Vietnam is US$200 and in China is US$500 …
[2:48 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
One side mention, to close the argument on a IT vulnerability.
[2:49 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
"Phones can be attacked by malware through wireless such as WiFi, Bluetooth and wired connections such as free usb charging: Police, CSA"
[2:49 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
After 3 years, Police and CSA finally come out to warn against the danger of turning on Bluetooth in public.
[2:49 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Hmm ..
Advisory still come - better late than never....
[2:49 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Though 3 years later...
[2:49 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Wonder got prize for being persistent - when one knows one is right .....
[2:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: What our PM said in yesterday parliament is a good summary of the important points rather than sharing more details which millions may not be able to grab the consequences, the implications and most importantly, the intended message of urgency and UNITED as one people, one nation! It is true!
Thank you.
[2:57 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: No nation can afford to tikam-tikam or play-play!
It doesn't matter whatever foreign forces play things up through whatsoever means!
We must avoid all misinterpretations of any news or MSM comments that may ignite unrest!
Race and religion are two important things to protect and to secure!
[2:57 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: -Dominican civil war
-Cambodia civil war
-South Zaire conflict
-Fight against invasion of USSR in Afranistant
-Grenada Battle
-Libya bombing
-Panama Battle
-1st Gulf War
-Somali Civil war
-Bosnian war
-Haiti intervention
-Kosovo battle
-infinite Reach
-Afghanistan battle
-Nepalese civil war
-Maghreb fight
-Enduring Freedom
-2nd gulf war (Iraq)
-ocean shield
-libya crisis
-observant compass
-inherent resolve
-yemeni crisis
Is Abv accurate?
[2:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: We shall stand united and back our govt
[2:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Very good account of events!
The key is China- US relation started and the beginning of the end of the Soviet era...
Thanks, SL
[2:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Must! And Yes!
[3:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: SG is small, multi racial, international hubs...
Any adversary or all folks know it well!
[3:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Ya, it was Kissinger’s time; he retired, time changed and Unfortunately the influence of his school of thought in Washington is unknown.
[3:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: The choo choo train of thoughts continued!
A hundred years and a thousand plans!
[3:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[3:03 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: cunning world
[3:03 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Thanks, Andrew!
[3:05 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Five big nations, that is China, India, Russia, US, Japan plus soon Africa continent
[3:05 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Are you referring to the Realpolitik that he promoted and practices?
[3:09 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Hi SL,
Washington is like a mighty thinking machinery!
They model, they plan, they calibrate and they a never ending game of politics, within and outwardly!
Thanks, SL for bringing it up.
[3:11 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face:
[3:13 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: juice jacking happened on an unknown public USB port. Wired connections with (A) data cables are those at risk. (B) Phone devices without (1) antivirus or endpoint protection (2) not patched up to date (3) no password protection is in risk.
[3:13 pm, 20/04/2023] +Dan: The term social responsibility has lost its foothold big time.
Time and time again, people need to be told off, and when things get uglier, it resulted in lawsuit. Unity is a big word, and an important value which was being ignored again.
First, it was tray return. Kindness movement used to run it, until a time when it had to be legalised to get it done.
Then we have noise control between neighbours. Neighbours' children no longer can play happily in their own homes as their heavy footsteps will lead to complaints. Others will continue to live a noisy lifestyle at wee hours. Soon, this will be legalised too.
Few days back, I saw news on a cyclists being knocked over by other cyclists.
What is Singapore coming to? Why do these people become so self-centred and fail to see the needs of others.
I see all of this in relation to PM Lee speech.
[3:14 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[3:17 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Selfish or Selfless
[3:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Data relay in Man in the middle attack on a unique phone mac can be reduced with a phone which is (1) patches updated (2) reasonable access secured (3) data encrypted (4) VPN used during public wifi
[3:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐
[3:28 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Current activities happening in Washington are in this concept? I have no idea and am puzzling๐คท♂️
[3:35 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Always!
[3:42 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Don’t think US ever stop war ๐
[3:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: >> It doesn't matter whatever foreign forces play things up through whatsoever means! -> it does matter espically if they strike the hums or cockerels of the youth heart things will go out of hand
[3:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: beyond anyone imagination
[3:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken:
[3:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: how the tian an men start -> if reading the msm news u get only the ugly side
[3:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: One of the nation that never stop war ๐
[3:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the alternative side was again the word which sparks many riots and throw over of current govt freedom and democracy ... fuel by well you know who
[3:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: do a deeper search and one will realised the tian ann men student are no angels too
[3:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: so does other riots and protest
[3:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Umar M: Will Ravi Menon stand as a presidential candidate?
[3:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Why not!?
[3:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: why not GCT
[3:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: hahahaha why must be him
[3:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Too Old
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Err not so simple… patch reduce know hacks.
Not to use free wifi is the best ๐
VPN how useful ๐คท๐ป♂️
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: have we seen so far an external entity being a president?
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: old is ok
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Never
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is just only a figure head position no need make decision
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: US will pay for solider upon certificate deed death of war.
Solider is bravo to war or escape.
War is most fearful
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Not happening
[3:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: yeah so it is not obvious ....
[3:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: You can convert to citizen after 2 years of service if not wrong
[3:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: nothing is is impossible if we do not try hahahaha
[3:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: I sure fear of death ๐
[3:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken:
1 year oops
[3:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: infact who else can take that position, current m'dm is only 1 term right
[3:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: she can go for another term
[3:50 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee:
[3:51 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: this country since their birth till current where got once stop and lim kopi wan ... once an espisode ends or lost they will look for another ... is liek the school most arse hole kid who always try to find problem and instigate problem but says is not his issue but will help settle
[3:51 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: As long she has served her purpose
[3:51 pm, 20/04/2023] +Frankie Wee: Ah girl to ARMY can join
[3:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: I don’t watch local news so I really don’t know what does mdm does ๐
[3:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Nothing much
[3:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: liek in many country
[3:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: president is just a figure head
[3:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Only know Yishun and the issue she made security tough for the police end up have to move lol
[3:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the real power lies with the congress / parliment / party head usually by the PM
[3:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Earning a fat pay cheque!
[3:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Technically she control the key to the treasury
[3:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: sala
[3:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: OTC thought so too!
[3:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: if she hold , yeah OCT will have his way already
[3:54 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: in the end see what happen OTC got wack by who ?
[3:54 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: ๐
[3:54 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: so look around we know in each country the so call head of state / country is just only a figure head (except US)
[3:55 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Managing Bluebugging risk is a bit cumbersome, phone users need to ensure the phone is (1) always patched (2) upkeep hygiene in managing Bluetooth pairing, remove all nonactive not in use devices.
[3:55 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but in US they still need to pass thru what congress and whatever house (note no HDB ahh)
[3:55 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: GCT/LKY!?
[3:56 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: well the pass is the pass ...
[3:56 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but in our time if we really care about our children future
[3:56 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Did we learn anything from it!?
[3:56 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is time we give our support to whoever can steer the ship correctly
[3:56 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is not we at that level BUT THEM !
[3:57 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: cos we are the one PAYING TO BUILT the Bank of Singapore
[3:57 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: hahahahahha
[3:57 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: 2million working singapore all decided to pull out from CPF .....
[3:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Err to be frank the government did consider decent job I feel
[3:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: let's not bring their fight into here is beyond out level later kenna isb
[3:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: am not saying they did not do a good job
[3:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: ๐คฃ๐คฃ
[3:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: at least they do not ask stupid question why it take 3 years to save and buy a car compare to 14 mths in USA
[3:58 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: that one is eat waste of rice
[3:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Zero-day vulnerability is not preventable by laymen like us. That is the inherent risk of using a handphone.
[3:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: at such time ask that kind of question
[3:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: One willing to pay… it makes sense lol
[3:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Hence it exist
[3:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: what not he ask projected months price of rice will increase what can we do to ease the pain of the people
[3:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: I am happy with public transport
[4:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: no it is a stupid question to ask during such times when u have so many acts of play in motion which affects life more than owning a car
[4:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: iPhone can prevent most issue… ๐
[4:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: I feel
[4:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: this is one example of study too much but cannot think right
[4:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: walking the estate does not make one in touch with the ground
[4:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: if like that every day we walk the estate we dam in touch with the ground sentiment also
[4:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: rice bowl of the people, worries of the people, jobs, future of the kids, education, these are what matters to us
[4:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: not about owning car
[4:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: war come , nucelar rain what can ur car do bring you to east coast to swim to indon
[4:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: The attack may come from various layers.... And involved another mode of risk management.,
[4:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: or changi to swim to ubin
[4:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: bluetooth attack is sooo long ago
[4:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: now if wifi
[4:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
[4:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Till they open up for 3rd party lol
[4:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Which is happening soon ๐ฅฒ
[4:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
[4:10 pm, 20/04/2023] +REACH: ๐ข Topic ๐ข
Speaking at a Parliamentary debate yesterday (19 Apr) on the President's Address at the opening of the second session of Parliament, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong outlined three major geopolitical tensions that Singapore is facing - US-China tensions, the Ukraine war, and threats to the global multilateral trade system.
Nonetheless, PM Lee noted that Singapore had gotten through repeated challenges over the last six decades “because we worked together, took adversity in our stride and kept faith with one another”. He urged Singaporeans to remain united as they faced the challenges that lie ahead, and to lend the fourth generation of leaders (4G) their full support as they increasingly assume responsibility for the safety and well-being of the…
[4:20 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Yes
[4:20 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: - - page two - -
The benefits of the BRIC's way?
A new power in the making! Its combined global market shares for LNG are over 60%; South Africa, Russia, India, China and New Zealand. And known oil reserves of 45% too. The latest of oil & gas reserves in Senegal will add towards an absolute advantage to China and the BRICS communities. The BRICS total GDP is $29 trillions. While the US GDP is $23 trillions and the EU is $14 trillions. It is still in the early days, a Chinese calculated move, this kick start the strategic trades alliance between China and Brazil bypassing the US dollars for international trades and direct dealings is a new paradigm shift away from the usual, (the old order). Importantly, more nations will join BRICS!
What will it be like co…
[4:20 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[4:20 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐
[4:21 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Yes
[4:22 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: Sorry - I'm one of those thats damn sensitive about price of Car.
simple - With Car - Go to work, 45 mins there 1 hour back.
Without Car, 2.5 hours there, 2,5 hours back.
For those of us working in Tuas Area, car is a need, not a want.
[4:23 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: it all depend on company also to make life easier
[4:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: with company transport, it's still 2 hours each way
[4:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: since it's effectively mass bussing
[4:26 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: before COE spiked over the last year, Price of Car vs Price of Taxi grab was 50%. I saved money driving..
[4:27 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: Our Public Transport system is okay, but it's not that good to cover those who work within the industrial estates
[4:28 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[4:33 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Lol I 2 hours yes I work in Jurong island
[4:33 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: No money to buy car ๐
[4:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: Tuas South Worse - From my site drive out to JI is like 30 mins......
[4:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: I used to work Tuas south ave 2 lol… I change job so can cut 30 mins
[4:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: ๐
[4:35 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: Finally someone knows the pain. haha
[4:35 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Don’t like that… later the PSA people complaint ๐คฃ๐คฃ
[4:35 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: We are still no where near them lol
[4:35 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: PSA and Megayard. =P
[4:35 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: on the flip side i used to work in changi cargo yeah great place can see the beach
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the opposite for me
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: I used to stay in Bedok for Jurong island ๐ฅฒ
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is fast if i take train and take the company shuttle
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: den i drive
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Wow
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Now slightly better from Farrer Park
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: I did Tampines to Tuas for like more than a decade.
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: even when working in town is faster for me to reach den driving + erp
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: so 2 sides to a coin
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Lol… me only 3 years
[4:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but to say that a car is a need for the people is not right
[4:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: ๐ err depends on your family situation lor…
[4:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: and also there is another school of talk , which is very heartless
[4:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: For a not insignificant proportion, it is a need.
[4:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: -> if one think the work place is too and is causing too much problem why not change job
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: 1k extra for car.. I cannot so I take time to trade lor
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: cause the whole industry you're specialized in is based there?
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: See what is more important
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: owning a car is more than 1k
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: Example lol
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: assuming your 1.6l needs at least 4 refills per mth
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: and this is minial already
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: add on the car park
[4:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the erp
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ken: I don’t earn enough to drive so don’t bother
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the washing
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: less than 1k for me. before COE hike
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the blah blah blah
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: o yeah plus the installment
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: all in, counting depre and all that
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: my current car no. previous was 98X something
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: all these adds up can equates to a very low end salaried workers gross pay which is general owning a car is a luxury ...
[4:39 pm, 20/04/2023] +TD: COE honda
[4:41 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: not a necessity (which is like job, school, healthcare, security, )
[4:41 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Central or east to west (working place) via public transport need 1.5-2 hrs per trip
[4:41 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: north to south on mrt already take 40mins
[4:41 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: what is east to west
[4:42 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: north to west i also tried before about 90mins each way mrt + bus
[4:42 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is all about one time mgt and perception
[4:42 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: I tried, 4 hours daily..
[4:42 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is part of our earning a living
[4:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: else everyone if think i want a job near my house den mati lor ... who wanna go west to work
[4:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: who wanna go east to work
[4:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: If in tuas, the timing to wait for bus need to be accurate on the dot of leaving or going to work site
[4:43 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: also if one dun like to work in either den have to look for central (pay usually lower) the extreme end pay is usually higher abit
[4:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: More effort, more return
[4:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: not comparing but if one travel outside of sg we will feel lucky cos in some countries ppl have to travel more than us on buses
[4:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Yeah
[4:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: some even have trains but their trains is pack like sardine bursting the cans... we dam lucky not to see those situation often
[4:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Will opt to stay in the hostel /quarter
[4:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: thus sometimes i feel locals are spoil aka pampered
[4:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Japan!
[4:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: Agree
[4:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: like our dear jbreans how early they have to wake up to get to singapore on their 2 wheels
[4:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
[4:45 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: u think they dun wan to work in their home country near home
[4:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: is no choice .. for living they take the bitter pill
[4:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: some no motor take bus in also mah
[4:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: lucky for them next time got mrt
[4:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: so what is east to west for us
[4:46 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: got hear before you can travel around singapore under 2 hours ... is a freaking joke when ppl hear
[4:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but yeah that's how small we are just need to start on one E (expressway) and keep joining to another E which will end up at the same E
[4:47 pm, 20/04/2023] +Rama: ๐๐คท♂️
[4:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: not i trying to sound like angel but each place and state have their own pain
[4:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: grass not greener always on the other side
[4:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: why make one so unhappy with all the downside
[4:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: long jounrney make good use of it -> is ME time or Sleep time
[4:48 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: can see pretty boys and gers also (single take note)
[4:49 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: of cos on really unhappy days then take cab or grab to zoom home lor and cry
[4:49 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: but frankly peak hour every where jam so train is the best hahahaha
[4:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: end of the day is back to the question what will we react if car coe drop to what 30-40k
[4:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: every one will rush to buy car one family say 2 car
[4:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: the road all clogged up again .. again all not happy say why cannot built more roads
[4:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: o i forget now very trendy also
[4:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: no need coe no road tax
[4:53 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: bicycle ... hahahahaha
[4:54 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: i think in local bicycle group got ppl really cycle to work north to south
[5:00 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Is there a page 1? Please help to direct me as I m not able to find it via my tiny cell phone screen. ๐ bric is expanding. There are countries with resources. New Zealand is still the candidate country. Not sure which of the 16 candidate's countries will be admitted into bric this year. Brazil and China lately signed a 30bil currency swap. This is after China and Argentina's 7.2bil currency swap.
[5:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: 20 April, 2023
"The Back is dropping?"
"Just once in a 100 years, either by coincidence or synchronisation, nations will choose which side they stand or stay away or stand-off,..and the suppliers of your weapons shall decide a nation's choice,...only through war, one will come to realize either friends and/or foes, it's called reset!"
- - anonymity
Since the 1970s, corporate America has outsourced it's manufacturing to cheaper countries that have lower cost of productions and the ROI of more than 50% decade to decade to the benefits of the US conglomerates and allies, likewise other nations joint in this low cost strategy of productions. Today's comparatively the cost of labor in India is US$100, in Vietnam is US$200 and in China is US$500 …
[5:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: This is true!
Thanks , Danny
[5:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Thanks lot ๐
[5:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Page 3 COMING
[5:03 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
1. I use to own 3 successive cars to work - as my work involves projects in almost every corner and parts of Singapore - some in very ulu places.
2. However when MRT become very prevalent and go into many parts of Singapore - I scrap my last car - and now take bus and MRT.
3. I enjoy the feeling of being chauffeur - less the stress of driving, stuck in jam, see the ERP charges, looking for car parks, heart ache to pay car park charges, ERP charges, pump petrol that either go up and come down a little, pay maintenance, road tax, bid for coe etc.
4. Now less stressful for me as I go around being chauffeur.
[5:04 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: Power word chauffer sial hahahahahaha
[5:04 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Danny,
Any more insights on VPN?
It seems VPN might be one area of concern..
[5:05 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: Next time I also use the word when I take train home hehehehe
[5:05 pm, 20/04/2023] +Ah Heng: But is true less stress good Aircon, can sleep
[5:08 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: In your previous post, you have deep insights into VPN was good!
Thanks, Danny.
[5:10 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Chips4 looks like having some issues, which, if it continues, may backfire on the stakeholders in foreseeable future. The supply chain redesign does not look like a straightforward initiative. Wait and hold happening?
[5:10 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
VPN still safe cannot get hack.
Because it uses AH (authentication header), ESP (encapsulation security payload), RSA, using private and public keys.
Can choose strong keys such as 2056, 1024 key to secure end to end tunneling.
Not possible to be crack by current technology (unless quantum computing).
WiFi if use VPN is safe.
Bluetooth is using pairing for file transfer - not VPN via web access - thus still very vulnerable.
Now I stay in foodcourt - sniff close to 100 devices with Bluetooth on.
Can easily connect.
But not accessing them - as it is illegal.
But black hackers with bad intention will have planted malware and steal their data or credentials.
[5:13 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Especially for Seniors or the young ones... easier to remember passwords or stored in the may be prone to hacking?
Pls advice. Thanks
[5:14 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: String theory, that's what these guys were researching...
[5:16 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
But note, if use free WiFi, your smartphone vital information like Mac address, IP, SSID, machine name etc are captured by the rogue AP (access point).
So black hacker can start to use other network reconnaissance tools to target your smartphone via 4G using internet.
So the best, don't associate with any rouge public WiFi.
[5:16 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Rsa requires at least 4096, or aes-256 in equivalent for encryption or go for hybrid encryption, which contains both at least.
[5:18 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Because VPN is an upper layer - 3rd layer of OSI.
WiFi association is at the 2nd layer of OSI.
VPN only encrypt layer 3 information but not layer 2 information.
[5:21 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: This string works like...pull it and realtime view and access...
You are correct about Bluetooth and wifi.
This string is embedded into a user phone and all the connections, BT and Wifi based on frequency and locations.
Like a worm, ORGANIC!
You are better at these stuffs PLEASE do research more into this latest string.
Thank you!
[5:21 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Awareness is required for seniors on these, but the conventional scam is those that lead to a substantial monetary loss on individual dual. Hackers are focusing primarily on large organisations, ultra-rich and the sensitive data owners.
[5:22 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Backward engineering, THINK BASIC and think from the beginning of 3G!
Danny, you may break it!
[5:23 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Banking! That's the target and the money pot!
[5:23 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: 1024 < 2948 < 4096 bit rsa (stronger - industrial grade)
[5:23 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Typo 2048*
[5:23 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Embedded on individual mobile devices....
[5:24 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
So far I use up to 2048 and 1024 - no option to go higher in the VPN I use.
[5:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Can you start thinking beyond these Algo
[5:25 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Even the highest grade routers that I use to configure is 2048.
Maybe now have higher bit key ...
I don't know.
[5:26 pm, 20/04/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
Please be reminded to keep to the topic that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Thank you.
[5:31 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: I google and saw Nordvpn marketing its product with 4096 bit rsa asymmetric. However, there are other important criteria while sourcing for VPN, such as the owner, the logging mechanism etc. I m not working for nordvpn nor using their product, hence don't know exactly how it operates.
[5:32 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Oh great.
Then use the 4096 bit RSA.
[5:32 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Good research, SL!
[5:32 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: The longer the key, saw it up to 8xxx, the slower the system in decrypts it, recent year trending is to go for hybrid encryption...
[5:33 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: - - page three - -
What if the butterfly effect were to happen?
Crisis don't just happened, it happens over a period of time! When times are bad naturally a weaker economy will have consequences like unemployments, lower spendings and shrinking demands for goods and services and social chaos.
One early warning of bad times is the Consumers' confidence (CPI) and their purchasing power. Both indicators will continue on a down slope trajectory across three continents namely US, Europe, and Asia. The general concept of equilibrium of things and money say, " it is an interdependent reaction on one part to the next fews and coupled with substitutes or complements". One drops and a few follow too; stagnation or stagflation or both converged into depression?
[5:34 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Double hybrid, triple and n hybrid with blockchain... ?๐ค
[5:35 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
That's why I choose 2048 bits.
Good enough.
Else the latency too high and the packet fail to transmit, alot of retransmission, then video image very jerky - poor QoS (Quality of Service), poor voice quality.
[5:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Beginning of it!
[5:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Think organic!
[5:36 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Can 2gb broadband and 5g resolve the issue?
[5:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Think cyberspace is the universe and each universe has its Algo, geometry and it's organic!
[5:37 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Beginning not from now, it already happening... ๐ blockchain key, common one time use
[5:38 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Deeper, SL, Danny!
You guys know more!
[5:40 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Hybrid encryption is not new.
Eg. Use layer 2 encryption.
Use layer 3 VPN encryption.
Use end to end VPN tunneling.
But when you come to debugging if anything go wrong - be careful if users breathe down your neck especially in live systems.
The more you put the harder you debug.
Eg. The DBS authentication system breakdown.
[5:41 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Yes, the new trend is the cocktail combination use
[5:47 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Not new trend, few years ago, I already doing it.
[5:49 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Ah.. also use HTTPS with digital certificate.
So 4 layers encryption.
[5:49 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Layer 4 encryption.
[5:50 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
End to end VPN tunneling - refer to MPLS VPN.
[5:50 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: machine learning is alive (ๆบๅจๅญฆไน ๆฏๆดป็) ?
When you key in passwords, 8-28 alphanumeric.
How many English vocab or words are 8 to 28 long?
How about other languages like Chinese words, in Strokes?
Can you see that, the length is unique, this case is passwords in English and numbers or romanised numbers? Sensitivity?
Pls comment, anyone?
[5:52 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: I start using pi with only a few years back.. Great to hear it goes to 4 layers and continues growing..
[5:53 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Pi - those use in uni for doing projects?
My son use it to make robots.
[5:54 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: How frequent can a user type a single word greater than 8 characters?
String identify such length, most likely will be passwords?
[6:01 pm, 20/04/2023] +REACH: ๐ข Topic ๐ข
Speaking at a Parliamentary debate yesterday (19 Apr) on the President's Address at the opening of the second session of Parliament, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong outlined three major geopolitical tensions that Singapore is facing - US-China tensions, the Ukraine war, and threats to the global multilateral trade system.
Nonetheless, PM Lee noted that Singapore had gotten through repeated challenges over the last six decades “because we worked together, took adversity in our stride and kept faith with one another”. He urged Singaporeans to remain united as they faced the challenges that lie ahead, and to lend the fourth generation of leaders (4G) their full support as they increasingly assume responsibility for the safety and well-being of the…
[6:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Pi can do a lot of things. There are packet installer for crypto..
[6:02 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Isn't Ukraine war going to end this year?
[6:03 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Dragging Ukraine war into 2024 is bad for election?
[6:03 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Oh I see.
It is a motherboard with processor and memory - that allows uni computer science graduates to develop products, do r&d, do projects.
[6:05 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: On China - US tensions and the Global Trades System under seige?
"We have no lasting friends, no lasting enemies, only lasting interests..."
- - Winston Churchill
[6:06 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: One narrow path is BENEFITS to others!
What benefits can we offer to China, US and ASEAN? That's the path to walk ahead!
[6:07 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Germany, France and the UK. Not forgetting them!
[6:09 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: The motherboard is the hardware, pi 5 will start selling in 2023. I use multiple pi 4 running python Program (pi) on encryption testing.
[6:10 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Rishi Sunak seeks to reverse Britain’s ‘anti-maths’ culture.
The prime minister wants the subject taught until students are adults, noting that the UK is one of the least numerate nations in the developed world.
[6:10 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: Oh I see.
[6:10 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Is the Global trades system referring to the settlement system?
[6:11 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: I hope I m not confusing the Python and resbery pi ๐
[6:12 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: BRICS has created a new way of trading!
Chinese Yuan and Brazilian Real
[6:13 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Those guys are not using both lingo.
Thanks Danny.
[6:14 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Python is the programming code right?
PI is the hardware?
Well as far as I know my son use python to code his AI machine learning.
And he use the PI as one major component to develop an autonomous robot.
[6:18 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Python is the promoting language. Pi is hardware. Usually, they call it raspberry pi - now @ version 4. There got alternative hardware as compared to Raspberry, those from Asus tinker board, etc
[6:19 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
I see.
Well did not keep in touch with the current uni gadgets.
[6:21 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: Python is good for IoT programs too, my friend introduced me when I m in the state. I have picked up the hobby since then.
[6:22 pm, 20/04/2023] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
I think python programming language is used very widely nowadays.
[6:22 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Latest example
AGM 183 missle hitting Mach 20 speed!
The Algo + Starlink + EMW (electro magnetic wave/purse to cut the sound barrier, like diving ahead...can you visualize it?)
[6:23 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: I guess it is a currency swap + arrangement in trading.. similar happened in Bangladesh recently.
[6:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: I use it to fix iot at home..
[6:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Plus goods, services and precious metals including copper, silver and gold
[6:24 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Nice!
[6:25 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Each missile needs 20kg of pure silver at the head/nose.
[6:25 pm, 20/04/2023] +SL: These countries have similar profiles..
[6:30 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: Raw materials and commodities.
Big nations have it all!
[6:44 pm, 20/04/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan ๐
[6:56 pm, 20/04/2023] +Smiley face: - - page four - -
What are the impending damages and uncertainties to the world?
First, if inflations are not contained, it will burst, it will then stabilises and next maybe a prolonged deflationary in the making that stretches into 2024-27 or longer. All assets class from fixed to liquid and short term to the longer term would be devalued sooner than later, aka the"domino effects"!
Second, this highly globalised markets come with higher dependency among all major and minor economies and their tradeables. Thereafter, many socio-economic and political impacts to each developed nation follows by the lesser developed nations. While the global pricing of useables and edibles things would be higher, from energy to oil to wages will be under seiged and the outlook of reaching a price equilibrium of these goods and services will be a painful and meandering process.
One uncertainty now is a further discount of at least 30% off the current valuations in the global equities markets. The old habits of low interest rates and easy access to abundant of credits/cash are no longer available from lenders to borrowers.
Third challenges are, happening now, the unstable climate change from the north pole to the south pole, the shortage of supplies, the unstoppable war situations in Europe coupled with the recent acting up in the middle east region specifically Iran, Iraq and Israel and the hotter Taiwan Straits; all of these factors of fearfulness will burden the highly strung global complex relationships since the recovery from the Covid pandemic and an even higher probability of a massive and deepen recessions in Europe, US and Asia.
Prices will ease off that's deflation coupled with interventions of one currency against the others and the fiscal policies.
How about the US or China's internal economies, external debts and many unsolved problems?
All said, more troubled time ahead for the World and what if a new pandemic happens again?
The next four quarters, what will be the corporate America quarterly results likely be sustainable or on its way to a prolonged recession?
- - in progress - -
[6:59 pm, 20/04/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan ๐
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