Friday, April 14, 2023

China’s no-sail zone near Taiwan confirms ‘rocket debris’ risks behind earlier flight ban

Fujian maritime safety notice declares area northeast of Taiwan off-limits for six hours from 9am on Sunday over fears of ‘falling rocket debris’

Warning corresponds with temporary no-fly zone announced earlier by Beijing

Liu Zhen

Published: 10:56am, 14 Apr, 2023


User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

1. The intention of US is to instigate Chinese to Chinese - so that this will retard China economic development.                      

2. US is certainly paranoid that China economy, technology, finance are poise to overtake US - and the best way to stop China economic progress - is to instigate China to fight Taiwan - while they can sell weapons to Taiwan - and let China and Taiwan burn out their resources.

In moderation queue


1. Going for the long-haul could be a better approach - because Taiwan is :-

a. Only an island and will always reside besides China.

Physically it won't go away.

b. Taiwan GDP no longer can match the GDP of many China provinces - there is no imperative or hurry to reunify Taiwan.

c. China should foucs its effort in making its economic progress, technology progress and financial wealth better and better.

d. China should continue to make more friends through economic cooperation, diplomatic efforts to make the World more peaceful and less conflict, help in World development and help to solve Global woes.

By doing so, China can build its soft strength and win more friends.

2. In the long haul, Taiwan will yield and (hope to reunify with China) like Ukraine, Finland and Sweden - do the impossible to join NATO.

3. Starting a war, will only fall into the trap set by US - and China fall straight into it - because it harm China and Taiwan more than it harm US.


User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

@Babe B. 

1. Else US will just shake legs, watch show. Sell weapons to Taiwan, earn money. 2. While China and Taiwan "beat life, beat die". 

3. US retain its strength. 

4. China and Taiwan, "decapitate people, injure generals". 

5. What a wonderful plan.... And will China and Taiwan fall into it?

26m ago

User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

@Babe B. 

1. Else it end up like Russia now - both sides destruction, mammoth casualties, economic loss and many undesirable consquences for a small swap of land - that not even sure can hold or not.

1m ago • Edited

User since Mar 2021
Babe B.
@Babe B. 
1. So now got to weigh the balance ---- is China as a whole more important (Economy, Political, International standing, Finance & Wealth, People's lives, aspiration) ---- versus a not too big and not too small island (even smaller than many China provinces) more important?                                
2. Hence going for the long haul to win it over ---- make more sense ---- compare to committing hundred and thousands of lives, big swatch of lands and infrastructure destructions, and other economic damages.                                                                 
3. Not worth it to use fist, should use heart and mind to win it over.
Just now

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