REACH 390 - What are your views on our efforts to be a more disability-inclusive society? How can we encourage Singaporeans to be more empathetic in the workplace, as well as companies to leverage on people with disabilities as a vital talent pool?
26 Aug 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:47 am, 26/08/2022] +REACH: Welcome back! 😊
⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰
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The topic will be posted shortly.
Thank you
Megan 😊
[10:00 am, 26/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic📢
At the Inclusive Business Forum 2022, DPM Lawrence Wong, in his opening speech, called on companies to do more to be disability-inclusive while tapping on the Government's assistance. He noted that the Government is also looking at other ways to build a more inclusive society for people with disabilities, such as helping with the costs, better assurance for caregivers, and making it easier to provide for long-term needs.
💬 What are your views on our efforts to be a more disability-inclusive society? How can we encourage Singaporeans to be more empathetic in the workplace, as well as companies to leverage on people with disabilities as a vital talent pool?
DPM Wong noted the Enabling Masterplan 2030 released last week, where the Government set a target of achieving an employment rate of 40 per cent for PWDs, an increase from the 30 per cent currently.
To support the employability of PWDs, the Government already offsets up to 20 per cent of their wages through the Enabling Employment Credit and defrays up to 90 per cent of the cost of workplace modifications and equipment to help companies accommodate PWDs' unique needs.
SG Enable is an agency dedicated to enabling persons with disabilities. They provided accreditation to companies with the Enabling mark, to recognize their efforts towards a disability-inclusive environment. Companies can also tap on SG Enable for a variety of services, from job-matching and training to job redesign and grant support.
[10:37 am, 26/08/2022] +Poh S. Lim: I work in the field of international standards. In the course of best practices for BCM (Business Continuity Management) one of the areas is safe emergency evacuations. And one of the areas I have seen is that emergency evacuations of premises has to take into account egress for disabled people. Are there any standards applied here for businesses and public areas which address this?
[10:39 am, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: 26 August, 2022
Good morning everyone!
"Inclusiveness includes all walks of life"
- - unknown
To include someone in a group or an activity needs time and die hard efforts in doing so.
Inclusiveness covers all spectrum of a Society from school, community to coworkers. It needs a broader base of acceptances and beliefs in order to succeed any initiative whether is a micro project or a mega drive!
It is not about when it will happens, it is about timing and chances (时机和机会) to slip these two deciders and achieve any intend and results.
Meantime, it is an exceptional (特殊的) idea in a developmental stage.
- - in progress - -
[10:41 am, 26/08/2022] +65 9739 7222: Scdf fire code 2018 - Clause 2.4 Special Requirements For Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
[10:42 am, 26/08/2022] +SL: I think the rest of the agencies have the guideline for PWD too
[10:42 am, 26/08/2022] +Poh S. Lim: Thank you SL. That would address the infrastructure part, but I hope companies/ organization would address them in their evacuation procedures as well.
[10:44 am, 26/08/2022] +SL: HR or the fire safety manager + assistant fire safety manager and their cert management group usually draft the evacuation route according to the fire code and do the drill annually.
[10:45 am, 26/08/2022] +SL: You are welcome
[10:53 am, 26/08/2022] +SL: BCA had published guidelines/codes for Accessibility & Universal Design.
[10:54 am, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Like Poh and SL inputs...
How about targeting our disabled workers to WFM as a start and move on to the physical offices when timings are rite?
Secondly, it would be a faster match and fit for the ENABLE TEAM SG to identify and introduce jobs to our targeted group s- employer & potential employees.
[10:55 am, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Idea of micro and transit into an macro physical environment.
[11:39 am, 26/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Important to get a pool of organisations who are willing to join the disabilities employment program.
2. Education and training to be provided to disable persons to educate and train in skills needed by the organisation.
3. Do placement upon graduation.
4. Companies in the program can use government grants to modify infrastructure to be disable friendly.
5. The key is, there must a job employment program for the disabled - and promote to organisation to enrol.
6. Government agencies, GLCs can also take the lead to enroll in such program - to act as catalysts.
[0:46 pm, 26/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We’d love to hear MORE FROM YOU on today’s topic!
💬 What are your views on our efforts to be a more disability-inclusive society? How can we encourage Singaporeans to be more empathetic in the workplace, as well as companies to leverage on people with disabilities as a vital talent pool?
We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
[0:56 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Start showcasing real examples of implemented situations whereby employer and our disabled workers working well, let Straits Times lead/report these successful stories during SUNDAY TIMES!
[0:58 pm, 26/08/2022] +SL: Maybe a movement is required to kickstart the momentum for an awareness campaign or education project.
[1:00 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Weekly "lunch with me"
Employee and employer, together in these Sunday featured successful stories.... that's inclusive, insightful and real world settings too!
[1:00 pm, 26/08/2022] +Eunice Chia: Everyone takes time to train for a job, so for PWDs who are studying the course for their dream jobs, the schools can tie up with potential employers to prepare the workplace (accessibility etc) for the PWD even before they takes time and commitment for employers to lean forward, but necessary as we celebrate diversity in our workplaces and create opportunities for more Singaporeans to achieve their dreams.
[1:02 pm, 26/08/2022] +Eunice Chia: PWD = person with disability.
Actually, I would also call it diff'ability as we all have different abilities.
[1:06 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Overtime, it Will be acceptable (自然和然)
[1:16 pm, 26/08/2022] +Austin Ting: 有人在家吗
[1:19 pm, 26/08/2022] +Timothy Low: You meant 自然而然?
[1:19 pm, 26/08/2022] +SL: encourage Singaporeans to be more empathetic in the workplace
-> continue awareness is required, but the campaign might not be sustainable, and fatigue will kick in. Maybe we need to consider a method thru awareness in school.
, as well as companies to leverage on people with disabilities as a vital talent pool?*
-> not sure whether a talent database of PWD would help; incorporate their profile into the existing labor market's HR database.
[1:22 pm, 26/08/2022] +Timothy Low: Government and public sector should take the lead in this. First of all make all workplaces obstacles-free. After that, start to employ more staff with disability. Thirdly, publicise that the workplace is disability inclusive. Fourthly, give private companies incentives for hiring disability
[1:22 pm, 26/08/2022] +SL: There are 66.2% outside labour force and 3.8% unemployment
[1:26 pm, 26/08/2022] +SL:WD talent was in digital, writing, and design, it might be suitable for companies and agencies to consider hiring them for work from home base. It might not necessarily require them to be on office premises. The working process needs to be robust and adaptive to the environment and circumstances. It was proof working from home has been doable in the last 2 years.
[1:30 pm, 26/08/2022] +SL: If PWD has talent in art, crafting, and other similar aspects, a smart working process can be established to focus on output, I guess. Office location is no longer an important aspect.
[1:33 pm, 26/08/2022] +SL: The conventional KPI (for staff, for the department, cross-function, etc.) maybe need reengineering to provide a holistic view of productivity.
[1:50 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Access and accessible...
[1:53 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: WFM for our disabled perhaps a quick and sound starts to implement.
From theses micro successes, we escalate into physical placement of this work force. The key in this stage is the workers have to be functionally ready and the workplace wise accessible and handicapped friendly. These physically items cost money and time to execute and to procure.
[2:00 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: As for the early message, Poh's good inputs,
Let BCA, MOM, MND, NTUC and SCDF come in as one force to calibrate and plan forward this phase two issues.
For the phase three, it will be a mega driver towards the end line, that is before 2030 and hopefully a placement rate of 50%!
It is more than earning a LIVING.
It is more important to achieve higher self esteem, social integration and meaningful livings -our disadvantaged brothers and sisters!
To begin with, Disability itself spells many disadvantages to those who born with it or due to past injuries.
The current programs are good and comprehensive but more can be done to fine tune to meet many means and new objectives.
With the persisting heat of inflation, even if it does cool off i…
[2:01 pm, 26/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic📢
At the Inclusive Business Forum 2022, DPM Lawrence Wong, in his opening speech, called on companies to do more to be disability-inclusive while tapping on the Government's assistance. He noted that the Government is also looking at other ways to build a more inclusive society for people with disabilities, such as helping with the costs, better assurance for caregivers, and making it easier to provide for long-term needs.
💬 What are your views on our efforts to be a more disability-inclusive society? How can we encourage Singaporeans to be more empathetic in the workplace, as well as companies to leverage on people with disabilities as a vital talent pool?
DPM Wong noted the Enabling Masterplan 2030 released last week, where the Government s…
[3:01 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Linear & Lenient Approach:
How to set the parameters to fit in the degree of abilities, disabilities and employers need? There will be jobs that fits almost everyone, its a matter of will.
In this case, how "lenient" will HRs and SMEs rethink their needs and expectations on a given job scope dedicated for disabled applicants?
How stakeholders going to agree on a "workable" framework so that businesses and applicants will benefit from the linear process of job matchings and job huntings?
[3:15 pm, 26/08/2022] +jimmy chew: Do a drama to show them working together to solve crimes and meet customers needs
[3:36 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Assumption- Businesses are not experience and familiar working with disabilities staffs?
Perhaps policymakers need to draft out possibilities to businesses to consider, to redesign and move towards such unique adoption, that's employing disabled people into their business models.
[3:38 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: How coworkers going to adjust or coordinate the daily, their new colleagues?
[3:43 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: E commerce back office job or a slower pace working environment?
[3:46 pm, 26/08/2022] +Smiley face: Receptionist?
[5:53 pm, 26/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic📢
At the Inclusive Business Forum 2022, DPM Lawrence Wong, in his opening speech, called on companies to do more to be disability-inclusive while tapping on the Government's assistance. He noted that the Government is also looking at other ways to build a more inclusive society for people with disabilities, such as helping with the costs, better assurance for caregivers, and making it easier to provide for long-term needs.
💬 What are your views on our efforts to be a more disability-inclusive society? How can we encourage Singaporeans to be more empathetic in the workplace, as well as companies to leverage on people with disabilities as a vital talent pool?
DPM Wong noted the Enabling Masterplan 2030 released last week, where the Government s…
[6:17 pm, 26/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We’d love to hear MORE FROM YOU on today’s topic!
💬 What are your views on our efforts to be a more disability-inclusive society? How can we encourage Singaporeans to be more empathetic in the workplace, as well as companies to leverage on people with disabilities as a vital talent pool?
We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
[6:23 pm, 26/08/2022] +Rama: Look at disabled people as having different abilities that can complement able bodied people. Physical disabilities is only a mental setback. Harness the skills they have fir the common good.
[6:31 pm, 26/08/2022] +Poh S. Lim: Job task redesign to physical disability should be encouraged. For mental disability, already there are organisations addressing these through simplified repetitive tasks which does not require high level cognitive capabilities.
[6:45 pm, 26/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
[6:59 pm, 26/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
[8:12 pm, 26/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
All Singaporean households will receive $100 in utilities credit, as part of the $1.5 billion support package announced in June. The credit will be disbursed directly to SP Services utilities accounts by September 2022. Read on for more info!
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