REACH 384 - What are your views on the issue of homeless people in Singapore? How can we better support those who may find themselves at risk of becoming homeless?
12 Aug 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:55 am, 12/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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[10:01 am, 12/08/2022] +REACH: ๐ขTopic ๐ข
The number of homeless people in Singapore fell slightly last year, at a time when homelessness was on the rise in many countries amid the Covid-19 pandemic. But the issue of homelessness also became less visible, as more people who would have slept on the streets went to stay at temporary shelters.
The second street count found that those sleeping on the streets fell by 41 per cent from 1,050 in 2019 to 616 last year, while those staying at a temporary shelter for the homeless shot up from 65 to 420 in the same time period.
๐ฌ What are your views on the issue of homeless people in Singapore? How can we better support those who may find themselves at risk of becoming homeless?
MSF said there has been a steady and collective progress in whole-of-society efforts to reach out to and support rough sleepers, to help them off the streets and into shelters.
It cited the 57-member Partners Engaging and Empowering Rough Sleepers (Peers) Network, which comprises government agencies, religious groups and charities working together to ensure better coordination and synergy in the delivery of services to help the homeless.
The network’s partners have set up Safe Sound Sleeping Places. There are now about 20 such Places, which shelter about 100 homeless individuals. In addition, there are currently six transitional shelters serving families and about 270 individuals.
Since April 2020, over 680 homeless individuals who stayed at the various shelters have moved on to longer-term housing. And since April this year, MSF has been working with partners from the Peers Network and academic advisers to plan regular street counts.
[10:35 am, 12/08/2022] +BL: Has there been a study on homelessness to establish any links between mental or physical illness, employment situation, family issues, education, gender, racial background etc? It would be helpful to understand the cause for it.
[10:36 am, 12/08/2022] +BL: Knowing the possible causes is the first step to identifying possible solutions.
[10:41 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Maybe the issue loses money
-Illegal gamble
-loan shake
-scam cheat
Nobody know how did they no saving.
[10:47 am, 12/08/2022] +Uncle Law: I believe the number of homeless ppl are small.
And I do believe many refuse gov help in terms of rental and etc.
[10:47 am, 12/08/2022] +Uncle Law: I think the current available help is adequate. Most important is whether they want to be helped.
[10:49 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: No. I am aware of they mental physical whom refuse accept seek help.
Social worker alway willing to help
[10:49 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: It’s called home shelter whom are homeless
[10:50 am, 12/08/2022] +Uncle Law: Not saying social worker not helping
[11:07 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face:
[11:14 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Legal framework and social framework, both have to sync in to implement practical solutions for these displaced citizens. How about designated HDB block in each GRC to house these people whether is short term or longer stay. A minimum rental of $100 / person that coliving up to 3 or 4 persons. As for utilities, it will be pro rated among the flat mates.
[11:14 am, 12/08/2022] +BL: Yes, and this goes back to understanding the causes of why.
[11:17 am, 12/08/2022] +BL: To avoid homelessness altogether we need a provision to enables people to live away from the street and in a residence that works for them (so they don't just go back to the street)
[11:17 am, 12/08/2022] +BL: Homeslessness isn't good for them, or society at large
[11:18 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: What happen to them when the person death sleep in street. Nobody know case unnatural
[11:19 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: For social workers, there is a need to eventually resolve these displaced citizens into proper dwellings. Simply put it, there is no place for any person to have to sleep outdoors with it void deck, beach or mall. It is the primary duty of society as whole to allocate basic standard of living to any displaced people, a roof over his or her head.
[11:19 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: I believe they mental disorders and refuse to seek help.
[11:20 am, 12/08/2022] +BL: Seems likely, so a study would help. Then we can address that issue.
[11:21 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: It is even more urgent to seek mental helps than Dragging on his or her life. What if these mentally unstable people caused disruptions or harms to innocent members of the public....
[11:26 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: What is the economics cost and benefits to fully engaging this existing problem of social dislocation. The cost of housing, short or longer term and what about medical costs too. The policymakers would need to calculate these cause of remedies extensively.
[11:26 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Government give out budgets what is needed
[11:28 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: How self sufficient each of these needy cases.
[11:30 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Very difficult. I think the way is give them a shelter home and get a job to accept stay longer team who are mid age 30+
For those who are over 60+ no skill wisely will very difficult workforce
[11:31 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Dollars and sense, what's the eqitable help that society approves, short to long term needs. It will be a string of many needs to fulfill simply each needy person varies from the next. It is almost like no using one size fits all, it cannot work well enough to achieve a good outcome...
[11:35 am, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: I have heard in Hong Kong and Japan those who are homeless and sleep in street they are keep alive because they receive payout monthly pension allowance.
As for Singapore I not sure about it. I know about CPF is pension till age retire
[11:47 am, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: There is handout just need to know how to apply
[11:48 am, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face:
Not many scholars or scientists fully understand ivan's theory. Only if, if only one could unlock this theory of human conditioning, it will be a game changer whether is aging, politics or campaigns, or to condition others to a targeted behavior.
[11:50 am, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh:
[11:51 am, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh:
Many kind of assistance if really need social worker will help you apply
[11:52 am, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh:
If you are very sick and poor… this will help to reduce the payment significantly
[11:55 am, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Singapore very hard to be homeless… most likely is non singaporean. Singaporean need to be above 21
[0:08 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: How to benchmark what is been poor in Singapore, it differ country to country. What are the indicators to qualify and quantify, that's the core job of MSF and stakeholders to derive...
[0:12 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Job, skill, education level, savings, age, dependant, housing type, CPF, family unit, previous 10 years of livelihoods
These are starters for social workers to bookmark and indepth investigations.
[0:13 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: A complex psychology in play for a long time, these displaced citizens...
[0:20 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: The second street count is a SIZING up exercise and research. It is perhaps the end of a beginning of understanding this social displacements issue...
[1:37 pm, 12/08/2022] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
1. Quite surprising that Singapore has homelessness and destitutes on the street despite a high more than over 90% owning homes (whether public or private).
2. Looking at the number of destitutes, about thousand plus - not a very high number - but still need to address - so that we will have no one sleeping on the street - for safety, dignity and a sense of self-help, self-sustained - instead of wandering aimlessly on the street.
3. The best strategy is still to "Give them a fishing rod to fish - to make a living on their own effort" rather than "Giving them fish - which will not be sustainable, avoid feeding their sense of reliance and diminsh their dignity".
4. All the destitutes have the following characteristics :-
a. Mostly alone - not living with families
b. Extreme poverty - no jobs or insecure low pay jobs
c. No house or lose their houses
d. Mostly sleep outdoor in the public
e. Found by social workers or reported by public
5. Noted that begging or not begging but loitering in public as destitutes - violate a law - specifically the Destitute Act which can be fine or jail.
6. Hence a more comprehensive approach to help the destittutes to stand on their own feet, earn a living to feed themselves, get themselves a place to stay and live meaningfully like any normal person.
[1:44 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: We need to be careful not to jump to conclusions that it is because of money that the problem exists. Could be a number of issues, that need to be understood. If it's a mental health problem, the fishing rod won't help.
[1:44 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Yes, and the term displaced is better than homeless. For some, the streets are home.
[1:46 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: It is very common for any city in this world to have homeless people. It is part of urban living. It may be due to various reason they become homeless, mental health issue, family/interpersonal issue, sickness, job irregularity issue, etc., that is unique and need to treat case by case.
[1:48 pm, 12/08/2022] +danielhl chua:
[1:52 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Those are mainly family issues ๐ฅ not uncommon I guess.
[1:54 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Yes, my understanding is that Family Issues are a major cause of people not being able to live at home.
[1:54 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Skip to the back part on the man sharing why he staying in hostel
[1:55 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: "We all want a space of our own that we can call home" - exactly.
[1:56 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Some avoid staying so the kids have some more peace. ๐
Cause as you know HDB need 2 names… don’t want divorce and might not afford a new house…
The rental flat unless you prove you have no house and family then you can rent… family issue really just open market
[1:57 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Rental flat criteria are not easy to meet if the root cause because of family reason
[1:57 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: There are shelters available but not everywhere and easy to find contact on such shelters.
[1:57 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Thanks for sharing this. Hope more people can see it and understand the situation people are in.
[1:58 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: One Singapore, for all Singaporeans.
[1:58 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Shelters also have their criteria to filter those who need help.
[1:59 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Example fo shelters
[1:59 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Yah very specific causes…
[1:59 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Relationships with family ones.. and grown man usually don’t have ๐
[2:00 pm, 12/08/2022] +REACH: ๐ขTopic ๐ข
The number of homeless people in Singapore fell slightly last year, at a time when homelessness was on the rise in many countries amid the Covid-19 pandemic. But the issue of homelessness also became less visible, as more people who would have slept on the streets went to stay at temporary shelters.
The second street count found that those sleeping on the streets fell by 41 per cent from 1,050 in 2019 to 616 last year, while those staying at a temporary shelter for the homeless shot up from
65 to 420 in the same time period.
๐ฌ What are your views on the issue of homeless people in Singapore? How can we better support those who may find themselves at risk of becoming homeless?
MSF said there has been a steady and collective progress in whole…
[2:01 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Yah, resource management perspective, the operator will prioritize those in need
[2:02 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Miss the topic today ๐
[2:05 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Think most of the time people that stay out that don’t seeks help either don’t know about the help or just feel ashamed to ask for help.
[2:05 pm, 12/08/2022] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
To tackle the issue of destitutes :-
1. Gathering all the destitutes at a Place for rehabilitation will be the best approach - like a training camp or army camp concept.
2. Next tackling the Mind is essential - for the rehabilitation to succeed.
- By indepth study of each individual destitiutes will help the Authority to understand why the individual have become destitutes or homeless.
For eg. fallout with family members, bankruptcy due to various reasons - eg. gambling debt, business failures, no skillsets etc, mental or physical illness. mental capacity to work or mentally incapacitated to work.
- Next Categorise and organise the destitutes into various group for the purpose of targeted rehabilitation.
- Counselling, education, psychological assessment and mind training will need to be a primary course that all destitutes will need to go through. Identify those mental impaired for psychiatric treatment - which I believe are in the minority.
- I believe majority of them are not mentally impaired and can be rehabilitated and trained to work. A systematic job training programme should be map out.
Hence training should be given to them - to possess the required skillsets so that they can be placed to jobs upon completion of training.
- For destitute job placement programme to succeed, social enterprises will need to be rope in to take in trained destitutes to work and contribute to the companies.
3. Each destitute should be assigned a social workers to track how they have been performing throughout the programme.
4. Next will be giving them a HDB rental flat or welfare home to stay - finance by the money they earned through the destitute job placement.
5. Once they are able to stand on their own feet, mentally strong and able to sustain their own living like any normal person, they can graduate from the destitute training programme and live like any normal person.
But they still need to be track and monitor by the social worker - to ensure they can "stand on their own feet".
6. They can also be encourage to join the programme alumni to occasionally organise programmes, events, provide talk etc to help other destitutes trainees - so that they belong to a family with mutual support - and not be left alone without a community support group.
[2:09 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Unless you been doing those work. People perspective of government don’t care. You are on your own if you are poor.
People that are homeless more likely lost and given up on themselves. Learning how to approach them and provide them help it is not natural for us.
Even if you want, your family might not want. Why open up houses to strangers. ๐
[2:10 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: But of course there are still people that are willing.. as we can see during covid times..
[2:15 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Number 1 might have the opposite effect, for people who have social anxiety, or a mistrust of others. Could worsen and mental health issues and also create a stigma. People need to be treated as individuals with care and compassion.
[2:16 pm, 12/08/2022] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
There is only 1 imh to treat mental patients.
[2:22 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: True… 1 may cause more problems… those homeless usually are by choice most of the time. Mental issue usually are the case, and they dont know how to seek help. Forcing them to one place don’t really help much
[2:33 pm, 12/08/2022] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Well destitutes are homeless.
We either round them up to put up in a Place to rehabilitate them or we let them run around loose.
Mental patients need medical help - imh is the best place.
[2:35 pm, 12/08/2022] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Put them up in rental flats won't help without systematic rehabilitation and training.
They will succumb and go back to their old ways.
[2:36 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: It's worth watching the short video clip to get some perspective. Rounding People up would seem inhumane in most cases, and not a solution. We need a more caring, charitable approach to solve the problem. These are people who are suffering in one way or another.
[2:38 pm, 12/08/2022] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Destitute act round homeless up to fine them and put them in jail.
[2:47 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: This is for begging not for being homeless. Why did you post this and underline the penalties for begging?
[2:48 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Is this the type of prejudice the man in the video might have been referring to?
[2:50 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Homeless don’t really mean they beg… ๐
I see most don’t bother people.
But this is new don’t know begging can be charge in Singapore ๐คฃ
[2:51 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: This law is the same bah… have but not enforced… we do see beggers often in crowded places
[2:56 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Ok, fair enough that's the act! Not sure fining someone who has no resources will achieve much though; and I would think Jail will cost society more than a hostel.
[2:57 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Do we really want to put a homeless person in jail - what does that achieve?
[2:58 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: I think the money would be better spent on resources to help the person get back on their feet with a secure place to stay and pathway to employment/mental care/own residence.
[3:19 pm, 12/08/2022] +Poh S. Lim: How about free counseling for screening people with true mental health problems, and free vocational training provided those who are willing to work but fell on hard times, in welfare homes for the destitute
[3:26 pm, 12/08/2022] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Can name this one Place - Destitute Rehabilitation Academy.
[3:56 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Those able to work on simple jobs should be extended to HDB rental flats. Whereas those elders say 65 nd older, welfare homes and or nursing homes will be suitable place to settle down. It is case by case with social workers patiently and painfully encouraging these displaced citizens to come in and settle into a stable living environment.
[3:57 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: A nicer word to replace destitute homes etc is perhaps a renewal home
[3:58 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Might also want to consider social workers to have a certain pay. As most are very lowly paid. People with passion eventually have to leave to earn a living
[3:59 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Those I meet usually.. less than $3k and weekend and OT not paid ones
[3:59 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Every nation, every society has this challenge, dislocated people. Whatever their recent or past station in life was, society must come in and support these fellow citizens.
[4:00 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Or Suicide will be the next station....
[4:00 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: One way is to be more accommodating to them as service staff. But the company also have to limit the amount to prevent service bottlenecks.
[4:01 pm, 12/08/2022] +REACH: ๐ขTopic ๐ข
The number of homeless people in Singapore fell slightly last year, at a time when homelessness was on the rise in many countries amid the Covid-19 pandemic. But the issue of homelessness also became less visible, as more people who would have slept on the streets went to stay at temporary shelters.
The second street count found that those sleeping on the streets fell by 41 per cent from 1,050 in 2019 to 616 last year, while those staying at a temporary shelter for the homeless shot up from
65 to 420 in the same time period.
๐ฌ What are your views on the issue of homeless people in Singapore? How can we better support those who may find themselves at risk of becoming homeless?
MSF said there has been a steady and collective progress in whole…
[4:03 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Ken, good afternoon... Are our social workers experience enough to handle these multitude of cases... Is a human to another human communicating
[4:03 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Sometimes not everyone can be helped. Sadly..
various degree of issue. Sometimes is beyond normal people can help. Need dedicated people to try sometimes years to get them back up.
[4:03 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Let us work and strive together to be inclusive and havr a compassionate meritocratic mindset
[4:04 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Given the pay… not many will stay long… like nurses.. underpaid overworked
[4:04 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Helpless but never hopeless....
[4:05 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Haven’t seen hopeless case before… ๐
The effort needed to put in sometimes unless you are related not many can do to that level
[4:06 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Passion, starts with our fresh graduates... Identify candidates whom are passionate over tangible achievements... If money is the only driver, then this world will aim to failure and the extinction of humanity...
[4:06 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Dealing with people as service staff is tough.. deal with people with special needs are a whole different level
[4:07 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Not just money.. but given enough for a normal life, given their schedule are usually very odd hours.
[4:07 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Yes, what's the skillsets, our present social army, aka social workers
[4:09 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: One criteria, a good listener, a patience person and people person...
[4:11 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Destitute, prostitute and institute... Aren't these man-made and creative branding them too...
[4:14 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Three future concern: structural unemployment, gig jobs and in-between jobs... Once a person ages, social problems bound to arise...
[4:16 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Our CPF system is important.... Security and stability of our citizens going into aging years, as previously discussed...
[4:25 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: "it takes one or more new habits to exchange with the old ones..."
- - annoymous
[4:31 pm, 12/08/2022] +BL: Maybe our NS folks can help out during their 2 years training. National Service is about more than Military Service!
[4:35 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Family Social worker Centre in every Estate, feedback from old folks home very important to minimise impact of destitute.
[4:35 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: How to change old habits like staying late nites out and sleeping over anywhere and everyday...
In order to change any undesirable behaviors and or habits, the therapist or social worker needs to have a knowledgeable account of this person before implementing changes to his or her exiting lifestyles, behaviors and habits. Simply, it is not an easy task to iron straight and fit everyone into a square box of intend. Afterall, we are dealing with humans or even animals perse...
[4:37 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, are we able to rename old folks or seniors home into say... Your priority place...
[4:39 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Seniors can meant "no more hope" , while old folks can meant "waiting to die" ...
[4:41 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Active aging is a good prise for our Distinguished seniors...
[4:45 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: ๐ it is like calling a school a centre of learning,
Hawker a food dealer ๐คฃ
No need bah.. it is what it is… you change name don’t change the content
[4:46 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: But if they still healthy maybe can live up to 120-150 years old
[4:46 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Not possible ๐คฃ๐คฃ
[4:47 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh:
At least for now
[4:48 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: FY 2000 technology is advance than in 1990s even 2035 possible product health system can be improved.
However due to Covid-19 on pandemic world is go on research developing
[4:48 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: And I don’t want live so long… old and cannot work… what is life about? Waste earth resource?
[4:48 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: When living and not contributing… I would rather die
[4:49 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Wish go heaven in glory ๐
[4:49 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Be a burden to my future generation
[4:51 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee:
[4:54 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Everyone age, no escapement....
[4:55 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: I am not sure how views the future is changed 2060 or 2100 But believe it whole world is also changed example senior who are older won’t get burden job or stress health problem.
[4:55 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Think as we age retirement age will shift as well..
[4:55 pm, 12/08/2022] +Ken Loh: ๐ฅฒ
[4:55 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Human right
[4:58 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Are we live in mars either moon reach first mission successful building mankind.
We can’t said how expect on NASA research are impossible human live on other planet.
Earth will go on anytime happening.
[5:00 pm, 12/08/2022] +danielhl chua: There are also reports of tenants being locked out of their homes. Such stories are rampant during pandemic. Are there any measures to safeguard the interest of these tenants? Where can they go if they are locked out?
[5:02 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Frankie, yes,... So long seniors are happy and their CPF are adequate to sustain till that d day comes...
[5:03 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Overdue rentals or...
[5:04 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Strongly recommends those interested in Pavlov work to read further into his first 10 years of his experiments and research. In the middle part of his findings, this simple theory yet very powerful, very often misread or misunderstood by experts, it is more than the carrots and the stick. Only if one willing to dive deeper into Pavlov's and also maslow's too.
[5:06 pm, 12/08/2022] +danielhl chua: The owners are scared of living with tenants during circuit breaker. Esp when many of these tenants are frontline workers who continue to work during circuit breaker.
[5:06 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Correct, self interest at play, in the mist of medical challenges..
[5:09 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: I believe non-profit organizations and agencies perform a risk assessment on homeless ppl. Such assessment can be revised to cover a high-risk group of people that may find themselves becoming homeless. With such information, agencies and non-profit organizations will then establish targeted support to help these groups of people.
[5:10 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Frankie, maybe there is need to ask Elon or Oak ridge Research Laboratory, they are experts in outer space abd and etc
[5:10 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Name changing doesn't change the situation. Action does.
[5:11 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Like it.... Actions better than else...
[5:12 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Ahead of the curve, hi SL...
[5:12 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Mars and outer space?
[5:14 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Oak ridge in USA is the hidden forerunner of secret tech for tomorrow industry purposes, with it military or commercial... It is above Dapar...
[5:14 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Wow
[5:14 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Cool I haven’t heard about it
[5:15 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: The continuation of Einstein and Hawkins works .... In progress
[5:15 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Pray for continue project will be successful tomorrow
[5:15 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:16 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Deeper than Darpa...
[5:20 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Back to the future, how are we able to elevate these needy citizens from a low self esteem point in life to a new level of self-confidence and the believe that society does care and does help them... That's the key, perhaps our discussion this afternoon till 7pm comes...
[5:22 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: What are the affirmative actions to start planning, executing and implementing... Always recalibrate to fit case to case...
[5:23 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: MTF on this issue...
[5:23 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Not DARPA? Oak under DOE I thought is nuclear related research.
[5:23 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: When it’s seek a movie fiction later realise its turn out fact but believe it developers can change our daily life better tomorrow
[5:23 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Oak ridge does more than Darpa....
[5:24 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: I see.
[5:25 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: 1990s hearing aid not very good
This 20222 year other brand can multiply connect to the app smartphone or reduce noise.
[5:25 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: One part pertaining to abandonment of parents (made destitute)by their children to government subsidied welfare. These need to be looked into when the children can pay but are unwilling. Is there legislation currently!? Put aside the issue of non visitation.
[5:26 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face:
Another interesting institute, go dig deeper from the beginning to today.
[5:26 pm, 12/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Hard to believe 1990s Nokia is black white 2G network only but costly are same level to 2022 FY
[5:26 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Means testing
[5:27 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Abandon parents that resulted the seniors become homeless?
[5:27 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: I am referring to those already in the home but children refused to contribute still.
[5:28 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Is a legal issue that seniors can take actions on their children or child. However, there will always be two sides of arguments to settle and meet in between, an amicable solution...
[5:32 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: I seldom hear about the enforcement of the maintenance of parent act in Singapore; hence I assume that there were no cases on abandon parents
[5:34 pm, 12/08/2022] +anntat: It noted the yearly number of cases of elderly parents who eventually filed for maintenance orders at the Tribunal dropped from a three-year average of 170, between 2008 to 2010, to 86, from 2011 to 2013.
Since 2017, it has remained stable at about 30 cases each year.
MSF attributed this decline to the enhanced conciliation process at the CMP, which has settled about 90 per cent of the more than 2,000 applications received since March 2011.
[5:35 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:36 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: 30 cases on average each year from 2017 till 2021
[5:36 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Go ask MSF staffs, they will relate cases that will overwhelm your emotions and the tough jobs they are performing to mitigate such heated cases....
[5:38 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Many seniors or their children just simply let things go without reporting to the authority... An old asian saying... Home dirty linen never to display outwardly...
[5:41 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: In theory, children take care of their parents. Is it because of social norms changes that children are no longer willing to take care of seniors? Should Govt consider teaching this “taking care of our parents” value in school?
[5:41 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Perhaps, legislate to keep these broken promises to fulfillment...
[5:43 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: This is what I meant
[5:43 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: There are already laws (maintenance of parents act) enacted and a commission formed in Singapore for this, according to the URL links
[5:44 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Some millennial will say.... Ownself cannot support ownself how to help others or parents... Likewise, parents are always soft hearted folks too... Educating is that much it can realise such norms... Importantly, early years of child bonding is crucial.... Next What's the growing up environment like...
[5:44 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Cases must be made public to educate
[5:44 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Will the cases made public violate the pdpa law?
[5:44 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Single parent environment versus others....
[5:45 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Grey area currently I suppose
[5:46 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: So long no naming and shaming.... No infringement of privacy, this case should it be released to public domain...
[5:47 pm, 12/08/2022] +SL: Maybe in moral education?
[5:47 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Good suggestion, into social studies.... This confucius thinking...
[5:48 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: To be strengthened
[5:49 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Better start at primary one onwards.... These formation of behaviors time line
[5:49 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Our Asian values, upbringing, filial piety must be upheld no matter how exposed we are to the outside world and imported singaporeans
[5:50 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: The concert of RECIPROCATION...
[5:51 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Bingo, Andrew...
[5:52 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Reciprocation ๅพๅค
[5:56 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Propriety ็คผ
[6:02 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Can anyone here recall an article in the straits Times long ago about a review of the maintenance of parents act!? It was to look into using cpf/iras records to go after children who can pay but refused to do so after abandoned of their parents in government subsidised welfare home's. I wrote to msf and spoke to Andy koh. Gave him archive records from sph but msf internal archive had no records!?๐ฒ๐ฏ๐๐๐
[6:08 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Another area related to welfare and care. Money alone no longer attracts.
[6:17 pm, 12/08/2022] +REACH: ๐ขTopic ๐ข
The number of homeless people in Singapore fell slightly last year, at a time when homelessness was on the rise in many countries amid the Covid-19 pandemic. But the issue of homelessness also became less visible, as more people who would have slept on the streets went to stay at temporary shelters.
The second street count found that those sleeping on the streets fell by 41 per cent from 1,050 in 2019 to 616 last year, while those staying at a temporary shelter for the homeless shot up from
65 to 420 in the same time period.
๐ฌ What are your views on the issue of homeless people in Singapore? How can we better support those who may find themselves at risk of becoming homeless?
MSF said there has been a steady and collective progress in whole…
[6:18 pm, 12/08/2022] +Rama: Unprecedented virus brought about a new category of homeless
[6:46 pm, 12/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan ๐
[6:49 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: Besides MPS, MSF could tap into RC, CC, TC for their networks of any given areas. From these grounds up initiatives, much lcloser for MSF to identify and provide further helps, case by case.
[7:00 pm, 12/08/2022] +Smiley face: 12 August, 2022
To: Our Distinguished Leaders and All Honorable Members
"The Achievers, The Slackers and The Uncomfotable Truths (ๅคฉ็ๆๆๅฟ ๆ็จ) "
The Motives, The Motivations and The Momentum :
Push -
Achievers are generally egoistic, self confident, can be larger than life , compose, competitive, can be combative, calculative and realistic human beings. For those whom are known achievers in any social context, how one motivates others to achieve their individual goals (aka achievements). The logical and DIRECT approach is to stack and reward. It has to be tangible and quantifiable for these achievers to continue to strive and to contribute given each existential circumstances. The higher these achievers become, the more tangible these rewards will be.…
[7:00 pm, 12/08/2022] +REACH:Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan ๐
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