REACH 383 - How do you feel watching the National Day celebrations return in full-swing for the first time since the pandemic? What are your hopes for Singapore as Singapore enters its 57th year of independence?
10 Aug 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:52 am, 10/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan 😊
[9:59 am, 10/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic📢
Singapore celebrates its 57th birthday with its first full parade at the Marina Bay platform for the first time in three years. The National Day Parade themed “Stronger Together, Majulah!”, centered largely on the nation’s experience during the pandemic while capturing its highs and lows.
Heartland celebrations with performances and free-fall jumps from the Red Lions were organized over the weekend. Five firework viewing sites in the heartland were also set up on National Day itself for residents to gather and experience the jubilant mood. An attendee of the Jurong West celebration commented, “I think the heartland celebrations are actually better than the main parade because you feel the community spirit better.”
💬 How do you feel watching the National Day celebrations return in full-swing for the first time since the pandemic? What are your hopes for Singapore as Singapore enters its 57th year of independence?
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day message was broadcasted on 8 August 2022. In his message, he said that staying united is key to Singapore’s survival as it faces both rising global inflation as well as regional and international tensions.
He said measures had been implemented to help Singaporeans facing rising costs, adding that more will be rolled out in the coming months. Singapore’s deeper response to the economic situation must be to “transform our industry, upgrade our skills and raise our productivity”, he added.
[10:01 am, 10/08/2022] +Caleb: good, not like last year ndp, only for the 1000 audience to watch the fireworks,
[10:02 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: I agree with staying United, and the best way to do that is by engaging with alternative views, embracing new thinking and maintaining a cautious step towards change. We need a strong economy, high employment through ongoing skills development, and a vastly improved approach to the education of our kids.
[10:03 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh:
[10:03 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: It's good to have national pride whilst avoiding nationalism. Singapore is one of the few countries that can achieve that.
[10:04 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: National pride think generally we all have
[10:04 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: But the mindset of reskill and train constantly not so much
[10:05 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Day to Day life is very 'easy' in Singapore. We have housing, healthcare, clean streets, low crime, transport and accessible schools. It can make people expectant and complacent though.
[10:06 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: We also have a good work ethic however and sense of togetherness, which is a great foundation for building on.
[10:07 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: We are vulnerable, so need consistent government and steady management of our economy and international presence.
[10:08 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Being too safe has it pros and cons…
[10:09 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: So my hopes are that we have well thought plans and contingencies for the the next 5-15 years. Specifically our relationships with US, Europe, China, India. Our investment in technologies and reskilling our workforce. An overhaul of our education system to ready our kids for the future (academic is not the only route to succcess).
[10:10 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Perhaps a more flexible approach to NS - which I know is a controversial topic at this time.
[10:11 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Should every male have to do 2 years, disregarding their career prospects and hope. Could there be a reduced time according to circumstances?
[10:28 am, 10/08/2022] +jimmy chew: I am all for NS for girls. They should be able to defend their country in times of invasion. Cf rather than when invasion comes like Ukraine situation
[10:31 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: They did a study… increasing the range to girls.. don’t help much in terms of defence, and might cost a lot more..
Population still relatively enough for current
[10:32 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Only the following countries do for female
Nations that in present-day actively draft women into military service are Bolivia,[70]Chad,[71]Eritrea,[72][73][74]Israel,[72][73][75]Mozambique,[76]Norway,[77]North Korea[78] and Sweden.[79]
[10:33 am, 10/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: They can do first ⛑️ instead not those chiong hill type.
Maybe on can implement volunteery type of ns for girl.
[10:34 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Sometimes is a bit complicated and space…
Unless Singapore can accept girls staying with guys like Israel 🤣
[10:35 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Having female NS is not really about defence though. It's about One Nation and Together Stronger
[10:35 am, 10/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: They can have the gar hostel what.. similar to what those navy gar on board .
Pls lah.. dun look down on woman.
[10:35 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Current army camps mostly only guys toilet… no female toilet unless in office area.
Those sign on ladies if not wrong will have different bunks..
[10:35 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Didn’t look down just stating the culture here
[10:36 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Maybe 1 year NS and having Females too would be more equal,and not impact the defence need.
[10:36 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Or, just reduce male NS to 1 year for those who have career requirements?
[10:37 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: 1 year I doubt the training is enough 😅
Personal opinion…
[10:37 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Just thoughts, as we move into a different needfor defence which is more technological and less about boots on the ground
[10:37 am, 10/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: 👍 gar can deploy to nursing, logistic n other domestic areas that guy maybe not good sure that it increase power n guy can redeploy to a tougher task.
[10:37 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: And waste of resource… cause after training we have low wage army personal for defence 🤣🤣 for 1 year
[10:38 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: All unwanted duties are done by NSF mostly 🤣
[10:39 am, 10/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: Where got waste resource.. We need lot of first aider where this is the most crucial task.. Life n death.. it also can applied in other daily life.
[10:39 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: 1 year experience you think good enough… when we don’t even give 6 years doctors a chance in hospital 🫠
[10:40 am, 10/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: With less n less ppls having kids, young population might face the manpower issue, hence enrol gar into ns is another helping hand.
[10:41 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Already not enough people… enrol more then who working? 😅
We sacrifice one side already.. plus another side… the impact is huge..
[10:42 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Also means delay of kids… the 2 years for sure no one will have kids…
Most enter about 21 now.. so we expecting a generation to empty..
[10:42 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Although most have kids much later… but this will delay it further
[10:44 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: When foreigner younger and higher rank then us we know why 🤣
[10:51 am, 10/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: Also mentioned enrolling gar and those woman who want to volunteer..won't it help to cover some of the manpower instead.
What foreigner u are talking.. ns won't allow foreigner to enrol.
[10:56 am, 10/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: Eg co sent one for training.. they expected one to learn n proceed whatever one has learnt.
Tough on short training b4 but practice made least, most or those who volunteered have the experience/skill better than none..they can even teach or implement their skill to the community.
[10:57 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: When we in NS. Then company will force to hire foreigners… during that vacuum of manpower.
But for that first few years only…
[10:57 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: After implementation
[11:08 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Not very inspiring for an 18-19 year old! Seems like a waste of developing talent.
[11:09 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: True - and people who want to make a career in the army should be given the chance to stay on and extend.
[11:10 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Duties are part of the NS life.
Learn to be humble and work boring jobs… 🤣🤣
Everyday also so exciting meh
[11:10 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Boring is good… means it is safe
[11:10 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Can always sign on… yes it is available
[11:10 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Again, not much inspiration there for a new generation...
[11:11 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Singapore will fall behind in the world if our next generation are told to keep safe all the time. I see that in our approach to Covid. Some young kids may be developing anti-social tendencies because they have been told to keep away and cover up around people.
[11:11 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: It is duty to the country… haha not everyone gets exciting posting… and not everyone wants exciting ones…
Exciting = dangerous
[11:12 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Yes, just suggesting we reduce boring from 18 months to 6 months....
[11:12 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: I was amazed the recruited a African into Naval diver
[11:12 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: They”
[11:12 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: and maybe give option to people who want boring to stay the extra year.
[11:13 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Have you served before? 6 months 🤣 you know shit…
[11:13 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: 3 months still green..
6 months… still nothing you can do..
[11:14 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Amour spec and officer takes 9 months to train, 3 months BMT.
6 months can get what?
[11:14 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: 🤣🤣
[11:15 am, 10/08/2022] +BL: Lol I meant the first 6 months is the exciting time, so everyone does minimum 1 year
[11:16 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: ? I only enjoyed my BMT.
My service time was just boring 🤣
Learn how to survive in a jungle..
Maybe you understand what we do.. then can comment on if reduce further is even possible.
[11:17 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: NS training is very dangerous.. for some combat unit, can even die from it. No joke
[11:17 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: 1 year and I trust them using weapons… no way…
[11:18 am, 10/08/2022] +Ken Loh: 2 years… is pushing the limit.
Cannot compare to Malaysia they just go do PT. And finish their NS 🤣🤣
[0:20 pm, 10/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We want to HEAR MORE from you on today’s topic!
💬 How do you feel watching the National Day celebrations return in full-swing for the first time since the pandemic? What are your hopes for Singapore as Singapore enters its 57th year of independence?
Megan 😊
[0:32 pm, 10/08/2022] +YT: I felt very touched. This year's NDP performance really resonated with me and I am sure, many fellow Singaporeans as we adjusted to life in the pandemic. The slogan "Stronger Together" is a reminder and a call to all Singaporeans that whatever differences we have, we are still Singaporeans at the end of the day and we have to stand united in order to face any thing that comes our way. We must not let our differences divide us nor let certain groups or outside forces cause us to fight amongst ourselves. Live and let live. Learn to give and take. Forgive and forget. Learn from episodes that seek to drive our population apart.
Also, I feel it's good that the radio stations are playing National Day songs. In the 80s and 90s, this was the norm. But the radio st…
[0:33 pm, 10/08/2022] +YT: My hopes for Singapore would be for our people to be more tolerant of differences and to seek middle grounds whenever possible so that we can coexist peacefully and remember that we are all Singaporeans at the end of the day.
[1:03 pm, 10/08/2022] +Ann: Watching NDP reminds me that I have never been to a NDP. I have tried balloting at least once that I could remember.
[1:07 pm, 10/08/2022] +Caleb: talking about ticketing, maybe those who have been balloted before, shld not be eligible to be balloted for the next 10 years?
So to give other people a chance? Like BTO like that.. lol
[1:26 pm, 10/08/2022] +RH: Agree.
[1:26 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Greater geopolitical tension ahead - stronger Armed Forces and Home Team
1. Geopolitical tension will worsen in the next coming decade and beyond - it will not be better off.
2. Global climate will cause many crops and animals rearing failure and diffculties to raise sufficient food yield to feed the world population - that will strain resources, increasing food protectionism among countries, give rise to higher food prices, community tension.
3. As tension and strain among Countries will rise and becoming more acute - the phenomenon of 小三灾 (the 3 minor catastrophe) - that will have adverse implication on humanity ---- a strong Armed Forces and Home Team - must be our never shaking foundation - to safeguard our Homeland and ensure our survival.
4. Hence we must never has the notion to tamper and soften our commitment to National Service and Reservist.
We must ensure our National Servicemen are well trained and able to execute complex combat mission and exploit cutting edge military technologies to protect our Country.
The 1st and 2nd segment of military display and execution other than just parade - demonstrate that every facet of our Armed Forces - whether Air, Sea, Land, Anti-terroism, Home Team --- show that we have been exploiting cutting edge military technologies - whether we develop ourselves through R&D, locally produced or acquired from foreign Countries --- with precision, speed and effectiveness.
This demonstrate how well trained our Armed Forces and Home Team are --- and we must keep up our professional standard -- and ensure the years ahead --- that will be fraught with danger --- our Armed Forces and Home Team will make our Country safe.
[1:32 pm, 10/08/2022] +RH: Agree.
Think of it as having additional help in times of need.
With things being tech these days, both genders can operate the equipment equally & competently.
We alredi hv woman commander & pilots now, so ther is no unbroken frontier for women to excel in.
Likewise, ther wl also be men who find they r not cut out for the physical work ... So, having women, on the other hand, who r keen on the physical stuff keeps the head count on track.
But hv it on a voluntary basis for women .. so those who r really keen can join.
[1:41 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Decoupling of Economic, Technology and Finance
1. Decoupling of Economic Blocs - eg. US partners from China and Russia - are already taking place.
This will have a great impact on our Economy, trade, business, investment - that will in turn affect our Economic Growth, the technologies we aquire and our financial investment.
2. Hence, we need to navigate carefully and skilfully in our Economy space to ensure we will continue to reap benefits from the decoupled Global Economy, Technology and Finances --- to continue with good Economic growth, attract investment and create jobs for our people.
3. Hence business transformation, skill upgrade among our workforce to be able to take up value-added jobs to ensure we earn higher salaries in lieu of the changing global economic landscape --- will ensure we can tackle higher inflation and higher interest rate with the years ahead.
4. More focus on R&D, exploiting digital economies, higher tech that solve many pertinent humanity problems such as sustainability, food, water, energy, transport, finances, healthcare etc- will be a sure way to ensure our business, workers remain relevant in the changing global economic landscape - and ensure our business will make good money and our workers are well-paid.
[1:53 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Greater Unity, Social Harmony despite Diversity
1. No matter how wealthy, how big a Country is, plentiful resources or big population - the Country cannot be strong if people are divided, polarised and quarelsome.
2. Unity and Social Harmony are the key to ensure our People are United for the Greater good of our Nation.
3. Only a unified people supporting our Government can ensure we can tackle challenges ahead - that are coming our way notably geopolitical tension, decoupling economies, food supply strain, global climate.
4. The next decade and beyond will not be plain sailing - in fact, it will become more dangerous, politically more challenging in the Global stage.
All the more, we should unite and support our Government to meet those challenges - and not lay back to start to dismantle our very foundation that make us strong or worst resort to quarrel on issues that divide us rather than unite us.
[1:56 pm, 10/08/2022] +SL: Decoupling of economics may not work in practice unless an economic block is formed.
The current decoupling method will only increase the cost of business with national inflation and an artificial increase in GDP computation.
For example, Decoupling in electronic semiconductors will result in the price per unit increased, affecting global consumer willingness to replace their existing model products. An economist can argue that market expansion into sub-Sahara, ocean, Asia, and South America to substitute the demand from these two countries and sustain the business export. However, how many residents in these new markets are willing to pay higher prices for a product is questionable.
[2:01 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes this is the biggest concern in decoupling.
We need to watch this trend and navigate skilfully to avoid the pitfalls and put ourselves in the best position so that we continue to reap economic growth, grow our business and ensure our workers continue to get high pay jobs.
[2:01 pm, 10/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic📢
Singapore celebrates its 57th birthday with its first full parade at the Marina Bay platform for the first time in three years. The National Day Parade themed “Stronger Together, Majulah!”, centered largely on the nation’s experience during the pandemic while capturing its highs and lows.
Heartland celebrations with performances and free-fall jumps from the Red Lions were organized over the weekend. Five firework viewing sites in the heartland were also set up on National Day itself for residents to gather and experience the jubilant mood. An attendee of the Jurong West celebration commented, “I think the heartland celebrations are actually better than the main parade because you feel the community spirit better.”
💬 How do you feel watching…
[2:02 pm, 10/08/2022] +Caleb: good, not like last year ndp, only for the 1000 audience to watch the fireworks,
[2:24 pm, 10/08/2022] +SL: Finances decoupling is very complicated. It breaks into
1. finance tech and payment system - this decoupling is conducted by both sides. It will revise the current payment system and reduce the impact of SDR.
2. Capital market - coc partner with roi will drive capitalism, and Vice versa. the type of capital market might not be limited to primary and secondary
[2:31 pm, 10/08/2022] +RH: I remember in the 80's / 90's too .. They played NDP songs 2-3 months ahead of Nat Day.
And abt 2-3 times a day ...
I miss tt.
Looking back, it helped instill a sense of familiarity in us and helped to build this nation.
Tt is how we know to sing along during the event itself and every other year.
Songs like Home, Stand up for Singapore, We are Singapore wl forever be my fav.
Such songs hv become part of us, a Nation, and shd be copyrighted as our National staple of songs. They help to remind us to stay united as One, be strong as One.
The "new" songs over the past decade, however, hv not resonated with me in any way. Perhaps they may with the new & younger generation.
To each his own.
[2:41 pm, 10/08/2022] +SL: The hope is Singapore, my home continues to succeed and prosper.
[2:51 pm, 10/08/2022] +SL: Businessman, profit, and not for profit organization leaders really need to work together with the government under the leadership of our great PM to transform the landscape and upgrade workers’ skills for higher productivity. PM Lee concerns about the tension and global economy are correct, and unity is essential for Singapore to continue its success.
[3:42 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Fintech and payment needs collaboration. Eg. China use cbdc.
We are not part of it.
But we maintain a bilateral swap with them and we are also yuan currency exchange.
China still are in Swift system traded in US currency.
They maintain a dual circulation system.
Finance not fully decoupled.
2. Likewise in capital markets - they list their stocks in China. But in HK, their listing are mainly for foreign investors.
Again, they adopt dual circulation system. So not fully decoupled.
[4:20 pm, 10/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic📢
Singapore celebrates its 57th birthday with its first full parade at the Marina Bay platform for the first time in three years. The National Day Parade themed “Stronger Together, Majulah!”, centered largely on the nation’s experience during the pandemic while capturing its highs and lows.
Heartland celebrations with performances and free-fall jumps from the Red Lions were organized over the weekend. Five firework viewing sites in the heartland were also set up on National Day itself for residents to gather and experience the jubilant mood. An attendee of the Jurong West celebration commented, “I think the heartland celebrations are actually better than the main parade because you feel the community spirit better.”
💬 How do you feel watching…
[4:21 pm, 10/08/2022] +Caleb: good, not like last year ndp, only for the 1000 audience to watch the fireworks,
[5:00 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Centralised NDP celebration concentrate all the resources and display in one centralised place.
It showcase more assets, display and performance in one place.
I prefer such centralised celebration.
[5:04 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
The whole show is very compact, coordination is very good and precision is right on the dot.
[5:10 pm, 10/08/2022] +Valli: +1
[5:13 pm, 10/08/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:34 pm, 10/08/2022] +danielhl chua: Its not easy. Many of the people has risen to the cause and needs of others during pandemic. Its an emotional NDP in times of adversity. I can resonate with this spectator. The theme thia year "Stronger Together" could not be more apt.
[5:37 pm, 10/08/2022] +BL: Yes, I'm in 2 mind. Inclined to agree 1 major event is better. However, the local event here was very well attended too. Also good to see many communities being recognised as important and relevant to Singapore.
[6:02 pm, 10/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic📢
Singapore celebrates its 57th birthday with its first full parade at the Marina Bay platform for the first time in three years. The National Day Parade themed “Stronger Together, Majulah!”, centered largely on the nation’s experience during the pandemic while capturing its highs and lows.
Heartland celebrations with performances and free-fall jumps from the Red Lions were organized over the weekend. Five firework viewing sites in the heartland were also set up on National Day itself for residents to gather and experience the jubilant mood. An attendee of the Jurong West celebration commented, “I think the heartland celebrations are actually better than the main parade because you feel the community spirit better.”
💬 How do you feel watching…
[6:36 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. For decentralised, other than marchpast and vehicle traveling along some main roads - performance, display are not possible.
2. It dilute the wholeness of a complete parade celebration.
[6:44 pm, 10/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
The venue of the NDP events is also very important.
1. In marina bay, air, land, sea performance can be carried out.
Armour vehicles also can come in.
No need to cordon the main roads.
2. In Padang, all the above performance is possible except naval ships performance.
Also need to cordon off the main roads.
3. If decentralised, all the above are not possible, except march past and vehicle past.
Also need to cordon off more roads - more disruptive to many roads.
Need to reinforce many roads as tanks are many tonnes and will damage the road.
No performance, display and parade.
The mood is diluted.
4. National stadium, only march past, parade and performance.
No armour vehicles as it will damage the jogging track.
No naval display.
[6:45 pm, 10/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
[6:49 pm, 10/08/2022] +Boon: In the years leading to 90s, Singapore was building ourselves. We stood up. We were proud of our MRT when we visited so called first worlds. In the 2000s, we grew prosperous and became a middle class society. Our MRT became first world standard. Going forward, I hope and we need to be Together, as fracture lines are appearing in our society - school, residence HDB versus condo, income gap, social mobility, LGBTQ, jobs, retirement, and etc
[6:51 pm, 10/08/2022] +Rama: Not so sure about lgbtq
[6:54 pm, 10/08/2022] +Boon: What is our 21st center version of “MRT” that we can be proud of globally? What should Singapore be known for?
[6:59 pm, 10/08/2022] +Smiley face: 10 August, 2022
To : All Singaporeans
"A first world nation and a first world government in transit to a new team of leaders."
- - annoymous
Never second guessing what our policymakers and government are planning likewise our leaders should not second guess what our citizens needs and wants are! Let it be once in a lifetime, an united effort in sync for a common mission that is MAJULAH SINGAPURA!
Mr Lee Kuan Yew became prime minister at the age of 35 faced with nothing in hand and built things from scratch! Our coming prime minister and his team will do the same mileage and carry that famous red colored briefcase to the success of tomorrows Singapore! The key to success is will, determination and selflessness, that's what our founding fathers possessed in them!
Forward Singapore
முன்னோக்கி சிங்கப்பூர்
- - in progress - -
[7:00 pm, 10/08/2022] +Boon: Going forward, are we or will we be a society in Asia with Western type values?
[7:00 pm, 10/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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