REACH 382 - What are your thoughts on Singapore's efforts in managing the current wave of COVID-19 infections? How have you adapted as we move towards endemic living?
05 Aug 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:50 am, 05/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan 😊
[10:00 am, 05/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
Singapore is still experiencing the infection wave driven by the Omnicron variant. Local hospitals continue to face a high volume of patients, including those of COVID-19 cases, and more residents at care homes have also tested positive for the virus.
While it is reported that 6 in 10 Singapore residents have likely been infected with COVID-19, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung reminded citizens that this does not equate to a “herd immunity” as the virus continues to mutate and infect people.
💬 What are your thoughts on Singapore's efforts in managing the current wave of COVID-19 infections? How have you adapted as we move towards endemic living?
Some of the ongoing COVID-19 measures and efforts listed below:
📌 Review of safe management measures at hospitals and care homes
Tighter COVID-19 curbs at hospitals and care homes have been extended for an additional four weeks - till 31 Aug.
Inpatients are only allowed two pre-designated visitors, with only one allowed at the bedside at any time while residents at the care homes are allowed four pre-designated visitors, with only one visitor allowed to visit at any one time for up to 30 minutes.
📌 Second booster/fourth shot for vulnerable groups
Seniors aged 80 and above are recommended to get their second booster to better protect them from the virus. Those aged 50 to 79 may also receive their second booster should they be traveling or concerned about their health due to underlying diseases.
📌 Possibility of regular COVID-19 vaccinations
Regular COVID-19 shots could become a norm as the virus becomes an endemic disease. MOH is currently looking into determining the regularity of these shots.
📌 Tracking of reinfections
MOH has been watching reinfection numbers closely so as to anticipate the likely timing of future waves.
📌 Third nationwide distribution exercise of ART kits
As at 31 July, 600,000 households have received their ART kits as self-testing has become a familiar part of our lives.
[10:02 am, 05/08/2022] +Caleb: Distribution of art kits shld be before the wave comes. NOT during IN the wave.
[10:06 am, 05/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: The article description mentioned that as of 31 jul third nationwide distribution have received their ART kits.
This is not true. Many of my neighbor I ask have not yet received
[10:13 am, 05/08/2022] +Rama: I got mine last Month
[10:20 am, 05/08/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: mine are supposed to arrive last week of august
[11:00 am, 05/08/2022] +XaniceAfcai: How do u know the date of arrival?
[11:11 am, 05/08/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: my singpost app
[11:11 am, 05/08/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: nice initiative from the Post Office
[11:48 am, 05/08/2022] +RH:
... by 12 Sep...
[11:50 am, 05/08/2022] +RH: Got mine last month. Some of my frens still not got it yet. Dun worry, everyone shd rcv by 12 Sep. 😉
[11:51 am, 05/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Notice that the current covid infection cases are still relatively high - few thousand cases - but is a coming down trend.
2. My family members have taken 3 shots.
3. In addition, we are still taking the covid seriously - by safeguarding ourselves such as wearing masks all the time in the public whether indoor or outdoor, maintain safe distancing and wash hands periodically.
4. But at the same time, we are treating covid as endemic - and are not particularly worried about it and have been traveling, carrying out our daily activities - as long as we take precaution just like in pre-endemic.
5. I think the Government current measures is appropriate to allow Economic activities to resume while ensuring our healthcare system are not overwhelmed.
6. Notably, as more than 90% over of our population are vaccinated - the symptoms are mostly mild if infected except some minorities that need oxygen and ICU. Unfortunately, a few death...
Hence those particularly vulnerable with existing illness should take extra booster to protect themselves.
[11:51 am, 05/08/2022] +RH: Agree.
[0:00 pm, 05/08/2022] +RH: In this past month, I hv bn in contact w many positive cases : meaning ppl whom I know, like my family members & work colleagues, who tested positive 2 days after I met w them.
I tested myself a few times after they told me. So far, so good 🤞🏻.
I've also had bn seeing / meeting w many people (frens) who hv recovered fr Covid.
Most recently, I visited my GP ytd. Was told 3 weeks ago tt he was on lve.
Joke fr me: "So how was yr holiday?"
GP's eyes widened, looked at me in disbelief: "Holiday? Wat holiday? I was on leave with Covid!!"
Oops! The clinic staff didn't tell me that !!
Fortunately, my GP & I go a long way back. ... ☺️☺️
It's everywhere and anywhere !!
[0:03 pm, 05/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Just in case if new virus we need to vaccine 🤦
[0:29 pm, 05/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心: Those vaccinated and got infected this year less likely to develop long Covid: NCID.
[1:32 pm, 05/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We want to HEAR MORE from you!
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
[1:58 pm, 05/08/2022] +Smiley face: 5 August, 2022
"nothing is over till is all over..."
Affordable Early Intervention:
So far 60 percent of our population have recovered from infections. The rest of 40 percent (2 millions +) yet to be infected. The subsidy of $10 covid medical services at PHPC perhaps be reinstated until December 31st, 2022. As for the counting of this extra budget to sustain till end of the year, we assume further 60 percent infections (40% newly infected and 20% reinfected).
Does MOH has the budget to extend this subsidised PHPC...
[2:17 pm, 05/08/2022] +BL: Many people I know, including my family, have had covid. Some had it bad, others mild. It's a virus no one wants of course. Equally, everyone is fine now. Feels like vulnerable people should take extra care, but everyone else just has to accept It's part of life. We would scale back the cost and resources put into trying to avoid it. Encourage people to take personal responsibility. Offer the vaccine Remove mask mandate, except for train and bus.
[2:18 pm, 05/08/2022] +BL: I'm in Italy. Only requirement is to wear mask on Public Transport
[2:19 pm, 05/08/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Currently, in Endemic, our social and economic lives has returned to normal - except we have to put on mask, observe social distancing and wash hands frequently - to prevent covid infection.
2. Question to ask is - When will covid ends?
When can we don't need to wear mask?
3. The answer probably is :-
a. Covid unlikely to end like flu, common cold, H1N1 - unlike SARs or MERs that end by itself.
b. With 3 shots vaccination - probably is good enough to prevent developing of serious illness or need for hospitalisation - except for some with existing illness or immunocompromised.
c. But without mask - catching covid - like catching flu or common cold or H1N1 - is possible - as vaccination cannot fully prevent infection - but only provide protection to succumb to serious illness and need hospitalisatin except for a few.
d. Hence one strategy is to keep up with annual booster to keep anti-body strong - but still cannot guarantee no infection.
4. The longer term solution is to be able to develop a solution to "Block infection" from the source (so that annual vaccination may not be necessary).
5. To block infection - is to develop "nasal spray" solution that can block covid from infecting the respiratory system such as nose and throat.
This is the only solution that we can prevent covid from infecting people - and can finally dispense with the needs of wearing mask and can dispense with the needs of annual booster vaccination.
[2:31 pm, 05/08/2022] +Smiley face: 5 August, 2022
Besides free ART kits and self checking, private or public clinics, these are our (citizens) first line of defence against covid and preventing us from becoming severely ill should we avoid seeing a doctor or to save money or just simply ignore it. The amount of subsidised medical fees be tier from citizen (highest subsidy) to PR to foreigner.
[3:10 pm, 05/08/2022] +Smiley face: 5 August, 2022
"endemic means medical needs..."
Letting It Ends:
For over two years, now, scientists, doctors and researchers all have gained tremendous knowledge of this virus. In this stage of endemic, perhaps there will arise multitude of medical needs from existing known drugs to relieve simple symptoms to severe cases whereby many unknowns yet to be properly diagnosed and death itself.
No longer the world could afford shutting down their countries nor reinstating medical protocols just to cut the rate of infectiions. The time for trials and errors are over. All humans must continue to live like before at the same time be mindful of the possibilities of reinfections and or emerging new virus/bacteria . Simply, many people would just let it go, in pursue of livelihoods than worrying about that "thingie-called covid..."
[5:25 pm, 05/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We want to HEAR MORE from you on today’s topic!
💬 What are your thoughts on Singapore's efforts in managing the current wave of COVID-19 infections? How have you adapted as we move towards endemic living?
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
[5:29 pm, 05/08/2022] +Caleb: It shld reverted to 50% WFH
[5:30 pm, 05/08/2022] +Ken Loh: 😆
[5:32 pm, 05/08/2022] +Ken Loh: But not all work can mah.. like restaurants then how
[5:32 pm, 05/08/2022] +Caleb: I mean those that can la. Like during our phase 1 & 2
[5:32 pm, 05/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Not productive sometimes 😅
Now my side default 40% this still not too bad
[5:33 pm, 05/08/2022] +Ken Loh: If never meet colleagues really got some distance
[5:33 pm, 05/08/2022] +Frankie Wee: Shouldn’t be wave
If wave hit they have to close
[5:33 pm, 05/08/2022] +BL: WFH is great, and can save office space. Maybe good for the Co working space, so can still interact with colleagues 1-2 times per week
[5:33 pm, 05/08/2022] +BL: Being in the office isn't always productive either!
[5:34 pm, 05/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Co working space then defeat purpose of WFH
[5:35 pm, 05/08/2022] +BL: Singapore did a great job when covid first hit. The virus was unknown and no vaccine. Now we have stepped back from being so restrictive which is good.
[5:35 pm, 05/08/2022] +BL: Pleasure move mandatory masks for kids in school
[5:35 pm, 05/08/2022] +BL: Remove, lol
[6:01 pm, 05/08/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
💬 What are your thoughts on Singapore's efforts in managing the current wave of COVID-19 infections? How have you adapted as we move towards endemic living?
[6:05 pm, 05/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Regular vaccine is it really useful 😅
[6:05 pm, 05/08/2022] +Ken Loh: Like flu vaccine is just a guess won’t be totally accurate
[6:18 pm, 05/08/2022] +jimmy chew: interesting idea, me getting a annual covid jab, like what elderlies are doing getting their annual flu jab. My sister loves the annual flu jab, makes her not sickly. I hate it because it makes me sick haha
[6:46 pm, 05/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
[6:47 pm, 05/08/2022] +Kevin: Good night Megan
[7:00 pm, 05/08/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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