Wednesday, October 6, 2021

REACH 280 - What additional precautions or lifestyle changes have you and your loved ones taken to stay safe? (SK)

06 Oct 2021 (10am - 7pm)


[10:39 am, 06/10/2021] +65 8637 0487: Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10.30 am to 7pm today. ⏰

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4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

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The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:42 am, 06/10/2021] +65 8637 0487: 📢 Topic 📢

There were 3,486 new Covid-19 infections reported on Tuesday, including 2,767 new infections in the community, 713 new cases in migrant worker dormitories and six imported cases.

Acknowledging anxieties surrounding the large numbers of cases, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung and Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary fielded a range of Covid-19-related questions from MPs in Parliament on 4 Oct (Monday).

💬 What additional precautions or lifestyle changes have you and your loved ones taken to stay safe? How do you think we can encourage the community to adapt to Home Recovery if they have been infected and are eligible to do so? 

Mr Ong also acknowledged that Singapore's home recovery programme (HRP) had not been fully ready to deal with the surge in Covid-19 patients, but assured the public that the country has otherwise planned ahead for the spike in cases and that “things are improving day by day." At present, 93 per cent of those eligible for the programme are contacted promptly and enrolled without issues.

About 98% of those infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, and can recover safely at home. On Saturday, the MTF urged those who are able to stay home and recover to do so, to ease the strain on the healthcare system and healthcare workers and enable them to focus on the critically ill. Mr Ong also urged people to help their family members or neighbours who may be illiterate and do not understand MOH notifications.

Mr Ong told Parliament that some 240,000 people have completed their booster jabs. He added that vaccination remains key in Singapore’s COVID-19 strategy, and that the Expert Committee would continue to assess the efficacy and safety of booster shots for other groups such as younger people and front-line workers.

On Saturday, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said Singapore is geared up to tackle up to 5,000 cases a day, which MOH says could happen by mid-October, and urged the public not to be alarmed by the daily case numbers.







[10:45 am, 06/10/2021] +Laurent: Singapore almost world champion

[10:48 am, 06/10/2021] +Elena Woo: Said this several times: Parents with young children to wfh by default until vaccination for young children is available.

[10:53 am, 06/10/2021] +Adrian: Actually, isn't the default WFH now for all? Regardless of whether one has children or not

[11:00 am, 06/10/2021] +Ah Heng: Work from home... hahahha is a joke .. Some companies are jeering staff who work from home, some even bring their western idea of UK is already open up dun understand what's so terrifying in Singapore, if such social mindset is revolving in the business work, how can parents or infected people have a peace of time to work or recover form home

[11:00 am, 06/10/2021] +Ah Heng: this is not a joke

[11:01 am, 06/10/2021] +Ah Heng: i got this from a PAX i ferry yesterday (unfortunately he is white not being racist) here for less than 1 yr

[11:02 am, 06/10/2021] +Ah Heng: and dun turn a blind eye or deaf we know there are companies on the ground asking their staff who are + via ART to go to work as well.

[11:03 am, 06/10/2021] +Elena Woo: I am referring to after 24 Oct.

[11:04 am, 06/10/2021] +Ah Heng: how to encourage people to recover from home? frankly was the whole process thought out well before rolling out? -> thus ending up so much negative feedback resulting in more social doubts

[11:08 am, 06/10/2021] +Cross finger: You can make charts show whatever you want.  

Singapore is (rightly) testing a LOT of people but it inevitably means you find more cases than countries which are testing less.

[11:14 am, 06/10/2021] +Cross finger: Countries like the US are only testing people that they think do actually have Covid so the percentage test results which are positive is higher (actually 15 times higher than ours).  

But by testing a cross-section of the population you get a more accurate picture.  It makes our numbers look "worse" than other countries when actually our numbers are just more accurate.  

Other countries true numbers are less accurate and therefore likely to be much worse than SG.

[11:15 am, 06/10/2021] +John Cheong:

[11:15 am, 06/10/2021] +John Cheong: Treatment is e final piece of the puzzle

[11:15 am, 06/10/2021] +John Cheong: Once they are available

[11:15 am, 06/10/2021] +John Cheong: Living with covid will b truly possible.

[11:30 am, 06/10/2021] +Timothy Low: I know of a friend who is a trader. His company classified his job as essential worker and he got to report to office everyday

[11:34 am, 06/10/2021] +Ah Heng: trader if those sitting behind a terminal for financial institutions ->  den yes cos most of the services are lock down to the company

[11:40 am, 06/10/2021] +Timothy Low: Yah so right now I think not all can still wfh

[11:42 am, 06/10/2021] +Ken Loh: 🤣🤣

[11:42 am, 06/10/2021] +Ken Loh: Depends on the company… really hard for MOM to tell if the scope required to be onsite

[11:42 am, 06/10/2021] +Ah Heng: like those in logistics i understand certain role is normal work day, thus not every corner of the society is able to work from home. thus social safe measures must be observe by every one

[11:43 am, 06/10/2021] +jimmy chew: yeah, some of my friends got access to customer data, so can't work from home because of privacy issues.

[11:43 am, 06/10/2021] +Ken Loh: That one also true.. but always a work around it. But subjected to management and security risk decision to able VPN access to computers

[11:55 am, 06/10/2021] +Timothy Low: Just curious, since this incident happened, I wonder if all religious bodies should make a public statement that taking the vaccines is not against their religious beliefs? And perhaps should even proactively preach about taking the vaccines during their religious meetings?

I think there may be some misconceptions among those who are religious, so will be good for the higher authorities to correct these misconceptions about the vaccines

[11:58 am, 06/10/2021] +Timothy Low: Once these misconceptions were debunked maybe our vaccination rate will go even higher

[0:17 pm, 06/10/2021] +Thomas: I agree. Need to debunk all the misinformation from Internet and some with religious misinformation.

[0:32 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: The archbishop of the Catholic Church here has encouraged the flock to be vaccinated for the greater good as did the Pope from vatican City. However, since it's voluntary, some individuals choose to hold on to misguided information to avoid vaccination.

[0:40 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Just could not understand why so many people got infected. Quite some people work from home. Those work at office always have mask on while talking to each other’s right. There are free cleansing gels here and there. Buses and MRT trains we hardly have proper social distancing, but we all wear masks.  Where are the cases from? Most Elders do not work or take MRT or buses.

[0:41 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Wet market, while choosing the best cucumbers you can you may forget social distancing, but it is a very short while.

[0:42 pm, 06/10/2021] +Thomas: It’s will be more of big or small christian churches where do not get the memo. They will influence others. Much influence from Internet, especially from US evangelical

[0:43 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: Possibly

[0:45 pm, 06/10/2021] +Caleb: Maybe Singapore is more compact?

[0:45 pm, 06/10/2021] +Caleb: Compact with people

[1:02 pm, 06/10/2021] +Anne: I know in Christian circles the leaders don’t mandate vaccinations. Not sure whether they encourage, but the feeling I get is more “make your own decisions”. A Protestant pastor wrote in his blog that both sides have strong reasons for their decisions, and he urged both parties to respect each other and not treat the other party with contempt. He said if you jab don’t blame the G if you get side effects years down the road, if you choose not to jab, then be prepared to bear with all the discriminations that will be coming.

[1:31 pm, 06/10/2021] +Poh S. Lim: Covid19 does not discriminate against religion, just people who don’t follow the science behind it.

[1:34 pm, 06/10/2021] +Poh S. Lim: My view: God blessed us with science as a tool, it is up to us to use it. The tool is neither good nor evil, it is how we use it.

[1:40 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: I watch this YouTube channel. Doctors there said vaccination itself is not enough, as the vaccines need to work through our body immunisation system.  Something like you have one super very  strong arm, but the other parts are very weak, still you can not fight properly. Also learned the COVID-19 virus go to your nose or skin first, then lung then blood. The vaccines works on blood only, that is why it can only prevent severe symptoms, when the virus already reach deep to the blood.

[1:41 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: This is their opinions, but I feel reasonable. So the most important thing is keep away from COVID virus.

[1:41 pm, 06/10/2021] +Laurent:

SG should follow the example of India

[1:42 pm, 06/10/2021] +Laurent: cheap and effective

[1:42 pm, 06/10/2021] +Laurent: maybe too cheap as it doesnt make big pharma richer

[1:45 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: I heard that death cures stupidity ... but doesn't make big pharma richer too

[1:51 pm, 06/10/2021] +Laurent: No point to discuss

[1:53 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: You don't trust the words of the Global Scientific community ... but you believe the words of a (facebook?) friend (from UK?) .. 1 "friend" 😳

[1:55 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: I don;t see what there is to "discuss" if by discuss you mean diagree/argue .. because my statement is factual 

Dead = No longer stupid

Death = No money to be made by Big Pharma

Thank you

[1:59 pm, 06/10/2021] +Ken Loh: +1

[1:59 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: hope you are not sending him $ to help him pay for "admin fees" required by the "authorities" to release his multi-million $ inheritance from an Uncle he did not know he had, which he is intending to share half of, with you

[2:00 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: And you are not disputing that your "friend" is actually some stranger from facebook

[2:01 pm, 06/10/2021] +Ken Loh: We give benefit of a doubt. But if effective government trying to cover up? Waste so much money just to buy vaccine and implement all those measures 😅

[2:06 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: No worries, if you think it is fake I just delete this.

[2:06 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Somehow, to these conspiracy theory nutcases, it makes more sense that the Govt is spending all this money and suppressing the "truth" so that "Big Pharma" can make big bucks than to imagine that if that were the case, it would have been more effective to just hand them the $  😂

[2:08 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: I hardly have flu for quit a few years, maybe I can share some my habits here. When I have some symptoms, like headache or a bit running nose, I eat aspirin in the morning. And walk in the sun and try to look at the sun with my nose face up to the sun. It sounds silly, but it works for me. In 1 or 2 days I am ok. Have never seen a doctor because of flu.

[2:08 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: No no please don;t delete your comments .. i want to be able to share it with my friends ,, real ones,, non-facebook ones... everyone needs a good laugh, especially in dark times like these

[2:09 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph:

[2:09 pm, 06/10/2021] +Ken Loh: When people are too smart, will think that is possible. 

In the end, only time will tell. Government might be wrong? If correct all quiet. So let time speak the truth nothing much to debate.

[2:11 pm, 06/10/2021] +Ken Loh: When things not very clear, everyone have some input. Death easy to push someone to not think logically. Fear and no one believe in the credible source. 🤷🏻‍♂️

[2:11 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Hope you don't try this with CV19 ... heard that its quite different from the flu 🤷‍♂️

[2:11 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Look like taming the infection number is no longer possible - as the covid spread is now too widespread.

2. CB lockdown is the only way to tame the number - but it is not desirable to do so - as >80% has been vaccinated and >98% are mild or asymptomatic.

Moreover, CB will kill more business, jobs and the Economy.

3. Hence, taming the hospitalisation number, serious cases like those need oxygen, ICU and death ---- should be our main focus.

4. There will be 2 scenarios that will be happening with the covid raging in our local community :-

a. Natural infection takes place within our local community - and personal responsibilities among the people become the only way to curb infection.

- Get ourselves fully vaccinated. For those who are eligible, get our booster shot.

- Put on mask in public.

- Maintain social distancing like WFH, avoid crowd, reduce interaction among people if possible etc.

- Only then natural infection + our vaccination = can achieve Superhuman Immunity especially when >98% come down with mild or asymptomatic.

- Natural infection will continue to infect our people and its spread will continue until it reaches its apex (when many people got infected) - and then it will do a downward trajectory.

- But natural infection will be especially dangerous to 3 groups of people :-

i. Unvaccinated people

ii. Vaccinated people but anti-bodies wane - and have not yet get the booster shot

iii. Elderly and co-morbidites people.

- The current high hospitalisation, serious cases and death come from these 3 groups of people.

b. Hence scenario 2 must take place to bring the hospitalisation number, serious cases and death down :-

i. Ramp up and convince the remaining unvaccinated elderly and adults to get their full vaccination.

ii. Roll out booster 3rd shot for those elderly and those eligible after 6 months full vaccination.

iii. Study other solutions eg. covid blocker (eg. nasal spray), oral pill treatment and prevention drug, monoclonal anti-bodies treatment etc 

----- to bring the hospitalisation, serious cases or death down.

5. The high infection number is an early indicator of higher hospitalisation cases - hence eventually high infection number must go down to a manageable level - in order for Singapore to emerge from this mega wave.

Look like we we need to adopt a "patience waiting game" to see the covid run its full course ---- while ensuring to keep the hospitalisation, serious cases and the death down.

6. Lastly, pray hard......

[2:11 pm, 06/10/2021] +jimmy chew: My friends' says their church encourage vaccinations and strong prayers for wisdom to the leadership 🤣

[2:14 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph:

[2:15 pm, 06/10/2021] +jimmy chew: I read the virus change tactics now Delta more vapor than droplets

[2:15 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph:

[2:18 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: In that case any air-conditioned places may have it in the air. The mask can prevent inhale or not

[2:21 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan:

[2:22 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: heard from someone "eat aspirin in the morning. And walk in the sun and try to look at the sun with my nose face up to the sun. It sounds silly, but it works for me. In 1 or 2 days I am ok"

[2:22 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. And to manage expectation, with our current raging infection - we are not in the endemic state.

2. We are in fact experiencing a high infection state - where hospitalisation cases and death spike.

3. Thus don't sing the tune we are in endemic. We are not.

4. Only when we can manage infection to a manageable level, with low hospitalisation number and low death - then can we consider endemic.

[2:23 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

5. Endemic occur when our total population achieve a superhuman immunity.

We are still not there yet.

[2:24 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: If it can make your day, I am glad too. Be happy can also boost your immunisation system.

[2:28 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

6. Superhuman immunity = Vaccination immunity + booster


7. Superhuman immunity = vaccination immunity + natural infection immunity

8. Singapore are now in covid naive state - experiencing high infection despite > 80% vaccination.

9. We are not in endemic state. And we need to protect those vulnerable from hospitalisation.

[2:29 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: yes indeed .. ignorance is bliss ... for the ignorant

[2:37 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Wonder what is the progress in getting the unvaccinated 80,000 elderly and adults Vaccinated?

2. What viable strategies are there to get them vaccinated?

3. Coaxing the rest to get 3rd booster don't seems to be a problem.

4. It is getting those unvaccinated people to vaccinate is a bigger problem.

But so far not much news on this.

[2:38 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

5. And those in oxygen, ICU and death come from this group.

[3:30 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: Will HSA take the two ladies to task!?

[3:31 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: I certainly hope so!

[3:35 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: The daughter should consider to sue the two ladies

[3:38 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

A police report has been made and investigation is ongoing.

[3:44 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: Can u pls provide the link for this so we can read it in full? 


[3:44 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: That is legally possible but probably financially infeasible given that the legal fees will probably be higher than whatever damages they can hope to recover fro, the 2 ladies. Not forgetting as well that they can always declare bankruptcy in the event judgement is made against them. So the best case scenario is for the Police to charge the ladies for a criminal offence.. but seeing how our SPF seem to only take action when a certain Minister says action is warranted, I won't be holding my breath if I were Vanessa.

But at least Vanessa has the option of entertaining those thoughts ... now imagine instead of the 2 ladies from Church, V's Mum had taken advise from an imaginary/facebook friend ... or some questionable video from Youtube 😳

[3:44 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心:

 👉🏼 HSA reiterates advice against use of ivermectin to treat Covid-19

👉🏼 Suspension of visits to residential care homes in Singapore extended until Oct 24

👉🏼 SME, non-profit tenants in commercial properties to get notice of rental waiver from Oct 6

[3:45 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph:

[3:45 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: So much for rule of law in this country!

[3:48 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: Yeah. 

Booster jab is not a problem,  since those who got dbl jabbed alredi hv the mindset to do so. 

It's the remaining 80k tt we need to get done. 

I hv asked many times b4 ...

When is the Novavax coming in? 

Now tt ther is Sinovac,  Sinopharm avail,  r the supplies coming in consistently  ... With an increased interest in taking this as a booster,  the gov shd seriously look into the supplies of these 3 alternatives, and hasten the delivery,  if they wanna achieve almost 100% vaccination among the adult popn. 

So,  wat's being done abt these 3 alternatives?

[3:50 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: Not this one.  I hv read that many times alredi . Tks. 

I meant the one abt taking action against the ladies

[3:51 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: There is nothing mentioned in the news about action taken against the ladies

[3:51 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

I read it but did not save that article.

I think is a straits Times article that say a police report is made and investigation ongoing.

[3:51 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: I'll google. 


[3:51 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: oh.. that must be very recent then

[3:53 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Novavx is not approved for usage yet. As of 20 AUG, the company had decided to delay seeking US approval

[3:55 pm, 06/10/2021] +CQ:

Here you go. But doesn't seem to say that the daughter has made a police report.

[3:57 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: Tq very much. 

I just realised it's somewhere farther down the article.  Lol.  

Tks anyway. .. 😁

[4:00 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: That's a bummer. 

I hv frens who r still holding out in fear or feel they're 'not ready', citing religion as their comfort. 🙄

Not even got 1st jab yet. Sigh! 

I wish I cud convince them to go get jabbed quick,  but tt may just push them over the edge. 

For now,  I just send them encouraging msg now & again. 

And pray tt all goes well w them.

[4:04 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: Perhaps the MOH can continue to reach out to our various religious leaders to advise / convince their believers,  update them on the situation,  maybe hv a video out ther / virtual meeting w the families of Un-Vax  and set the facts straight!

[4:06 pm, 06/10/2021] +KS Foong: Get jab ==> side effects; do not get jab ==> only discrimination. No risk on health? no impact to the community? 

What is he trying to imply ?

[4:09 pm, 06/10/2021] +CQ: actually i'm not sure if it's indeed the religious leaders in SG who are perpetuating the "don't get jabbed" message. in the recent case, it was the church friends who, tbh, aren't any much different from the uncle/aunties in the coffee shop, at the morning taichi sessions, or that one aunt in our family WA chat who forwards all kinds of messages which have been debunked

[4:11 pm, 06/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 

I remember reading the hospital has made a police report - not the daughter. 

Can't remember reading from which news - too many. Could by Straits times, cna, mothership, yahoo news etc.

[4:11 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: Er... 

I think u misread. 

I didn't say they said not to. 

I'm just suggesting to get the religious leaders to put in more effort to tell their congregation to go get jabbed ! 


[4:15 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: "God helps those who help themselves " ...

So,  why r these Un-Vax ppl not getting the msg?  😉

[4:18 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: This will be a case many people will be interested. Hope it is heard in public open trial.

[4:24 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Why do I get the feeling that you think an open trial will uncover some evil-big-Pharma-conspiracy  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
[4:27 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Who knows what will be uncovered? And it is also an alert to many people, so not to tell others what to eat or drink because they think it is good.
[4:28 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Expecting the open trial for this case.
[4:39 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Precedence ...
[4:40 pm, 06/10/2021] +RH: I remember tt case
[4:44 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: This ivermectin case is different, it is bulk purchase and no profit involved. It is just someone thought it was good and persuaded others.
[4:45 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: Can the police initiate investigation if HSA require!?
[4:46 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Let us say someone followed me to take aspirin and to walk in the sun but could not get his flu gone, will I be sued.
[4:47 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Rayston Tan, the actor who sold the Slim 10 pills to Andrea De Cruz was sued ... and had to pay damages
[4:48 pm, 06/10/2021] +CQ: HSA has prosecutorial powers but only under certain legislation eg under the Health Products Act.
[4:50 pm, 06/10/2021] +CQ: no, rayson was not made to pay damages. damages were ordered against the importers/ distributors. it's stated in the wiki page you forwarded leh 😒
[4:51 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: If someone followed your advice to take Aspirin for some other purpose other than what Aspirin is supposed top be prescribed for, and is injured in the process, the person can sue you in a civil court and you will probably be found guilty IF the person can prove that you had knowingly and/or maliciously misrepresented what Aspirin can do for him/her.
[4:54 pm, 06/10/2021] +Ben: Not unless the Aspirin does them some harm. For example if they have an allergy to Aspirin then yes you are at risk. However, I am not a lawyer, so please seek professional advice before taking action based on my thinking! Equally, you are not a Doctor, so please make that clear to anyone who is interested in following your medical advice and doesn't know that you are not a Doctor.
[4:54 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Ok good. Please REACH, Let us take the case to public trial, since a police report is already made. It is related to the public health.
[4:54 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: Yes
[4:58 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: What is today’s topic again? We are here to share something right? Later get trial in court how? Better have a public open trial first so we can follow the example, to mind our mouths.
[4:59 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Oh yah hor 😅   She sued him but the judge ruled against her 😂
[5:04 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Har?
[5:46 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: We all share here at good will, to our best knowledge or believe. If what we say is not right? But we think we are right? What will happen? So this church friend case will set a good example in public open trial. So we know what not to say if we are not doctors.  Because many aunties tell others eat this and that and it can help whatever. This case is related to public health, even drew someone into hospital. It must be well known to each and every one, to teach everyone a lesson.
[5:50 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Do you need the court/G to tell you what you should/should not be saying/doing? 
Even more alarming than what the 2 ladies did, is the comments from Anti-vaxxers/Conspiracy theorists who flood the daughter's FB posts with comments insisting that IVM is safe and doubling down on the misinformation.
[5:53 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: No law can prevent this from happening again...only your own conscience.
[5:54 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: I really do not know where the line is. Aspirin could lead to bleeding, internal organs. Let us say someone here blindly follow me, please do not sue me.
[5:55 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: You eat aspirin at your own risk, every one
[5:59 pm, 06/10/2021] +CQ: take advice from the professionals, yo... the pharmacists and doctors (real medical doctors, not quack ones, not chiropractors, not PhDs who try to claim the title).
[5:59 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: I am not the authority, legal expert or judge. But I know this... if I AM NOT THE SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT, I don't pretend to be one and challenge what the real experts say.
[6:00 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: Agree
[6:05 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Sometimes the talk just like this 
“no need to see doctor! Come I have Panadol!”
[6:05 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: Or something 
why Panadol again? I have this tea, you try!
[6:07 pm, 06/10/2021] +An fan: This time church case is like 
why go vaccinated? I  have ivermectin! Very good
[6:09 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: Also, from my observation, in such cases, if it ever goes to court as a civil suit, the burden of proof is on the complainant to make the case that there was malicious intent and that the defendant should have reasonably known that what he/she did was harmful. That, is actually a very high bar. So, the person causing harm to another by playing doctor, usually gets away lightly,
I don't know about you, but being absolved of responsibility in the eyes of the law, will probably not make me feel any less guilty/ease my conscience if I were in the 2 ladies' shoes,.
But then again... in the first place, they (or maybe you as well) are obviously wired differently .. so 🤷‍♂️
[6:10 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: The church case is much more than just offering Panadol or liang teh ... go read
[6:11 pm, 06/10/2021] +Rama: Agree
[6:12 pm, 06/10/2021] +CQ: not that high of a bar. what you're describing is the threshold for criminal prosecution. civil suit could be lower, depending on what your claim is
[6:18 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: maybe that’s why the police seems (to me) to always be reluctant to bring on criminal charges in a lot of cases 😅
[6:22 pm, 06/10/2021] +CQ: no lah, there're a lot of reasons why not everything is prosecuted. sometimes it's difficulty in collecting evidence, sometimes it's the cost of prosecution vs actual harm/damage caused. and there are also times where the offenders are given a warning.
[6:24 pm, 06/10/2021] +Joseph: You are probably right
[6:46 pm, 06/10/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:50 pm, 06/10/2021] +Kevin: Good night Megan
[7:00 pm, 06/10/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊


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