Saturday, October 23, 2021

How to attain Final Salvation of all 6 Realms Sentinent Beings

23 Oct 2021

Sigh ..

Covid has taken too many casualties.

It will be a long dark tunnel that humanity have to walk and don't seem to come to an end.

Important humanity must not give up.

One day, humanity can see light at the end of the tunnel.

I have gone through such experience 6 times in mental salvation of 6 realms after Nirvana fruition.

All the 6 realms have similar experience - with no end in sight.

Finally it is the tenacity and determination anchor on 1 pointedness concentration - Samadhi Jhana.

And 1 Heart anchor on achieving my Bodhi Vows - that I can emerge in the salvation of all 6 realms in the seemingly unending mission of 6 deep tunnel.

Thus 1 pointedness concentration and infinite mindfulness from the heart anchor on our Bodhi Vows are 2 essential ingredient to fulfill the Bodhisattva Path.

This is the ultimate test whether we can pass out as real PuSas.


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