Saturday, October 23, 2021

 [8:18 pm, 21/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: Part 1 - Raging Delta waves - 2 extreme views on how to tackle it

1. 2 important issues are at stake for Singapore ---- at this very difficult time for us as Delta wave spike - taking many casaulties - in terms of infectiion number, hospitalisation number, oxygen support, ICU and death ---- a fearsome public health crisis.

2. The 2 issues are :-

a. Lives

b. Livelihood

3. Government is our important partner and trusted custodian of Singaporeans and Singapore residents' lives and livelihood. Hence our Government will have to make a delicate and fine balance between the 2 - to protect our lives and keeping our livelihood afloat.

4. Death from covid are preventable if people take vaccination as advise and for those where anti-bodies that have wane - get a booster shot - so that we can protect ourselves from succumbing to covid (as demonstrated by Israel population wide booster shot).

5. For our Livelihood - we have been able to stay afloat by calibrated reopening of the Economy - to let business and jobs to operate. Moderate amount of social interaction is allow for majority of vaccinated people with 2 dine-in,and visiting of malls, conduct events etc.

6. But currently, there are 2 very vocal extreme views both taking an uncompromising opposing stand in which our Government will have to balance:- 

a. One extreme view is, since the raging 4 figures high infection numbers, hundreds in hospitals, oxygen and ICUs as well as the high single digits and double digits death should justify a CB lockdown until we subdue the current Delta wave. Why Government did not fall back in using CB to curb the current Delta wave and save lives.

b. Another vocal extreme view, is that since we cannot control the Delta wave, majority are vaccinated and we want to move into endemic - why control, just let it run wild.

Both extreme views are highly undesirable.

a. The 1st lockdown view - will kill our Economy, our business, our jobs - and the Economic cost is far too high for us to stomach - as all our wealth and reserves will go down the drain in no time.

Because Singapore has a very small domestic Economy - our business cannot survive by just selling to our very small poppulation of 5.45 million.

With city small land space, we don't have our own domestic air flight - and our airlines need to fly all over the World.

We depends on the World trade to survive and thrive.

Our financial reserves will be used up in no time - if we do a complete lockdown from time to time.

Morevover even if we can stop the current Delta wave or turn it into zero covid through draconian lockdown, the moment we re-open, Delta wave will again surge - and we are not solving the root cause of the Delta wave correctly.

b. The reckless let it go view - will trigger Delta to spread like wildfire to infect the whole population - and many vulnerables, unvaccinated adults, elderly and childrn will take a heavy toll.

As shown in the current statistics hitting our healthcare, even controlled reopening of our Economy - lead to tremendous pressure as sustain by our hospitals in terms of overwhelm demand in beds, doctors, nurses and our medical staff cause by Delta covid --- and will overwhelm our hospital services - causing our healthcare services to paralyse - resulting in not only many covid death, but also other medical conditions death due to inability to get treatment.

Our medical staff will also succumb to infection or through overwork - and the whole Country will be devoid of medical care that we take so many years to establish into a World class healthcare system.


[10:07 pm, 21/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: Part 2 - What is our best strategy to tackle the current raging Delta waves? - At Public Safety Front

1. So what will be our best strategy to tackle the current Delta wave that is hitting us - causing daily high hospitalisation number, oxygen support, ICU and death?

a. Our Government adopt the "Middle Path" approach - a fine balance to safeguard both the public lives and livelihood - and hold this fine balance until this Delta wave do a downward trajectory from 4 figures infection number - to a low infection number, low and manageable hospitalisation number, oxygen support, ICUs and mininmal or zero death.

This is because no rocket can shoot up and up without coming down - as its fuel one day will get burn out. Similarly, no virus pandemic will keep raging infinitely and one day it will burn itself out.

This must be a pre-requisite condition - whereby the current Delta wave reach its peak, do a downward slide and stabilise at a low base and plateau - before hospitals can resume normalcy and patients with other medical conditions can get treatment like the pre-pandemic state.

It cannot be hospitals only treat covid predominantly - while patients with other medical conditions can't get treatment because we can't control the onslaught of the Delta wave.

b.Reach out vaccination efforts - to get to those Adults and Elderly who have not yet vaccinated to vaccinate.

Our statistics reveal the overwhelming covid patients that hog the hospitals, oxygen support, ICU and death - are mainly from the unvaccinated Adults and Elderly.

As long as we successfully get the unvaccinated to get their vaccination - we will have cut down the hospitalisation number by half and more than 70% death daily.

c. Ramp up the 3rd jab booster to the population where anti-bodies have wane after 6 months.

Our statistics have shown that most breakthrough vaccinated death (about 25% to 30% death) - are predominantly Elderly where anti-bodies have wane and who also suffer from co-morbidities.

These group can be protected by the 3rd booster shot as shown by Israel 3rd booster experience that are roll out to their populations.

d. Hence the current restrictive measures is to buy-time for us to do the above - in our bid to curb the current Delta wave - until a protracted downward trajectory of damage caused by the Delta wave reveal itself.

e. Only if we do as such, we can achieve a soft landing - instead of witnessing overwhelm hospitals and many death - a hard landing as seen in many countries.



Part 3 - What is our best strategy to tackle the current raging Delta waves? - At Economy Front

1. We can adjust this "Middle Path" approach - by sliding the restriction measures down or up as our covid situation turn better or worse ---- until the high infection number, hospitalisation number, oxygen support, ICU and death - slides to a low manageable number, stabilise and plateau.

c. Have we done too badly using this "Middle Path" approach?

i. Economy - our GDP growth - is projected to grow by about 6% - one of the highest in ASEAN - even though it come from a low base. But it is still respectable and even with this growth rate, we will beat other powerful Asia Pacific Countries (other than ASEAN).

Though some retailers and F&B will still struggle - due to restricting the vaccinated differentiated measures in visiting malls and dine-in of 2.

But the Government is willing to review the dine-in of 2 by 2 weeks time - contingent to the covid situation improving after 2 weeks time.

Air travel, tourism, hospitality hotel services - are poised to bounce back - as Vaccinated Travel Lane go into action with few overseas Countries and seeing overseas travellers landing in Changi Airport.

Our sea port is taking over the role of diverting stuck sea cargoes in China and US ports into our seaports to handle the disrupted global supply chain.

Many ultra-rich are parking their funds into our Finance Hub to set up home-office and buying prime residential and office properties.

Though we have not return to full functional Economic activities as per pre-pandemic, our Economy are indeed firing at most if not all cylinders.

ii. However, we can open our Economy further by allowing more vaccinated dine-in of 5 if we see Delta wave take a turn for the better if it show a protracted downward trajectory in infection number, hospital number, oxygen support number, ICU number and death in 2 weeks time.

iii. Else we will still hold one to our current restrictive measures until and unless the above condition sets in (ie. Delta wave burn itself out).

iv. Please note, the Government did not slide backwards to implement more restrictive measures even though all the hospital vital numbers go into an unchartered water --- that is the Government is allowing Economy to chug along despite the exorbitant number ----- this is the answer to the "free for all" extreme view.

v. The Government is also safeguarding lives - by extending the current restrictive measures without loosening any of them - as the hospital vital number linger at a "eye popping figure" - while ramping up vaccination - coaxing unvaccinated to vaccinate and rolling out booster to those eligible.

vi. I personally feel that the Government extending the restrictive measures to another month --- is the right balance.

Also notice in Channel 8 news (21Oct2021)(6.30pm) taking a straw poll - reveals that majority also support the current Government measures for extending to another month.


[0:08 pm, 22/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 1. Fighting the covid, is like fighting a guerilla warfare.

2. It is constantly changing its tactics to evade our defence system to gain a tactical advantage.

3. As it changes its tactics, human needs to adjust our defence to regain our advantage.

4. This is never static and change is constant.

5. Fighting a guerilla war is more than a superior warfare and tactics.

6. We are also fighting at the psychological level.

7. Whoever has the superior mental strength and lasting stamina and endurance will eventually win the ever changing guerilla warfare.

8. The winner will always be beholden to the side that possess selflessness, compassion and wits.

9. As of now, covid rage along because they work in a collective selflessly, mutually helping themselves and sacrificing themselves so that the fittest virus survive and they try to outwit the human defence system time and again.

10. Human on the other hand are less then cooperative, doubting what the government and medical scientists are doing, not vaccinating, disrupting vaccination, each and everyone for its own interest. Thus human defence system is always outrun by the covid.

11. Eventually, human can prevail like all virus pandemic - because selflessness, compassion and wisdom will eventually emerge for the better and outwit the covid pandemic.

12. Thus we must have stamina, preserverence, endurance, patience, have faith with our medical scientists, our government and human must cooperate - before we will eventually defeat the covid pandemic.

[0:27 pm, 22/10/2021] ☸️  Danny 心: 13. Ultimately, it is the smartest and the fittest that will survive.

14. Human must eventually be the smartest and fittest to survive.

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