Taking stock - our successful Contributions in REACH to tackle covid-19 virus pandemic (SK)
18 Apr 2020
In total, taking stock, our successful recommendations:-
1. Non-alcohol sanitizer. (Alcohol will cause skin irritation and peel off. Also will cause alcohol poisioning if children accidentally put in the mouth. Alcohol based sanitizer may also be inflammable.)
2. Reusable washable face masks. (The most significant contribution that not only save many lives in Singapore, but also trigger Japan PM Abe from wearing it and the whole world subsequently adopt this as the most effective way to slow and curb covid infection).
3. Crowd mapping using mobile signal data and satellite GPS - spaceout and npark.
4. DSTA develop network analysis tool for contact tracing (location-based tracking).
5. PM call for circuit breaker measures - based on our highlight of increasing unlink cases.
6. Aggressive testing in dorms to weed out all infected cases (2,900 tests per day)
Later we are going to bring up measures to tackle unlink cases in the community.
7. Propose extend circuit breaker to another 2 weeks if the infection number in community is not zero - few days before 4 May 2020.
(After note :- PM Lee announce on 21 Apr 2020 to extend circuit breaker to another 4 weeks from 4 May 2020 to 1 Jun 2020.)
8. Aggressive testing to ramp up to include essential service workers (ramp up from 3,000 to 8,000 tests per day) - announced by Minister Gan Kim Yong and Minister Lawrence Wong on 27 Apr 2020.
9. Propose step-by-step opening up of Economic inititatives after Circuit Breaker ends echo by PM Lee, Minister Iswaran, Minister Chan Chun Sing (30 Apr 2020 - 1 May 2020)
10. Raise concern on Bluetooth Security in Tracetogether mobile apps - and Government will not make it compulsory but working with Google and Apple - to tighten Android and iOS. (2 May 2020)
11. Government adopted SafeEntry scan QR code by 12 May 2020 compulsory for people entering any malls or establishment to trace people entry. (2 May 2020)
12. Commented that Youth is wasted on the young. Now graduating cohort can start going to school 😊 (12 May 2020) (SK)
13. Propose organise testing priorities into Batches. Nursing homes testing fall into Batch 3b (25 Apr 2020) - Government announce it will test nursing homes as one of the priority batch on 2 May 2020.
02 May 2020 09:25PM
(Updated: 02 May 2020 09:30PM)
Authorities prioritising COVID-19 testing at nursing homes, employees to be housed on-site or at hotels)
14. Propose batch testing of workers when circuit breaker ease (25 Apr 2020) - Government announce priority testing for customer-facing staff (3 May 2020).
15. Propose virtual conferencing to negotiate RCEP and target for signing on end 2020 (30 Apr 2020) - Minister Chan Chun Sing announced in 3 May 2020) - that RCEP intense virtual meeting ongoing and likely to sign by end 2020.
16. Propose Order online and pick up later at retail - retail Giant implement (SK)
17. Proposed Psychological resiliency (Zen) to unite Singaporeans and residents (5 Feb 2020) - PM Lee speech say psychological and social resiliency is important in this fight against virus pandemic (13 Mar 2020).
18. Proposed Community spreading fall to zero or single digit before opening (25 Apr 2020) - echo by Minister Gan Kim Yong (4 May 2020)
19. Proposed to allow foreign workers to have space to walk in the sun and not confine to indoor small space (28 Apr 2020) - Colonel Chua managing isolation camps allow foreign workers to walk in the sun (6 May 2020) (SK)
20. Proposed risk based approach to tackle virus pandemic and not evidence-based approach which is reactive (10 Apr 2020). Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) - “After pre-school services fully resume, we will consider a *risk-based* testing system to protect children and staff,” an ECDA spokesperson told CNA. (14 May 2020) (SK)
21. Raise concern on skin irritation and breathe in toxin disinfectant fumes when using disinfectant chambers. WHO confirm similar concern. Temasek Foundation decide to do a trial on such concern in deployment. (SK)
22. Suggest it is the onus of business to present Government with detail plan on what safety safeguard to be put in place by each industries and each buinsess before allowing opening up in Phase 1, 2 and 3 (22 May 2020).
Minister Lawrence Wong say the same thing on 28 May 2020.
23. Post cardboard beds for easy and assemble for sick patients. Use by Government to house foreign workers doing essential services (30 May 2020). (SK)
24. I raise the issue of Bluetooth security used by Tracetogether apps. Tracetogether apps not make compulsory, wearable bluetooth dongle will be distributed to everyone. (5 Jun 2020).
25. Contribute the link on "Singapore rank 4th highest in safety risk against virus conducted by independant international study for foriegn investors" (8 Jun 2020). Report in Straits Times (10 Jun 2020) (SK)
26. Contribute pictures on the various plastic shield to protect diners in restaurant, food centres. Comfort Delgro subsidiary roll out plastic shield in Ko Fu food court to trial and will roll out to more food court if successful (10 Jun 2020) (SK)
27. I commented that IT security must be the core of any National IT system roll out to the public. I am refering to the Tracetogether mobile apps bluetooth security vulenrability (4 May 2020). DPM Heng Swee Keat sees what I see - that cybersecurity must be the core of any IT design that roll out to the public. 'Digital virus' might be bigger threat than Covid-19: Heng Swee Keat (13 Jun 2020).
Minister Vivian also say that Tracetogether token should be open up in code, design - for public feedback and can be improved upon. (13 Jun 2020).
28. Comment in REACH on PSP 6 members campaigning violate 5 people in a group under MOH safety guideline and ELD campaigning guideline (19 Jun 2020). REACH Administrator say they will feedback to relevant Authorities. Safe Distancing Ambassador take down the particulars of all PSP members for flouting the law. (22 Jun 2020 CNA).
29. Comment in REACH on Holland Village - British Indian Curry restaurant big crowd without mask and breach safe distancing (20 Jun 2020). URA close the shop and the sidewalk for breaching safe distancing (21 - 22 Jun 2020 CNA)
30. Propose digitalisation through eCommerce for SMEs and big Enterpises to tap not only local market but also overseas market align with ITM. (28 Apr 2020) (27 May 2020). 500 SMEs digitalise through eCommerce platform to access overseas market (ST 22 Jun 2020)
31. Projection through math calculation dorm testing will complete by end July or Aug 2020. (SK). CNA 25 Jun 2020 report that 70% to 80% of migrant workers in dormitories expected to be COVID-19 free by end-July 2020: Lawrence Wong.
32. Suggest RFID to track quarantine travellers to stay at quarantine home. (24 Mar 2020). Govt use GPS, bluetooth etc to track quarantine travellers to stay at quarantine home. (4 Aug 2020 Straits Times) (SK)
33. Write in REACH that 2020 General Election mood turn sour because many mid-career PMETs got retrench and cannot find jobs - not only young voters swing the votes. Also many business run into difficulties because of the covid lockdown. These assessment is contrary to most independent analysts of post GE outcome. (11 July 2020). Minister Lawrence Wong confirm my assessment is correct - not only young voters that swing the votes. (18 July 2020 Straits Times).
34. Propose vegetarian foods, vegan based meat, 3D printed vegan base meat, cell-culture, tissue re-engineering meat, beyond meat to replace slaughtering of animal meat and prevent virus pandemic. (2 Aug 2020). Government plan food security R&D to achieve the proposed contribution.
(Straits Times 13 Aug 2020
Strengthening food security with R&D
35.(a) Proposed to re-boot our air hub organised "ring-fence" business travellers, tour group and MICE (17-18 Aug 2020). Minister of Transport Ong Ye Kung Channel 8 - 7pm interview - Minister Ong YK - say 3 prong approach to re-boot our air hub. (For Countries with good control infection) 1. Business traveller Reciprocal Green Lane 2. Open up for foreign tourists to come in 3. talk too fast - cannot catch...... the 3rd approach ----- but in a safe manner. (18 Aug 2020, 7pm)
35.(b) Proposed reboot our air hub through organised "ring-fence" tours, green lane for business travellers and MICE. (18 Aug 2020). MOT Ong Yee Kung annouce "air-bubbles" tours with test to replace Stay-Home-Notice for New Zealand, Brunei; and 7 days SHN to replace 14 days SHN for some Asia Pacific Countries with low infection rate. (21 Aug 2020).
36. PIE Jalan Anak Bukit highway car skid - suggest anti-skid highway (23 Aug 2020). Straits Time LTA report it will install anti-skid measures on the highway (23 Aug 2020). (Poh)
37. Analysis in REACH that 12 China national to Tianjin fly in Scoot tested positive - are time-based discharge which are no longer infectious. (24 Aug 2020). CNA report the 12 China national infected are due to time-based discharge and no longer infectious. (25 Aug 2020). (with SK)
38. Post Government should take into account the impact of "Geopolitical tension" on Singapore in addition to impact cause by virus pandemic that are not articulate in President Budget 2020 Parliament speech. (25 Aug 2020). SM Teo Chee Hean announce a whole of government and civil service approach to tackle the impact on our economic resources due to "Geopolitical tension". (CNA 27 Aug 2020).
39. Write in REACH to use hard ratio for foreign workers 30%, local 70% (currently no quota for work pass holders) - to test the veracity of using hard ratio - that produce immediate outcome of employing local workforce (but a trade-off that will drive away investors). (1 Sep 2020, noon 2pm). MOM Minister Josephine Teo say "Employment Pass quota not unthinkable, but probably unwise as it drive away investors". (1 Sep 2020, 5pm, Straits Times).
40. Case A to H - REACH contribution in view on foreign workers, Unfair treatment of Singaporeans workers, Global investors want to setup Global or Regional HQ to Singapore, needs for Global Talents, fiscal prudence and protect our reserve, Targeted help for vulnerable, Retraining and upskilling mature displaced workers, Wear reusable cloth face masks. (cover by CNA PM Lee Parliamentary speech 2 Sep 2020 )
41. Observations on unfair treatment of local workers versus foreigners. (31 Aug 2020). CNA PM Lee Parliamentary speech 2 Sep 2020 (quote similar example). (SK)
42. Post in REACH that foreign hiring managers if foreigners will look for its own kind in hiring. (31 Aug 2020). MP Patrick Tay in Parliamentary speech Sep 2020 (say hiring managers must change mindsets on local workers). (SK)
43. Propose ITM (and PWM) in 1 May 2012. ITM implemented in Budget 2016. PWM implemented in 21 Jun 2012.
44. Recommend "ring-fence" air bubbles, "safe tunneling" air corridors for MICE (17 Aug 2020). Government open MICE up to 250 attendees in 7 Sep 2020.
45. Say that Singapore must continue to maintain our status as Air hub, Port hub, Data hub, Finance hub, Manufacturing hub, Medical hub, Food hub, Water hub, Energy hub etc. (31 Aug 2020). Minister of Trade Chan Chun Sing say Singapore must still be the global hub and gateway to ASEAN, as well as "critical nodes" for businesses as Singapore adds value to their supply chain. CNA (8 Sep 2020)
46. Propose - Bring in only foreigners that can contribute millions or billions of investment into Singapore, or bring in ideas, r&d and skillsets that Singaporean do not have - but as a result create many new and good quality jobs for Singaporeans. (31 Aug 2020). CNA (8 Sep 2020) Minister of Trade Chan Chun Sing say Singapore want the world’s best and brightest to be with Team Singapore. Singapore’s foreign worker policies are shifting towards “quality" rather than quantity.
47. Advocate TraceTogether token over TraceTogether mobile apps as mobile apps handphone can be hacked for financial gain as oppose to token that have no incenttive to hack as there are no financial data. (14 Jun 2020). CNA Government distribute TraceTogether token for free to Singapore residents. (9 Sep 2020).
48. Say that providing Government grant to SMEs is only temporary and not sustainable. Government should help to provide access to market local and overseas, buy their products or tie the start up to big enterprise to help them market their products to big overseas markets. (21 Aug 2020). Straits Times (9 Sep 2020) - 2nd Minister of Trade Tan See Leng say no amount of short-term relief is enough if there are no new businesses and revenue streams coming in and this is why the Government is exploring ways to open up the country for trade.
49. Say that gov should help to provide access to market local and overseas, buy their products or tie the start up to big enterprise to help them market their products to big overseas markets. GLCs can identify promising startups to partner them and market their products in solutioning as well as provide resources to them. (21 Aug 2020). Straits Times (9 Sep 2020) - 2nd Minister of Trade Tan See Leng say Government policies can be better adapted to help start-ups and SMEs scale up so that they can compete internationally - having been certified and validated by the big government-linked companies here in Singapore.
50. Propose SMS alerts will be sent to those who were at locations with higher transmission risk. REACH message will be implemented in 10 Sep 2020. (SK)
51. Propose face mask with sensors that can detect covid-19. (14 May 2020). Straits Times 10 Sep 2020 Local researchers invented a face mask with sensors to detect covid-19 virus.
52. Propose SIA flights to nowhere and staycations or static airplanes meal. (21 Aug 2020). Straits Times SIA looks to launch 'flights to nowhere' by end-October to mitigate Covid-19 fallout (11 Sep 2020)
53. Suggest using mobile data and GPS to track (quarantine people or infected person). 非常时期,需要非常手段. (31 Mar 2020). CNA 12 Sep 2020 - More than 3,500 electronic wristband devices issued to travellers serving stay-home notices: ICA using user handphone and GPS data if user leave home.
54. Suggest aggressive testing - that will discover infection, early treatment, early quarantine, and greatly reduced mortality. 25 Apr 2020 (SK). Yahoo 17 Sep 2020 WHO praise Singapore low mortality rate and one of the reason is due to aggressive testing.
55. Gender equality - mention women in Singapore is not deliberately indiscriminate against. And a hard ratio in women representation in important position is based on merit and the right fit. (21 Sep 2020). Minister Shanmugam say the same. CNA (24 Sep 2020).
56. Propose SIA conduct inflight meal and entertainment on stationary plane. (SK) (21/08/2020) Today report (29 Sep 2020) - SIA use A380 provide inflight meal, entertainment on stationary plane.
57. Propose "ring fence" air bubbles and "safe tunneling" air corridor for overseas travellers. (14 Aug 2020). MOT Ong Ye Kung announce safe air bubbles for overseas travellers. (6 Oct 2020) CNA.
58. Propose digitalise shipping port management system through virtual to physical port connectivity. (07 Jul 2019). Straits Times Senior Minister of State Chee Hong Tat announce Digitalising the shipping industry can enhance global trade. (8 Oct 2020)
59. Propose Singapore should seize the opportunity to insert ourselves into China +1 supply chain strategy that make ASEAN the heart of China strategy. (31Aug2020). CNA (12Oct2020) report China +1 strategy of redirecting investment into ASEAN and China big tech companies like Alibaba, Tencent, Bydance/Tik Tok has heavy investment in Singapore as a result of US trade war.
60. Propose virtual browser with container to allow access to Internet via thin client - to prevent internet hackers from hacking into Government Intranet - arising from Singhealth APT attack). (12Nov2018, 20Jul2018). Straits Times (15Oct2020) Singapore civil serviice have secure internet access via remote browsing technology.
61. Argue on PWM is better than universal minimum wages and propose to put this as a topic for debate. (I and SK) (07Sep2020). REACH extend time in REACH whatsapp (15Oct2020) to discuss this topic PWM (propose by PAP) versus Universal Minimum Wages (propose by WP).
62. Propose incentives for epayment to be successful. (09Sep2020). I also alert about the impact of China digital yuan on Singapore yuan currency exchange (19Sep2020, 12.21pm). CNA report that China digital yuan epayment is successful only if incentive is given. It also concur with my analysis of the impact of China new digital yuan (19Sep2020, 5.25pm).
63. Raise the threat due to US-China tension and bifurcation to our supply chain - how to transform the threat into opportunities (25Aug, 28Aug, 15Oct2020). Straits Times MTI Chan Chun Sing say Singapore can serve various different markets if we play our cards right even in a fragmenting and bifurcation world. (19Oct2020)
64. Propose vegan based meat to replace animal meat to stop slaughtering animals and curb pandemic and epidemic. (2Aug2020). Straits Times 20Oct2020 Impossible plant-based meat goes on sale in 79 FairPrice supermarkets and RedMart.
65. Propose CSA must review any National IT desgin before pushing out. Else without regard to building in IT security ---- then the person is building a dangerous platform that will cause tremendous economic, social and even physical damages to the Nation.(4 May 2020). Straits Times (10 Nov 2020) Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore has warned the public about the perils associated with scanning QR codes with phishing codes.
66. Biden elected President 2020 - Posting in REACH on Insights on World Peace and World Prosperity through Global Cooperation and Collaboration (9 Nov 2020). Straits Times 17 Nov 2020 - PM Lee hopes US President-elect Biden will come up with framework for 'constructive' US-China ties.
67. Biden elected President 2020 - Posting in REACH on Insights on World Peace and World Prosperity through Global Cooperation and Collaboration (9 Nov 2020). Straits Times 17 Nov 2020 - Washington, Beijing must find areas of cooperation or risk sliding into conflict: Henry Kissinger.
68. Raise question whether our Civil Service standard have dropped? And need to raise this to the attention to COPS and Ministers. (25Nov2020). Head Civil Service Leo Yip and MOF publish 2 Public Sector reports that show Public Service standard is very high as compared to the World in CNA news. (26Nov 2020).
69. Suggest that oveseas travel may need vaccination if Countries start dictating it. (SK) (2Dec2020). WHO looks at possible 'e-vaccination certificates' for travel. (Reuters)(DECEMBER 3, 2020 7:39 PM)
70. Suggest vegan meat, cell-culture tisue re-engineering meat to be priced to appeal to mass market. Now the price too high. (11Nov2020). CNA 02 Dec 2020 San Francisco-based Eat Just, cell culture chicken meat intend to price their cell culture meat to appeal to mass market.
71. Mention China "dual circulation" strategy will affect Singapore. Singapore can work with China in both "internal and external circulation" and yuan currency exchange. (2Nov2020). Straits Times (7Dec2020) DPM Heng Swee Keat enquire and will like to work with China Vice-Premier Han Zheng to offer Singapore cooperation with China on external circulation and yuan currency exchange.
72. To see all financial instrument in "One View" under Singapore Data Exchange, I suggest in REACH to use multiple FA (as 2FA with user id, password and SMS OTP - is not sufficient if land in same handphone - as malware with keylogger can steal it) (7Dec2020). CNA (16 Dec 2020) - Multiple FA provided by GovTech - other than SMS OTP, biometrics like facial recognition is provide for SingPass login.
73. 02Dec2020 propose "Securing vaccines may become a necessary part of borders reopening criteria. If countries decide that it will only open up to persons who are vaccinated then we have no choice but to secure and make available the vaccines for persons who need to travel." in REACH. Straits Times 2Jan2021 Hong Kong in talks to use coronavirus vaccine records for travel. SCMP 2Jan2021 Vaccine passports, domestic tourism, pricey flights – is this the future of travel in a post-pandemic Asia. (SK)
74. Suggest that single-used plastic bags are required to bag home liquid and solid waste and protect low-income earners having to pay for plastic bag to bag home waste. (01Oct2018). Straits Times (16Jan2021) Senior MOS Amy Khor echo the same view. However she is willing to explore charge plastic bags who take 3 or more. (I support such move - to reduce plastic bags but yet can be used to bag home waste).
75. Question why the elderly with sickness are vaccinated first as it pose safety risk - as they are frail. The Time of India (16Jan2021) reported that 23 elderly with chronic patients die after Pfizer vaccination in Norway. Write to REACH to request for temporary halt for this age and health group while requesting Government Authority to seek clarification with Pfizer on the safety for this age and health group.(SK)
76. Suggest in REACH that Israel could be a good vaccination model for the World to follow - as its early data indicate the vaccine is proving effective in stopping the covid-19 pandemic. (1:24 pm, 20/01/2021 Israel lead the world in vaccination - using predominantly Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.Israel project it will be the first country in the world to get back to normal lives.) CNA news on 22/1/2021 5pm and 23/1/2021 12pm - broadcast a segment on Israel vaccination drive - and Israel Health Authority project that the pandemic in Israel will end when the vaccination is completed in end Mar 2021.
77. Suggest in REACH to articipate and seamlessly integrate with China DCEP digital yuan and continue to strengthen Singapore as yuan currency exchange through offshore yuan trading hub as well as operating as gateway between China financial system as well as the World financial system through SWIFT. (02 Nov 2021)
Ledger Insights (29 Jan 2021) "WEF: China says digital yuan doesn’t aim to challenge dollar - “*Is Singapore willing to have the Chinese digital currency move into Singapore*? *And China willing to accept the Singapore digital currency*? *Maybe the two countries can sign a deal*?” asked Zhu Min jocularly. Zhu Min is Chairman of China’s National Institute of Financial Research at Tsinghua University and a former Deputy Managing Director at the IMF and former Deputy Governor at the People’s Bank of China.
78. Suggest in REACH that disinformation about the vaccines that cause safety issues from fake news websites are created by conspiracy groups to sabotage the vaccination efforts. (1 Feb 2021). CNA (2 Feb 2021) Minister Iswaran - Govt 'will not hesitate to use the full force of the law' on vaccine-related misinformation: Iswaran
79. Commented in REACH that the Singapore Rediscover tourism voucher is too difficult and onerous to redeem online. Will end up not many people using it. Suggest using hardcopy vouchers will have a better outcome of achieving the Tourism objective of rebooting our Tourism Sector. (25/11/2020). The Online Citizen (17/3/2021) report that only $53 million of the vouchers have been used up out of $320 million in Mar 2021. The voucher will expire in end Jun 2021. Social media netizens feedback that the redemption process online is too onerous to use and thus rather not used it.
80. Share in REACH and SCMP how US democratic system can patch its inadequacies eg. long term strategic planning to anchor strategic industries, plan infrastructure upgrade and ensure continuous talent supply (22Mar2021). CNA news (26Mar2021) Biden unveil trillion dollars plan to invest in new technologies areas that will make it competitive as well as plan infrastructure upgrade.
81. Share in REACH and SCMP Mr LKY say, we can punch above our weight - not because we are big, not because we are rich, not because we are powerful. It is because of our soft power, our ability to emphatise, our ability to work with anyone and our ability to work out mutual benefits with everyone.(25Mar2021). CNA news (26Mar2021) "China has an overall goal ... to become the leading country in the world, the wealthiest country in the world and the most powerful country in the world," Biden told reporters at the White House.
82. Post in REACH and SCMP - China Leaders are very smart people, they will determine whether my postings are useful to help them resolve the China-US geopolitical tension and use it (22Mar2021). CNA news (26Mar2021) Biden told reporters at the White House, "Xi is a smart, smart guy".
83. Post in REACH and SCMP - Dividing the World into 2 Blocs will trigger World War 3 - because the 2 Blocs are not trading resources but instead snatch resources for their Blocs at the expenses of the other Bloc. This is what happen in World War 1 and 2 (22Mar2021). CNA news (26Mar2021) China ambassador in US Cui TianKai say "Divide the world into 2 different camps or even build confrontational military blocs - is not the solution".
84. Post in REACH and SCMP - Correcting both system of governance and moving them into the middle ground is the key to resolve the seemingly unsolvable deadlock. Suggest democratic process can take place in Communism and evolve into a Hybrid Universal Suffrage / Communism 这是共产主义中的民主进程。 (22Mar2021). CNA news (26Mar2021 Biden say "Xi don't have a democratic - with a smal "d" bone in his body".
85. Post in REACH 25/05/2020, 29/03/2021 If all work at home, that means boss can engage and outsource to foreign workers who demand much lesser salary who are working overseas at home to do Singaporean work. CNA (4Apr2021) 4 in 10 jobs can be done remotely at home :- MOM report. Minister Josephine Teo to track such trend and to respone to help local worker. (SK)
86. Advise China to arrange for neutral foreign media and UN rep to visit Xinjiang to dispel genocide claim in Xinjiang in SCMP. (12Apr2021). SCMP report (27Apr2021) that Beijing takes foreign media to Xinjiang in bid to dispel suspicion.
87. Feedback to STB, Toursim voucher should use IC to exchange in CC rather than online if digitalisation is a rush job. And request extend deadline of expiry to Dec 2021 (26Nov2020). CNA (30Apr2021) STB to extend deadline from Jun 2021 to Dec 2021 and allow enhancement in tourism voucher redepmtion. If people encounter difficulties to redeem online, can use IC to redeem toursim vouchers in CC.
88. SK suggest in REACH Government should inform people who were present at the same place of visit or locations by infected people so that people can take precaution. (REACH - 14Sep2020). Government implement "SafeEntry - Were you there" website whereby people can access the website via SingPass to check whether people are in the same vicinty visited by infected people. (2May2021) (SK)
89. 23Nov2020 SK suggest in REACH to donate Tourism vouchers of $100 to charities if some people don't want to use it. CNA (30Apr2021) STB allow people to donate tourism voucher to charities. (SK)
90. 30 Apr 2021 suggest in REACH to vaccinate patients in hospitals if medically eligible as the patients don't put on mask in hospital wards. 5May2021 Mdm Ho Ching say in Facebook - patients should be vaccinated.
91. 27Apr2021 SK send a URL link which I send to REACH portal of a science journal that link mRNA vaccines (eg. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine) to neurological disease as the 2 proteins in body bind with mRNA molecules that cause aggregate protein in brain or spinal cord leading to dermentia or Parkinson disease. Straits Times 6May2021 report that Singapore medical experts debunk claims of link between Covid-19 vaccines and neurological diseases, say more evidence needed. Currently experimental evidence did not indicate the 2 proteins in body bind with mRNA molecules that cause aggregate protein in brain or spinal cord leading to dermentia or Parkinson disease. (SK)
92. 4May2021 Propose in REACH to prop up safe air bubble despite the community spread to keep our External Economy going. Consist of 4 safe ways to ensure safe travel without needing to quarantine. 6 May 2021 Straits Times Minister Ong Ye Kung propose 4 safe ways to ensure safe travel without needing to quarantine.
93. 10May2021 6.45pm Propose in REACH to let not racism take hold after a few cases of verbal or physical assault against Indians concerning India double mutants. 10May2021 11.20pm CNA report PM Lee HL and few leaders warn against racism hatred towards the Indians due to increase in India double mutants.
94. 10Apr2020 SK suggest a risk-based approach rather than evidence-based approach should be used as it is a more proactive method to tackle the covid pandemic. 5May2021 Minister Lawrence Wong say Singapore approach to this covid pandemic is risk-based. (SK)
95. 31Mar2020 SK suggest using GPS data and mobile signal to map up places visited by infected people. https://ppvpc.github.io/ implemented this suggestion of places visited by infected people onto Singapore map. (SK)
96. Suggest in REACH to use mass vaccination as the primary tool to solve this India double mutants and defeat the covid-19. (15May, 17May,2012). PM Lee Hsien Loong Facebook (18May2021) Vaccination remains one of the best ways to keep ourselves safe. We want to protect as many people as possible, and as soon as possible.
97. Suggest in REACH "Will the Government dispatch someone to coax elderly to vaccinate? Know of some elderly who are adverse of vaccination due to getting wrong facts from the news. Need the authorities to dispatch someone to educate and coax some of the elderly who are given letters for vaccination - but did not register to vaccinate. The dispatch person can help the elderly to register for vaccination once the elderly are convinced to be vaccinated." [2:49 pm, 02/03/2021]. Straits Times ( MAY 19, 2021, 12:36 AM.) Home Covid-19 vaccination service to be offered for those who are homebound.
98. Suggest in REACH to tackle 2nd wave leading to Phase 2HA (Heightened Alert) - speedy contact tracing, testing, ring-fence, ramp up vaccination. (1May2021). CNA (31May2021). PM Lee televised speech - faster and more test, speedy contact tracing, and vaccination.
99. Suggest in REACH to consider using non-mRNA vaccine (eg. Sinovac) - for those people not suitable for mRNA vaccines due to allergies (21May2021). CNA (31May2021) People who want alternative COVID-19 vaccines (due to allergies to mRNA vaccines) can get them under special access route - such as WHO approved Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson or Sinovac when WHO approved.
100. SK suggest in REACH - important to do aggressive testing to identify all infected cases - so that it can be ring-fence and control the spread. (25/04/2020) CNA (31May2021). PM Lee televised speech - faster and more test, speedy contact tracing, and vaccination. Many types of test kits are made available eg. breath analysers, DIY test kits, saliva test kits, seweage analysis in addition to ART and PCR. (SK)
101. Suggest in REACH - Mandatory Vaccination for whole population in Singapore to protect everyone - especially in endemic stage. (17/05/2021). Straits Times (1Jun2021) Covid-19 vaccine could become like yearly flu shot, say experts on Straits Times' panel discussion.
“At some point, we will see Covid-19 being included as part of our national immunisation schedule for both adults and children, and perhaps we will need regular booster shots from time to time to make sure we continue to be protected, especially against any new emerging variants,” said Professor Teo Yik Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore.
102. Commented in REACH (3Jun2021) that Singapore less than 40% vaccination rate among our population has not reached an inflection point - where we can treat covid as mild flu - as though we are in an endemic stage. We cannot be foolhardy and will be suicidal if we relax our restriction without observing what the math and science of the infection and vaccination rate tell us. Else many unvaccinated people will succumb.
CNA (4Jun2021) Singapore medical experts say that our Vaccination of less than 40% has not entitled us to take our foot off the brake. Else we are going to have an explosive situation. Only when we achieve a high Vaccination rate of 70 - 90% - then we have reach endemic stage - and can treat covid as mild flu. But those unvaccinated people will be most vulnerable to covid - as they are without protection and may land them in hospitals if they fail to vaccinate.
103. I post in SCMP (30 Apr, 2021) - urge China to develop and manifest "Heart Softpower" - --- that can win over many friends all over the World instead of focus on economic power or military might to win friendship.
CNA (04 Jun 2021) President Xi Jin Ping say that China needs to create a new image that is “trustworthy, lovable, and respectful”. Chinese President Xi Jinping urged senior party leaders and wants the country to learn how to make friends and influence people. This could be a sign of a shift in China’s foreign policy posture towards constructive engagement and away from confrontation.
104. Suggest in REACH (03Jun2021) that once vaccination rate reaches an inflection point like in Israel, US, UK, EU - above 50%, infection number fall drastically. Suggest Singapore must achieve this inflection point of vaccination.
Straits Times (11Jun2021) MTF Lawrence Wong say Singapore is aiming for half its residents to be fully vaccinated by August, and at least 75 per cent by October 2021.
Finance Minister Lawrence Wong gave the projection at a news conference on Thursday (June 10), as he noted that the United States saw infection rates steadily come down - from a peak in January this year - when about half the population developed immunity to the coronavirus which causes Covid-19.
105. I commented in REACH (14 & 18Jun2021) - that Singapore has not reached endemic stage (mild flu) as we are only 30% over with 2 dose vaccination, and our infection number, hospitalisation number is still high.
CNA (18Jun2021) (5pm) Singapore’s vaccination rates are currently “still not high enough” to provide sufficient protection in the population, said co-chair of the COVID-19 multi-ministerial task force Lawrence Wong on Friday (Jun 18).
Speaking at a press conference, he noted the views of some people who think that since COVID-19 could be endemic, Singapore should proceed with easing measures as planned and “not overreact to each and every new cluster”. “So if we were to ease our restrictions too early, big clusters can easily break out and overwhelm us and result in higher hospitalisation and even mortality for the vulnerable groups. That's exactly what we are worried about.”
106. SK suggest in REACH (8Jun2021) to arrange school by school and class by class to vaccinate school children to ferry them by school bus. Parents who agree their children to vaccinate should just sign the consent form. Dr Maliki Osman, Senior MOS (21Jun2021)say MOE has plan to ferry school children to vaccination centre when school reopen after Jun holiday. (SK)
107. SK post in REACH (18Jun2021) that the MOH website on Breakdown of local cases by Vaccination and Severity of cases - There was no timeframe stamp for the collected statistics. Presume all three bars are tabulated from the same timeframe?
MOH update the timeframe (since 28Apr2021) based on the feedback (22Jun2021). (SK)
108. Suggest in REACH (1May2021) using ring-fence to quickly isolate any cluster detected.
Straits Times 24Jun2021 MTF say "We are adopting an aggressive ring-fencing strategy - casting a wide net to isolated contacts of infected persons."
109. Suggest in REACH (30Apr2021) to monitor and use Israel vaccination model as our model for vaccination due to its positive outcome in curbing covid.
Straits Times 24Jun2021 Israel's Covid-19 vaccine success gives hope to Singapore.
110. Suggest in REACH (21Jun2021) that treatment drugs will be an important tool - the moment we enter into endemic stage by treating covid as mild flu - as treatment is important to minimise hospitalisation, ICU, oxygen support and death - to enable fast recovery from covid.
Straits Times 24Jun2021 Scientists around the World are working on treatments for Covid-19. Today, we already have a range of effective treatment, that is why we have very low mortality rates.
111. Post (January 21, 2016) to suggest Police should use handgun loaded with magazine of more than 10 rounds to replace revolvers - to deal with terrorism.
CNA 20Jun2021 Singapore police switching to Glock pistols after two decades of using Taurus revolver - here's why
112. SK (17May2021) suggest using layer-by-layer approach to with education and then inconveniencing those who refuse to vaccinate first before jumping into mandatory vaccination.
Minister Lawrence Wong 24Jun2021 say MTF is working on domestic policies to provide convenience to vaccinated people in attending events, social gatherings, religious activities. And vaccinated people can travel and return without SHN but more tests. (SK)
113. Suggest in REACH (28May, 21, 24, 25Jun2021) to impose Mandatory Vaccination for covid-19 for the whole population if to declare Endemic stage and treat covid-19 as mild flu. Without vaccination, unvaccinated people will succumb to serious illness or even death.
Channel 8 news 26Jun2021 MOE Minister Chan Chun Sing say exploring Mandatory Vaccination for covid-19 for students.
114. Suggest in REACH (16/02/2021) - 2. Layer-by-layer approach
Among the approaches we can adopt to convince "anti-vaxx" group to vaccinate :-
- TV, mainstream media, social media streaming of health experts, artistes, Government of encouraging people to get vaccinated, allay people's fear in vaccination etc.
Straits Times (27Jun2021) Ministers team up with local celebs in online videos to urge seniors in Singapore to get Covid-19 jabs.
115. SK (27Jun2021) suggest no PE for 1 to 2 weeks after school children got their vaccination jab to prevent heart exertion.
Straits Times (28Jun2021) combat covid-19 expert committee chairman say "These include refraining from strenuous exercise for one week after the second dose and seeing a doctor if one feels unwell." (SK)
116. SK (21Jun2021) suggest in REACH to discern between being reckless and taking a risk-based approach. As our vaccination rates rise, we should look at the new metrics for reopening rather than mere numbers of new infections. We are learning to accept that zero-covid is unachievable, at least not in the near term. Then can our goal be near-zero deaths and serious illness? Then how much more can we stealthily reopen without the virus rearing it's ugly head?
CNA (7Jul2021) Groups of five can dine out from Jul 12; work-from-home remains the default. Gradual reopening plan (not reckless reopening). (SK)
117. I presented my solutions in ZOOM virtual meeting (4Jul2021) with Minister of National Development Desmond Lee and MOS Tan Kiat How as well as press media - on using multi-Dimensional Matrix as eligibility criteria that represent Singapore population demograhics as well as MOP of 10 years to curb speculative activities and keep the HDB flats at prime location down. I also suggest additional subsidies that can crawl back to make HDB flats at prime location affordable.
AsiaOne (4Jul2021) (8,42pm) Minister Desmond Lee say that HDB flats in prime location is a major social policy - not just about home or possible investment upside. Stricter eligibility criteria and more subsidies may be considered to make the HDB flats in prime location affordable.
118. SK propose time-slicing of the HDB lease period to make HDB flat affordable and reduce the needs for hefty Government grants and subsidies. I presented SK proposal as Solution 2 via ZOOM virtual meeting (4Jul2021) with Minister of National Development Desmond Lee and MOS Tan Kiat How as well as press media.
CNA (8Jul2021) say smaller homes, shorter-lease units due to shifting demograhpics such as smaller family units, a rise in singlehood and ageing population. Smaller flats will be useful for singles as lesser space is required and flats will be more affordable. Shorter lease is especially useful for elderly as elderly has shorter runway and short-lease will make the flats affordable. (SK)
119. I post in REACH (21Oct2020) suggesting that Singapore should act as a gateway between US and China technology, economic and financial bifurcation.
Straits Times (12Jul2021) As the United States seeks to decouple technologically from China and Beijing retaliates, there are opportunities to be had in this tussle for Singapore, a Chinese entrepreneur has said.
This is because there is a need for a buffer zone between the two sides, said Dr Xiao Feng, chairman and CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain Inc, at the FutureChina Global Forum on Monday (July 12) organised by Business China.
Singapore can be that "technological buffer zone to connect the two countries" as a digital free port, he said.
120. I suggest in REACH (05Jul2021) that MOH should consider revising no physical exercise for 2 weeks after jab. (As a boy got cardiac arrest 6 days after jab do weightlifting). (Note :- MOH currently advise after 2nd jab - avoid strenous exercise for 1 week).
Straits Times (15Jul2021) Recruits, NSmen to avoid strenuous activities for 2 weeks after Covid-19 jabs - say SAF.
121. SK suggest in REACH (18Jul2021) I see this as an opportunity to push for people to bring forward their vaccinations. The past 7 days vaccination looked below capacity. If this is the trend for next few weeks, then strongly encourage people to bring forward their appointments.For those isolated and quarantined, once their confinement period is over and they have not been vaccinated, strongly encourage them to do so. Strike while iron is hot.
Straits Times (19Jul2021) Seniors most at risk of getting serious Covid-19 symptoms, should get vaccinated as soon as possible: MOH. (SK)
122. I and SK suggest in REACH (18Jul2021) Delta variants R0 = 5 - 8, thus need 80% vaccination for population to achieve herd immunity. Smallpoxe with R0 > 10 need 100% vaccination.
Straits Times (19Jul2021) Professor Ooi Eng Eong, a microbiologist at the Duke-NUS Medical School, said: "The Delta variant is a lot more infectious. Measures that worked in the past may not be as effective."
With a transmission rate of 5-8, in other words, one infected person is likely to infect between five and eight people who are not vaccinated (those who have been vaccinated may get infected, but the rate would be much lower), Prof Ooi said vaccination is the best strategy.
That was how smallpox, with a similar transmission rate, was controlled.
Today, about 2.7 million people, or roughly half the population, have been fully vaccinated, with another 1.5 million partially vaccinated.
Singapore plans to ease restrictions once two-thirds of people here are fully vaccinated. So time is running out for the one million eligible people still dithering about whether to get vaccinated. (SK)
CNA news (20Jul2021) Minister Ong Ye Kung in MTF say that Government is calling personal doctors of elderly to persuade the elderly to vaccinate. (SK)
125. Suggest in REACH (16, 18, 19 Jul 2021) that unless we have achieve more than 80% mass vaccination herd immunity, any suggestions of endemic is fatal. So to defeat this covid pandemic - mass vaccination must ramp up to what the transmission model say - only then we talk about endemic.
Straits Times (20Jul2021) Mr Gan said: "I think we are on an expressway towards the final objective of endemic Covid-19. But along the way, there will be bumps, and sometimes you may have roadblocks, you may have obstacles, and you may need to make a detour.
"But eventually, when we overcome the roadblocks, we will come back to the expressway and continue the journey."
He said the need remained to be flexible and respond quickly as the situation evolved in order to keep it under control.
126. Suggest in REACH (16Jul 2021) that Yes agree to endemic only if 80% are fully vaccinated. Not now when 58% are not fully vaccinated - when it can easily overwhelm the hospitalisation.
Straits Times (20Jul2021) About 71 per cent of seniors aged 70 and above here have been vaccinated. Another 100,000 or so in this age group have yet to be vaccinated, Mr Ong added.
"They have a high likelihood of falling critically ill once infected. Almost every one of them, if infected, will end up in hospital because they are high risk, and 10 to 15 per cent of them, based on our experience, will end up in the ICU (intensive care unit)."
He added: "In our case, (with) 50 per cent fully vaccinated or received two doses, plus having 200,000 or more seniors above 60 still unvaccinated, I think we still have work to do."
127. I suggest in REACH (20, 22Jul 2021) that only Mandatory Vaccination can make elderly vaccinate. Else talk until the cow come home - these elderly will not budge.
200,000 elderly unvaccinated. Because it can easily overwhelm our hospitals resources if so many elderly don't get vaccinated. This is the main reason why we need again to lockdown. To resolve the root cause of lockdown - get elderly to vaccinate. If elderly refuse to vaccinate out of misguided fear - despite all efforts to educate them fail --- mandate compulsory vaccination for their own good and for the good of the community.
Straits Times (23Jul2021) Until and unless vaccination is made compulsory, this elderly group will remain. Is it fair for the country to come to a standstill to cater to a stubborn minority? Earlier this year, the task force said it is not the overall infection numbers, but rather the number who are seriously ill that is important, as this could impact hospital care, or even overwhelm hospital services. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung explained on Facebook the recent decision to tighten measures: "Markets are frequented by seniors, many of whom remain unvaccinated.
128. SK suggest in REACH (19Jul 2021) that Moving forward, measures may have to discern vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Straits Times (26Jul2021) Singapore MTF to review Covid-19 rules in early August, ease measures for vaccinated people if situation under control. (SK)
129. Post in REACH (28Jul2021) using tree diagram math model and AI predictive simulation model - to predict and forecast the percentage of mass vaccination to defeat covid (Delta variants).
Straits Times (29Jul2021) Straits times 29Jul2021 report 2 NUS public health teams carrying out modeling to predict the number of infection, unvaccinated, partially vaccinated correspond to severe illness and require hospital care.
130. Post in SCMP (25Jul2021) for SuperPowers not to engage in conflict over ideological differences but instead of collaborating on how to tackle global pandemics, climate, economy and other global issues.
SCMP (29Jul2021) Hong Kong tricked into buying US and British myths on freedoms, democracy. America is really an oligarchy and Hongkongers must be wise to the failings of the US system. Hong Kong should adopt a Singapore-style system, which has proved successful when it comes to necessities like housing, health care and pension.
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