REACH 165 - Enhance availability of PCR Test (SK)
11 Nov 2020 (11am - 7pm)
[10:08 am, 11/11/2020] +: The first daily flight between Singapore and Hong Kong will take off on Nov 22, with a view of expanding capacity and frequency in the coming weeks if the scheme is successful.
[10:53 am, 11/11/2020] +: Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ๐
⏰ We will be opening the chat from 11am to 7pm today. ⏰
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The topic will be posted shortly.
Thank you
Megan ๐
[11:00 am, 11/11/2020] +: ๐ข Topic ๐ข
The Government announced yesterday that any company or individual who needs a Covid-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can procure the service from approved providers from 1 Dec.
Enhancing the accessibility of PCR tests will allow Singapore to support a larger range of needs as the country resumes more economic and community activities. This is also a critical part of Singapore's strategy against Covid-19 as it moves towards phase three of its reopening.
๐ฌ What are your views on the enhanced accessibility to the Covid-19 PCR testing services?
More private clinics, laboratories and other healthcare providers will be able to administer Covid-19 PCR tests for the public, apart from some 600 that are currently approved to conduct these tests.
Individuals seeking a PCR test will include people requiring pre-departure testing before travel, who will no longer be required to seek approval from MOH for such a test.
At present, members of the public who are not unwell and who do not need to meet specific testing requirements, such as pre-departure and pre-event testing, are unable to request a test for Covid-19.
+ changed this group's settings to allow all participants to send messages to this group.
[11:11 am, 11/11/2020] +: [Sent by - 11 Nov]
Reopening community safely
- Daily cases expected to go up with more activities
- Testing, safe management, TraceTogether necessary to keep virus under control
๐งช More access to testing
- From 1 Dec, PCR test available from around 600 approved providers
๐ฒ TraceTogether (TT)
- TT for SafeEntry check-in will be enforced only after all who need a TT Token have one
๐ Vaccines
- Expert Committee set up to advise on vaccine safety, efficacy and approach
Reopening borders
From 18 Nov, all inbound travellers must take a PCR test within 72h before departure, except:
- Singaporeans/PRs
- Those from lower-risk countries/regions
[11:14 am, 11/11/2020] +: Ok for the implementation of TT-only SE, is there a clear concrete plan or a concise infographic? While we wait for those who need the token to have their tokens, is effort being put in to ensure that sites that will only have TT-only SE have staff who knows what to do and that the sites have the adequate equipment available to facilitate the use of this TT-only SE?
[11:17 am, 11/11/2020] +: ya, mandatory at all public venues in Singapore, including restaurants, workplaces, schools and shopping malls.
Is like everywhere also TT-Only SE.
[11:18 am, 11/11/2020] +: so is a must to have the TT app or token when u step out of your house
[11:18 am, 11/11/2020] +: Doesn't answer my question
[11:18 am, 11/11/2020] +: unless u take bus/mrt and shophouse
[11:19 am, 11/11/2020] +: I'm asking more about the implementation
[11:19 am, 11/11/2020] +: oh yes, I mean gov need to Reach to the business
[11:19 am, 11/11/2020] +: or those shop in malls no need SE already once TT-only SE starts?
[11:20 am, 11/11/2020] +: This is the confusing part, and is that so? I doubt it though, I think they would want to see your SE check-in in the TT app for that to be a pass
[11:20 am, 11/11/2020] +: Gov need to Reach to all residents that must have either TT app / token when u go out, If not cannot go anywhere
[11:22 am, 11/11/2020] +: till date, no info on TT website or FAQ.
[11:22 am, 11/11/2020] +: on TT only SafeEntry
[11:23 am, 11/11/2020] +: Tada, breakdown in communication, poor communication, no communication
[11:23 am, 11/11/2020] +: I think REACH has come out with a lot of publiciy, on their Reach platforms
[11:23 am, 11/11/2020] +: but the respective gov website, dont have these info
[11:35 am, 11/11/2020] +:
[11:36 am, 11/11/2020] +: The web is not updated cos is not compulsory at the moment
[11:36 am, 11/11/2020] +: Understand. But how resident going to find info from gov websites or sources.
[11:37 am, 11/11/2020] +: And since this is going to become an eventuality, there should be clearer communication, not just to the people but also between the different government entities engaged in this
[11:37 am, 11/11/2020] +: Instead of from news sources, which may create misunderstanding.
[11:38 am, 11/11/2020] +: That’s PA’s job to disseminate informations... which they are stretched and not doing their job properly...
[11:39 am, 11/11/2020] +:
[11:39 am, 11/11/2020] +: Better to fix this now than have people complain and start fights at the entrances to every building when misunderstanding happens because it will happen
[11:40 am, 11/11/2020] +: hmm, maybe now they dont want ppl fight at CC to collect the token. lol
[11:41 am, 11/11/2020] +: EBRC Black Magic at its finest lol
[11:41 am, 11/11/2020] +: I must say this collection from the constituencies is abit cow dung, and it shows how POORLY PA do their planning...
[11:42 am, 11/11/2020] +: guess is by MOH or govtech bah
[11:42 am, 11/11/2020] +: PA is just helping to give out
[11:42 am, 11/11/2020] +: Nope
[11:42 am, 11/11/2020] +: think not enough tokens to begin with. lol
[11:42 am, 11/11/2020] +: The trace together team only take info from PA and show in the web... data owner still PA
[11:45 am, 11/11/2020] +: Mine still not as bad, actual CC near, another CC (Serangoon CC) also near
[11:45 am, 11/11/2020] +: I got feedback to the team...
Here's the reply from their team:
Thanks for the feedback, we're been getting some feedback on this and we are aware of it. The results are technically correct. Their constituency's CC is really the one further away, even though there is another CC 5 minutes walk from them. It has to do with how PA assigns the CCs. But doesnt make sense for the resident. We will be giving this feedback to PA.
[11:46 am, 11/11/2020] +: My collection CC
[11:46 am, 11/11/2020] +: End of the day, it is how the constituency is being divided during GE
[11:46 am, 11/11/2020] +: My Nearest CC!!
[11:47 am, 11/11/2020] +: Thus EBRC Black Magic lor
[11:47 am, 11/11/2020] +: back then when i stay at Nee Soon East, Chong Pang CC was under us, meaning Chong pang residents have to go to NSE cc to collect
[11:48 am, 11/11/2020] +: Haha COVID-19 make a lot of dust flying around!!
[11:48 am, 11/11/2020] +: Fairy dust lol
[11:48 am, 11/11/2020] +: ๐ข Topic ๐ข
The Government announced yesterday that any company or individual who needs a Covid-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can procure the service from approved providers from 1 Dec.
Enhancing the accessibility of PCR tests will allow Singapore to support a larger range of needs as the country resumes more economic and community activities. This is also a critical part of Singapore's strategy against Covid-19 as it moves towards phase three of its reopening.
๐ฌ What are your views on the enhanced accessibility to the Covid-19 PCR testing services?
More private clinics, laboratories and other healthcare providers will be able to administer Covid-19 PCR tests for the public, apart from some 600 that are currently approved to conduct these tests.
Individuals seeking a PCR test will include people requiring pre-departure testing before travel, who will no longer be required to seek approval from MOH for such a test.
At present, members of the public who are not unwell and who do not need to meet specific testing requirements, such as pre-departure and pre-event testing, are unable to request a test for Covid-19.
[11:49 am, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
SafeEntry QR code can be malicious code that links to a phishing sites to steal user information.
Thus tracetogether token will be a safer option.
[11:49 am, 11/11/2020] +: @Desmond Koh Eh but thanks bro for highlighting this issue sia if not everyone confirm hentum GovTech
[11:49 am, 11/11/2020] +: like that how? cause use the TT app, without BT on?
[11:50 am, 11/11/2020] +: And I thought Circles.Life QR code right next to a SE QR code was worse enough lol
[11:50 am, 11/11/2020] +: I thought today's topic is on our views on the enhanced assessibility to the Covid-19 PCR testing services? Or are we still on the token trace together Singapore topic?
[11:50 am, 11/11/2020] +: no body comment... so...
[11:50 am, 11/11/2020] +: Can we not have mini-moderators? Thanks
[11:50 am, 11/11/2020] +: circle line?
[11:51 am, 11/11/2020] +: Remind me again ya, PCR is the one where they stick the long stick up your nose right?
[11:51 am, 11/11/2020] +: Circles.Life the telco lah not my MRT
[11:51 am, 11/11/2020] +: oh, why go qr code
[11:51 am, 11/11/2020] +: PR lor lol
[11:51 am, 11/11/2020] +: I was not moderating, I was asking a question.
[11:51 am, 11/11/2020] +: Exploit on the nature of everyone scanning QR codes, actually smart ah but I don't really like
[11:52 am, 11/11/2020] +: Yes, it's the swab test, correct?
[11:52 am, 11/11/2020] +: and the other faster but not so accurate test?
[11:52 am, 11/11/2020] +: PS: i'm lazy to reopen the link to read
[11:52 am, 11/11/2020] +: that 1 is by saliva?
[11:53 am, 11/11/2020] +: I m just concerned about the cost of testing.
[11:53 am, 11/11/2020] +: ๐๐๐
[11:53 am, 11/11/2020] +: $200 is a fair amount tbh
[11:53 am, 11/11/2020] +: Hi everyone, please be reminded to keep to the topic that is being discussed ๐
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] +: You have to pay for the skilled lab staff, the cleaning and disposal, the "secured" transport
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] +: Ok say GKY say everyone can't be vaccinated, so who will not be caught by the safety net?
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] +: the potential bio hazard risk
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] +: I will be doing one in RMG, the cost is $186 inclusive of gst.
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Those who feel unwell and need a PCR test, the ease of availability will be reassuring for those who need it.
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] +: Is this going to be some gini issue again where the rich gets access to it and the poor doesn't?
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] +: right now no subsidy because it's not a "must" to do it ma
[11:54 am, 11/11/2020] +: not needed to go overseas and/or clubbing
[11:55 am, 11/11/2020] +: It seems the costs a bit different from other clinics
[11:55 am, 11/11/2020] +: Price is also another thing, is it standardised or will some clinics take advantage and charge higher?
[11:55 am, 11/11/2020] +: I think making it open to public is for those who wants the extra assurance
[11:55 am, 11/11/2020] +: be it for self, or company who cares about their workers
[11:56 am, 11/11/2020] +: "cares"
[11:56 am, 11/11/2020] +: unlikely, with so much supply
[11:56 am, 11/11/2020] +: The statement regarding for pre-departure and pre-event makes it clear that gahmen is not going to entertain the kiasu (and kiasi) people
[11:56 am, 11/11/2020] +: ppl will compare price
[11:56 am, 11/11/2020] +: like flu jab
[11:57 am, 11/11/2020] +: but those aren't a "need" yet, unless for official business purposes then I think the company may want to reimburse the staff on this
[11:57 am, 11/11/2020] +: but that's just my opinion
[11:57 am, 11/11/2020] +: But how can we differentiate between a "want" and a "need" for pre-event?
[11:57 am, 11/11/2020] +: Just sharing the facts online and what the team replied
[11:58 am, 11/11/2020] +: but the token is own by govtech.. lol
[11:58 am, 11/11/2020] +: Good to, cuz there's no clear comms
[11:58 am, 11/11/2020] +: they engrave their logo on the token
[11:58 am, 11/11/2020] +: imo, it depends on the type of event that we are talking about
[11:58 am, 11/11/2020] +: eg. Prata shop opening event, need or want? vs some company annual shareholder's meeting
[11:59 am, 11/11/2020] +: Erm by pre-event I'm sure it refers to bigger events like MICE not some prata shop
[11:59 am, 11/11/2020] +: maybe new outlet from sister company open ma
[11:59 am, 11/11/2020] +: think CAG vendor is earning, they charge $280. Clinic the most $200
[12:00 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
For MICE events, the ease of availability of PCR test - will help to encourage more visitors to attend the event with the assurance that no infected people are going into the MICE events.
[12:00 pm, 11/11/2020] +: for the airport
[12:00 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Now that's interesting
[12:00 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I dont blame them tbh, it's just like buying snacks in cinema vs buying snacks outside cinema
[12:01 pm, 11/11/2020] +: CAG one is no choice
[12:01 pm, 11/11/2020] +: That's just jialat
[12:01 pm, 11/11/2020] +: remind me again, CAG = changi airport group right?
[12:01 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Yep
[12:01 pm, 11/11/2020] +: just to be sure that i'm on the same page as u guys
[12:03 pm, 11/11/2020] +: with more access to the test now, and at a cheaper rate, the demand from CAG will be lower I guess
[12:03 pm, 11/11/2020] +: CAG is test upon arrival.
Clinic is those want to travel out of SG.
[12:03 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ooh
[12:03 pm, 11/11/2020] +: they got admin fee to cover ma
[12:04 pm, 11/11/2020] +: like how they're coordinating all that
[12:04 pm, 11/11/2020] +: it's fair to charge higher imo
[12:04 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I guess CAG is just coordinating the covid test. that's all. lol
[12:05 pm, 11/11/2020] +: so many agencies
[12:05 pm, 11/11/2020] +: perhaps, but if the result is positive, who will contact the "testee"
[12:05 pm, 11/11/2020] +: or person who got tested
[12:05 pm, 11/11/2020] +: guess is MOH
[12:06 pm, 11/11/2020] +: as they have been in hotel already
[12:06 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I'm a dummy on this topic ah, please pardon me for my question
[12:06 pm, 11/11/2020] +: how does it work?
[12:06 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I fill in form, i arrive in sg, what's next?
[12:06 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
Long list of steps
[12:06 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I suggest u read from mobile phone and not desktop...
[12:07 pm, 11/11/2020] +: the same website, I feedback about very hard to read
[12:07 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Not surprising when you look at the names though lol
[12:07 pm, 11/11/2020] +: as in the process
[12:08 pm, 11/11/2020] +: who will coordinate / send me to test centre / find quarantine or SHN facility etc
[12:08 pm, 11/11/2020] +: too many permutations, u take a look at the website bah.
[12:10 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I think the website is more of a process-approach so depends on your situation then you click on the respective link, doesn't help if say you want to understand the general process
[12:14 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Use tracetogether token.
[12:16 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ: RCEP to be signed on 15 Nov 2020.
[12:17 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Vegan meat not doing well.
[12:17 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Should price to appeal to the mass market.
Only then there will be mass demand and hence good revenue.
Vegan meat now price too high and common people cannot afford - thus not a good substitute to real meat.
Not surprising it will not be doing well.
If it reform its pricing strategy, then vegan meat can do well.
High volume at mass market price.
[12:18 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Process meat is never gonna be good or healthy... that’s my take.
I don’t support fake me cause it requires more process and actually higher wastage as compare to eating non process food(other than meat product)
[12:19 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Vegan meat make of vegetables.
[12:19 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Nutrients can be added.
[12:20 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Better than mass slaughtering of animals.
And attracting animals based virus pandemic such as covid, SARS, mers, h1n1, bird flu etc.
[12:21 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
To stop virus pandemic, stop mass slaughtering of animals.
[12:23 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Another food source without mass slaughtering of animals is cell-culture and tissue re-engineering meat.
[12:23 pm, 11/11/2020] +: What’s today’s topic?
[12:24 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Eh guys for the tokongowhere ah, you guys think gahmen will be able to distribute the minimum (that means the required) before EOY?
[12:24 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Neh this one
[12:26 pm, 11/11/2020] +: is good, free up MOH resources on restricting only eligibly ppl can take the test.
opening up more private labs to do the test is good in a event of 2nd outbreak (touch wood) we will be ready for mass test if needed
[12:27 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Reduce meat I agree..
without err not so much some nutrient cannot be replace totally by plants. And your so call added minerals where does it comes from when you do know. Then you understand why need to animals
[12:27 pm, 11/11/2020] +: think we are the only few countries that can do so much test for anyone who wants it.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:27 pm, 11/11/2020] +: This is why vegan agenda doesn't work
[12:28 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Animals nutrients is needed - but don't need to slaughter them.
[12:28 pm, 11/11/2020] +: talking about SG Conversation, is there a conversation by REACH on gov communications to citizens?
[12:29 pm, 11/11/2020] +: A lot of medicine are made from animals extract which many are not aware example heparin. (Mostly from pigs)
Blue and White Flag Guy
[12:29 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Honestly ah if you want eat veggies please don't make it into a shape of beef patties and then expect it to taste just like meat
Because then aren't you also craving for meat?
[12:29 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ESC ah?
[12:30 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Need to kill the pig to extract stomach... many things are make from by products... which many are not aware of
[12:30 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ya
[12:30 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Animals nutrients is needed don't need mass slaughtering of animals.
Most important, virus pandemic come from animals that jump host to human.
[12:30 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ESC quiet leh, last engagement I received was from MOE
[12:31 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Cell culture, tissue re-engineering without mass slaughtering?
[12:32 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ๐คท๐ป♂️ Danny I have been in cell culture for 5 years. I am sure I know what are the limitations that’s why I am sharing it is not possible..
If you want heparin a life saving drugs to be at $1k a pop rather than an animal extracted $200. You ok with it than please go ahead with plants.
[12:33 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Animal culture requires nutrient from blood of cow
[12:33 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Human also donate blood, plasma, tissues, organs transplant eg. Liver, kidney etc.
If we can do this on human without slaughtering humans, why can't this be done on animals without mass slaughtering of animals?
[12:33 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Bovine serum
[12:34 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Which requires you to kill a baby cow for the blood to culture the so call lab meat.
[12:34 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Please be reminded to keep today’s discussion topic
[12:34 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I rest my case, sorry Megan ๐
[12:34 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Good case
[12:35 pm, 11/11/2020] +: i attend a few, most breakout groups only 2 to 4 pax.
Then another 2 to 4 pax of staff. lol
[12:35 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Virus pandemic cost to global economy - come out close to trillion dollars!
[12:35 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Dying liao lor
[12:36 pm, 11/11/2020] +: thought they got overwhelming of response.
[12:36 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Plus many travel industries bankrupt and mass unemployment!
[12:36 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Plus 1 million over death.
[12:36 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Probably time doesn't fit
Cuz I didn't go to the MOE ESC cuz of school
[12:37 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Is virus pandemic more damaging and more costly?
[12:38 pm, 11/11/2020] +: PCR kits are wasting resource... due to the pandemic gobal is actually very short. And affect R&D all over the world. As priority is to detection.
[12:38 pm, 11/11/2020] +: We are using PCR kits like 1000 to 100000 more than what is the normal usage in the world produce previously. As supply slowly increase. But hard to catch up
[12:39 pm, 11/11/2020] +: China does batch testing for 10 to 1.
If one of the 10 people is infected. They quarantine the whole group. If all is negative they save 9 kits from testing them as a group.
[12:40 pm, 11/11/2020] +: The odds of all is negative is high we should go that approach
[12:40 pm, 11/11/2020] +: So as to save the country much more money then testing every single one
[12:40 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Actually good idea, learn from a country that's HUUUUUUGE
[12:41 pm, 11/11/2020] +: the other YUGE country just recorded 200k new covid cases last night.
[12:41 pm, 11/11/2020] +: It’s been done in China they able to test like 2 mil in one day
[12:42 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Which is 20 000 test than 200 000 test
[12:42 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Takes time to transition, gotta understand that
[12:42 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Which can be done for all dormitory workers... saving our country lots of money
[12:42 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Don’t know why it is not done that way yet
[12:44 pm, 11/11/2020] +: thought for dorm, is 5 pax to 1 test. something along that line
[12:44 pm, 11/11/2020] +: i know, but very sad that the activities in the past weeks have led to the numbers we're seeing today. ๐
[12:46 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
and this is way off topic, but OMG!!! OYK flexing his canto!!
[12:53 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ALL must carry the token hor
[12:53 pm, 11/11/2020] +: or the TT app
[12:53 pm, 11/11/2020] +: then can open to more countries
[12:54 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Taiwan can open up to us
[1:18 pm, 11/11/2020] +: travel trap
[1:19 pm, 11/11/2020] +: only these flights then can go hk
[1:19 pm, 11/11/2020] +: means scoot flights not accepted?
[1:19 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Are there even SCO flights to said destination available to begin with though?
[1:20 pm, 11/11/2020] +: yes
[1:20 pm, 11/11/2020] +: scoot sin to hkg
[1:20 pm, 11/11/2020] +: those doing the booking now please hold off
[1:27 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Not sure so they started?
[1:28 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
[1:29 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ๐
[1:33 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Singapore Airlines releases details on its flights to and from Hong Kong for the air travel bubble.
Low-cost carrier Scoot will operate non-air travel bubble flights between the two cities.
[1:36 pm, 11/11/2020] +: yes. didn't read up
[1:37 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Straits Times QR code scams
Cyber hygiene is where it gets really interesting: QR code scanning with a phone camera makes one vulnerable to scamming.
The authorities have not warned the public against using their smartphone camera to scan the SafeEntry QR code. But scanning the SafeEntry QR code using the phone camera is unsafe.
A hacker intent on harvesting a database of NRIC and phone numbers can easily replace the SafeEntry QR code with a rogue code that points users to a fake online form. This is not something a smartphone camera can detect or prevent.
It is easy to replace QR codes since they are publicly displayed.
Parliament: $13.8 million spent on SafeEntry, TraceTogether digital contact tracing tools
Parliament: Demand for TraceTogether tokens higher than Govt expected, says Janil Puthucheary
QR code scams have become a concern of late, as people are becoming more dependent on digital tools. The entire nation became used to the idea of scanning a QR code after SafeEntry use was mandated at most venues in May.
Now, people are scanning a QR code to pay for their bubble tea or download location maps, discount coupons, product information and restaurant menus. But most users are not conscious of the dangers associated with QR codes. This is practically a gift to cybercrooks.
For instance, QR codes can be encoded with malicious links to reroute users to fake websites, where they are asked for sensitive information such as banking credentials.
Malicious links may also bring users to malware-infested websites where snooping programs can be unknowingly downloaded.
Recognising this problem, the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore has warned the public about the perils associated with scanning QR codes.
Distribute TraceTogether tokens first, mandate its use at venues later
"It is easy for an attacker to print and superimpose his own malicious QR codes on top of the legitimate QR codes," CSA posted on its website. "You might become the victim of a phishing operation if you input your login credentials after scanning a QR code."
Entering venues using the SingPass app helps to get around the QR code safety issue, but the app is bloated and slow. Plus, the SingPass app does not have the Bluetooth capabilities of TraceTogether.
Enter TraceTogether-only SafeEntry.
The TraceTogether app is able to validate the QR code it scans. When it comes across an unsanctioned QR code, the app will alert users with: "This doesn't seem like a SafeEntry QR code."
Token users, however, need not scan anything. The token sports a unique QR code for scanning by venue operators.
As at Nov 1, about 570,000 tokens had been given out and 2.7 million TraceTogether app downloads registered.
Mandatory TraceTogether check-ins from end-December: 6 things to know about using the app or token
The authorities plan to produce 2.7 million tokens or more, if demand goes up.
It is in everyone's interest to switch over to the new TraceTogether-only SafeEntry system and to do so quickly.
Not only will its use curtail huge opportunity costs from delayed travel and business activity resumption - or worse still, another circuit breaker - the new system will also plug existing cyber hygiene gaps that could lead to massive data leaks.
[1:39 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ๐ฑ๐จ
[1:42 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
That's why use tracetogether token is better.
Meanwhile if still not collected, use IC for the time being.
[1:50 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Straits Times
TraceTogether check-in at venues is better, (cyber) safer
Irene Tham
Tech Editor
UPDATED NOV 10, 2020, 10:08 AM
Recognising this problem, the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore has warned the public about the perils associated with scanning QR codes.
"It is easy for an attacker to print and superimpose his own malicious QR codes on top of the legitimate QR codes ," CSA posted on its website. "You might become the victim of a phishing operation if you input your login credentials after scanning a QR code ."
[12:03 pm, 04/05/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
(2) If a person have the mindset of building IT infrastructure or IT apps - without regard to building in IT security ---- then the person is building a dangerous platform that will cause tremendous economic, social and even physical damages to the Nation.
(5) I seriously think that if a person have initiatives in pushing out any national IT projects - get the endorsement from CSA (Cyber Security Authority) .
(6) CSA is reviewing and monitoring the National IT CII (Critical Information Infrastructure) - all the 12 to 13 Nation Economic sectors IT infrastructure- and Health IT Infrastructure is also under their purview - in case a person is not aware about it.
(7) A national IT project will never get passed the Security Review Committee for any Government or Nation-Wide IT infrastructure project - if a person disregard IT security.
(8) IT security must be the core of the design of any IT projects and must not be an afterthought.
(9) After completing an IT project and then start to think about its security is a patchwork.
[2:09 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Good at least we seem to be heading in the right direction. More tests for travelers and those who are unwell. The speed of the test results also improving which is even better. Just keep this up and we should get covid before it lands here.
[2:33 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Sidetrack: A few days ago we were discussing the presidential election, I forgot to add in one suggestion: since our G has congratulated Biden on his ‘win’ before the results have been finalized, there is a possibility, although it is slim, that Trump may eventually win. Trump bears grudges and he takes revenge. I suggest our G prepare a damage control plan to mollify him, just in case.
Back to main topic.
[2:38 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
[2:38 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Yeah๐ฑ๐จ๐๐คฃ
[2:39 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
[3:09 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Port of Singapore named best seaport in Asia for the 32nd time
[3:09 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Oh dear, Temasek did invest in Ant.
And Ant values is reduced by half because of stalled IPO by China regulators.
[3:10 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Hope Temasek have recovered the money invested.
[3:15 pm, 11/11/2020] +: ๐ฑ๐จ๐๐๐
[3:16 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Alibaba and Tencent under close scrutiny.
[3:17 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Aiyoh..they want to regulate debt..not to be like Americans buy and buy and buy
[3:29 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Alibaba and Tencent have huge potential, but China government will regulate them.
Thus if Temasek want to invest in them, can.
But a moderate amount, don't over invest.
Like Amazon, Facebook, Google etc - they are also under pressure from US government and EU etc.
[3:30 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Ya. Coz Ant is over hyped at the moment. This is the moment to tone them down.
[3:32 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Ant will definitely to grow one coz the potential cfm is there. Just that now they are only at the beginning, too fast growth also not good.
[3:33 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Ant is taking control over China monetary policy in which China central bank will not surrender its sovereignty over the control over the nation monetary policy and money supply.
Ant and Tencent biggest customer is China domestic market.
If China govt restrict them, their propensity to grow is curtail.
Thus they have to expand out to ASEAN.
Thus Temasek can invest in them but a moderate amount - don't over invest.
[3:35 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
Both Ant and Tencent are bidding for Singapore digital banks.
[3:37 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Of coz china govt has to restrict them coz the govt has their own national bank mah. Singapore also the same must protect our core banks too.
[3:38 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Hi, please continue to discuss on today’s topic. We hope to keep the discussion robust and active!
๐ข Topic ๐ข
๐ฌ What are your views on the enhanced accessibility to the Covid-19 PCR testing services?
[3:40 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
[3:46 pm, 11/11/2020] +: PCS testing is quite easy, but we don’t want people to abuse the testing. Like going for clubs lol..
As the test is not cheap if used in that way.
[3:47 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Those to clubs and ktv got to pay on their own.
[3:48 pm, 11/11/2020] +: High risk individuals to do bulk testing to reduce cost and regent used.
Work Cluster to be strongly enforce, many management staff still cross cluster as they are management.
[3:48 pm, 11/11/2020] +: TraceTogether to be enforce in all business meetings
[3:49 pm, 11/11/2020] +: The restaurant and service started to relax on the check in already. SDO need to enforce back if not we go back to square one
[3:58 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
They are targeting our SME business that are under service by our local banks.
Our digital banks license are carve out to serve this underserved market that will help SME business to grow.
They can't control our central bank monetary policy or overshadow our MAS role in controlling our money supply.
So their investment here is safe and under control.
[4:00 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
In fact their role here will help our SME business to grow as SME have access to easy loan from them.
[4:18 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Singapore reports 18 new Covid-19 cases, which are all imported.
[4:23 pm, 11/11/2020] +: It's ironic MOE headed by Lawrence Wrong is the co-chair of the task force. ๐
Where they flip flop on TT-SE only for schools.
[4:23 pm, 11/11/2020] +: I just came to think of that.
[4:23 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Or maybe it was press release without his approver. Lol
[4:33 pm, 11/11/2020] +: [Sent by – 11 Nov]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed no new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.
There are 18 imported cases who had already been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[5:15 pm, 11/11/2020] +: This is worrying. 16 of them are domestic workers. Is there a need for them with the current situation.
[5:19 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️ Danny ๅฟ:
I think many households still require foreign domestic workers.
As long as they are tested and isolated upon entry - can't see why we can't accept foreign domestic workers or overseas travellers or foreigners.
[6:11 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
[6:14 pm, 11/11/2020] +: guess our news media are too good in coming out with infographic for residents to understand.
[6:22 pm, 11/11/2020] +: Simple ma, many cant / dont read the full story and jump the gun
[6:23 pm, 11/11/2020] +:
PM Lee to attend ASEAN Summit; COVID-19, RCEP on the agenda
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