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There can be more easing of pandemic control measures, including the limit of five people for social gatherings, if everyone continues to work together and keep their guard up, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said in Parliament on Monday (Oct 5).
Allowing larger groups to meet would allow bigger families or groups of friends to meet and have meals together, he said in response to questions from several MPs on the loosening of Covid-19 rules here.
Singapore has gradually eased some of its pandemic control measures over the past few months, leading some to question when the cap of five people for social activities - especially when eating out together - would be lifted.
👉 https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/parliament-5-person-limit-for-gatherings-could-be-removed-but-all-must-cooperate-to-keep
👉 https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/parliament-govt-to-release-details-on-roadmap-to-phase-3-in-coming-weeks-including-changes
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[12:17 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Companies that discontinued transport for staff, should reinstate this.
Now MRT & buses are crowded early morning , all rushing to work.
[12:19 pm, 06/10/2020] +: This should be made compulsory for all companies to comply.
[12:22 pm, 06/10/2020] +: We should step up education of basic hygiene like washing of hands.
i.e. Pasting poster on how to wash hands properly for 20 seconds.
[12:24 pm, 06/10/2020] +: the email out to all staffs is working from home will be the default, only return to office when you need to. BUT they are making us go back every alternate weeks.
Opening up the economy safely, is the only way to reboot the economy, boost business activities, create jobs and secure jobs.
Singapore’s revenue position to be 'weak' in coming years, spending strategy one of 'prudence, not austerity': DPM Heng
Delivering his ministerial statement on Singapore's response to the COVID-19 crisis, Mr Heng said close to S$100 billion has been set aside for support measures.
“We must be careful not to spend in a way that squanders what generations before us had painstakingly built up,” said Mr Heng who is also Finance Minister.
“Our guiding principle is prudence, not austerity. We will continue to invest decisively in our national priorities, with a deep commitment to* leave behind a better future for our children*."
New measures and extensions to several support initiatives were announced on Monday, and they fall within the S$8 billion spending stated in August, said the minister, as the extra expenditure will be funded by reallocating money from areas where spending went down, such as development projects that have been delayed due to COVID-19.
This means there is no additional draw from the reserves for the latest round of measures, and the total draw on the reserves remains within S$52 billion.
Mr Heng warned that other countries’ governments have committed trillions of dollars in response to COVID-19, and their debt levels have risen to record highs, which will take “generations to pay off”.
“We have avoided this outcome, because successive generations have built up strong reserves ahead of this crisis,” he said.
“We must have the discipline to start earning, saving, and investing for the future again,” he added. “COVID-19 is not our first crisis, and certainly will not be the last.”
It is a relief that DPM is only reallocating resources to fund the relief and will not further draw on the reserves.
We need to prevent depleting our reserves as far as possible - as it is the only resources we possess and earn through many generations of hard work to accumulate.
To boost our Economy and protect jobs, we need to systematically and surgically but safely open up the economy - not further draw on reserves.
Temasek Holdings seed fund is about $60 billion and take 40 over years to grow the fund to $306 billion.
In this covid-19, we have spent $100 billion in just 6 months. This is 1/3 of Temasek Holdings sovereign fund.
Thus we need to open up our economy to earn income, and not further draw into our savings - which is unsustainable.
Else we can lose all our sovereign wealth overnight.
Furthermore, by preserving our sovereign wealth, it will help to earn investment income contributing to our NIRC.
NIRC is used to fund our government spending every year. As a result, we don't have to pay higher taxes to fund government spending.
If we deplete our sovereign capital, our ability to earn investment income with also be depleted. And this means, our NIRC will also reduced.
To make up for the short fall in government revenue, we have to pay higher taxes eg. Gst, income tax, corporate tax and other taxes.
This will drive away business and talents - and will negatively impacts our economy, business and jobs creation will be affected.
We have spend $100 billion.
Further draw on the reserves is not the solution.
Opening up the economy safely is the solution.
Now our export, manufacturing and retail have picked up.
This is the right trajectory.
Reallocate funds from less urgent projects to fund the relief is the right move.
[12:30 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Employer side wise there needs to be an established trust
Otherwise bosses will keep asking people to go back to office
[12:32 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Hahaha 😆 encourage lol
[12:32 pm, 06/10/2020] +: See how many cities and countries which have allowed activities back to normal are now having subsequent lockdowns again?
[12:33 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I dun need to say anything more
[12:34 pm, 06/10/2020] +: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/02/europe/paris-lockdown-coronavirus-europe-intl/index.html
[12:34 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Yes
[12:35 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Things aren't looking good in Spain and in Germany too
[12:35 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Entire Europe is at risk for 3rd wave
[12:35 pm, 06/10/2020] +: And the virus is mutating to show less symptoms
[12:36 pm, 06/10/2020] +: You will have superspreaders if you allow many things back to normal
[12:36 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Meanwhile in the U.S., the DOT rejected a proposal by some alliances to mandate the wearing of masks
[12:37 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Idiots!
[12:40 pm, 06/10/2020] +: don't think will be completely back to normal, safe management measures should still be in place
[12:40 pm, 06/10/2020] +: To further reopen safely in the coming months, Singapore is adopting a four-pronged strategy to put itself in the best position to fight Covid-19, he said.
These four areas are: securing early access to effective vaccines, enhancing testing capabilities, conducting swift contact tracing and isolation of infected individuals, and adhering to safe management measures.
Source: https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/parliament-govt-to-release-details-on-roadmap-to-phase-3-in-coming-weeks-including-changes
[12:42 pm, 06/10/2020] +: You been out recently? I see the crowds at lunch places and shopping malls like life have resumed normal. All are wearing masks yes but restaurants and ppl walking while eating finger food still take off their masks outside. It could spread from there.
[12:44 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Drinking as well
Heck I even saw some bodoh take off mask just to eat on PT
Like isn't the mask supposed to be a reminder to you to not do that in the first place?
[12:45 pm, 06/10/2020] +: haha not even supposed to eat on PT... 🙊
[12:45 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Health Minister requests to cooperate will fall on deaf ears!
[12:50 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
We are slowly progressing into Phase 3.
As we do so, individuals still need to adopt precautions like as though we are in phase 1 and 2.
[12:52 pm, 06/10/2020] +: The best thing is no one knows if this is allowed (exclude eating or drinking on PT that one even bodoh also know :3 ) so lots of grey areas and no SDA around to catch them.
[12:52 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Make TT as compulsory by end of this year. For fast contact tracing.
[12:55 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Regarding the eat/drink while walking, aiya it was stricter at first then now people just do it lor
But I'm more concerned about those areas where you can take off your mask because you're doing strenuous activities, I think some people just suka suka take off even when walking
As for me I try to tahan until I feel like cannot then take off
[1:18 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I came across an interesting article few days back, it happened in Malaysia. Basically their SDA will go around eateries and check if anyone did not check in, those who didnt will get a fine on the spot
[1:19 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I think its good to have it here, especially at area with lower control (outside shopping centre and office building)
[1:19 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Adjust ours to follow suit!
[1:20 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Perhaps, but I dont think we ever enforce on no check-in so far
[1:27 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Hence I try to go for runs late at night
[1:29 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Encourage means "eh, garmen encouraging you leh. No not me, I need my staff in because this this and that. But you. You should make way to make life easier, better and less crowded for me". 🤭
[1:30 pm, 06/10/2020] +: If we are still on dorscon orange because of the worldwide situation, mere words will not do!
[1:30 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Parliament: Changi drops from 7th to 58th on busiest airport list, now serving 1.5% of usual passenger volume
Covid-19 has decimated Changi Airport's business. Compared to pre-pandemic times, the airport is now serving just 1.5 per cent of its usual passenger volume and 17 per cent of the total number of flights.
More: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/politics/parliament-changi-has-dropped-from-7th-to-58th-on-worlds-busiest-airport-list-now
[1:33 pm, 06/10/2020] +: This has to improve!
[1:39 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore don't have domestic flights.
That's why we drop from 7th to 58th.
Bigger countries have domestic flights. That's why their airlines still flying. And their airports still busy.
[1:42 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Unless the virus pandemic is curb by vaccines, else no countries will open their airports for tourists.
[1:45 pm, 06/10/2020] +: We might be looking at 2022!
[1:48 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I dont understand this
[1:49 pm, 06/10/2020] +: STB commented tourists levels will raje 3 to 5 years to normalize.
[1:49 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Parliament: S'pore to negotiate air travel bubbles with safe countries for general travellers, says Ong Ye Kung
Singapore will negotiate Air Travel Bubbles with safe countries or regions - an arrangement meant for general travellers that does not require a controlled itinerary, said Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung.
More: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/politics/parliament-spore-to-negotiate-air-travel-bubbles-with-safe-countries-for-general
[2:05 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I mean, reality is that everyone is eager to go back ASAP, how they enforce is another issue. But you can't enforce a rule when you issue a statement that's "encourage", and you can't enforce it because it's not a rule. So this kind of statement is really might as well don't say.
[3:14 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Singapore ‘cruises to nowhere’ plan sparks virus fears
Poh S Lim
[3:43 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Actually, before Covid19 forced us to WFH, many people were advocating for work-life balance, so now it’s thrust upon us, there seems to be a backlash and some of the same people are uncomfortable with a full WFH environment. Can’t really please them 😂😂😂
[3:45 pm, 06/10/2020] +: yes, maybe people didn't anticipate WFH being a 4 hour extension of the working day lol. I'm not complaining by the way; there is more flexibility and less time commuting. It's the boundary between home and work space that is challenging, especially after school hours.
Poh S Lim
[3:45 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I believe the thing to keep us from going crazy having to WFH as the new normal is to pace yourself throughout the day and leverage on communication technologies and techniques as much as possible .
[3:51 pm, 06/10/2020] +: 🤦♂️ same here
[3:52 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Time working from home get more blurred.. any people expect you to do it after office hours since you have access
[3:53 pm, 06/10/2020] +: A line must be drawn still!
[4:58 pm, 06/10/2020] +: [Sent by Gov.sg – 6 Oct]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 7 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.
Based on investigations so far, there are 2 cases in the community, and 5 cases reside in dormitories.
In addition, there are 4 imported cases who had been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 11 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[5:02 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/police-clarify-yishun-stalker-case-shawn-rodrigues-59-reports-13205094
Remember someone complain about a harassment case.
If harassment is not properly closed and address - unfortunate incidents can happen.
[5:17 pm, 06/10/2020] +: They're not answering the public's questions... Poha was enacted in 2014, unlawful stalking and causing alarm/distress is already a criminal offence. I know it's not an arrestable offence and the police followed their standard procedure to refer the victim to file a mag's complaint, but 50+ reports were filed. Surely the police must do something more than just saying it's a private matter. There should not have to be a need for threats, actual damage or actual hurt caused before the police steps in especially in this case of repeated behaviour.
[5:18 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Law needs to be updated!
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:19 pm, 06/10/2020] +: It really is more about inaction rather than an "outdated" law
[5:19 pm, 06/10/2020] +: It's not the law that has to be updated, but the police SOP that needs to be relooked at. This isn't a failure of the law but a failure of the police to take action.
[5:22 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Can the police SOP be relooked without due consideration to legislation?
[5:22 pm, 06/10/2020] +: We need police and lawyers to join GRL(s) to help the people on such matters
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:23 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Honestly, what does this have to do with law and legislation? It's all about the police simply dismissing matters so it has nothing to do with the law
[5:24 pm, 06/10/2020] +: POHA isn't very well enforced imo, remember the harassment case I brought up previously?
[5:24 pm, 06/10/2020] +: AGC and MInLaw needs to advise if more can be done to improve process. I would like to hear opinions from the law society too.
[5:25 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Imagine if i lose my cool 1 day, and gave him the beating he deserves, end of the day, the victim of POHA becomes the culprit of another case
[5:25 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Need restraining order or court order for such matters so that police can act on it.
[5:26 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Problem is, court simply dismiss it, IO doesn't even want to invest time to investigate
[5:26 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I'm pretty sure it is worse for this family
[5:26 pm, 06/10/2020] +: It depends on what you're trying to achieve. To make something arrestable, criminal procedure code needs to be amended to it's legislative. But even for non-arrestable offences, the police have a discretion after initial investigation whether to proceed on their end or tell you to go away cos it's a private dispute. This discretion part is the police SOP, which they can dictate when a matter should cross the line into discretion being exercised to proceed.
[5:28 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Poha is largely viewed as a private dispute currently, only in "worthy" cases that it becomes criminal. But what crosses into that threshold? For most kachang putih cases, victims are expected to file your own complaint and get a PO
[5:28 pm, 06/10/2020] +: having said that, I know it isn't easy being a law enforcer (eg. police, IO, any staff of court) and time is always tight for them, but if that's the case, then might as well repeal the act totally
[5:28 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I did, i filed magistrate complain, consult our in house lawyer, consulted MP who is also a lawyer
[5:29 pm, 06/10/2020] +: but magistrate court simply dismiss that and didnt even give PO
[5:29 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Police set up a scam unit supported by bank officials specifically to handle scam - and have been effective in nabbing scammers.
Wonder what's the harassment number in Singapore - is it a serious problem that warrant setting up a harassment unit supported by psychiatrists?
This unfortunate incident won't happen - and certainly 50 over police reports will not occur and no progress is made until the harasser got bash up until dead.
[5:30 pm, 06/10/2020] +: If u see my name on headline one day, you know that this bugger had crossed the line 😊
[5:30 pm, 06/10/2020] +: and remember to dig out all the complains I've made about POHA and how it was dismissed
[5:31 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Then that's a separate consideration. Perhaps on the facts, the court didn't find enough reason to grant the PO maybe cos the behaviour had stopped by then. That one is fact dependent lah. But I'm saying there has to be a clearer line of when the police HAS to step in.
[5:31 pm, 06/10/2020] +: I asked the IO on how i can appeal to the decision, and was told to simply lodge another magistrate complain, i.e. start again from square 1
[5:32 pm, 06/10/2020] +: the first complain already took like 6 months to conclude, plus the harassment for the past 1.5 years
[5:32 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Worth looking into.
[5:34 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Tbh the 2nd one should be easier to succeed cos after the initial dismissal, there was continued harassment...
[5:35 pm, 06/10/2020] +: 心灰意冷 already
[5:35 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I am a problem solver - and will not let any problems left hanging unresolved - as all problems can be solved.
If things are going round and round in circles - then something is wrong - and someone, some agencies or some authority must seize the issue and solve it decisively.
It can't be left hanging in the air and go into an endless loop unresolved.
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:36 pm, 06/10/2020] +: There was this crazy fella who consistently harassed me on Instagram (PT hobby nonsense and all...) and so one day I made a police report. Of course nothing was resolved as the SIO simply asked me to file a Magistrate's Complaint but the takeaway thing is the SIO shared with me that he's rather curious about the hobby and that his son likes basically the same stuff as I do so that was a pleasant experience
I didn't make file the Complaint because it was back then when we had CB and I kinda just let it be because the annoying bodoh doesn't annoy me anymore
[5:36 pm, 06/10/2020] +: So many complains from residents and staff for the past few years on this guy, finally someone be the bad guy and try to bring this guy to court and it was dismissed
[5:38 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Awwwww....... Yah, i think back to what my ex did (showing up at my workplace unannounced to try to see if he could bump into me after work), I don't think I would be able to get a PO myself either. The threshold is high-ish, but I feel it shouldn't be set at such a high bar.
[5:41 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If police cannot solve it. courts must solve it.
If courts cannot solve it, law must solve it.
If law cannot solve it, parliament must solve it.
If parliament cannot solve it, agencies such as imh, psychiatrists can solve it.
This is about preserving law and order, citizens right, peace coexistence in a society.
[5:41 pm, 06/10/2020] +: But to be fair to the police, there are other areas which they handled it very well imo.
2018 I saw this group of kids throwing basketball down from a HDB for fun, I tried to persuade them to stop and they got aggressive so I called 999.
Police came and round them up and instead of just asking their parents to come settle, the police educated them on the risk and danger of doing so. During the private interview with me, 1 of the kid's elder sister found out about the incident, came down and yell at me, saying that Im destroying their future. Seeing that, the police made her join the group in the "education" session.
[5:42 pm, 06/10/2020] +: "Parliament" part ya, MP is aware, I even told MP that I going to lodge a magistrate complaon
[5:44 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Imho, on 1 hand, we are trying to advocate "mental health awareness" by doing the push up stunts on fb, on the other hand, people are getting harassed and the victim cant do much other than calling 999, which will simply be brushed off
[5:44 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Some are not bad. But my personal encounter with them was horrid. Had a domestic helper run off on the wee hours of the morning, the police report took 2 hours because if it's not theft, rape or murder, they dunno how to write the damn report.
1 week later, she was found next to the big canal dividing Jurong East and west. So call police. Instead of them going there directly, the 2 chiefs were haggling over the phone whether she's on the Jurong East or Jurong West Side, you catch or I catch. They were haggling for over half an hour!!! Like wah lau eh.... Catch first talk later can???
[5:46 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Which agency clean it up? Sometimes, things can be solved quickly if the line is blurred
[5:47 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Or best, trying to insinuate that my mom was abusing the maid so she escape. Simisai...
[5:48 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Then set up a harassment unit supported by psychiatrists will have focus unit to resolve harassment cases.
This will prevent harrasment cases from side line and go into an endless loop.
This unfortunate harrased and harrasser bash to death can be used as a catalyst to set up such focus unit.
This is similar to setting up the anti-scam unit.
[5:48 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Government has to get its act together!
[5:49 pm, 06/10/2020] +: PS 21 still lagging far behind!
[5:51 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Tbh, PSD has lots of works to catch up
[5:53 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Perhaps it would be good to have a PSD open house, to let people like me know their mission, vision and purpose
[6:24 pm, 06/10/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Once a case file is open, the harassment should follow through from its opening until its proper closure.
This is how to resolve a case from beginning to end.
[6:51 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Hello REACH Contributors!
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 10 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Goodnight! 😴
[7:00 pm, 06/10/2020] +: Hi REACH Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Good Night!😴
Megan ☺
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